• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 1,718 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pony: The Pyres of Friendship - Scribe of the Nightwings

A crossover fic between MLP and Pyre, by Supergiant Games

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Feathers and Renegades

Author's Note:

Slight heads up for this chapter, there's going to be a slight change in character perspective for a small part of the story. I know that up until now the story had followed Twilight's perspective, but I feel as though that the story will be stronger if I switch to another character. I have plans to do something like that in future chapters, so think of this as a sort of debut.

In any case, enjoy the chapter! :twilightsmile:

Chapter 18: Feathers and Renegades

Twilight looked out the window cautiously as the Nightwings’ vessel steadily bobbed up and down on the agitated waves. The blackwagon had successfully breached the front of the Deathless Tempest was now right in the midst of the storm. The clouds above were still black and allowed not a shred of sunlight through, making for a gloomy and rather ominous atmosphere. Rain poured down hard onto the roof, forcing all of the group to remain indoors lest they get soaked to the bone. The alicorn also noticed that the islets they saw further south in the Sea of Solis had evolved into full islands. Although instead of white sand and colorful sea flora, these islands were decorated in sharp, jagged rock formations. One wrong turn or push from the waves could lead to a collision and possibly devastating damage to the hull of the wagon. However, even though the conditions seemed rather perilous for the humble wagon, Twilight knew that it could have been much worse. Gilman’s efforts were not in vain as the wagon would have no doubt sunk to the bottom of the Sea by now were it not for the Wyrm-knight quelling the storm. Speaking of the Wyrm, he was already up and about the wake after his short rest. It turned out he only required 30 minutes for him to recover from his earlier fatigue, despite Rarity’s protests that he should rest more.

“Ha ha! The Tempest boils little now that its coals have been snuffed out!” Sir Gilman said with the upmost pride.

“You were true to your word, Wyrm,” Jodariel said with her usual stern tone. “I shall give you that. But now what? We are stranded in the middle of this cursed storm.”

The Wyrm-knight still stood tall and proud at the Demon’s scrutiny. “A most excellent question! And from one most fair, might this knight add!”

Jodariel was clearly not taken back the Wyrm’s flattery. “Call me that once more and I will tie you in a knot.” she said with a rather evil glare.

“Jodariel!” Rarity cried out in shock as she got in between the pair. “He was simply just trying to compliment you!”

Despite the fashionista coming to his defense, the Wyrm-knight was still not deterred by the Demon’s cold attitude. Ahh! Cease your worry, fair Lady Rarity! How could this knight take offense from one so spirited as well! Truly, he was wise to side with ye!”

Seeing how her usual intimidation wasn’t effective against the knight, Jodariel groaned and rolled her eyes. “Just…where do we turn from here? Answer the question now.”

Gilman hummed happily and complied with her request. “Very good then! Now then, there is a gentle nearby that will guide our noble party to landfall northward!”

“If I may…” Tariq added in. “I can corroborate Sir Gilman’s account. Following the current he is referring to will get us to our next destination: The Black Basin.”

“Well then, I’ll be the first to say…let’s go.” said Hedwyn.

“Hedwyn’s right, y’all,” Applejack added as she made her way over to the front of the wagon. “don’t see how we should keep on dilly-dallying. I’ll take the wheel till we hit land!”

“This knight will accompany you as well!” Gilman said as he joined the farmer. “He will guide you to where the current he mentioned earlier resides.”

While Applejack seemed appreciative, Rarity did have some concerns. “Sir Gilman, are you sure you don’t want to rest more? You seemed positively exhausted not too long ago.”

“Ha ha! Your concern warms this knight’s heart ever so, fair Lady Rarity! But he assures you that he shall be fine until dusk.” the Wyrm said in a confident tone. “Now then, let us be on our way!”

With that, the blackwagon started up again and started across the choppy waves. With the orange mare and the Wyrm-knight at the helm, the group had little to no worry of any unforeseen accidents at sea. So, Twilight decided to settle down and re-read some of the unlocked sections of the Book while the rest of the group went about their various activities. Before the alicorn could fulling engross herself in her “reading mode” as Rainbow Dash sometimes put it, she overheard a passing conversation.

“Say, uh, Tariq?” Rukey asked the minstrel with Fluttershy at the Cur’s side.

“Aye, Rukey, Miss Fluttershy, what is it?” he calmly asked.

“That lute you’re always carrying around,” the Cur gestured to the instrument with his paw. “you know how to play that thing, don’t you?”

“Why…I supposed I do.” he answered. There was some hesitance in his voice, though it didn’t sound like he was offended. Rather, perhaps it was because no one had asked about his lute until now.

Rukey subtlety wagged his tail. “Oh good! ‘Cause me and Flutters were thinking it’s a little gloomy here and that we could use a little tune to lighten up the mood. Ain’t that right, Flutters?”

The yellow blushed a bit from being put on the spot. “W-Well, I suppose I’ve been a little curious about it. I just didn’t want to bother you about it.”

“Yeah, I’m with Rukes on this one.” Rainbow Dash interjected. “You’re always fiddling with that lute, but you never actually play anything. Just play something to help pass the time while we get through this dumb storm. Am I right, everybody?”

Followed by a series of nods and shrugs from the rest of the group, Tariq gave a small ghost of a smile and took a seat in a nearby chair. “Aye then, let me see what I can do. I believe I know a song appropriate for these conditions, though it has been a long while.” Once he was seated in a comfortable position, he began to tune up his lute. With those preparations done, his hand gently along the strings of the instrument and began to pluck them to create a calming tune.

Musical Cue - Vagrant Song (Highly Recommended)

Twilight twitched a bit when as the room was filled with the lute’s melody. The smooth combination of the notes softened the atmosphere of the blackwagon. While the alicorn was no stranger to music, even she had to admit that she hadn’t heard something like this back in Equestria. The song became even more awe-inspiring as Tariq began to sing. The Lone Minstrel’s voice had always been low and quiet before this point. Now, his voice was much clearer and almost angelic as he sung out the lyrics to his song. Everybody in the wagon was completely silent, not daring to break the song’s rhythm or the minstrel’s concentration. Meanwhile, the wagon was still swaying back and forth from the ever-present winds and waves outside. The gentle swaying back and forth along with the minstrel’s soothing song resulted in a dozy atmosphere throughout.

Thus, the blackwagon sailed on in silence, save for the pattering of the rain and the voice of the Lone Minstrel. In her defense, Twilight did try to look over the Book. However, she soon found her eyelids become heavy with sudden fatigue. With her sight slowly fading in and out, the alicorn found it harder to focus in on the pages in front of her or what the others were doing. That only left her hearing unfazed as she listened closely to the song. From the few lyrics that she could pick up, it seemed as though that Tariq was singing something about the fall of the Unfathomed Plurnes. The purple mare inwardly chuckled at the irony. Here they all were, riding amidst a raging storm of the Greater Titan’s creation, all the while listening to a song that chronicled its downfall. Though if she was being honest with herself, it probably only sounded amusing due to her fatigued mind.

It was then she realized that this was probably the most relaxed that she felt ever since landing here in the Downside. Between the shock of finding herself in a new world and the hunt for the rest of her friends, the alicorn had little to no time to just stop and let her stress melt away. She supposed that it helped that she now found herself in a much secure situation than one that first rough day. She had found comradery with the Nightwings and had a solid plan forged as to how they could all get back to their respected homes. And while Spike and Starlight were still missing, the recent reunion with her five best friends filled her heart with hope and determination. There would no doubt more trials ahead, but the purple mare couldn’t help but feel comfortable as she was now surround by both benevolent strangeness and familiarity.

Twilight then let out a quiet (and rather adorable) yawn. Whether she planned for it or not, she was on her way to a deep slumber. She felt her eyelids get heavier as the song reached its climax. Ever so gently, she laid her head upon the open Book for a makeshift pillow. She finally gave in and closed her weary eyes. The last thing that she was aware of before she fully drifted off from consciousness was the minstrel playing the final notes of his song.

Musical Cue - Shattered Lands

Twilight was later woken up by Hedwyn to inform her that they had made it through the Deathless Tempest was she was asleep and had made landfall once again. Most of the others had went outside to take up camp for the night. Twilight walked over to the open doorway to see where they had landed. She immediately felt a familiar heat that she had felt back in Jomuer Valley. Only this, instead of the heat coming from the sun above, it was emitting from the ground. The surrounding area was littered with small pools of lava. The subtle orange glow coming from molten earth lit the night with a dim light. Thankfully, the wagon was parked in a location far from any danger of succumbing to a heated demise. Aside from the lava, there plenty of jagged rocks about, giving the environment a rather inhospitable feel to it. She even noticed a few rocky pillars that had lava cascading out from the top. It was clear that they had made it across the Sea of Solis and made it to the Black Basin.

Before she went outside to join the others at the camp, something else inside the wagon had caught her attention. Apparently, Rarity and Sir Gilman had decided to remain inside to have a conversation with one another. As Twilight walked up to them, it appeared as though the Wyrm-knight had just finished demonstrating a fencing maneuver to the fashionista. “Oh, good show, Sir Gilman!” Rarity cheered him with a clap of her hooves. “Just however do you manage to keep such form?”

Gilman responded with a jovial laugh. “HA HA! This knight assures you, Lady Rarity, he has trained since he was a wee hatchling to represent the finest of the Sea-Dominion’s army!”

“Hey, you two,” Twilight greeted the pair. “I see that you’re settling in quite well, Sir Gilman?”

“Hail, Princess Twilight!” the Wyrm greeted back to the alicorn. “This knight was merely demonstrating his prowess to fair Lady Rarity here! Yet do not be fooled! This knight is still determined to train even harder, having joined the famous Nightwings! He shall ensure that this triumvirate continues to live up to its most-feared reputation!”

Rarity gave a small giggle. “His enthusiasm is simply off the charts, darling! I have no doubt you made the correct choice in letting him join us.”

“THIS IS SUCH AN HONOR! And this knight has a great deal of honor to regain!” The Wyrm-knight then shifted from his excited voice to a more dramatic tone. “Having fled the Pyrehearts, this knight fully expects now to conduct the Rites in a most honorable fashion. To the fullest letter of the law, described in the Book!”

Something about the mention of following the rules to a tee set something off in Twilight’s mind that made her worry. While it probably wouldn’t lead to any future consequences, however the purple mare thought it would be best to be upfront with the Nightwings’ newest member. “Um, Sir Gilman,” she said cautiously. “I’m sure you saw what happened with Applejack by in the Rite with the Pyrehearts. Although, I’m pretty sure something like that isn’t mentioned in the Book.”

“Ah yes, your Blessing,” Gilman concurred. “This knight had already conversed with Lady Applejack on the topic. Though if he is being honest, this knight is not offended by such an anomaly. After all, you and your friends come from another world! Surely this boon is surely an unintended consequence of such an otherworldly shift.” Twilight let out a small sigh of relief at the Wyrm’s complacency with the ponies’ newfound abilities.

“Besides, these Blessings were not what this knight was referring to. Some triumvirates that this knight has met, and perchance, mentioned by name…” he continued on. “they are incline to bend the rules of the Rites, sometimes by a great margin, to prevail by any means they can.” The fire then returned in the knight’s voice. “But this is WRONG! The exile that refuses to obey the rules, as they were written by the Underking Ores and his seven friends, deserves neither his honor or his freedom!”

The alicorn nodded along his line of thinking. She gave him a smile show how appreciative she was for the Wyrm’s strong moral compass. “Oh, you won’t have to worry about anything like that here, darling,” Rarity piped in. “Twilight here has always been a bit of a stickler for rules.” The unicorn then gave a knowing smile to the alicorn, who gave a small pout in return.

“Glorious!” Gilman cheered. He then rushed before the alicorn and bowed at her hooves. “Thusly does this knight have confidence that the magnificent Princess Twilight shall resist any temptation to conduct the Rites in any underhanded fashion!”

Twilight’s smile faltered a little as she saw the Wyrm practically grovel before her. The uncomfortable feeling had when he did this before began to well up in her stomach again. “Um, Gilman? I was also wondering if you could…stop calling me Princess?”

Gilman lifted his head up in shock. “Wh-What?! For what reason would you want this knight to ignore your noble title?! Surely, you must have great pride of your royalty?!”

Twilight winced a little. “N-No, it’s not that I don’t appreciate being a princess! It’s, uhh…” the alicorn tried to explain before she let out a sigh. “I’m grateful that Princess Celestia made me a princess, but sometimes it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Outside of royal events, I don’t really like it when other ponies or creatures treat me differently because of my title. Especially if it’s my friends. Sometimes, I don’t want everyone to see me as the Princess of Friendship, and instead see me as Twilight Sparkle.”

Sir Gilman looked as though he was what she was saying. He closed his eye in thought. “Hmm, this knight sees your point.” He then opened his eye and looked up to her again. “May you at least grant him permission to refer you as the Master-Reader of the Nightwings?”

“I think that would be much better for me. Thank you.” Twilight agreed with the compromise.

“Very well then!” the knight stated in an elated tone. Unfortunately, he couldn’t hold the cheerful bravado for long and reverted back to a sulked state. “Forgive this knight, Pri- er, Master-Reader. When it was revealed to him that you were of royalty, he was bursting with joy. It is the ambition of all Wyrm-knight to one day have the honor of serving under a crown, be it sea or land. This knight did hold this honor for a time, and he held it with great pride, until…well…” A tired sigh escaped from the amphibious knight. “He lost that privilege when they casted him down here. This knight attempted to salvage his pride by serving under Sir Deluge, but….you yourself witness how that ended.”

Twilight began to feel a little guilty about her request now. She had only thought that Sir Gilman was only trying to be polite, but now his courteous behavior made more sense. It seemed as though it was an attempt to feel needed or a chance to redeem himself for his disservice to the Commonwealth. She still wasn’t sure as to what that disservice was exactly, but it was clear that it was really eating at his self-esteem. She was about to quickly apologize and possibly make amends with the Wyrm when she was suddenly interrupted by the other ponies in the room.

“Oh, hold a moment! I think I have just the solution!” Rarity chimed out. She then quickly trotted over to the knight. “Sir Gilman, I know this might be a bit sudden, but would you perhaps entertain the thought of perhaps…being my knight?”

“PARDON?!” Gilman exclaimed in surprise. Even Twilight was perplexed by the proposition. “Lady Rarity, you want…this knight to serve under you? Truly?” the Wyrm asked again.

“I don’t see why not.” Rarity confirmed. “If you’re so interested in having somebody to ward for, I wouldn’t be against throwing my nomination in the ring.”

“Um, Rarity?” Twilight asked her friend. “Is there something you want to tell me here?”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that I’ve been jealous,” the unicorn began. “but I’ve always been a teensy bit envious of the royal treatment you sometimes receive. Now, I completely understand why you would try to avoid such treatment and I respect how well that compliments your humbleness. However, I would be lying if I told you that I never once dreamed of receiving such praise and pampering myself. I suppose it was that ‘craving’ that led me to the desire to fall for a dashing prince from Canterlot. That is until…well…” Rarity trailed off as if she was remembering something rather unpleasant. She then shook her head clear. “Well, never mind all that! My point is, darling, is that I believe we have a beneficial opportunity here. Sir Gilman here can fulfill a role that makes him feel complete, and I’ll get to indulge a little bit in the attention.”

As Rarity finished her explanation, Twilight did get better understanding of her reasoning. Although, she still had some small doubts on the proposition. Sure, she knew that the unicorn had no deliberately ill intentions for the knight, but the alicorn still felt like she would be taking advantage of him. It vaguely reminded her of Spike used to be at the fashionista’s beck-and-call all in infatuated attempt to earn her love. But then she remembered that the dragon and pony eventually worked pass that romantic disconnection and developed more of a healthy friendship. Twilight also figured that this case was different in that Gilman had a desire to serve in a pretense of professionalism rather than romanticism. Eventually, the purple pony figured that the best course of action was to ask the Wyrm himself about his feelings on the matter.

“Sir Gilman? Would you be okay with that? You know, to serve under Rarity?” the alicorn carefully asked.

The Wyrm-knight had a rather blank expression on his face. It seemed as though he was also heavily thinking about the arrangement as well. Twilight couldn’t really tell whether or not was internally debating if he was comfortable serving under Rarity or if he was doubting himself. Finally, Gilman slithered up to the fashionista in question. “Lady Rarity?” he asked. “Are thou sure that you would want to accept this knight? He warns you that his character has been tainted with dishonor.”

Rarity responded with a kind smile. “Sir Gilman would you please kneel for me?” The knight hesitantly complied and lowered himself before the pony. The unicorn then cleared her throat and put on an official-sounding tone. “I, Rarity, hereby dub you, Sir Gilman, as my personal knight until the time comes when we all earn our freedom. Do you, good knight, accept these terms of servitude and swear to stand by my side?”

As Gilman lifted up his head, the ponies saw that the fire had returned in his eye. “THIS KNIGHT SWEARS UPON HIS LIFE TO SERVE YOU TO THE END, FAIR LADY RARITY!” The fashionista had a wide smile on her face, obviously satisfied with the results. “You shan’t regret your decision, Lady Rarity! Now then, if you please follow this knight outdoors? He wishes to announce our grand union to the rest of the party, so that they may bear witness to a knight in his full glory!” The Wyrm then slithered to the door and then outside, all while humming a chivalrous tune to himself.

The white mare soon began to follow her knight, but not before speaking to Twilight again. “Thank you ever so much for encouraging him, darling. This will no doubt boost his moral and keep him in peek condition.” The unicorn then winked and exited the wagon.

Twilight let out a small sigh of relief, glad to see that everything had worked out. Not only was she able to avoid any further awkward situations with the Wyrm-knight, he had found another purpose in the Downside to keep his spirits up. Though it did seem a bit uncontroversial, the alicorn was confident that the fashionista wouldn’t abuse this new bond for any selfish purposes. With that in mind, Twilight trotted outside to join the other for dinner.

It was early morning when the Nightwings and ponies decided to get an early start. Hedwyn had gathered everyone in the middle of camp to discuss what their next move should be. He explained that neither he, Jodariel or even Rukey had ever ventured this far north of the Downside, so the Black Basin was entirely new territory to them. With the exception of Tariq, the rest of the Nightwings were in the same boat. Therefore, the Nomad decided that it would be best if some of them when out in small groups to scout out the area. When no objections were raised, the teams were then formed. Jodariel and Hedwyn would scout out the path to the west. Rainbow and Sir Gilman would investigate the rocky formations to the north for a potential shortcut. Ti’zo and Rukey would check the path to the east. Finally, Mae, under Applejack’s supervision, would investigate the general vicinity for anything of interest. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie and Tariq would stay behind to keep an eye on the wagon and pack up the camp so that they would be ready to go once they made their decision. With everyone’s roles all set, the teams went out to their planned sectors and the group remaining went to clean up the camp.

As Fluttershy began to feed the drive imps and Rarity and Pinkie began to pack up the camp and Tariq began scanning the skies, Twilight decided to go inside the wagon to make sure everything was in order. As she was looking over the room, she saw something sparkling in the corner of her eye. She went over to investigate, she saw that the sparkle was coming from her room. She saw it was the Beyonder Crystal that was giving off that green sparkle. As Twilight entered, she realized that it had been a awhile since she had spoken with Sandra. Peeking outside to make sure that no one needed her, the alicorn closed the door to her room and approached the Crystal. She then slowly lifted her hoof and touched the glassy surface. As with before, the pony’s senses dulled, and the room gave off a small green hue. And just like that, the apparition appeared before the purple pony.

Musical Cue - Forbidden Knowledge

“Long time, no see, dear Reader.” she began with a smug grin on her face. “And here I thought that you had already grown bored with me. I suppose now you are not that cruel.”

Twilight felt a small pang of guilt at the specter’s remark. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to forget you. I was…a bit preoccupied with other things.” she apologized.

Sandra chuckled to herself, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say she was chuckling at herself. “Save your apologies. I take no offence in your free choice to do as you please. Even if that luxury was denied to me long ago. It matters no to me…not anymore.” Sandra then decided to change the subject. “Now, where have you led us to now?” The apparition floated over to the nearby window and peered out to the new environment. She hummed in contemplation before looking back to the pony. “Hmm, so it appears that you successfully crossed the Sea of Solis. Impressive, I suppose. And now it looks as though we find ourselves here in the Black Basin. Flames and noxious fumes on one side, and a suffocating forest on the other. Lovely, lovely place. So good of you to take me here.” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "You truly would pursue those blasted stars until the farthest corners of this land, it seems.”

While Twilight still had no ire for the trapped specter, she still found it important to justify her actions. “If that what takes, then so be it. I’ll do anything necessary if it means freedom for my friends.” She showed no doubt or lack of conviction in her voice with the statement. No amount of passive judgement of her choices for freedom from the apparition would sway the alicorn.

Sandra simply returned with her smirk. “Far be it from me to deny you glory, dear Reader. For perhaps I should better cease my blasphemy. Else the Scribes themselves might descend from up high and strike me down with another much-deserved punishment.” While Twilight was still unsure of the exact power that the Eight Scribes possessed, she could tell from specter’s jibing tone that she had no fear of such a divine act occurring. Instead, Sandra merely laughed at herself again. “Oh well, not as if it would be the first time they would punish me so.”

The back of the alicorn’s mind lit up again at that last statement. A memory of something she had seen and had stored away for the very purpose of confronting Sandra over. “So, it really was you then.” she muttered out loud. The apparition looked at the mare in confusion, waiting for her to explain what she had meant by that. “I read more from the Book. It mentioned how group called the Beyonders attacked Soliam Murr when he was about to die in the Downside. But he was saved when Golathanian and Ha’ub came to his aid.” She then narrowed her eyes at the specter. “You were part of those Beyonders, weren’t you? That’s why trapped you in that Crystal.”

Sandra stayed silent after the pony’s accusation. Twilight could only imagine what was going through her head as the alicorn waited for her response. However, what really caught her off guard was when Sandra once again put on that soulless smirk. “It is how you say,” she said with no shift in her voice. “But what exactly of it?”

The sheer apathy in her voice was almost startling to Twilight. To just casually admit to the attempt of murder was such a foreign concept to her. As much as Twilight wanted to overexaggerate the fact that she was conversing with an actual former assassin, she internally concluded that she would get much information from Sandra like that. So instead, she held her composure and began to probe further details from the specter. “W-Well, why would you ever do that? I realize that Murr wasn’t the greatest, but why would you go through the trouble? You don’t ever seem very…excited about killing someone.”

“To take a life in cold blood is no more benign to me as it is for you to draw breath from your lungs. It was simple just how I was raised.” Sandra answered calmly. There was no hint of either regret or pride in her voice. It was almost to a level of a professional discussing their trade that they had practiced for a long, long time. “Besides, why would that particular assignment be of your concern? You read it yourself in that blasted tome. Murr treated his people less than the dirt beneath his feet. Are you really surprised that someone would contract us to snuff out his miserable life? Hmph, if we had succeeded, our triumph would have no doubt been sung all throughout the old Empire.”

Twilight tried to speak, but the words died in her mouth. Even she had to admit that Sandra had a point. Murr was no saint, and everything that had happened to him was obviously an act of karma for his transgressions. However, she then remembered reading about the mercy both Golathanian and Ha’ub showed him in his darkest hour. From there, her values began to surface from her heart again. “It’s…It’s still wrong.” she eventually managed to say.

Sandra raised one of her eyebrows. “Am I to take the meaning of right and wrong from one not of this world? Who are you to question my values?” Twilight remained silent at this, as she wasn’t sure if she had an answer to that. The specter then began to laugh at herself again. “I suppose it matters not. What is done has been done. I am trapped in this damnable Crystal and you are stuck in this wasteland. Arguments over such morality will do nothing to change that.” She then looked to the Crystal. “I grow weary of this conversation. See me again soon, and I may have another Trial ready for one of those idiots out there. You know where to find me, dear Reader.”

The specter then banished back into the Crystal and the alicorn’s senses soon then returned to normal. As she slowly began to readjust, Twilight felt slightly troubled. She sighed as she thought about what Sandra had said. Though she was clearly against the idea of killing others for money, a small part of her reminded her that she hadn’t considered Sandra herself. What exactly did she mean when she said that it was just ho she was raised? Was her past bad enough that it would lead her down a dark path filled with blood and murder? Twilight wasn’t sure, and she doubted that she would receive any answers soon consider how dismissive the specter was about the subject. Instead, she would just have to settle with the arrangement they had now. True, it was possible that Twilight would be able to fish more information from the apparition, but she would have to be cautious about it. The mare’s ears then perked up when she heard Pinkie explain something excitingly. Curious, the alicorn left her room to see what exactly was going on. Twilight stepped outside and saw that everyone had returned from their reconnaissance. The alicorn was relieved to see that everyone seemed unharmed and in relatively good spirits.

Musical Cue - Shattered Lands

“Hi, everyone! I’m back, I have come back!” Mae cheered as she ran towards the wagon. Applejack ran also to keep close to the girl. “we didn’t find anything out of the ordinary though. Other than that the glowing rocks are very, very hot!”

“Had to makes sure that she kept herself away from all that lava.” Applejack added.

“THIS KNIGHT AND RAINBOW DASH YET LIVES!” Sir Gilman triumphantly announced as the pair arrived back. “Although…he has little else to report.”

“We checked the northern path, but there’s no way that the wagon will able to get through all those rocks.” Rainbow explained. So that path’s out of the question. Although we did learn that knighty-boy here is afraid of heights.”

Gilman put on a face of outrage. “F-F-FALSEHOOD! This knight has no such fear of something so trivial!” he quickly denied.

“Kinda hard to believe that when you were shaking like a leaf on my back when we were doing some air recon!” the cyan mare shot back. The Wyrm knight looked as though he was going to retort, but it seemed that the memory left him visibly shaken.

Thankfully, Rarity was quick to comfort her knight. “It’s quite alright, Sir Gilman. We all have one flaw or two. All of which makes us better for having them and yet stand successful!”

The Wyrm began to come down a bit. “Your wisdom is as bountiful as your beauty, Fair Lady Rarity.” he complimented, causing the fashionista to giggle a bit.

“Ooookay,” Rukey attempted to change the subject. “well anyways, me and Ti’zo found a path to the east. Good news is that there doesn’t seem to be any major hazards, save for a few lava pools. Bad news…it’s super wide open. Like ‘begging for someone to ambush us’ wide open.”

“Kraa-Hreeawk..: Ti’zo chirped in a disappointed tone.

Everybody turned to Fluttershy for translation of what the Imp said. “Ti’zo seems disappointed that there doesn’t seem to be any fish to find here.” The shy pegasus blinked as everybody continued to stare as to how that related to their current situation. “Well, you asked.” she meekly said.

“Enough.” Jodariel said in an authoritative voice. “There is a western path that seems traversable…provided we proceed with extreme caution. If we leave immediately, we can use the shadows from the light of dawn and the crags to cover our advance against…whomever may be watching.” The Demon then shot a glare up to the sky.

Before Twilight could begin to contemplate as to which path they should take, Tariq spoke up. “Begging your pardon,” he said to the Demon. “I do not wish to contradict your strategy, madam. Though, in my experience, we shall not remain hidden for long during the climb north towards the Nest of Trista. Therefore, I would believe it wise to not risk the unnecessary danger and take the much safer eastern path.”

Jodariel leered at the minstrel. “I’ve seen the shadows in the sky, minstrel. We are clearly in their presence.”

Tariq maintained his calm demeanor. “Aye, the exiles of the Highwing Remnants. I understand that you may hold no love for them, inherently, but they have no such qualms with me, for now. I may be able to negotiate safe passage.”

“NEGOTIATE?! WITH THEM?!” Jodariel shouted in anger. “Those winged filth have no notion of diplomacy!”

“Umm, the Highwing Who-now?” Pinkie Pie asked ever so innocently.

Though the foreign name was lost on all of the other ponies, that was not the case for Twilight. Memories of the night she chatted with Hedwyn flooded back into her head as she remembered him make mention of the Remnants once or twice. When she looked over to the Nomad, she saw him casting his gaze towards the ground in an attempt to show ignorance. While the alicorn initially thought it wise to share the knowledge with her friends, the troubled look on Hedwyn’s face reminded her that their conversation was a rather private one. If she spoke up now, there would no doubt be questions as to how she had come across the name. Therefore, the mare reminded silent in order to feint ignorance.

Thankfully for her, the Lone Minstrel was more than willing to explain. “The Highwing Remnants is the name for the army of Harps that are waging war with the citizens of the Commonwealth. Just like with any other criminal in the Commonwealth, prisoners of war are also sent to the Downside. But not before they clip their wings, forever crippling their flight.”

“Clip…their wings?” Rainbow asked in a somewhat shaky voice. Her folded up wings began to subtly ruffle themselves at her sides. When the minstrel gravely nodded at her, the pegasus remained silent.

“A far too generous fate, in my opinion.” Jodariel interjected. “I will not under any circumstance risk my life or any other in this party to try and compromise with those winged-heathens. If I must force that sense into your head, minstrel, I will not hesitate to-“

Before things got to heated, Hedwyn quickly stepped in between the Demon and minstrel. Tariq, for his part, respectfully bowed and backed away. The Nomad then turned to the imposing woman. “Jodi, remember what we all agreed to at the start of this journey.” Jodariel then slowly looked to Twilight before huffing through her nose and backed away herself. With the situation successfully diffused, Hedwyn addressed the alicorn. “You have two options, my friend. Whatever path you decide we will take. We still trust your instincts.”

Twilight slowly nodded in confirmation at what she was tasked to do. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes to help her focus more on the decision making. On one side, Jodariel wanted to take the more dangerous path to the west to conceal their movements from any Highwing Remnants. On the other side, Tariq suggested taking the more exposed eastern path in the hopes that he could negotiate safe passage with any potential threats from the Remnants. Both options were rather risky, and a number of things could go wrong in either scenario. However, instead of thinking about the potential pitfalls, she thought about who was proposing the options. Jodariel was usually the level-headed, if not also strict, guide to the group, and Twilight usually had no hesitation in trusting her instincts. However, the mare had an inner feeling that the Demon was putting her prejustice ahead of the whole safety of the group this time around. Meanwhile, Tari remained as calm as he normally was. Though there was no guaranteed promise, she still felt that the minstrel was assured that he would be successful in a situation that would require negotiation.

With all of that in mind, Twilight opened her eyes and announced her decision. “I think it would be best if we take the eastern path. If we want to make it in time for the Rite tonight, we need to keep a constant pace. We won’t be able to do that if we have to slow down due to caution.” She then looked to the minstrel. “Besides, I trust in Tariq’s ability to compromise with the Harps. It might even save us some trouble in the future as well.”

Tariq gave a respectful bow to the alicorn. “I very appreciate your trust in my abilities, Madam Twilight.”

Jodariel, meanwhile, looked far from happy about the decision. However, a quick glance from Hedwyn silenced any objections she would’ve raised. She sighed heavily and made her way onto the wagon. “This is an unwise decision.” the Demon muttered before stepping inside.

“Welp, looks like we have our answer. Let’s get back on the road.” Hedwyn announced to the group.

With that, the Nightwings and ponies piled back into the wagon to take the eastern path. Before Twilight saw a shadow on the ground quickly pass over her. When she instantly looked up to the sky, she saw that it was absolutely clear of anything that would cast such a shadow. With growing concern, the alicorn quickly went inside.

The sun had begun its descent to the horizon by the time the blackwagon had made much progress on the eastern path. Tariq had mentioned that this area of the Black Basin was known as the Highwing Cove, a namesake that was soon becoming more and more prominent. Every time Twilight looked out the window, she saw more winged shadows pass quickly over them as they travelled. The rest of group soon also became aware of these shadows, no more so than Jodariel. All day, the Demon was placed on high alert and constantly surveyed the sky. Tariq, on the other hoof, was as quiet and tranquil as he always was. Eventually though, the Lone Minstrel ordered that the wagon come to halt. He explained that now would be the optimal to confront the Harps to allow them safe passage. Only a few members of the group went outside with the minstrel while the rest remained inside for relative safety.

Tariq, Jodariel, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stepped outside onto the dusty trail of the path. Rukey was correct in his report when he said that were little to no hazards in terms of lava. Although, the wagon now found itself in a rather vulnerable state. The party was surrounded on all sides by tall bluffs and crags colored deep in burnt sienna. Large cracks peppered the sides of the cliffs, making for excellent hiding places for ambushing groups. Finally, the tailwinds were quite strong in this area, blowing gusts of hot air all around the purple mare that then seem to rise upward. Twilight had the creepy feeling that they were all being watched. More specifically, she felt stares boring into her at all direction from high above along the craggy tops of the cliffs.

“They are here. Studying us from high above.” Jodariel finally said in a low voice.

“But I thought ya said they all had their wings clipped?” Applejack whispered in confusion.

“Their flight was severely limited, but they can still flap their wings and make use of the winds to fly to great heights.” Tariq calmly explained.

Finally, it seemed as though Jodariel’s patience had finally run thin. She took a few steps from the group and shouted out into the sky in an authoritative tone of voice. “Show yourselves, you frightened little birds!”

Tariq walked up and gently placed a hand on the Demon’s shoulder. Jodariel immediately removed the hand and glanced back at him. Despite the absolute fury in her eyes, the minstrel continued to keep his calm demeanor. “Perhaps I should communicate with them. Believe me when I say, madam, that your enmity towards the Harps had best be held in check here.”

Though her anger showed no sign of diminishing, Jodariel let out a heavy sigh. She granted his request with a silent gesture and backed away with the three ponies. As Tariq took a few steps farther, Twilight noticed that Applejack and Rainbow Dash had shimmied to a defensive position on both sides of her. The Demon and ponies then looked on as the Lone Minstrel called out to the heavens. “Good Sisters! We are humble traveler, such as you, and beg your leave! We journeyed by the sea and seek safe passage through your lands! We shall not disturb your hunting, or your nests!”

Silence hung in the air as they all waited for a response to the minstrel’s plea. Twilight saw that Tariq still stood exactly where he was in a clear sign of fortitude. For a whole minute, the alicorn heard nothing but the sound of the howling winds around them. Just when she thought about suggesting that they either call out again or move on though, the minstrel finally received an answer. A lone figure swiftly landed to the ground in front of him and slowly stood up. The creature was a female humanoid, standing tall on two legs with her arms held closely at her sides. She was donned in light gray chest armor and the upper portion of her face with a helmet that resembled the head and beak of a conventional bird topped with a plume of three dark feathers. Before the minstrel could have a chance to communicate with the Harp, the tailwinds picked up again and the Harp outstretched her arms to reveal the countless long, dark feathers that protruded from both appendages. The Harp took flight with a flap of her wings, but not before she grabbed the Lone Minstrel by his shoulders using the claws at her feet. Before Jodariel could do anything, Tariq was already swooped up by the Harp and was out of sight above over the cliffs. The only thing that remained of the Lone Minstrel was the white lute that he carried everywhere with him on the dusty ground where he once stood.

“TARIQ!” Twilight called out in panic. Without even thinking, Twilight spread her wings to take flight as well in order to catch up and find the abducting Harp. However, that plan was starched with she felt the familiar aches in the feathered appendages. Her prior injuries still left the alicorn’s wings in a tender state, meaning that she was still grounded and could in no way catch up in pursuit.

“Damnations!” Jodariel shouted in anger as it seemed as though her suspicions were proven correct. “Wait here, I shall go find him!” Before the Demon could proceed with the adamantly trivial search, she was stopped by an unexpected individual.

“Wait! I’ll go!” Rainbow Dash announced. “Trust me, I’m fast enough to catch them both.” To emphasize her point, the pegasus outstretched her wings in a powerful manner. “You stay here in case others decide to show up!” Though still riding high on adrenaline, the Demon complied and went over to take a defensive stance in front of the door.

While the Wonderbolt’s plan did seem sound, there were still some concerns. “Rainbow, I ain’t denyin’ that yer quick enough. But are ya sure it’s a good idea to after them alone?” Applejack asked in hesitation.

“There’s no time to argue!” Rainbow replied while shaking her head. “Just trust me on this one! I think I might have an idea. But I have to go now if it’s gonna work!”

Twilight felt somewhat conflicted. While she had no doubts over her friend’s abilities, Rainbow’s brash thinking combined with the foreign nature of the situation left the alicorn worried. However, the pegasus was ultimately right. They would have to work fast if they wanted to ensure the safety of the Lone Minstrel. “Okay, Rainbow,” Twilight said in reluctant agreement. “Just try to be careful when finding him.”

Rainbow looked back with a smug grin. “Come on, Twi. When am I ever not careful?”

That did little to subdue the worry the purple mare felt as she could provide many answers to the daredevil’s rhetorical question. With no other objections left, the cyan mare shot up into the air with a few flaps of her wings and quickly flew past the cliffs where the Harp had disappeared to.

Calm collectiveness was one of the skills that Tariq was glad have honed over his vast experience. It gave him a sense of approachability that was quite useful in interacting with individuals from all forms and creeds. Not only that, but it was also beneficial for his own sake as well. He had determined that a clear mind was always the superior state of mind, even in the direst of situations. That mindset was being tested at its fullest at the moment as he glanced down to the long drop below him.

After the Harp had swooped him up, they were in the air for only half a minute before he was roughly dropped back onto solid ground. The minstrel had no time to recover as the Harp had grabbed him by the neck with one of the hand-talons located at the end her wings. She had apparently flown them to the very top of one of the cliffs and then began to hold him over the edge. Tariq had managed to limit his struggling and held on to her outstretched wing with all of his strength. The strong grasp on his neck did limit his breathing, but he was well aware that loosening the grip would have he plummet to his demise. The Harp was literally holding Tariq’s life in her hand, and he would have to act quick so that she would toss it away.

“Mercy, Sister.” he managed to choke out. “We truly mean you no harm.”

The Harp did not seem swayed by his plea. “Perhaps you should have thought of that before crossing into our territory.” she said in a cold, cruel voice. Though her face was partially concealed, the minstrel could feel the dark gaze that she was giving him. Aligning yourself with that Commonwealth filth and those…foreign creatures does you no good here.”

“Surely a resolution can be met.” Tariq continued. “I have yet to have done anything to stoke you or your kind’s ire. The party I travel with share the same sentiment.”

“That may be true,” the winged woman pondered. “however, you have also yet to earn our favor as well.” The minstrel’s heartbeat increased as he felt the grip around his neck begin to loosen. “We may be scattered, but the Highwing Remnants will in no way tolerate such intrusion. Perhaps your splattered remains will make a fine example for-“


Both the minstrel and the Harp looked to the sky to find the origin of the unknown yell. They received their answer not a second later when a familiar cyan-furred and rainbow-maned pony appeared just a few feet away from where they were at the ledge. Tariq’s panic rose again as the brash pegasus landed. While her intensions were no doubt noble, the minstrel felt as though Rainbow’s presence was an unfactored variable that could end with his demise at the claws of the Harp. “Cease yourself, Rainbow Dash!” he pleaded with the mare. “I assure you that I have everything under control! Please don’t-“

The minstrel was cut off when the Harp silenced him with the tightening of her grip. She then looked over to the invading pegasus. “It was unwise of you to intrude upon this meeting, creature.” the winged woman said in a dead serious tone. “Gives me all the more reason to drop this pathetic welp to his demise.”

To her credit, Rainbow Dash complied with the minstrel’s wishes and stood as still as a statue. She had a look on her face that said that spoke of self-restraint but also spoke of one that wouldn’t back down. “I’m not moving an inch.” Rainbow calmly said. “But please, just take a second and listen to what I have to say. No tricks, I just want to talk.”

The Harp stayed silence for half a minute as she was no doubt contemplating the pony’s request. “Speak clear and quick.” she finally agreed.

With the Harp’s consent, the prism-maned mare began to slow unfold one of her wings. The movement was slow and direct, giving the Harp ample to process what she was doing. However, the Harp still began to tense up just in case the pegasus would suddenly try to pull a fast one on her. When the cyan wing was completely stretched out, Rainbow then slowly bent it forward toward her face. She then leaned in and then carefully took one of the primary feathers between her teeth. After a small twist, the pegasus yanked the feather out in one swift movement. Tariq saw her face wince in a flash of hot pain before it faded just a second later. He also saw a small drop of blood forming on the wing where she plucked out the feather, though it was far from anything serious. With the job done, Rainbow Dash looked to the Harp again. “Here.” she said with the feather still in-between her teeth.

Rainbow let go of the feather and allowed it to float with the wind towards the Harp. The winged woman quickly snatched the feather from the air with her other claw. She then held the cyan feather to her face, closely examining it for any unforeseen dangers or tricks. When she finished scrutinizing the feather and confirmed that it was harmless, she looked back to the pegasus. “And what exactly is this supposed to mean?”

“It’s…a peace offering.” Rainbow explained. “It’s like a traditional thing where I’m from. I don’t really remember when or who started it, but I understand the concept. When a pegasus wanted to show that they wanted compromise or peace with the warring faction, they would pluck out one of their primaries and offer it to them.”

The Harp did not seem placated by this reasoning though. “What makes you think that your foreign traditions will mean anything to me or my sisters?”

Rainbow lowered her head. It was clear that she was struggling to say something that was on her mind, but eventually managed to speak it out loud. “I heard about what happened with your wings. How they…they clipped them.”

Tariq choked a bit when the Harp’s grip tightened around his neck. “Then you should understand why it would take a mere feather to convince me to not to toss down this filth who would dare align with those Commonwealth dogs. You have no idea of the rage that boils within all of us from how those flightless ruined us to the point where we can barely hover off the ground!” she said in a venomous tone.

Rainbow, however, was not deterred by the intimidation and took a few steps closer. “Look, I get why you’re angry. What happened to you and your sisters really, really sucks. “If something like that every happened to me…If I could never fly again…I…” The mare trailed off as Tariq could here the pain in her voice as she really began to consider the hypothetical scenario. “It would probably ruin my life. But that’s why that feather means so much.” She gestured to the feather with her hoof. “That feather, it represents something that I cherish more that every other part of myself. My whole life is centered around what that feather stands for. And that’s why you can believe me when I say that me, Tariq, my friends and all the other Nightwings don’t want any trouble from you and just want to pass safely.” The pegasus then felt more comfortable to take another few steps closer. “We’ve already ran into to shifty characters in the Downside, but I haven’t done something like this with any of them. I figured that you of all creatures would understand what it means when somebody with wings would offer one of their feathers.”

Silence permeated the air and was only broken by the winds. Minutes felt like hours as the Harp continued to hold Tariq over the edge while staring at the cyan mare. The grip around the minstrel’s neck neither tighten nor loosened as she was planted where see was. The winged woman looked to the feather in her hand and then to the pegasus, who continued to hold a determined pose. The Harp then looked to the Lone Minstrel. For his part, Tariq continued to hold his calm demeanor despite the severity of his current position. Wordlessly, he pleaded with her to accept the pony’s peace offering and spare his and consequentially the rest of the group’s lives. While he believed that Rainbow had made a strong case, there was still a small part of him that was unsure if it was enough to convince a member of the Hiighwing Remnants. Finally, Tariq realized that the Harp had made her choice when he felt her jerk her arm.

Twilight continued to pace back and forth as she waited for her friend to return. It had been a good while since Tariq was swooped up by the Harp and Rainbow Dash had flown off in pursuit. The alicorn had tried her best to remain calm, but her inner panic was starting to boil over. She did have full faith in the Wonderbolt’s abilities, but her faith began to crumble when she thought how they had little to no idea of what the Highwing Remnants were capable of. Applejack was also beginning to show signs of worry, though she was doing a better job of keeping a neutral status. When one of the Nightwings or ponies attempted to step outside to see what was going on, Jodariel was quick to inform them to stay inside and keep silent. The Demon herself continued to keep her scowl on her face and scanned the surrounding sky every other minute.

“My patience is running thin.” Jodariel finally announced in frustration. “Your friend has taken far too long for my comfort. It may be already too late.”

“Give her time, Jodariel.” Applejack reasoned. “Dash might not be the sharpest tool in the barn, but she ain’t stupid and certainly not slow. If’n she’s taking her time on something, that’s how ya know she’s proceedin’ with caution.”

As much as Twilight wanted to be convinced by the farmers words, her worry just continued to grow. “Okay, here’s what we’ll do,” she rationalized out loud. If Rainbow is still gone after a few minutes, me and Jodariel will spread out to look for them. If we still can’t find them, then we’ll just have to-“

The alicorn’s ramblings were cut short when the three heard something coming from the sky. When Twilight looked up, relief filled her heart when she saw two familiar forms descending to them. There was Rainbow Dash flapping her wings with all of her might as she carried Tariq with her front forelegs. Seconds later, the pair reached the wagon and the pegasus placed the minstrel on the ground where she soon followed looking rather exhausted. Tariq dusted his cloak and went to pick up his lute.

“Geez,” Rainbow said in between huffs. “You’re heavier than you look, you know that?”

“My apologies, Rainbow Dash,” Tariq apologized as he adjusted the strap of the instrument around his shoulder. “though I am quite grateful that you were able to return me on your own.”

“Rainbow! Tariq!” Twilight exclaimed as she quickly trotted over to the pair. Applejack and Jodariel were quick to follow as they also wanted to check their status. “Are you two okay?” the alicorn asked worryingly.

“Twi, it’s all good.” Rainbow assured her friend. “Me and Tariq here handled things with those Highwing Remnants. We should be good now.”

The sound of flapping wings was then heard overhead. The group looked up as quick as they could only to find the sky empty yet again. Although, Twilight was wise enough now to figure that one of the Harps did one finally flyby over the Nightwings. “We thank you for your hospitality, good Sisters!” Tariq cried out to the heavens. “We shall be on our way!”

While Twilight was quite satisfied that this was all settled diplomatically, Jodariel was still far from satisfied by it all. “What exactly did they say to you?” she asked skeptically.

“Thanks to Rainbow Dash’s quick assistance, we were able to negotiate safe passage from the exiles of the Highwing Remnants…for now, at least.” Said Tariq. The look on the Demon’s face clearly spoke that she wanted more details, which the minstrel was glad to provide. “It would seem that they are having disputes among their ranks and wish no further troubles for the time. However, the Harp that we spoke to warned us to keep caution. While she promised to spread good word for us amidst her Sisters, she could make no promises from one of the dividing factions.”

The Demon huffed angrily. “A warning, then.” she muttered. “I’ve should have known. We never should’ve wasted our time with those treacherous birds.”

Before Twilight could comment on Jodariel prejustice, her attention switched over to Applejack. “Landsakes, Rainbow! What the hay happened to your wing there.” the orange mare said in shock.

Twilight looked to where Applejack was gesturing, and her eyes went wide as she saw a spec of blood on her right wing. “Rainbow, what happened?!” she asked as she inspected the wound closer. Her mind then went to the worse case scenario. “Did they attack you?! Did one of those Remnants-“

“What?! No, Twilight!” Rainbow interrupted her as she took a few steps back. “They didn’t do anything to me.” Despite her sour mood, Jodariel still courteous enough to offer a small cloth in her possession to Applejack. The farmer then trotted over to cyan mare’s wing and put pressure on the injury with the cloth. Rainbow winced at the slight pain and continued to tell what happened. “I…offered up one of my primaries to the Harp as a peace offering.”

Twilight was rather perplexed at what the pegasus had done. “Rainbow why would you ever do something like that?”

Rainbow brushed off the cloth Applejack was using and inspected her wing. When she saw that the bleeding had completely stopped, the cyan mare made her way back into the wagon. “It’s fine, Twilight. It was just something symbolic, okay. No harm done. Now, we have to get rolling again if we want to make it in time for the next Rite.” The Wonderbolt then nonchalantly walked back inside the wagon. Applejack then followed behind as well as Tariq after he gave a small nod to the alicorn. Jodariel also then went inside, looking none too happy about how things went down with the Highwing Remnants.

That only left Twilight alone outside. The alicorn was still in thought at what her friend had done. She vividly remembered a few days ago how Rainbow had stressed the importance of pegasi offering their feathers to others. Sure, negotiation for safe passage was indeed a serious situation, but was it necessary to use a primary instead of a secondary? Twilight would have to discuss with Rainbow when the opportunity arose. Hopefully she would have an explanation for her friend’s contradictory actions. For now, Twilight climbed aboard the blackwagon so that they could finally make their way to the next Celestial Landmark.

Hopefully, the Nightwings would not have to deal with any unforeseen threats, winged or otherwise.