• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,211 Views, 17 Comments

The enhanced Stallion - Shenzy

When a metallic monster surfaces in Equestria, all clues point to the past...

  • ...


The stained-glass room wasn't quite in the center, but given how spacious the castle was, probably the easiest room to find. This was why the group gathered here to report in.

“Any of ya found her?” Applejack asked worried.

Rarity's took the time to correct her mane after all this 'egregious running' “I fear we did not, did we?” as Pinkie Pie gave a way to happy “Nopi, doki, loki”

“Oh great, Twilight will be back any minute and we spend an entire day searching-” as the flapping Rainbow Dash cut herself short to put a hoof onto the face as she noticed the purple alicorn approaching “Ughh... -great!”

“Hey girls, we are back!” the princess announced seemingly excited, accompanied by Fluttershy which could hold the excitement back a little better “H-ello, i'm back too”

Hello...” was the modest group answer. Not what anypony would call excited. Not even Fluttershy.

“Something wrong?” the mares looked at one another “We kinda lost Luna I guess... and can't quite find Princess Celestia either” the cowgirl admitted, sheepishly pushing her cowboy-hat forward to hide the guilty expression.

“We searched everywhere! Poof! Gone! We can't find them ANYWHERE!” the pegasus added, not bothering with 'talking through the flower'.

Twilight's hoof rose to calm the crowd “I fear I have a pretty good idea where to find Luna. Rainbow; I want you to go get Princess Celestia and meet us at the throne room- the rest comes with me!”

“Wait! I have no idea where she is!” the pegasus shouted after the group about to rush off.

“Try the private study!”

Her what-now!?”

“... -the highest tower!”

Oh, on it!” a quick salute was given, before becoming a blur.

Rushing off with near rain-boom speed, the blue speedster pulled a harsh draft through the corridors, knocking over pretty much everything nearby as well a couple surprised guards.

“HEY-PRINCESS-HEY!” the pegasus hammered, dancing nervously on the spot like having had a glass to much apple juice “C'mon! Twilight needs you!”

Then the hoof missed the piece of wood, since the door was pulled open by a golden glow. Princess Celestia stood in it, majestic as always. A white alicorn as beautiful as a golden morning. All it took was being close to her and your heart couldn't help to feel fuzzy, as the rest of your body turned into a foal: week knees, unable to fly straight... and even the most basic spells slipped your mind.

“Twilight you say?”

Gulping once heavily, Rainbow felt somewhat disrespectful and unworthy to disturb moth-Uh-...Celstia like this “I... y-yeah. Twilight- she wanted to meet us... in the throne room. I mean... if you can?”

Celestia's eyes wandered off the pegasus and towards the sky, as the alicorn's heartfelt anything but fuzzy. Rather heavy.

“I understood”

“Then let's g-” before the pegasus could finish her line, a light flashed up all around her. Fur tickled for a fraction of a second and the pony's body felt like getting pushed from every direction at once, as she had to stop herself from flying into one of the colorful windows “What in the-!?”

“Princess, you need to open the portal. We must enter the chamber

Celestia did as told, as magic sparked up along the white horn. A hole was torn into thin air as the alicorn was the first to feel a cold draft pulling around the ankles. A draft coming from a sealed chamber.

As soon the portal was open Twilight went through, followed by the curious crowd.

They materialized on the other side to catch a wild rambling, neigh's and flashes of light.

“I knew it” Twilight simply said to follow the dark corridor as quick she could, alongside the curious crowd right in her back. Surprisingly enough the corridor wasn't as dark as last time, despite the lack of lamps framing the walls. There were only deep cracks and lamp fragments on the ground, yet a bright light seemed to...


Just as Twilight shouted, dragging everypony to the ground, a flash of magic whizzed right above the heads – slicing glowing edges into the walls, letting it rain stones and dust upon them.

“Oh, my mane!” Rarity whined.

“-better your mane then your head!” Applejack scolded the misguided concern, causing a nervous laugh from the white unicorn, which somehow became even more pale.

Applejack had to stop and prop the butter boned diva to follow the rest, which already had moved on, entering the cold main chamber.

This is where they found Princess Luna. Standing in the middle of rambling statues: blasting waves of high concentrated light into them! Four of which already molten to a mush.

“GRRRRWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” a blinding charge sliced the next victim!

Crescent Light's buzzing rang in their ears as the horses neck began to glow bright orange and the metal head rolled of the pony's shoulders -ponk!- landing ears first on the ground.

Six pony's held their breath, one fading into the cowgirls hooves.

“It's enough!” Twilight commanded, stepping between Luna and the rest of the mindless horses “Az-SItE...SParkel!” Luna stuttered. As if it wasn't hard enough to stand on three shaking legs, now there were a bunch of mares blocking her way; most of which being dancing purple alicorn's! Alicorn's which couldn't synchronize demands with their mouth's.

“I toL... ol.....d......” the blue alicorn performed a wonky step to the left, tripped... - and spun to the ground.

“Sister!” Celestia snapped -hurrying to the young sisters aid to check for her vitals.

Suddenly one of the tin-targets raced straight into a nearby wall! “PHOMP!” nearly breaking it's own metal neck, shacking the howl cave to the point stones rained from the ceiling.

“What in tarnation!?”

A wake up call for the white diva. As pony's observed a raging rodeo horse in front of their snots: bucking, jumping and swatting uncontrolled in every direction as it trampled remains of a colleague to mush “A-applejack!? Whatshaaap-pening!?” the shivering mare clung to the earth pony.

“I honestly have no idea!”

Like to underline those words, Rainbow had to dodge a headless horse which kept charging at the next best thing: a colleague with hole in its chest, through which the mechanic insides were pulled out by the attacker. The two trying to destroy one another!?

“I said- its: ENOUGH!” Twilight's magic blew the metal horses into the far end of the room, as the rest of her friends instinctively searched for cover beneath their hooves.

Rainbow peeked from under her wings “G-osh! Twilight, calm down!

Twilight felt a certain satisfaction watching the war-machines being piled onto one another. It wasn't quite the real deal, since those dummy's wouldn't know to react to anything... but it was at least something. Probably the best stress relief in the given situation.

“AJ, Rarity, Pinkie: help Princess Celestia to get Luna to bed. I will stay here and... check up on something”

The mares did as told. The still wailing Luna was loaded on the farm pony's back.

Rarity walking ahead while Celestia made sure the patient wouldn't fall off. Pinkie meanwhile hopped along as moral support and curious for more delicious “honey”.

Remaining were yellow, blue and purple. Cowering, wondering and glaring.

Standing in the front row, the others had taken cover behind the alicorn which talked over her shoulder “You two should go-..”

“Oh that be wonderful!” the yellow pegasus wanted to crawl away, but was hold up by the blue one “No way! We gonna bust those scrapheap's and show them who's boss!”

One of the stallion which had manage to get all four hooves down, turned towards the noisy group. Made a step. Another one. Three, but stopped – and jumped right into a rush of pounding hooves which let stones dance in front of Fluttershy's cowering nose.

Rainbow got into a deep battle stance: widespread wings and hooves, while Twilight didn't move at all. Standing still like one of these windup dolls on their first visit, while a raging bull quickly covered the few meters in between.

Yet mere meters before the horse would trample the group Rainbow became second thoughts, trying to pull away the stubborn alicorn which rejected the help.

“Watch out!” was all Rainbow got out before covering the nearby Fluttershy instead. Wings wrapped around the mare which was pulled into an embrace, so she wouldn't see what was about to happen.

A loud “thud!” was heard, alongside rambling of colliding metal as a twisted squeal reached their friends. Rainbow tried to cover Fluttershy's ears, as the noise cut of barely two seconds later.

There was a moment of silence in the room, during which pony's held their embrace.

Silence eventually being broken by Twilight “...just as I thought.”

“W-what just happened!?” Rainbow asked baffled, trying to orientate herself.

“You see in a minute” Twilight smiled confident, trotting nonchalant around the attacker and towards the remains of a sliced soldier, followed by puzzled expressions.

Obviously the horse had come to a sliding standstill right at the alicorn's hooves, leaving the mare without a single scratch. The colossus just laid there flat on it's snout, which had buried itself into the dirt. The puppets invisible strings apparently cut by the princess.

“... how you done that!?” Rainbow kept wondering, as Fluttershy dared to peek around the blue wing. A big relief to see Twilight unharmed and... - apparently all of the horses being lifeless again?

How did Twilight do it!? They hadn't even hears so much as the sparkling of magic, let alone a spell being cast which usually would have some static crackling to it. Did they miss it or had the bookworm a new kind of spell in her sleeve... figurative spoken. Twilight rarely wore any kind of cloth, not even royal insignia.

“Lets see what we got here” it nearly cheered as magic gripped into what could had been a twisted chest piece; tearing out wires, hoses and artificial rips – soaked in some kind of green goo dripping from the 'insides'. A sour brew you could smell all to well even from a great distance. Disgusting! Especially if you heard this slobbering and sloshing as those parts were thrown over the shoulder to land with a splash on the ground. Uewww!

Fluttershy had to put two hooves onto the snot to prevent anything coming out, while Rainbow couldn't help to pull a frown at the morbid behavior “I don't want to ruin your fun, but don't you think it had enough?”

Magic tattled a last hoof mechanic guts aside, as the princess had found satisfaction.

“I'm done here. Lets go meet up with the others”

With that said, Twilight simply trotted out of the chamber, followed closely by her friends.

Nopony would want to stay here. In fact, that they had to return more then once felt bad enough. This chamber wasn't just creepy and outright dangerous, but filled with so much evil... bad memory's and pain... it should been dug and forgotten for another thousand years. If not forever.

As the remaining pony's had stepped through the portal, Twilight used a whiff of magic to break the spell and close the portal, to then be approached by the fashionista Rarity.

“Oh dear, there you are. The others are already gone ahead. Princess Luna seems in awful condition”

“She had to put up with a lot of things lately, but I fear this is not over yet. We will need Luna's strength one more time”

“-but Twilight dear” Rarity rose concern “You saw how... displeased Luna was. I'm not certain it is a good idea to leave her anywhere near those disgusting thingy's”

“Yeah, Rarity is right! We all saw it: Luna has gone nuts! She almost got us all foal-sized” as the hovering pegasus hoof quickly went from left to right in height of her neck.

“I know Luna can be difficult at times, but she still has a good heart. She didn't mean to endanger us and we will need her strength if we want any chance of winning. So please, trust me when I tell you to trusther... I know we can change things around, together!

“I do trust you Twilight” Fluttershy said proudly, receiving a warm glance from the alicorn.

“Ugh...” Rainbow grunted “That's no fair! You know we always stick to you Twilight!”

“Then we will give Princess Luna the benefit of the doubt” Rarity nodded nonchalant “Anypony deserves a second chance...”

Friendship was magic indeed, but this wasn't why a purple glow surrounded the friends. Twilight was the one pulling them close for a hug, with little to no resistance.

“Thank you. I knew I can always count on you”

A hug which Pinkie Pie and Applejack would receive too, just a few minutes later. They didn't exactly know why, but they took it non the less. A gentle 'thank you' for all the strength they had lend Twilight during this mess.

Now all the young alicorn had to do, was to pass this strength on to her former mentor: Princess Celestia. The white alicorn which kept walking impatiently up and down in front of Luna's room.

The doctor had told Celestia already five times Luna would fully recover, before asking very politely to wait outside. Surprisingly enough, Celestia did as told without bothering to complain... which made the treatment something between a lot easier and somewhat risky.

Having a relative step on your hooves didn't help to concentrate, but on the flip side, she might protect him from having the rest of his mane to be burned off by the the patient.

Then one of the double doors opened a crack, as the orange unicorn quietly snuck outside and pushed it every so carefully shut, before putting the medial bag down and allowing himself for a long “Phewww.....”. Luckily his nerves had held without any sedatives.

Turning on the spot, the doc had almost run into the white mare in front of him!

“Oh- y-your highn-” “How is my dear sister doing?”

Since family was the one asking and nopony else was near, the medic was willing to tell right away “I treated her wounds properly and administered all necessary antibiotics. However, i'm afraid she has a mild fever which will take about... a day or two to be cured...” the unicorn tapped nervously his forehead, removing cold sweat with a handkerchief “I guess this is caused by... due the lack of earlier... proper medical attention... on my behalf”

Princess Celestia wasn't anywhere near as impulsive as Princess Luna, but given the rumors over a certain outburst... and just knowing how important the younger sister was to the eternal ruler of Equestria, one could rightfully assume that doing anything less then the best would end up anger the immortal mare anyhow. Being a doctor who failed to provide for the well being of said sister... -how could it result in anything then punishment by: embrace?

“Thank you so very much for your efforts” Celestia whispered into the surprised stallions ear, which felt a tingling feeling racing down from snot to tail and back up again, bringing tingling static along. All over his body fur rose as warmth of this cloudy soft embrace sunk into his mind, making the doctor hope that this was indeed some kind of punishment. Oh please oh please, let the sentence be: life! -shot for through the unicorns head, while Celestia shared motherly love with one of her subjects.

“Princess, how is Luna doing?”

Twilight interrupted the comforting moment, as the hooves let go of the heavily blushing doctor and attention was directed towards Twilight “I just received word she will recover shortly” it smiled warm enough to bring tears of joy into one's eyes.

“Glad to hear” it nodded, as the alicorn stopped to smirk shortly along the cheeks, while the doctor just remembered the fact that he was on duty and... apparently in a castle?

“P-princess” it bowed once with a indelible smirk on his face, before wandering off happily humming a tune... - returning one more time to pick up the forgotten medicine bag and leave yet again, already planning for a house visit at his mothers house.

“Seems like the fever is spreading” Twilight mumbled, since pretty much everypony nearby was blushing for one reason or the other.

“... yes. It appears so” Celestia replied polite, as thoughts already began to drift away.

“Princess, I know this isn't the best time but, we need to talk about Luna and what will happen next. Time is running through our hooves and another attack is more then likely”

“Indeed” it shortly nodded “-this isn't the time to let our guard down, even if not all of us will continue the fight” the purple eye glanced towards the door behind which Luna slept in her sickle moon bed. Cuddled into a dark blue pillow and blanket on which star signs were stitched with shimmering silver threat. Held company by Tibbles, the royal possum plushie.

“Princess by all due respect, we cannot expel Luna from the fight. As I said; there will be another attack and unless we have Luna, we won't see it coming or be able to stop it"

“Twilight, as much as I wish this to be different, Luna hasn't been herself lately. It was a difficult decision to make, but if I let her wander down this path: somepony will get hurt. This could been Luna, this could been somepony else... and as ruler of Equestria I cannot allow this to happen. Whoever will get hurt, i'm the one to blame; because I couldn't separate my feelings from my responsibility” the hoof gestured towards her chest, yet tapped onto the golden horse collar, which was alongside crown and horseshoes insignia for her royal status.

“If the safety of Equestria is in question, then we need Luna. Luna needs us!”

This smug answer wasn't anywhere what Princess Celestia was used from Twilight. Her former student had always valued her every word and the wisdom within, but now all of a sudden she dared to question such clear reasoning!? Did... Luna rub off?

“Maybe I haven't made my self clear. I won't let my sister leave this room until we are done” it came more pronounced, gesturing a white feathered wing sideways.

“Then might as well open this door right now, because the both of us know how this is going to end. Our magic hadn't had the slightest impact! -and even if; we couldn't possible reach it in time before having another Tall Tale on our hooves! One we couldn'tpossible hope to evacuate in time! … we cannot take any chances. Not at this risk”

Baffled upon this emphatic protest, Celestia eyes widened as she took half a step backwards. Did Twilight just turn on her too!? Taking sides her sister? How was this happening... Twilight Sparkle was her faithful student! She shouldn't doubt her wisdom.

“Of all the pony's, I thought you would understand Twilight Sparkle!” the answer came cold and almost bitter. Like a slap on the hoof.

“Princess please...” Twilight sat down to lower her sight as well voice, since the message didn't seem to reach her mentor, getting lost in the tension “-you are listening and yet you are not. Can't you hear what i'm trying to say?”

“What you propose is to risk something Icannotrisk!

“No, that's not what i'm saying! Letting Luna fight isn't the answer. Locking her up like a bird in a golden cage either! You really think your sister will simply obey and stay behind?”

“Y- I... my sister... Luna must understand that... we...” Celestia had taken a deep breath to brush aside the question, yet the words refused to leave the snout. They crumbled as she spoke them. Picturing them didn't help either and years of diplomatic speech became a fading blur. The princess had hold so many speeches and at times 'bend' the truth in order to nudge pony's into the right direction... nothing her heart wasn't absolute convinced of being the right thing to do. Yet, as she looked upon Twilight, trying to declare Luna would just sit back and wait on her command? It would be a nasty lie and from there many had to follow, causing a bitter taste on royal tongue and a gust of shame rustling her stomach.

“No. She won't”

Twilight didn't had to say anything, neither had her mentor. The purple mare simply stepped forward and laid a hoof around the mare's chest to lay the head upon her shoulder, while the Princess Celestia did alike. A huffing reaching Twilight's ear

“It will be alright...” Twilight assured towards the sobbing mare “... I promise”

The white mare had to swallow. It was ridiculous... she of all pony's... a mare with more than thousand years experience in diplomatic talks and more won battles under her belt, than anypony could even imagine... was nervous to talk with her own sister.

Celestia stepped into the room, while Twilight would wait outside, just in case she would need moral support of any kind. Not that it was likely... but that's what friends are therefor.

The room was furnished just for princess Luna. No detail being left to coincidence.

It was a nearly round room with different blue accents scatters all around it. A calming color many would agree and even more so a fitting theme for the princess of the night. One of which being a dark purple carpet with red circling breaking the pattern. Blue/dark blue walls, covered in waves on the bottom and star like patterns from there on upwards. The windows being hidden behind thick ruby-colored curtains, leaving the illuminating to two black lanterns which looked like trees in the night, five white light-bulbs adorn the end of the 'branches' and in between a crescent-moon shaped bed with lantern atop, hanging above the mare like northern star would guide a traveler.

Luna laid in her bed, for once she looked very peacefully. Her mane was rough, since she must have rolled from side to side. The forehead seemed a bit sweaty, but her breath was calm. A towel got picked up, to remove the sweat carefully, waking up the mare.

“W-who... is there?” it came weak, when cyan eyes opened, wandering around.

“Shh... no worry. It's me, your sister...” the towel was put aside and a rag dipped into a bowl of water, standing on the nightstand. Luna tried to get up, but was carefully pushed down again.

“You have to rest...” the cool rag was put onto her forehead “... you still have some fever.

“We shall rest, when evil is ban-” once again she was carefully pushed down. “That's what i'm here to talk about.”

The young sisters face became grouchy, since she had heard enough lectures and this sure would be one of it “This is foul play, you motives are seen through!” the rag flew onto the wall and Celestia hold back, to touch her again, giving a glance to the door slid.

“Luna... we ain't fighting. Not without you.” the sisters response was a contempt “pah!”

“I'm sitting right in front of you and I ain't going anywhere, till you are better again.”

“Better you say?” an angry glance was thrown “We trained hard! Pity the fool, which dares to stop us!” it came glorious like a knight raising the moral of his cohorts.

“T-that wasn't what I mean! I want you to get well again... to be normal and-”

“You dare to call us crazy!?” it snapped.

“NO- I... I...” it whimpered “I... j-just want you back Luna... but I don't know what to dooo...” it then cried hard.

The blue mare looked away, but kept glaring at her every now and then “Hold in your doing, it befits not to show your weakness... a minor could come in.”

“... I can't! I'm just trying to tell you, that- that i'm sorry... and I don't care if all of Canterlot sees me like that!” it sobbed even harder, making Luna very uncomfortable, holding onto her blanket.

“YOU HEAR ME CANTERLOT!? I'M A FOOL...!” it screamed equally loud to Luna's royal voice, causing all kind of guards, gardeners, servants and guests to turn their heads towards the window, to than look at one another in utter confusion. “W-was that the princess!?” one asked, but nopony could tell. Celestia never would yell like that! That's unheard of... her sister for sure... but Celestia? THE Celestia... that's just unheard of!

A hoarse “... i'm nothing without you...” was given, sinking down on her bedside, head onto hooves, ruining the perfect polish of her golden horseshoes.

Luna still looked around, as if she tried to find guidance... but the one mare she looked up the most, the one she thought knew the answers – the one that seemed unbreakable in will... was broken. Was clueless. Lost.

As if this constant floating mane could be something breakable, the blue hoof tried to touch it carefully “I... also shall, admit mistakes...” it bit her lips, but it shook beneath her touch.

“No... you ain't to blame... Hng... - I... tried to make you somepony, y-ou aren't... and... we both paid the price.” it sniffed and huffed.

“Fear not... I shall destroy evil. I- I trained- i'm certain our magic will prevail...”

“No! That's not what I meant... not what they need-” It pointed towards the window “- we have to work together... we have to be sisters again! Not a...-puny princess and a stubborn warrior... we can be so much more... together!”

Celestia pulled deep breaths, in order to calm down, while Luna stroke absent her mane, trying to think hard how this was supposed to work.

“What if... may we... us thought that...” for once she was in her sisters horseshoes. Usual she was the one, coming up with cunning plans, while she would carry them out – charge into the enemy's flanks, to taste the glory of victory!

“I fear... we ain't a strategist, as sharp minded as you are...” it admitted “... dear sister.”

A small smile was given “... that wouldn't be you.” they eyes met “As much, as I am no warrior.” the princess shoved herself further onto the bedside, to lay onto Luna's chest, which blushed- still keeping an eye on the door “This is- quite... unsettling.” the mild protest came “... than we have to do it more often.” the mare cuddled up, like a oversize stuffed animal.

“... remember... we used to sleep every night like this...?” Celestia said quietly “We stood up all night... and you were brave – fought the monster under my bed all by yourself”
“Pshhh!” it hissed, to shut her, since that was just embarrassing “You also taught me to sneak by our maid... -remember the cookie jar?”

The younger tried to, but there were only vague images. They were both so young and it happened so much till today “Do you?”

The older gave a nod “I do... it was on the very top left, in the cabinet and... since magic was to bright and we could barely fly, you got onto my back and tried to steal it.”

Now the bit dropped... “y-yes... I grabbed it, but it was to heavy and we fell!” it snapped “i broke a wing, but you told them, I just tried to stop you...!?” - she must haven't thought about that for a millennium. Luna then also remembered, how she got a cookie, for her bravery, while her sister had to take over her duty's.

“You shared your cookie with me... -it was the best I ever had.” the white one sniffed.

“Restrain your sentimentalism -” it also sulked, smearing over her face.

Those were the times, when the world seemed innocent. Everything seemed easy and there was no wrongdoing. Breaking a jar wouldn't end the world. Telling ghost story's after midnight, didn't mean to miss a meeting in the morning... and they had to ask their maid for an extra juice, instead of having servants chase away, to get a selection of imported cider. How she missed those simple times... -when all this had changed? She couldn't even tell. One by one... had changed so silently, it seemed like it always has been that way.

“... I assume, you got a plan?” Luna wondered, willing to listen for what she has to say.

“I do not, but I know somepony very special who has” the door opened a slit and Twilight Sparkle dared to peek in. The young princess couldn't help to smile at the picture of harmony between the sisters.

Author's Note:

Head first through the wall only works for so long.
Sometimes you have to give in, in order to advance, especially if your sibling is stubborn as a mule ;p

*no offense was meant to any mule-readers. Mules are valuable members of our Equine society!

Unlike those Zebras >.o !