• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,208 Views, 17 Comments

The enhanced Stallion - Shenzy

When a metallic monster surfaces in Equestria, all clues point to the past...

  • ...

Friends first class

Twilight took a look at the badly beaten Luna, which was laying flat on her side, coughing and clenching teeth after in order to deal with the pain. The poor thing had been hit the hardest since there had been no way to dodge the attack without stopping her own -and by Star Swirls beard, this mare had been way too stubborn to do that. Celestia for her part had been hit too, but not nearly as bad, able to somewhat brace herself.

Feathers stroke along blue fur, engulfed in a soft yellow light by the elder's horn.

A simple healing spell, meant to stabilize the young mare. Twilight for her part kept peeking onto the street every now and then, onto the motionless figure down there.

He still stood there. Frozen in motion, surrounded by ruins... most of which caused by Luna's magic but, maybe it had been enough? They had won by the looks of it, at least he seemed broken?

It was hard to tell from up here, but there hadn't been a second to spare. Bringing everypony to safety was her first concern. Twilight hadn't even noticed, that he had stopped moving till Celestia had drawn attention to it “You think it is...?” “I'm not sure”

Suddenly the stallion threw himself on the ground and rolled around, swatting his hooves into thin air – jumping up, crashing into debris and crawling over the molten ground, while rocking from side to side, giving the impression he was fighting an enemy, which wasn't there! There must be something seriously broken! More then one loose wire...

The mares observed how it punched a pile of rocks, got his hoof stuck and after some pulling - tripped backward and fell onto his side...- stopped moving again for about thirty seconds. Maybe... now it was broken? Wait! No, it wasn't - it stood up again and looked around... -maybe searching for them? Turning a few times on the spot... - to just make a few swaying steps, turn one more time and run into a seemingly random direction. Huh.

“We must follow him!” Twilight snapped, about to jump out of the window and chase after, but got stopped by a white wing “We have to choose our battles wisely” making the mare think one more round about the situation. The city was hit badly and couldn't take much more before being uninhabitable ... they all were exhausted... and injured, especially Luna.

However lucky the next fight would go, somepony would pay a high price. Yet victory had seemed so close... a disappointment to say the least “You are right, we should bring-”

Luna was up again and looked angrier than anything else.

Where – is - it!?” the warrior huffed with clenched teeth, her legs shaking and the right wing being pulled along the ground. Will, however, apparently unbroken.

The mares looked at one another and Celestia was the one to answer a short “It's gone”.

“Do we have destroyedit?” Luna checked still furious... but the white head shock.

Luna's face stood on fire, like anger could melt down the entire building “GRRRR-WAAAHHH!” as she blew a hole into the wall nearby and flapped wings! “Nrrg...” her teeth clenched but took of anyways. Pulling itself higher the alicorn drew a couple of jagged circles around the area, before giving up on it... heading towards Canterlot, but not without dropping in height several times. No goodbye, not caring for the damage caused.

It was up to Twilight and that beloved sister of hers to deal with that.

At least there they could play to their strengths since fighting clearly wasn't one of them!

Citizens were allowed to return as soon it was sure he wouldn't come back. They were led into the spared districts, while the Royal Guard kept a straight lock-down on the damaged areas. Only police and fire-horses were let in, as well as qualified workers.

The last thing they could allow for, was a pony to run into one of the insecure buildings. Those that were slanted, falling apart or as so often- still on fire. A cause the alicorn's tried to fix by channeling water from hydrants into the upper floors, letting it flood from top to bottom.

Not quite an elegant solution, but better than trying to save broken furniture, while fire spread onto surrounding buildings might worth saving.

Once the mayor fires were put out and boiling streets cooled with an icy-blast, it was time to get more organized. Pony's needed more than town had to offer right now, so...

A gymnasium had to be a school for a couple of weeks... local stores were ordered to give free food for those in need to be later compensated by the royal treasuries. There also were orders given to hoof out some basics like: blankets, toothbrushes with paste and even toy's for the children. Whatever would make the situation somewhat acceptable.

Towns ponies didn't blame the princesses. At least not yet. Everypony had a lot on their plate and many were just happy to been left out of this carnage. Apparently whatever had attacked the city must be as bad as this centaur back then... luckily nopony seemed to miss magic or flight so... good news? Didn't make them much happier, however.

Yet, helping the most was to see the princesses around. They really tried to pull things together and gave as much lead and advice one could hope. Clearing debris was nice, but what pony's really needed was somepony to look up to. Inspiration. Hope!

All of which Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight were willing to give to all those in need, which then again spread it themselves. How could you not feel humbled, once you saw this ravaged mares working hard in between common citizens? Using more than just magic, but getting hooves dirty when trying to pull up a knocked over a tree with nothing more than a rope and half a dozen earthponys? A picture kinda awkward to watch.

Last and most important was a personal thing the princesses asked in every street “Today had been a dark day for Tall Tale, but there are pony's that lost even more than that... the ones without homes, places to work... or in need of supplies. If you can help anypony in one of those regards, I know we can help everypony with all they need. This town isn't lost, as long pony's find the courage to help one another. Please, try to listen, give what you can... and be assured, we too will send all the help possible. Thank you.”

When the sun was about to set behind the horizon... and Celestia had made sure to take her time with that... the two alicorn's gave the last farewell to let their officials take over the crisis management. Needless to say, they basically collapsed once getting into their chariots and out of sight of the crowd. Today had pushed them simply over their limits.

“Hold still, this might burn a little...” the orange unicorn said, before tapping some blue paste on Twilight's leg.

“Ouch...” - the alicorn tried to keep her smile, but the doctor still backed off three steps, since the last time he had done this, a certain blue one had burned of two-thirds of his tail.

“I'm sorry your majesty! Its-”
“-blue-fern, I know.” she took a breath “Used for accelerated healing, due to the helping nature in magical medical treatment; first discovered by Tares the great.” rattling down the facts, like a bored student.

“Absolute right!” it came baffled, after which he dared to get a phew steps closer again, continuing the procedure, but even more carefully than before.

“Well gosh, looks like ya got quite a beating” Applejack pointed out, being the first visitor.

“I have to ask you to leave, the princess is in no state to-”

“Its okay... they belong to me.” Twilight cut him off once more.

“...princesses” he sighed and continued, while Pinkie got on his side and sniffed on some of his bottles and pastes.

“Oh my goddess, Twilight a-are you alright?”

“Nothing serious” she assured Fluttershy “Will be back on my hooves in no time, isn't that right?” gesturing at the doctor.

“If you would hold still, I could agree”.


“... so, did you blow it to bits or what?” Rainbow poked.

“No, not at all...” she admitted and broke down what basically happened.

“Oh my, that sounds horrible, doesn't it!?”

“Yeah, you got your flanks kicked!”

“Thank you Rainbow, helps me a lot” it came sarcastic, since the last thing she needed, was salt in her wounds.

“What? It's true!”

Twilight's head landed flat on her legs- giving a disturbing long sigh off her.

“Hey doc, you got more of dat fancy blue stuff?” Applejack asked.

“Of course” the stallion nodded “The castle contains big reserves in case of an emergency.”

“Good” with that AJ slapped Rainbow on the back of her head “Ouch!”.

“Uhm... are p-princess Celestia and Luna are hurt too?” Fluttershy mumbled concerned.

He instantly waved this off “I can't give you information over one of my patients.”

“Oh... I do understand that...”

“They are alright” Twilight gave away, making the doctor sigh one more time.

If fixing their manners was just as easy as treating their wounds... oh he wished!

“Ueww!” Pinkie frowned, trying to spit out some yellow gel she had a nibble from his med-kit “I thouwght thats hownwy... hawne... whwaamny...”

“It's a narcotic. Please don't touch my medicine and... take – these” hoofing her a green pill.

“Twasdes liwge cwembwwawy!” it came excited with a lot of spit between words.

“Twilight, darling?” Rarity tried, to get some attention from the depressed mare.

“Huh?” her head tilted on the side.

“I know it might isn't the best time, but well... how do I put delightful? How we gonna... you know...!?” she spun her hooves a phew times “Get his flanks kicked!” Rainbow shouted.

Rarity gave her a disturbed look “Something, like this... yes”

Twilight ruffled her self up to her audience “I have... no idea” and let her head hang one more time “Its not like three alicorn used all of their magic without any result!” she suddenly snapped rapidly “...and he just took it - and ran off! I mean, what good is magic, if it doesn't work!? How we are supposed to st-” AJ put a hoof onto her mouth “Its alright Twi, we figure something out”.

The mare took a deep breath and lowered the hoof from the snot “I gOUHess!”

The purple mare gave the doctor a grouchy glance, but he just pulled the needle out and put it away, along with his other stuff. Hoofing a red lollipop, for being such brave patient afterwards “See you hopefully un-soon, your highness.” he bowed respectfully and left.

“HEW! WHAT ABOUT MEW!” Pinkie screamed, on which Twilight offered her the sugar-stick. This way, at least one pony's problems were solved.

“If you don't mind, I got to write a letter and try to think of something...” their friend sulked and shuffled away.

“Gosh, she sure looks depressed, what ya think?”

“We have to cheer her up! All it takews cake and balloowns and stweames and chooowolate milk!”

“Ehhhh... don't think that works” Rainbow threw in.

“Don't get me wrong, but you ain't an expert insensitivity, are you?”

“Hey, maybe i'm not that -sappy-” she quoted with hooves “- but I know how much it sucks to lose - and she sure lost big time!”

“M-maybe Rainbow is right... we could think of something else”

“Alright, what ya think, how we get her spirit up again?” AJ asked, looking at the blue pegasus, alongside the others.

“Hu? Woh woh woh- why me?”

“Its obvious, isn't it? You know best how she feels, darling.”

The pegasus looked grouchy “Do you say i'm a loser!?”

“W-hat Rarity meant was, that you uhm... maybe know, how to cheer up somepony, after they... lost?” it came whispered.

Rainbow let go of her suspicious look “If you put it like that...” she tapped her chin “I did made plenty ponies lose...” crossing her hooves and best-thinking face.

“...for starters: the winner could tell the loser, that he didn't do that bad... show some spirit!”

“Don't think gonna work...” AJ threw in “...sumething else?”

“Gimme a sec, will ya?” Rainbow grunted “...well, if I lost – which happened almost never- I think, it was nice... if...if...” than it struck her “My coach! Yeah, if my coach said something nice!”

“... but Twimight doesm't has Mhmhm am coach!” Pinkie said, while nibbling her lolly.

“True dat, she doesn't! - but she sure has a princess, she looks up to!”

“What an splendid idea darling!” Rarity agreed.

“Hey, that was my idea!” Rainbow snapped.

The cowgirl nodded “Right, that's why you are going”.

“Wait, what!?”

“Sure thing, we can't all bother her, after all - she also had quite a day.”

“Applejack, you really sure about... that?” Rarity asked overly careful.

“She sure is the best one for the job” it came without a doubt “Anypony against dat?”

One hoof rose.

“Somepony with me?”

For hooves rose.

“Oh- come on!”

A phew minutes later, the door to Celestia's room was opened, a blue mare pushed in and shut after – against which she then hammered “Hey! Let me out! You damn bunch of...”

“Can, I help you?” a heartwarming voice asked.

“Uhh...” the pegasus swallowed “Heyyy... princess, didn't know you were here!”

The princess was laying on a big red carpet in front of a fireplace, alongside bakery and some of her favorite tea – Morning Dew. Obviously meant, to help her relax.

“Those are my room's” she smiled at her.

“Right...” the blue pegasus nodded slowly, after which it hasty tried to pull on the door nob a few more times without any use. The door probably was locked from the outside.

“Is something wrong?”

The mare pointed at the door, before pulling a phew more times.

“Why don't you join me?”

Rainbow continued till the information was processed “Uhm... join?” she asked doubtful, still hanging on the nob, with the remaining hoofs pressed against the door.
“If you like.”

There was something about her voice, which made it hard to resist. Even swallowing the urge to just get out of here... seemed to dwindle away.

“... i'm not to big a tea fan” Rainbow admitted shy while letting go of the door and going the first couple steps.

The princess considered this and gave a simple “Servant” from her – on which immediately a white mare stood in the door, behind which Rainbow could see her “friends” peeking.

“What do you like?” the alicorn asked towards the stunned mare.

“I... maybe, cider?” it shrugged.

“Anything else?”

There wasn't to much she could think of “I guess not?” it cam sheepishly.

The princess gave a well-mannered nod and the white mare closed the door carefully, to return not even a minute later with a cart, on which she had a selection of different ciders.

“Thank you” Celestia smiled at her and the servant left the room backward, still holding a humble bow.

“So... I can... uhm...” Rainbow pointed towards the cart and received a graceful nod as well.

Now she totally forgot all tension and grabbed a big glass of this rare joy! “Ghwwaa.... that's some good cider!” it came after the first, before fetching another one, this time from a bottle with a darker touch to it “Uhhh not bad, not bad!” she liked her lips, to look excited, which one to pick next. “I would recommend this one” the princess gave away, tapping onto one of the almost transparent ones.

Celestia had lived for many years and seen more than anypony else, but those were the little things, that gave her the most joy... like watching this mare rushing down half a bottle at once “Anything else I can help you with?” the princess said amused, about the sudden change of heart.

Rainbow hold in her cider consumes and put the bottle back down again, to give an ashamed grin, before swallowing cheeks full of delicious apple-juice “Ehh... yes... I...”

“Please, why don't you come closer and we talk?”
The pegasus let go whatever she had in hooves and quickly moved closer, sitting down onto the same red carpet... which turned out to be very comfy. Soft and fuzzy.

So she rubbed her front hooves over it, like Rarity trying to guess a fabric.

The princess giggled amused, which made the mare raise an eyebrow at her.

“Something wrong my dear?”

“No, not really...” it shrugged “I mean, it is... but... you know?”

“Do I?” the head was tiled.

“I guess...” Rainbow thought about it “I hope... uhm... do you?”

The princess just smiled at her “Do I make you feel insecure?”

“Nooooo... of course not... why would I!?” her eyes going straight towards the wall behind “No reason to be nervous here.”

“Well, than it was nice talking to you”

There was a long pause and the pegasus stood up. The princess had closed her eyes and zipped some more tea. “... I go then.” - there was no reaction, till she was on the nob and remembered, why she even stood on the side of this door. “Wait a second!” now she marched back, in front of her majesty “How come you are so relaxed – have you seen Twilight!? She's - a wreck!”

The cup levitated down. Half of the tea missing “Do I make you nervous?”

“Not really, I just don't get - how you can sit here and zip tea... your highness”

An eye opened to look at the mare “So... what has changed?”

The blue eyebrows came together “I... don't get it...”

Now both purple eyes looked at her “When you came in, you seemed upset... and nervous... - something must have changed.”

“I... have no idea... - the others pushed me in and I just thought you would - be like Twilight and all that.”

“The princess smiled “Than there is your answer. Now go... we will talk later.”

When the pegasus left the room, the others greeted her eagerly “What did she say?”

“You have talked about Twilight, did you?” “Come on Dash... spill the beans. Is she talkin or not?” “Tell us, tell us, tell us!”

“She... didn't really say much... we just sat there and drank tea and some cider... and...” there was her thinking face again. Serious with hooves crossed in front of her chest. “... man that cider was good...” it mumbled. The pegasus wasn't of any use by the looks of it, so the others let go and made its way towards the kitchen “Shoot... and I thought thad be it.” “Don't be so harsh, we still got Pinkies idea.” “Lets make chocolate! Or cherry? Cherry-Chocolate! With creammmmmmm...!” she licked her lips in excitement.

“WAIT! I GOT IT!” it screamed down the hallway, before dashing forward, around and in front of them “Look: I was totally nervous when you threw me in and then there was cider and tea and I wasn't anymore and the thing different was me, not her!”

The group of three looked somewhat confused at one another “Dash, are you alright?” the orange hoof reached out to feel temperature, but was slapped aside “Just listen for a sec, okay? ...Celestia was absolute cool...- and she was right. Like totally! She gave me the feeling that I could talk to her – and that everything was alright and… -she didn't just say that, I felt it like in here... or there” it touched her chest “somewhere around there” circling the spot “- your tummy?” Pinkie asked.

“- whatever!” the hooves flew up “The point is: she just didn't tell me anything at all, but showed it to me! ...Celestia really believes that stuff will be alright and then I did believe it too…- and how are we supposed to give Twilight the feeling that we gonna kick that things flanks, if we don't believe it our self's!?”

Now the three of them seem to get it, giving a group “Ohhhhh...” from them.

Incredible insightful from a mare struggling to admit reading a good book once in a while.

“Usually Twilight is the one to keep her cool, using her head and all that... but now we have to! … aannnnnnnd... that's all I got” Rainbow shrugged to close it off, waiting if the spat out wisdom made any sense to them or if it was another dead end.

“You know what Darling, you hit the nail on it's... - where it's supposed to be hit!” the unicorn said confident “If Twilight can't be confident, it's up to us to fit the role!”

The farm-pony rose on her hind-legs, for a passionate “Yeha! That's the spirit!”

“Twiillliiight!” Pinkie screamed, charging ahead, followed by a group of overly confident friends!

Author's Note:

Friendship is m...agnificent :3

The difference between every other person and a hero is the heroes will to get up when everything tries to get you down!
Everyone can be a hero... - all you need is to think positive, smile (smile smile) and let others do the dirty work!


Friendship advice rating: F