• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,718 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pony: The Pyres of Friendship - Scribe of the Nightwings

A crossover fic between MLP and Pyre, by Supergiant Games

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The Deserter

Author's Note:

Originally, this was going to be longer, but I decided to split this chapter into two because the vast amount of story we get here. Either way, i hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Chapter 14: The Deserter

As it turned out, the Sea of Solis wasn’t very far from Big Bertrude’s camp. It was only about half an hour before the improved blackwagon arrived at a very shore cliff that overlooked a vast area of choppy-looking water. At first, Twilight was a bit confused as to how they were going to get the wagon into the water safely without taking in any water from the drop. It was then to her and to most of the rest of the group surprise when Tariq drove the wagon straightforward and right off the cliff. The alicorn’s shock and panic from the minstrel’s action was short lived though, as she noticed something peculiar happen with the wagon during the short fall. Along the sides of the wagon, a multitude of curved wooden planks emerged from hidden compartments and quickly assembled themselves over the wheels on the bottom. The end result was a solid, curved hull that could be found on any normal boat at a pier or harbor. The amphibious wagon then landed into the water safely, minus the small bump from the landing. Twilight also discovered that along with the new underbelly, the front and partial sides of the wagon had also expanded to create some sort of makeshift deck. To finally top everything off, a pole arose from a compartment on top of the roof that was dressed with a large, white sail. Everybody was astounded by the sudden transformation of the vehicle, save for Pinkie and Tariq who were happy that everything was holding up. While Twilight had many questions about the mechanics of the transformation, she decided to drop them, seeing how she doubted she would get anything detailed answers from the party pony. Instead, she was just thankful that the wagon could float and that the Nightwings could make it to the next Rite location. And so, with the aid of both the motor and the sail, the blackwagon sailed off into the vast waters.

Musical Cue - Strange Voyage

It wasn’t long before Twilight began to notice the surrounding environment began to change. The sun had once again hidden itself away behind cloud cover, but this was still a far cry from the oppressive atmosphere of the Flagging Hands. Due to the lack of sunlight, the water had taken a murky, greenish color and was almost completely opaque. She also noticed that there were many large rocks poking above the surface, creating a series of winding passageways that the wagon was forced to maneuver through. Twilight was initially surprised that the Sea of Solis was so dark and claustrophobic, but it turned out that they weren’t at the Sea of Solis just yet. Instead, the group was making its way through a small section known as the Wyrm Gulf that would eventually open up into the Sea. Before heading further into the Gulf, the wagon stopped so that everybody could get their bearings in the new environment. Pinkie had tossed over an anchor overboard so that the wagon wouldn’t drift off into one of the rocks.

“Is everybody acclimating well with the waters?” Tariq asked the group.

They all more or less nodded in agreement, except for Jodariel who let out a huff. “There is no acclimating with all of these jagged rocks in our path. We risk everything to sail here.”

“I have to agree with Jodariel,” Fluttershy added. “I’m getting really nervous whenever the wagon gets near to rocks.” At the timid pegasus’s announcement of worry, Ti’zo was quick to nuzzle up to her in an attempt to comfort her. An act that the yellow mare greatly appreciated.

Tariq continued to keep a calm, collected tone. “As long as we continue to follow the cold current that Bertrude indicated to me, we shall be safe.”

“Wait,” Hedwyn spoke up. “if the next Rite is in the middle of the sea, how will our next adversaries meet us there/”

“They shall find their way, as we find ours.” Tariq answered. “It is all part of the Scribes’ design.”

As the Lone Minstrel answered the various questions, Twilight couldn’t help but notice that he seemed absolutely confident with the plan ahead of them. “Um, Tariq,” she politely asked him. “I don’t mean to insinuate anything, but you seem very sure about this path. Are you sure you’re okay with following it based off of just blind faith?” Twilight honestly didn’t want to insult the minstrel’s judgement, it was just that the alicorn was the most comfortable when she was working with more solid guarantees about future events. Afterall, she was a mare of science when it came down to it.

The minstrel didn’t seem offended by the alicorn’s inquiry and gave her an answer. “I understand your hesitance, Madame Twilight. However, you need not worry, for our path is clear. My client, Sandalwood, has had plentiful time to plan for both known and unknown variable we may come across on our journey. So long as we follow the guidance he gave and trust in the Scribes, all will proceed accordingly.” While it still sounded like a judgement based off faith, Twilight did admit that the minstrel explanation gave her a bit more comfort.

“So, this Sandalwood guy is your client, huh?” Rainbow asked Tariq. “Huh, the pay must be super good if you’re willing to follow his directions to a tee.”

“Ay, in a manner of speaking.” he said to the pegasus. “Though not through any monetary value, he helped me find a sense of purpose I thought lost to me.” Before the purple mare could ask further as to what he had meant by that, Tariq was already addressing her on a different subject. “Madame Twilight, if you would please help in confirming the next point on our sea-journey? The next destination we seek is known as the Hulk of Ores.”

Twilight decided that it would be best to follow the minstrel’s request and followed him up to the front of the wagon. The vehicle started up once again and began to make its way through the rocky maze of the Wyrm Gulf.

Musical Cue Continued - Strange Voyage

Throughout the entire day, Twilight’s attention was focused on sailing the wagon through the Gulf while trying to avoid the multiple rocks and tiny islands in the way. This meant that the alicorn had to constantly maneuver the vehicle away from the obstacles to avoid any major damage. Thankfully, Tariq was there to help her along the way and even Applejack came over a few times to get a handle of the controls herself. Thus, the alicorn spent all of that day on the edge of anxiety in hopes that the wagon would make it out of the Gulf in one piece. Finally, they reached a small clearing of sea by the time evening rolled around. When Tariq informed her that they were only a short distance away from the Sea, Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief. Come morning, they would finally be rid of the rocky buffs and be out in much more open waters and wide shores. With that in mind, the wagon was anchored down for the night out on the water.

The wagon gently rolled over the waves as Twilight and the others sat down for a modest dinner. It was during that time where she was able to catch up with the rest of group, who had continued to do their mundane activities while Twilight was steering the wagon. The alicorn then noticed that Hedwyn was noticeably quiet during dinner, but honestly didn’t think much of it at that moment. A few hours after dinner, everybody was winding down in preparation for bed. All except for Jodariel, who was constantly pacing back and forth in the common room, concern spread over her face. Eventually, she caught Rukey before he went off to bed and began questioning him.

“Greentail, how is he doing?” the Demon asked him in a serious tone.

“Who, Hedwyn? Oh, he pretty much the same.” the Cur answered. “He’s out on deck, probably hurling his dinner off of the side of the deck. This his first time out at sea?”

“His first.” Jodariel simply replied.

“What, Hedwyn is sick?” Twilight asked them. Sea sickness certainly would have explained the Nomad’s unresponsiveness during dinner. She then started to feel a bit of guilt for not noticing the warning signs throughout the day, as she was too focused on steering.

“Indeed, and it appears that he is getting worse.” The Demon grimly confirmed. “Reader, please check on Hedwyn when you have the time. He requires our support,…and we require his swift recovery.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Rukey interrupted the two. “I saw Pinkie go out there earlier to check on him. I’m sure that crazy mare is cheering him up right now!”

This provide little comfort to both Twilight and Jodariel. The purple mare knew that while Pinkie had the best of intentions whenever she attempted to cheer up anybody in a downtrodden state, she doubted that the party pony’s hyper attitude would be best for Hedwyn right now. “Please, check on him now.” Jodariel asked the alicorn. Twilight had no objection to this and made her way outside onto the deck.

The alicorn felt the cool, night air hit her face and found it quite refreshing. The clouds had parted a bit, allowing the deck to be lit in soft moonlight. It was thanks to this light that Twilight was able to easily spot the Nomad and the pink mare at the front of the wagon. Hedwyn was slumped over the side of the ship, obscuring his condition front the purple mare, while Pinkie still looked as chipper as ever. As Twilight walked over, she noticed that Pinkie was in the middle of a one-sided conversation with the party pony.

“-and that’s how I get my mane all poofy like this! Pretty neat, huh?! Hey, did I tell you how this boat trip reminds me of another boat trip I had with Applejack and Rarity? Oh wait, you haven’t met Rarity yet! Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll find her soon. You’ll be able to recognize her from her pretty hair and funny accent. So anyway, Rarity brought these cucumber sandwiches on the boat which caused a whole bunch of misunderstandings and I also think Applejack was dressed like a pirate. Have you ever had cucumber sandwiches? I’ve never had them because I think they would taste all slimy and sour in your mouth. I prefer that have nice, sugary treats in my tummy! That’s why I brought a whole bunch of ‘em on the boat with me for that trip! Could you imagine tasting so many savory flavors and having a nice full belly of sweets as the boat rocks on the waves going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and ba-“

The baker’s ramblings were interrupted when Hedwyn suddenly began throwing up again over the side. “Oh, whoopsie,” Pinkie apologized. “Was it something I said?

Twilight decided that now was a good time to intervene. “Pinkie,” she said as she approached her friend. “Why don’t you head on to bed now. I’ll stay out here and keep Hedwyn company, okay?”

At the mention of bed, the pink mare let a rather adorable yawn and nodded her head. “That’s sounds like a good idea. Nighty-night, Twilight! Keep a good eye on Hedwyn…and maybe not mention cucumber sandwiches to him.” The mare then bounced off inside the wagon.

The alicorn then took her place next to Hedwyn and lean against the side with him, looking out at the watery horizon. “I’m sorry about Pinkie there,” she began to apologize for her friend. “she really does mean the best and she does a good job for the most part. It’s just that she sometimes gets lost in her own little world.”

“No worries, my friend.” He weakly said as he finally looked to the mare. Twilight felt a few pangs of worry when she saw how his was a bit paler than before and how sulked his eyes looked. However, that still didn’t stop the Nomad from trying to give her that trademark smile of his. “Sounds like to me that she’s always there for you and the rest of your friends.” Hedwyn then looked back down at the water. “Speaking of which, you have quite the interesting group of friends there. I don’t mean any offense by that. How exactly did you all meet?”

Twilight was slightly taken aback by the sudden question. If she was being honest, she mostly didn’t even think about the time when she met all of her dear friends many moons ago, unless she was in a particular reminiscing mood or was feeling rather nostalgic. Also, Twilight felt as though was a bit embarrassing, although it was nothing out of shame of her friends. It was more of the shame she felt of her solitary thoughts and behaviors that she felt before meeting. “That’s…a long story.” She finally said to the Nomad, hoping to dissuade him from probing further.

“I like long stories.” Hedwyn relied with just as much interest as before. “Might help keep my mind off of throwing up my insides. Of course, if it’ll make you uncomfortable...”

“No, it’s okay!” Twilight quickly reassured the Nomad. If telling her tale would in any way help the man, then she supposed that she wouldn’t mind taking the time to do so. Hedwyn was in all ways sincere, and she was confident that he wouldn’t judge her early thoughts or actions. With that in mind, Twilight looked down to the water and saw the reflection of the moon, which in turn reminded her of the very first threat that she and her friends had taken on together.

“A long time ago, you could say that I was a very different pony.” Twilight said as she began her story. “And not just because I didn’t have any wings at the time. Back in my home city of Canterlot, I was, to put it in the best of terms, lonely. A was the personal student to Princess Celestia and all I ever wanted to do was read and study to my heart’s content. Unfortunately, that lead me to have rather isolated lifestyle. I technically did have ‘friends’, but I never really put any priority in them. I even missed out on a party for one of them and didn’t think twice about it until much, much later.” Twilight out a shameful sigh. “Definitely not one of my greatest moments. While I was completely blind to this problem, Princess Celestia was far more aware of it. So, one day, she sent me to a town called Ponyville to overlook preparation for a celebration known as the Summer Sun Celebration that she would attend herself. I think she just wanted me to get out of the library and try to socialize.”

“I can understand that.” Hedwyn said. “There were few times where Jodariel had to push me to do something I didn’t like so that I could knock off a bad habit. She may look intimidating, but she a real softie to those she really likes. It can be kind of annoying, but I know she’s just interested in my best interest.”

Twilight giggled at this and then thought back to Princess Celestia. The more she thought about it, the alicorn realized the maternal instinct that the Sun Princess had provided to her as a filly. She then decided to resume her story. “Anyway, the Princess sent me and my dragon assistance, Spike,” Twilight paused a minute at the thought of her pseudo-little brother. “oh Celestia, I hope he’s okay wherever he is. I’m sorry, me and Spike reached Ponyville before the celebration began in the evening. That’s when I met all of my friends with…interesting results. Applejack was friendly, but she and her family were a bit overwhelming. Rainbow Dash was extremely cocky and arrogant, but I was still highly impressed by her flying skills. Rarity, who’s a fashionista by the way, was completely enamored by the high-society lifestyle I lived around. Fluttershy barely even talked to me but was more than happy to talk with Spike. And for Pinkie…well, she did her thing and threw me a big party welcoming me to Ponyville. At that time, I really didn’t think that these would be the ponies I would form a lifetime bond with. I was just focused on getting the celebration over with and return to my books.” The alicorn began feel remorseful as she remembered just how selfish she was back then.

“So, what changed your mind?” Hedwyn asked.

Twilight paused for a moment and looked back to the wavy reflection of the moon. “Before I left for Ponyville, I was researching an evil alicorn known as Nightmare Moon, a threat that Celestia had vanquished over a millennium ago. She was once Celestia’s sister, but her jealousy of her sister’s attention and admiration created a darkness inside of her that eventually took over her mind and body. The Princess had no other choice but to send her corrupted sister away to the moon. I found signs that point to her return and went to warn the her, but that was when she sent me on my mission. Imagine my surprise when on the very night I went to Ponyville, Nightmare Moon made her appearance and announced that she had captured Celestia. She then vowed that there would be an ever-lasting night over all of Equestria, never to see the sun again. When she then disappeared to somewhere else, I had a feeling that she retreated to Celestia’s old Castle in the Everfree Forest. When I decided to go confront Nightmare Moon alone, I was surprised when the five mares that I barely knew wanted to help me.” The purple mare then looked back up to the horizon and put on a small smile.

“As we when through the forest and got past Nightmare Moon’s traps and obstacles,” she continued. “I realized just how…amazing they were. They showed me the five key aspects of friendship: Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity and Loyalty. When we made it to the castle and confronted Nightmare Moon, they were able to unlock five of the six Elements of Harmony. Thanks to this realization, I was able to unlock my Element of Magic and we were all able to save Princess Celestia and with that, all of Equestria. However, we didn’t just defeat Nightmare Moon, we saved her. The Elements banished the darkness from her soul, and she became Princess Luna once again. Celestia got her sister back and we became heroes that day. It was then Celestia assigned me to stay in Ponyville with my new friends and study the magic of friendship.” Twilight gave a sigh as she reached the conclusion of her tale. “We’ve been together ever since. In that time, we made new friends, faced world-ending threats and learned even more about friendship. Meeting those five mares all that time ago, it was probably one of the important events in my life.”

The pair fell silent as the sound of the small waves rolling under the wagon filled the air. Eventually, Hedwyn spoke up. “Well, that’s certainly one was to make friends for life.” he said jokingly. Twilight smiled at this, finding it admittedly funny that it was a rather bizarre situation when she really thought about. However, the alicorn knew that the Nomad wasn’t mocking her, rather he was just pointing out the absurdity of it.

“It certainly is,” Twilight agreed. “but I’ve never regretted it. We all maybe different, but our friendship is real and stronger than ever. It’s honestly quite hard to imagine life without them now.”

“You’re definitely lucky,” he continued. “A lot of people would be envious of having the friendships that you have. This is something comforting about not having to worry about constantly looking behind your back, knowing that you have a friend looking for you. It’s especially the case for here in the Downside. I find that comradery makes surviving a lot easier. It certainly makes me appreciate that I had Jodariel and Rukey with me for a while. Probably wouldn’t be around without them.”

As Hedwyn inadvertently began talking about a time before they met, a certain question began to pop up in Twilight’s head. It was something that the alicorn was always faintly thinking about, but there never was an appropriate moment to bring it up. Until now, that is. Though, Twilight only hoped that the Nomad would take no offense to it. “Um, Hedwyn?” the alicorn carefully asked. “Since we’re sharing stories, I was wondering if I could ask you something as well.” She paused and nervously gulped as she prepared her question. “How…How did you end up here in the Downside?”

Hedwyn was eerily silent after she mentioned the inquiry and continued to stare down at the waves. Twilight began to really worry if she had offended the Nomad for asking that sort of question and was preparing to immensely apologize for it. She then felt partially relieve when she saw a small smile spread across his lips. “Hm,” he half-chuckled. “I’m honestly quite surprised that it took you this long to ask me that. You are just full of surprises, Twilight Sparkle.” He then looked back up and gazed at the purple alicorn with a much more serious expression. “Keep in mind though that I am here for a reason. I am technically a criminal, after all. Are you…sure you want to know why I’m here, with that in mind?”

Twilight thought carefully at what Hedwyn had told her, knowing that he had a good point. It was hard to remember that the Nightwings were basically criminals casted away from the Commonwealth. However, it was hard to remember only because that they all seemed genuine with the alicorn and her friend and she never really detected any nefarious intensions from them. It was for that reason Twilight made her decision. “Applejack always tells me that you have to be honest with your friends and trust them. You saved my life when I first arrived here even though it looked like I didn’t have much of a chance. I don’t think any harden criminal would do something like that. So yes, I would like to know why you are here in the Downside. Because I trust you…as a friend.”

Musical Cue - Life Sentence

At the mention of the word ‘friend’, Twilight noticed that the Nomad’s eyes lit up a bit despite his sickly condition. Despite the joy that she saw he had, however, she also noticed that there was a bit of melancholy on his face as well. Before the alicorn could study his face further, Hedwyn looked away from her again and back down at the waves. “Before I can tell you my story,” he began. “I think it would be best if I give you some context. We…the Commonwealth is at war with an organization known as the Highwing Remnants, a militaristic group of Harps hellbent on tearing the country to the ground.”

“Harps?” Twilight asked, unfamiliar with what the man was referring to.

“They are like us Nomads, only they have wings instead of arms. They’re bird-like people, meaning they have the ability to fly. It’s because of this difference that the Harps hate the Commonwealth and its people. They think themselves superior, and they wish to prove it…through bloodshed. And my people feel just the same.” Hedwyn paused for a moment before he continued. “I mentioned to you before that I had already knew Jodariel when I was a young boy before I was exiled.” Twilight nodded at the memory. “Well, the reason I ever even met her was because she was running an orphanage at the time. When I was little, my parents were sent to the front lines to fight the Highwing Revenant. However,…they never came back.”

Twilight felt her heart ache at the Nomad’s terrible loss. Even though she was at a loss for words, she still felt like that she had to comfort him somehow. “Hedwyn, I’m…I’m sorry for your loss.” she said with sympathy. She knew that such a generic condolence would hardly help him cope with the terrible memory, but thankfully Hedwyn appeared appreciative for the thought.

“The thing is, I hardly have any solid memories with them. I was so young. “I’m not sure if that makes it easier, or just sadder.” Hedwyn sighed heavily. “Needless to say, I had a vendetta against the Highwing Revenants and the Harps. As soon as I was of age, I readily joined the military to fight them. Jodariel wasn’t as enthusiastic as I was. She also had a hatred for the Harps, she still does to this day, but I guess she didn’t like the idea of me on the battlefield for some reason. We lost touch after I left her, definitely not one of my shining moments.”

Twilight listened on with great interest. It was then something rather morbid crossed the purple mare’s mind. She was rather hesitant to ask it, but her curiosity got the better of her. “So, you joined military. Does that mean you eventually…killed one of the Harps?”

“Would it surprise you if I said I didn’t?” Hedwyn asked in a slightly joking manner. When he saw that the joke didn’t connect well with the alicorn, he became a bit more serious again. “After a couple of years, I completed the training at one of the military camps. I was then stationed at an outpost located out in the front lines known as the Bloodborder. I was expecting battle on the first day I arrived there, but it turns out the outpost was located in a less than active area, really only there to provide support for one of the major ones. I was there to act as both a scout and lookout for my company. Some would think that I was lucky to avoid all of carnage of the war, but I was really just bored. A few years spent of just staring out into a barren landscape finding absolutely nothing. It was honestly dreadful…until I met her.”

Twilight’s ears perked up when Hedwyn mentioned an unnamed third party. “One day, I was on a reconnaissance mission farther from the outpost than usual. The area was a narrow canyon where our surveillance was highly limited. They told me to stay vigilant, but I knew that this mission was just going to be like the rest them, uneventful. Imagine my surprise when all the sudden something from above tackled me to the ground. I already knew it was a Harp and I knew what she was there to kill me. When I looked up to see what I thought would be my last sight, I was simply amazed. Her hair matched the deep blue hue of the midnight sky, and her eyes were just so…striking. I hardly even noticed the knife she had pressed against my throat. She then asked me if I had any last words, and I said the first thing that popped into my head.”

“What was it?” Twilight asked as the Nomad paused for a second.

“I said, ‘You are absolutely beautiful.’” Hedwyn recited what he had said to the Harp. Despite her best efforts, Twilight couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at the cheesy, inappropriate, yet endearing line he had said to her. “She actually had the same reaction,” he continued. “After I said that, she rolled off me and just burst out laughing. She went on like that for a few minutes before she finally composed herself. She told me that I was either an heartful fool or brave idiot, and I told her that I might have been both. After a few lines of banter, I was able to get her name: Fikani. I knew that it was a Harp name, but it still sounded gorgeous to my ears. After that, we just started talking. I told her a bit about myself and she told me about herself, although she didn’t really go into great detail about her past. She said she was the type who wanted to live in the moment. We probably spent hours talking about ourselves and our dreams, but we hardly noticed the time pass by. All that time, just sitting and talking to her, it was just magical. It really is funny. I’ve spent most of my life hating the Harps, but the first one I meet, I just felt a…true connection with her.”

A faint blush started to show on the alicorn’s cheeks. She could tell the tell-tale signs of a budding romance, thanks to what she had caught on from Princess Cadance back when she was her foalsitter. And even though the Princess of Love was not here, she’d be no doubt swooning over Hedwyn’s story of love. Especially considering that the romance was considered taboo based on their respective cultures. However, Twilight warm feeling slowly faded away when she remembered what this story was about. She highly doubted that Hedwyn’s tale of his exile would have a happy ending. “What happened to her?” Twilight asked carefully.

Hedwyn let out a long sigh. “Eventually, we had to return to our posts, lest we be discovered together. When I asked her if I would ever see her again, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and made it a promise. She then flew off into the air while I looked on in awe. Days passed ever since that meeting, and my superiors wanted me to stay on look out at the outpost. It was honestly quite maddening. Try as I might, I just couldn’t get Fikani out of my head. It felt as though my heart was literally yearning for her presence. I know that sounds silly for a girl that I only met once, but I hardly cared about that. I didn’t care about the war or the Commonwealth, I just wanted to see her again, no matter the cost.” The Nomad tightened his grip on the railing. “One night, I slipped away during my watch while my comrades were asleep. I spent the next few hours searching the canyon around the spot where we met, hoping to find her again. I almost gave up, but then I saw her land a good distance from me. We both looked into each other’s eyes and I noticed that she looked a bit out of breath, almost as if she was searching for me as well. We ran towards each other and immediately embraced. She kissed me, and that’s when I knew that I wanted to spend my life with the one who was supposed to be my enemy. I was prepared to abandon my country and spend the rest of my days with Fikani. And when I told her that, she then made a promise that she would be at my side until the end of our days.”

“Hedwyn…” Twilight said sympathetically, knowing that tragedy was about to happen.

The Nomad paid her no mind and continued. “Fikani then looked to the sky and saw a squadron of Highwings approaching her. She quickly shoved me into a nearby crevice in the wall to the left of us and told me to be completely silent. I obeyed and watched on at a distance as she met with the squadron. I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, but it sounded like they were in a heated discussion. After a while, they all left, but I saw Fikani look back one more time and just gave this sad look before she flew off. There was just something about that one, final look she gave me that really tore my heart apart.” Hedwyn paused for a moment, as if he was trying his best to collect the painful memories. “When everything was clear, I emerged from the crevice and made my way back to the outpost, only that it wasn’t like how I left it. The entire complex was on fire, the flames reaching up and grazing the stars. I could only look on in complete astonishment before I was tackled to the ground. I was apprehended by other Coomonwealth soldiers, lead by a commander from another nearby post. He told me….He told me that all of my comrades were slaughtered in their sleep by the Highwings. They stood no just as the Harps swooped in and killed everyone, and then set the outpost on fire for good measure. The commander recognized my uniform and knew that I was supposed to be the lookout for my comrades. He laid their blood on my hands, and I think that, in a sense, he was right. I was arrested right on the spot, for the crime of desertion.”

The severity of Hedwyn’s situation was finally starting to sink in for the alicorn. She wasn’t entirely familiar with how a military was run and organized, although she probably should have, considering her status as a princess. However, growing up with her brother, Shining Armor, who had spent a good portion of his career in the Royal Guard allowed her to pick up a few points about the army. One of which was some of the corporal crimes involved, including that of desertion. Shining had once told her that desertion was almost at the same level as treason, in terms of severity of the crime. To abandon from your post and leaving at your own volition meant putting your entire squad, and potentially even the entire country, in jeopardy. That was the lesson that was drilled into her brother’s head ever since boot camp, and she had to admit that there was some logic to that. Thankfully, there were little to no cases of desertion in the Royal Army in the most recent year, at least to the alicorn’s knowledge. Still though, the punishment for desertion still stood, and she heard that it was extremely harsh. While Twilight was contemplating, her mind wandered to a certain possibility of events. There was something about the Fikani’s placement along with the Highwing attack. “Hedwyn,” Twilight began to say carefully, realizing that he might not like the assumption she was about to make. “do you think that Fikani might have-“

“NO!” Hedwyn immediately interrupted the alicorn. Twilight was rather taking aback by this, considering that was the largest amount of aggression and anger she had heard in the Nomad’s normally calm voice. “Fikani had NOTHING to do with that, I know it! I may have only known her for a day, but in the few hours we talked and from that look she gave me, she was completely genuine. I’m certain of it!”

Twilight lowered her head in shame for even entertaining the idea in the first place. Hedwyn’s passionate belief in the Harp dissipated most of the doubts she had on the situation. It looked as the Nomad calmed down bit and looked to the waves. “I’m sorry about that. I know you meant no ill intent. But I have a lot of…strong feelings for Fikani.” Twilight nodded her head in understanding, knowing how love like that could invoke such passion. “Anyway,” he continued. “I was immediately taken to trial and received my sentence. The same punishment for every crime in the Commonwealth: exile to the Downside. Before they tossed me into the River, the commander told me one more thing. He said for my negligence and for the indirect murders of my comrades, I would be given the ever-lasting name, ‘Hedwyn the Deserter’. He then personally threw me into the River and in a matter of hours, a washed up in this wasteland.” Another pause passed through the air as the pair just listen to the waves. “I struggled those first few days, trying my hardest to survive. I had almost given up hope, until I found a familiar face. I came across Jodariel in the Prairie and was almost shocked at how different she looked with those horns sprouting from her head. Jodi was also taken aback from seeing me in the Downside. When I told her why I was here, she slapped me across my face for my foolishness and then immediately hugged me and said she missed me terribly. I had to admit, finding familiar company made surviving a little bit easier. We traveled together for the next five years after that, where we eventually met Rukey and he joined our merry band. Eventually, I began to hear rumors of the Eight Scribes, the Rites and our mysterious benefactor, Sandalwood. I was able to get into contact with one of his agents, where I was then led to finding the blackwagon. That was when a discovered what the Nightwings were and how we could all one day regain our freedom. It wasn’t long after that before we found you in the desert.”

And with that final connecting point, it seemed as though Hedwyn was finally finish with his tale. A tale of loss, love, heartbreak and defeat that still left Twilight for a loss of exact words. It was clear that the Nomad was waiting for Twilight to decide whether or not she would think any differently of him based on what she knew now. And while Twilight wanted to immediately say that his crimes hardly matter, but her inner doubts stopped her. What Hedwyn did was wrong and highly selfish when it came right down to it. People did die from the consequences of his choices and exile did seem like an appropriate punishment. However, Twilight also knew that Hedwyn had no purposeful ill-intend towards his comrades and he clearly felt bad over their fate. Nothing of the Nomad’s attitude and personality matched with one who would purposely hurt others for his own benefit. To top it all off, it was an act entirely based on love. And remembering something Cadance had once told her, love sometimes made creatures do illogical things. “Listen, Hedwyn,” the alicorn said to him. “I really can’t say that what you did was right. Your actions on that night did have irreversible consequences. But with that said, I know that you had no intentions of getting anyone killed. If you knew then what would happen, I’m sure you would’ve acted differently. I’m still forever grateful to you for saving my life and for at least giving me a bit of hope that me and my friends can return to Equestria. And I honestly don’t think anything is going to change that.”

The Nomad was silent for a moment, taking in the alicorn’s kind words. It really looked as though he wasn’t expecting acceptance like that so soon. “Hmm, you really are a shining star, Twilight Sparkle. Thank you.” he finally said with his usual smile. “Once we all get out of the Downside together, I’ve got two tasks to complete. One of them is to find Fikani. It may have been a couple of years, but my gut is telling me that she’s still out there. And when I finally find her, we’ll finally be able to live that promise we made that night. If she’ll take me back, that is.”

Twilight grinned at the Nomad’s devotion to find his beloved again. “And the other thing you plan on doing?” she asked him.

Hedwyn didn’t hesitate to answer her. “I’m going to find a way to get you and your friends back home. You guys got her some way or another, and there’s bound to be something in this world that will tell us how. From there, we can probably just retrace the steps backwards to find a solution.”

The purple mare was a little surprised by this proclamation. “Hedwyn, are you sure you don’t want to dedicate your time to finding Fikani? I’m sure that I’ll find us way back to Equestria just fine by myself.”

Hedwyn then shook his head. “On the day we met, during our first Rite together in the Book, I made a promise to you. If you lead us to our freedom, I would do everything in my power to get you home as well. And I am determined to follow through on that vow. I won’t break another promise to somebody important to me; a good friend like you deserves as much.”

Small tears began to form in the corners of the alicorn’s eyes, clearly touched at the Nomad’s heartfelt words. Even in a brand-new world, where there wasn’t single trace of familiarity to her aside from her treasured friends, Twilight could still find a way to make a new friend. She had indeed come a long way since her first day in Ponyville when barely even considered friendship as anything important compared to her studies. But it only took dozens, if not hundreds, of experiences with her friends to learn how much friendship could enhance life into something much more beautiful. And even in the exiled wasteland of the Downside, she could still find that spark of friendship in its inhabitants. Princess Celestia would no doubt feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for her former student fulfilling her role as the Princess of Friendship.

Hedwyn then let out a yawn. “Alright, I think I’m going to try and get some rest for the night.”

“Are you feeling any better?” Twilight asked him, remembering his prior seasickness.

“I still feel uneasy, but I think I’m at a point where I can try to get some sleep now. All that talking really helped.” He stopped leaning onto the railing and began to head inside, but he stopped to look to Twilight one more time. “I hope it’s not too much trouble, but I would appreciate it if you kept this conversation just between us. My past is…still a sore subject for me. But it did feel good to talk about it. Helped me get a better idea about what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.”

“My lips are sealed, Hedwyn,” Twilight said with a smile. “I’m glad I was able to be of some help.”

The Nomad returned the smile and then gave the pony a few pets to the top of her head. “Try not to stay up to late yourself. We need our Reader in top condition if we want to get our freedom. You sleep well, my friend.”

With that, the Nomad headed inside the wagon, leaving the alicorn alone on the moonlit deck. She looked out to the water one more time and reflected on the conversation she and Hedwyn had just shared. She certainly appreciated getting a better understanding of her Nomad friend, but she also felt a small bit of pity for him as well. Again, he wasn’t innocent of some non-existent crime, but his circumstances spoke more of tragedy rather than solid retribution. Deep down, she hoped that Fikani was still alive and remembered the time she shared with Hedwyn. The passion and intense interest he had when speaking about her gave Twilight the impression that they might be destined to be together. She supposed that she would just add that to the growing lists of reasons to find freedom from the Downside. Afterall, Hedwyn was her friend now, and alicorn would do just about anything if it meant helping a friend during a time of need.

Twilight then let out a yawn, signaling that it was probably time for her to get to bed. She moved away from the railing and made her way back inside the wagon. She would have to be ready for tomorrow when they would all finally reach the Sea of Solis. From there, they would sail on for the next Rite.

One step closer to freedom.