• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,211 Views, 17 Comments

The enhanced Stallion - Shenzy

When a metallic monster surfaces in Equestria, all clues point to the past...

  • ...

Buried and forgotten

“Let me go, you blockheads! I didn't do anything!” Rainbow struggled, but it was no use, those stallions were well trained and outnumbered her one to ten.

As soon as she was tied up, the mare got thrown like a sag of potatoes over one of the earth-ponies backs, which carried this struggling pack along “Hey! Let me go!”

“Oh shut up.” it came back – but of course she didn't.

“I was just looking! You can't do that...! Come on, let me go!”


The group made their way around the wreck and inside, climbing two floors up. The inside of the house silenced her for a moment since there were quite some things to look at! A lot of paintings, statues, exotic plants and all kind of fancy stuff, which reminded her on some boring museum or gallery... and hack if she knew which was which.

One of the stallions carefully knocked on a door, to wait for a response, while Rainbow kept struggling, winding herself left and right to get the rope lose somehow since it didn't seem like they would let her go any time soon, but all she managed was to fall to the ground. The stallions were about to load her up again, but a “Come in” was heard from the other side, so they simply dragged her along.

The group entered the room and two of the stallions threw her flat over the ground, in order to present their achievement to the ringleader.

“That's the one boss”.

“Yeah, the one kicking your flank!” she said and bit in his yellow ankle.

“Ouch!” the stallion quickly shook her off, squeezing a “You little brat!” through his teeth.

“Please, step aside” their boss waved and the stallions obeyed, forming a three stallion row to the left and right, while the rest left the room, returning to their duties.

The stallion in charge was a white slick stallion, with blue waved mane and a well-tamed blue mustache, wearing an elegant smocking, as well a monocle.

He bends down and gave Rainbow a close look, which now tried to bite him instead.

“Don't I know you?” he said thoughtfully.

“If you don't untie me, you get to know me!”

“I'm sure I know you” it came snobby “Yes, ain't you the Rainbow Dash?” it smiled at her.

This made Rainbow stop struggling “Huh?”

“What a joy to have you here!” he cheered, waving a “Be so kind and untie our guest” to his overly protective guards.

“Sure boss? She seems dangerous” one replied worriedly.

Rainbow kept her mouth shut for now since she planned to fly off, as soon the rope was gone.

“Oh, don't be ridiculous, she is friends with Mrs. Rarity, they are all well mannerly pony's, just like me”.

The guards glanced doubtful at once another, but if hesaid so ... and did as told.

Now even Rainbow scrapped her escape plan and waited to be untied, to stretch herself a few times after. The mare gave a last growl towards the henchman, to get them on distance, to get back on her new Allie “How comes you know me? Or Rarity? I mean - i'm awesome... but Rarity?” asking brash.

“We met on the Canterlot Garden Party, don't you remember my dear?”

Rainbow scratched her head “Uh, sure! You are....uhmm....” but failed to deliver a name.

The stallion laughed amused on this “Don't you worry, I also forget a name once in a while. May I reintroduce myself, my name is Fancy-Pants, part of the Canterlot high society.”

The blue mare was shaking and waving her head in all directions, till she gave up “Sorry, no idea.”

“Isn't she amusing!” he waved at his guards, which gave a forced laugh from them “But tell me, what brings you here of all places?”

“Hum!? Let me think...” she waved her hooves up in the air “How about that freaking wreck down there!? What happened!?”

“Oh, that incident. We ain't quite sure what happened. Isn't that so?” Now the guards nodded ashamed “But as it looks, my house was the target of a..” with that he swallowed hard like the word was foul “...robbery.”

“A robbery?”

“Yes, i'm afraid so. Right after the... the train broke though our walls, a stallion attacked my guard and took almost all of my precious artifacts, as well a noticeable amount of bit's with him.”

“Wohhh Wohhh wohhh... you say onestallion, beat up all those guys?” as she gave them a amused glance “quite some guys you got there!” she scoffed, to the displeasure of the stallions.

“Mrs. Dash, my men are only second to the Royal Canterlot Guard, I assure you! If this ruffian had been any ordinary stallion, they had caught him.”

Rainbow gave them a close look, on which she noticed a bunch of bruises and torn apart uniforms, as well a blue eye or two and other injuries. Most had returned home or in a hospital, looking like that. Tough...

“Sure” she shrugged “But where is that guy!? Spill it!”

“Well Mrs. Dash, i'm afraid he is long gone.”

“Oh come on!” looking around “Where did he go!? Hurry!” on which a yellow stallion replied “I think he... went north... but he has to muc-” the mare vanished in the blink of an eye, rushing away through a broken window, to catch up with the escape.

“Damn, that girl is fast!” another one gasped.

Fancy Pants laughed amused upon this comment “Of course she is, after all, she isthe trainer of the Wonderbolt's”.

Twilight just arrived at the property, to notice a rainbow-colored stroke rushing away, shouting “Rainbooow!” but it was no use, the mare was already nothing more than a spot in the distance.

The princess might wasn't as fast, but what really had slowed her down, was the conversation with the more than disturbed conductor and guests she had came across.

What they had told her didn't make much sense, but it was most likely, there were more answers waiting for her below.

As soon purple hooves touched the grass, she was greeting in common fashion “FREEZE!” it shouted, which got replied by a friendly “Oh, hi there”.

A few the stallions tried to tackle and overwhelm her, but a quick teleported to the side, let them crash head first into one another.

“Hey! I'm here to help!”

Than their leader came to the mix and began to shout as well, but not at the intruder, but his men for that matter“STOP YOU IDIOTS! IT'S THE PRINCESS! STOP I SAY!”

The gang immediately stopped their approach and after a short orientation look, threw them self onto the ground, showing their deepest respect towards the mare in their middle.

“Your Highness, we are terribly sorry!” “What bring you here?” “Can we be of any help!?”

It came towards her – a way more welcome way to greet her, but still it wasn't quite right “Please, raise...” she waved embarrassed “... and could anypony tell me what happened here?” winking a hoof towards the smoking ruins.

The second intruder was also brought to their boss, but this time without a rope and on her own hooves, as well with a tad more respect in their approach. Fancy-Pants was more than joyful surprised and explained everything in great detail to the princess, which listened carefully until Rainbow finally returned from her trip.

“Ah, Mrs. Dash! Glad you are back, are you alright? Do you bring good news?”

Twilight gave Rainbow a less warm greeting “Good question, are you alright? You can't rush of like this - it's dangerous to go alone.”

“Ugh, what ever, i just tried to catch that guy.”

Twilight just decided to play along, since she wasn't in the mood, for another debate “Okay than... did you at least find anything?”

“Well... not really, i mean – no, but it's not my fault! Those guys held me up!”

“That's to bad, because it seems we got a problem lying ahead.”

“Uh, what?”

“Fancy Pants was kind enough, to give me a detailed list of all things missing, some of which seem to be magical artifacts.”


“I was able to recall some of them from my studies and they might be dangerous”.

Rainbow now turned to Fancy Pants “Why you even got stuff like that!?”

“Over the years, I grew an affection to the ascetics of certain artifacts, some of which were given to me as presents. I wasn't aware of their dangerous nature since I had no intentions to use them” he assured her.

“Can you believe this guy!?”

“I'm sure he isn't lying when he said he didn't know. Most of them are several hundred years old and only vaguely described. They might be dangerous, they might not”.

The sports pony rolled her eyes “Great, so what now!?”

“We must get to Ponyville and inform the other Princesses, so we can find this thief together before somepony gets hurt”.

“Alright, got it!” with that the pegasus once again shot through the window and was gone.

“Is she always this enthusiastic?” Fancy Pants asked polite, on which Twilight could only agree “I'm afraid so.”

“Most amusing!” he chuckled.

“I have to leave” she gave him a nod, on which he bowed “Of course, your highness”.

“You don't have to bow and... Twilight is alright”.

Once again the stallion seemed pleasantly amused “As you wish.” he nodded simple, but elegant.

“If only Rainbow could be this calm and sorted... than again, that wouldn't be the Rainbow she knew” Twilight thought to herself with a smile, before making her way back to Ponyville.

Twilight landed in front of her Castle and got through the door in expectation to find Rainbow “Maybe we should gath- oh” but was surprised to find the rest of the six to be there as well.

“Oh, Twilight, i'm so glad you are alright,” Fluttershy said in relief.

Applejack agreed “We sure came as quick we could” while Rarity was still wringing her mane, to leave a water puddle on the ground “It sure could had waited... uh my beautiful mane” she sulked “...it's ruined, isn't it!?” while trying to make something out of the mess.

Also, Pinkie Pie looked somewhat ruffled since she was still covered in what seemed flour.

“Twilight!!” the pink pony screamed before running up and shake her rough “it's horrible! Hoorrrriiibbleee!!”

“Calm down Pinkie! it's not thatbad...” the alicorn replied somewhat confused.

“...not that bad!? NOT THAT BAD!!?” it shrieked “BUT -!” with that the earthpony presented a cake-tin, which had some flat dough in it “My souffle! it's ruuiiinnnnned!!” and threw herself dramatic on the ground, to sob some more about her flawed baking.

“Pinkie, put ya self together, will ya?” Applejack stomped, on which the mare jumped up from the ground with a bright “Okey dokie!” before picking up the cake-tin again and stuffing the sweet dough joyful into her round cheeks.

“Everypony calm down! I'm not sure what Rainbow told you already...” with that she gave her an angry glance, which replied with a brash wink like she was proud on her quick reaction.

“... but it's nothing to worry about. At least not yet.”

This was when Spike ran into the room, both claws waving through the air “Twilight, Twilight!!”

“Oh” the purple mare put a hoof on her face “Not you too Spike...”

“But Twilight, Princess Celestia-”

“Yes Spike” Twilight cut him off “We will write her any minute, but first I will explain what happened, so we are all on the same page.”

“Uhm... is this a bad time to mention, that Princess Celestia answered already?” the young dragon asked somewhat ashamed.

“What!? Rainbow!” It came once more.

“Eh, thank me later” the pegasus waved off.

The alicorn took a deep breath, put a hoof on her chest and while exhaling -slowly stretched it away... “Uhfffff...” before coming back to the dragon and the scroll “Please Spike” with that her magic took over and grabbed the role “I'm sure Princess Celestia agrees when...” her eyes flew over the scroll and her tone changed to become more serious “She... want to see all of us in Canterlot, immediately?”.

Now even Twilight got quite worried.

The blue pegasus got picked up by purple magic and dragged back from the door just seconds later.

“Not this time – we travel together!” Twilight made clear “...now... could somepony tell me, what exactly you wrote to the princess? Spike!?”

“Hey, she said there is no time to lose!” pointing on the struggling mare “so I wrote, there was a train accident and that a guy stole a bunch of magic stuff”.

“That's it?”

“Uhm, yeah... was that wrong?” he scratched his head.

“No Spike it wasn't, but I wished for some more detail. We have to set up a second letter, so the princess doesn't get any wrong idea.”

“On my way!” the dragon saluted and ran of to get quill and paper, while the others were done watching this odd conversation.

“Could somepony explain, what the hay is going on?”

“I have to agree with Applejack, it seems a bit confusing, doesn't it?”

“I... uhm... Twilight, could you maybe...?”

“Okay everypony, listen carefully...”

“Ey, le me down!” Rainbow interrupted, which was still hanging in mid air, while slowly spinning around her axis “Sorry”.

The magic vanished and the pegasus plumped onto the ground with a -omphf-

“Uh, sorry again...”

Now Twilight told the story in great detail to all of the friends.

“... to sum it up, it seems there is a robber on the lose, which had caused a train accident.”

“Oh my goodness, how awful” Fluttershy snapped startled.

“- luckily nopony got serious hurt...” she assured everypony “...but it doesn't end there, since the thief also stole a number of artifacts right after, which might could be dangerous, so we have to find him and make sure they don't land in the wrong hooves.”

Spike returned as promised and purple mare gave him also the list of stolen items, which she had received from Fancy Pants, as well a more detailed break down from the entire story, all of which he sent away, using of his magic fire breath – to receive answer within a minute later, in form of a green flame he spat out, which fell down as a ordinary scroll.

“That was quick” Spike wondered, handing the scroll to Twilight, which rose a eyebrow on this one as well, since it read just like the one before: asking for all of them, to come to Canterlot as fast as possible, without telling any further details on the why.

“Something wrong dear?” the unicorn asked, while still fumbling around with her mane.

“Hmm... Princess Celestia is still asking for us to come to Canterlot.---”

“Uh, Canterlot!” Rarity cheered, to get concerned right after “Oh... I have to fix my mane first, I can't step in front of the princess like this! I look like a ruffian!”

“That's gonna be fun!” Pinkie chipped in, throwing confetti around herself.

“Looks like we, gonna get on a road trip”

“Twilight, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked worried since the alicorn looked really thoughtful.

“Yes, i'm alright... I just hadn't expected this. All I wanted was to inform her, so we could coordinate the search, but apparently, the Princess thinks this is even more important than that.”

“Well, then better let's not waste any time and settle up!”

“Yeah, let's go!” Rainbow agreed.

“You are right, we should hurry.” Twilight agreed “Spike!”

“Yes ma'am?” he saluted once more.

“You stay here, just in case something happens – you can send us a letter any time, got that?”

“No problemo!” he confirmed and made a few quick steps, like a marching soldier, till Twilight and made her way outside, followed by the rest of the group, than he took a checking look... got back to his seat and pulled out a hidden comic from below “Ah... peace and quiet...” he grunted, while licking his claw-tips to browse some more.

The group was running towards the train station since they didn't want to leave their non-pegasus friends behind, when Rarity made a quick bow into her boutique and barely managed to catch the train, in which the others already were waiting.

“Rarity, where have ya been?”

“Solving an emergency of my own!” she replied sternly, to open the traveler's bag she had brought along and get out a hairbrush, as well a dozen other things.

On arrival, the mane six were welcome somewhat different than usual.

This time two chariots were waiting for them, along with about thirty of the Canterlot Guard, securing the area like they awaited some sort of attack.

This on itself had been strange enough, if not the rest of Canterlot had looked similar: troops were scattered everywhere and even some heavy fire arms got brought in position on some of the walls. This rose quite a lot of questions, which Princess Celestia would hopefully answer rather sooner than later.

“Your majesty! Princess Twilight and her company have arrived!” a white stallion reported to Celestia, which was patiently waiting in her throne room, sitting on her golden throne.

“Please, send them in” it came with a heartwarming tone to it.

The guard nodded and did as told.

Pinkie was the first one to burst into the room “PAR-TEY!” she screamed, throwing streamers and some confetti around herself, to be scolded by Rarity right away “Pinkie, please! We are here to meet the princess!”

The mare shrugged grinning “Aw, sorry, cause of habit!” and followed the others, with small jumps over the red carpet, on which Rarity just rolled her eyes.

As soon the group reached the end of the carpet, they lined up and greeted Princess Celestia, everypony in their own kind of way.

Applejack lifted her hat “Howdy Princess”.

“Hiii!” Pinkie waved excitedly.

Fluttershy and Rarity performed an appropriate curtsy, followed by a simultaneous “Your Highness”, which Rainbow clumsy tried to imitate, but let go, sticking with a “Hey... Princess” waving her hoof a few times casual.

Only Twilight stuck to a simple, but elegant nod, since she was also a Princess – and therefor on the same level as the white alicorn.

Just being near Celestia made all of them feel a lot better already.

No matter how much time you spend in her near, you simply couldn't help to feel home, like a visit on your parent's house... meeting an old friend... or having the joy of a beautiful day, coming to an end. This was nothing new. It was like anypony felt, since Celestia was the one that was always there: ruling the land with wisdom and grace, to make everypony as happy as possible, giving all the love, one mare could possibly offer – asking for nothing in return.

“I'm glad you all followed my instruction's so quickly, I fear there is no time to lose” the mare made clear since her voice had lost it's warm touch all of a sudden.

“Is this because of the robbery? I'm not even quite sure about the artifacts...” Twilight said disturbed.

“Twilight, it's not about the artifacts...” the mare shook her head “... I don't worry about those, but the thief itself”.

Rainbow stepped in at this point “Hey, wasn't that the guy from Galloping Gore?”

The purple alicorn already gave Rainbow an annoyed glance but was surprised when the white one agreed on this one “Yes, I fear it's the same one” the princess made clear.

“What? Whats with Galloping Gore!? Applejack asked concerned “I got a family living up there!”

“Well, that guy got into the bank – and just BANG! Tore it apart!” with that Rainbow performed some fighting moves, how she imaged the how the incident, getting her friend all upset “Oh gosh, why nopony told me!?” the earth pony jumped up “I have to help them!”

“AJ, calm down! It's alright, this happened yesterday, he left town already, isn't that right?”

“Uh, ye, sure- he s gone! … didn't I mention that?” the pegasus wondered.

The cowgirl looked between the two back and forth “Y-you sure!?”

“My dear Applejack, the Canterlot Guard was sent there, to make sure everypony is safe and they confirmed the initial report, that he left town and nopony was hurt”.

Twilight had to wonder “Wait, if that article was right, why got it then removed?”

“Yeah! You made me look like a dork!” Rainbow added, to get all quite right after “... your highness.”

“W-what article?” Fluttershy asked confused.

“That one!?” with that Pinkie hold up one of the original newspaper.

“... where the heck did you get this!?” Rainbow wondered.

“Ponyville of course!” she smiled brightly.

“That's not what-… ah forget it” the pegasus gave up right away.

“This is why you are all here because this is more important than stolen riches or magical artifacts” with that the princess got up, to perform a short flight towards the right of the group. The white horn sparked up and drew something like a bow of light, which turned into a portal as soon the second end touched the ground, through which she then simply stepped away.

The others looked at one another and decided to follow right through, only Pinkie got to the side of the portal and took a closer look. Looking from the sides, it was barely more than a sparkling line. A look from behind revealed nothing more than the throne-room they been in- trough which she even dared to jump without any result... but from this side – the front, it was like a whirlpool of pitch-black fog. The mare stuck her nose in, the head- took another look and then the rest.

The corridor they found themselves in, looked like a dungeon, which hadn't been used in centuries. The walls were made out of thick and rough formed stone blocks, the ground was made out of gray stone plates, which felt like sandpaper below their hooves and from the ceiling hung stalactite, some of which dripping cold water into puddles beneath.

This place didn't seem like it was meant for any living creature. The only somewhat soothing thing about this depressing place were the torches on the wall, which sparked up one after another, to enlighten the way ahead, giving everything an orange touch of dancing light, like on a campfire, in some very... very dark forest.

The white princess stopped at the end of the corridor, waiting for the others to enter this most unwelcome chamber. It was barely bigger than a barn and hadn't any more to offer than the corridor had already given away. The air tasted pale and overall it looked more like a grave, than anything else - filled with cold, that tried to crawl right under your skin.

“This is why you are all here” the princess announced over her shoulder, before enlightening the last torches to reveal a collection of mostly destroyed statues lined up along the walls.

“What... are those?” Twilight tilted her head.

The princess made a comprehensive gesture with her hoof “Those... are our worst enemy.”

Author's Note:

Speaking about corpses in the basement o_o Yikes!
How comes that Celestia's first reaction to problems is to 'barium'

Pff... sorry, i couldn't resist XD

Ahem... but, she really never has heard of "A stitch in time saves nine."
Perhaps Rarity should rule Equestria... and given the way things are going right now (in the show) ... *shrugs*