• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,211 Views, 17 Comments

The enhanced Stallion - Shenzy

When a metallic monster surfaces in Equestria, all clues point to the past...

  • ...


Water Splash!-ed when they arrived in... a fountain?
Not him, but Luna, she stood knee deep in water. A marble 'Adonis' next to her kept spitting a constant stream of water from his horn onto the mares head, soaking mane and coat as well.

“For light's sake, get out of the fountain” the magician grumbled at the mare which was about to do just that. Apparently the 'Adonis' was a … king of sorts. Not Sombra, but if the golden tag beneath him was anything to go by, was this a likeness of; 'King Umbrum'?
Hm... didn't ring any bells, but then again, she wasn't Starswirl the Bearded.

Stepping out the fountain Luna shook like a stray “Brrwrwrwrwrwrwww!” sending water flying everywhere, forcing the unicorn to take cover behind a shield of the weather forecast (in which sun was promised), which shortly after struck the princess – paff! “Ouch!? How- dare you!?”

The paper swung around, so Luna's magic reached out to get into a tug war, when the mare noticed the paper was merely pointing at a monumental castle less than a hundred meters away. They stood right in the middle of the royal garden or... park or whatever!? “Oh...” -upon realization she let go, before quickly going for the open area between garden and castle.

Just before Luna would pass the fence framing the gorgeous area, the blue unicorn motioned her to stop, but aside from a few chariots dropping and picking up ponies, she couldn't see the problem “-why do we stop?” eyes scanned around and... it was only then when the mare's gaze went up, curious why there wasn't any snow falling? The sky was still there and clouds too, but a flimsy shield shimmered like a soap bubble right above their heads... -and it span across the entire town! All around those gigantic walls; miles upon miles -as far the eye could see! Which astonishing display of magic. How could they possibly sustain such delicate magic, let alone on such a vast scale!? It had to be unicorn magic... - a relic she would have understood, but this? Somepony had to renew the spell constantly! And the city itself it- was an odd mixture of 'Empire' and Ponyville. Classic wooden housing blending with black crystal stones. How bizarre! Just too bad she wasn't here for sight-seeing... and speaking off-

“Over there” the unicorn pointed at a group of four, consistent of: fair Jack, mechanic Tenet, a gray pegasus she hadn't seen yet and- the white mare! Luna was about ninety percent sure it was the one she was looking for!

“Hold in Ace, we cann-WHACK!-Ouh!” “Nopony!” the flattered paper threatened until Luna tore it out of his magic grasp for good, which failed to impress the magician “-is allowed to call me that!” he growled at the alicorn, which growled right back at him~ magic sparks raining between them to the ground “-your frieeend did!” came trough clenched teeth, the answer just as tense “None of your freaking business! It's: Swift Move or nothing!”

Gggrrmm!Pffff!” pulling back from the starring contest (but without batting an eye) the princess snorted “-bring me the mare!”

If looks could kill; this would have ended i a gruesome draw!

Swift Move was the first to blink, if only so he could roll eyes and mumble more insults. The horned mule eventually shuffled for his friends, baring the weight of incompetence on his shoulders- a burden which wasn't his, but it still stuck to him like crazy-glue.

“Swift Move, a pleasure to see you” Sledge greeted well mannered and well-spoken, as always, while his wife took a more casual approach and swung hooves around his neck “It's so good to see you!” rubbing round cheeks against the grumpy frown.

Tenet gave a nod for a more dry “-better late then never” since the mage was in fact late for their hearing or at least the gathering, before the hearing. Jack for his part seemed unusual reserved since he kept his mouth shut for once, the two of them exchanging a lasting look over the mare's shoulder with the earth pony being the one to look uncomfortable, like Ace had turned into a ghosts of sorts.

Meanwhile the hug provided a welcome opportunity for the unicorn to whisper, making for one twitching ear and a hug loosing all it's comfort, to be replaced with concern in it's place. Swift move eventually pulled out of it, leaving it to Muse to spill the beans again by leaning in for her husband which did his best to retain a stoic face, despite the bad news.

“What's the matter?” Tenet asked, rising a brow at the group. Everypony had gone very quiet all of a sudden and he couldn't help to feel left with pony's looking at each other but avoiding eye contact with him “-appointment, anypony?” a hoof gestured annoyed for the palatial palace one couldn't miss!

“It looks like we have an impasse” Sledge addressed the issue “that's why we need you to go ahead and make sure we won't miss our appointment. Could you do this for us?”

Tenet looked at Sledge and the rest of the group which all looked back at him, except for Swift Move, which didn't care.

... what?” eyebrows got together, turning the face into a frown “-if we miss our appointment we won't get a chance for another year! What's the matter!?”

“We won't miss it” Sledge assured calmly “-you can take Jack with you. The scroll will grant you entry” he said using a wing to pull it out of it pocket “Remember; you have to talk to the federal-” “Cut it out already! Either you tell me what's the matter or i'm going home! Every-freaking-time you- you think you just have to pull a straight face and lie to me! How stupid you think I am!?” he barked at the pegasus “Why i'm even trying to help you is bey-” a hoof tapped Tenet's shoulder which he pulled away before noticing it was his wife trying to get his attention “Tenet please calm down! He didn't mean it! It... it's a- a... a family matter. It's difficult, that's why we have to be alone...”

Muse face was worrisome... and sad. The small mare's body-language disarming. Shoulders hung low and so did ears like she just had been told about somepony passing away, eyes glistering a little brighter, possibly trying to be brave. Of course Sledge knew this too was a lie, but Tenet couldn't help to feel bad for yelling, letting go of his anger to take a deep breath “Alright... I, see what I can do...”

“Thank you” the females white snout brushed against his cheek, which still wouldn't light up. Perhaps he was still to angry... or simply knew that Muse too had lied to him. Either way the gap between the friends had just gotten bigger and it would only get harder to overcome. Either way, they all had reasons to feel bad about themselves, because this wasn't how friends were supposed to act.

“Muse... ”

“I didn't lie” she said firmly “He is part of the family”

Princess Luna watched the entire spectacle from afar and wouldn't know how to feel about it. Clearly those ponies knew another very well, but none of them seemed particular evil. Instead, she witnessed the group fight like any other by having an mostly reasonable argument, even if they didn't reach any conclusion... and to be fair: not every problem could be solved within twenty minutes.

Luna met the remaining three ponies half way. The pegasus. The mare. And annoyance.

“My name is-” the pegasus wing rose to signal they got the picture “We are aware of the situation. My name is Sledge. You met Swift-Move” the other wing then gestured to his side “My wife, Muse.”

“You wanted to talk to me?” it was unsettling for Muse to be starred at like this, like Luna had some kind of obsession about her, despite the fact they never met.

“I seen you before” Luna's head nodded for the dark horizon “You were trapped inside a water tank, standing in a laboratory of sorts... -why!? What does it mean? When the five of you are friends why would he trap you like this? Is this part of the magic!? To then use a metal puppet to attack us! Did you help him!? Is this how it works or are you in any danger? Speak!”

Swift Move scoffed at this nonsense “Pff- as if...”

While Muse shook her head like she had heard wrong “Attack? He... he wouldn't...

“He would” Sledge added after some careful consideration “which is why we won't help you”

Poff! “I demand an explanation!” the baffled mare stomped!

“Sledge, we must try to help-” “No. We can not. Muse, even if what she say's is true which we can't possibly prove, we are nothing but a fabrication of a degrading mind. One I remind you; is put into this state by this mare, which leaves only one thing we must...”

Sledge took a deep breath to then let shoulders and wings hanging deep “... end”

End!?” Luna couldn't believe she was facing three ponies which tried to show her the cold shoulder in a moment like this! When they should help another the most, instead of leaving a friend- in fact two of them- to rot! The first breaking apart like a piece of porcelain falling from the sky -the other trapped underground Faust-Knows-Where! So it didn't came to any ponies surprise the princesses voice wasn't just angry, but outright bitter “Friendship does never end! Not like this! A friend isn't helped by doing nothing!”

“Your suggestion being? Give away our secrets? Tell Tenet to trust you with my wife's life? Because I highly doubt he would put Muse in any sort of danger, while you have every reason to either prolong his suffering or punish my wife in his place instead.”

“He... he loves me... or used to...” Muse confirmed with the guilt of being unaware for so long, having hurt his feelings in the process, even if she didn't meant to “-i'm sorry.”

Luna grit teeth. There was no talking to them! Not with them being absolutely convinced that; whatever Tenet had done, he did do for areason. So this wasn't showing the cold shoulder, but being loyal towards a friend, going as far to trust him with one of their life's.

This wouldn't take away from the fact her guts told her otherwise! She knew there there was something fundamentally wrong! None of this made sense! Nopony would fight her to the teeth to then brake apart for no reason! There was a piece of the puzzle missing and it was starring her right in the face. Shooting an angry glance. Right in the angry... face... as if...

The stubborn mule. He had said something earlier. Not much, but enough to bring light in the dark, like a match could illuminate the deepest cave “When I told you about what I saw, you were not concerned for your friends... oh no, you thought I was lying... you wouldn't believe a word I said, but it wasn't what I said about your friend you didn't believe...”

Swift Move's gaze turned to Sledge which shook his head slightly, telling him without words that the mare was up to something and he shouldn't do whatever he was thinking about... most likely violence.

Luna got closer to the blue unicorn which stubbornly looked the other way, while the alicorn got closer... and closer... close enough to breath down his neck! The snout inches from touching his face to whisper a sinister “-because... this-isn't-how-it-works-”

If looks could kill the unicorn would have dropped this moment, the cyan gaze going right trough him and the mountainside in the distance, before purple ones threw a just as devastating glare right back! “-you are an idiot”

“No, but i'm right!” the princess spat right back at the mage “-this is not how it works!

Luna backed off. She knew she had hit home with this one. It was written all over their faces “She wasn't in this tank to help anypony but somepony put her in there. Tenet being the one to put Muse in this tank. She wasn't part of the spell but rather -preserved ….and THIS is what broke your friend!” the hoof pointed at the group, moving from pony to pony, causing their snouts heads to lower shamefully “When I forced him to free Muse, the pony he loved” Muse winced “-this was what destroyed him! He couldn't stand to see her like this! He couldn't protect her anymore! He had to give up the one thing he cared about since he clearly didn't care about anypony else at this point. Not even himself!”

A harsh left-right combination of truth and realization hit the group right in the face, giving the all of them something to chew on, if not to equal parts.

Muse for her part felt simply sick. A hoof went for the stomach, while a sickening feeling spiraled higher to the point the felt like throwing up- chocking and gagging, while a wing kept stroking her back “Just let it all out” Sledge whispered absentmindedly.

A lengthy sigh was given with hooves slowly slipping of the unicorns blue face, having to deal with an alicorn-sized hangover “For light's sake” the hoof-tip hammered against the side of his forehead like a woodpecker, representative of the mare's blabbermouth “-just get to the point!” to then be pointed at the surrounding void which used to be a town not too long ago.

“Pardon me, but one doesn't make it easy!” Luna said with snout held high, offended that her detective skills weren't given any credit... later perhaps, once she got to tell the others “My point being; if your friend” a hoof waved for the sour-mouthed mare “had a condition one could treat with medicine, wouldn't you agree he would have tried?”

Sledge nodded silently, so did Muse, slowly.

Swift Move cut to the chase “Let me guess; a curse?”

“Afraid so... and something tells me I know who did it” ccchhucchchhhh~ the growling of several ten thousand tons of stone braking apart drew the groups attention to the castle. Mighty towers leaning to the side until breaking apart, falling onto the main structure to shatter, tearing holes into the roof... or tumble harmlessly into the abyss being the first pieces to vanish. The main structure and it's foundation then turned away, simultaneously a lengthy rift shot right past the group, clawing another chunk of plaza with it.

The groups gaze watched with awe how a building the size of a small mountain was swallowed effortlessly by the dark laying beneath.

“... what was he like?” Luna asked reverently, raising her voice just enough to be heard over the shattering of stained glass windows, for Sledges chin to rise and reply proudly “I rather tell you what he wasn't; a tyrant. Sombra was more than a gifted unicorn or noble royal, he was the kind of ruler strolling trough streets to talk to us first hoof. Get to know our problems or simply tell a colorful fable. My father once found him repairing a neighbors roof... while when he got older, his focus shifted from single housings to snowed in villages. King Sombra grew... and so did our trust in his rule... that's why we brought our plans. That's why we didn't see it coming...”

“-you are saying that you don't trust me”

The spot the four were standing had shrunken to no more than the size of Fluttershy's living room.

“I'm asking what makes you different?”

A legit question knowing where he was coming from. Trusting on a fair rule for their friend would be hard enough on their own but there also was the prospect of their invention being abused yet again. Muse once gave her life to stop corruption from happening, yet it still hadn't been quite enough and now Tenet was the one giving himself up to prevent history from repeating itself. Even if she would let Muse go, it wouldn't bring back Tenet, let alone prevent Luna from abusing their work eventually.

Princess Luna also had an infamous track record of not being herself. When she was young, feelings of jealousy turned love and admiration into bitterness and hate, transforming the blue alicorn into the monstrosity Nightmare Moon. A mare just as dark as King Sombra with the goal of bringing eternal night over the land and rule it all by herself. Back then stood only one thing between day – and eternal night, Princess Celestia. She was the one to pick up the fight, wielding the mysterious Elements of Harmony to do the unthinkable; by banishing her own baby sister for a thousand years to the moon

This and a few more missteps along the way. So how could Luna possibly claim this wouldn't happen again? Proof that she was different? Be certain to do better this time?

A small smirk found it's way on the blue mare's lips. The answer was simple.

My friends”

Friends the alicorn had every reason to be proud at.

“I know I made mistakes in the past and I have come to understand that there is still a long way ahead of me, but this path I don't have to go on my own. I can count on them to pick me up when I fall... and I too will fight for them to my last breath”

The pegasus looked over his shoulders to see what the others were thinking; while Swift Move rolled eyes and left it to him to decide, his wife was willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

A hoof was offered in friendship... but the ground gave in before Luna could touch it.

Suddenly the group was weightless, falling towards the unknown with princess Luna trying to reach for the pegasus, while the others couldn't do much more than flail about. Mere inches separating the two of them, with Luna holding the spell ready for when they managed, only to find that wings wouldn't be enough to close the distance!?

Sledge too tried to flap wings to close the distance only to find they weren't working. There was no up or down, no ground or sky and air a fading thought “ACE!” his wife cried- before being the first to fade. Magic threw the pegasus for the mare and then he too faded. Luna was caught in an embrace of wings, before she herself vanished in a flash! ... and the pegasus ceased to exist.

Meanwhile the other group of friends enjoyed life for a bit.

Pinkie Pie and Applejack were playing cards and despite the worst possible poker face, the pink mare being the one hiding behind a small stack of bits with AJ being two buckets worth of apples in depth “-ya better don't use ya Pinkie sense on me!” “AJ!? I never would cheat! Cheating is no fun... - but you know what is? A party with alllll my frieends” which was a fan of cards consistent of: Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Blueblood and a Shining Armor with a #10n on its corners “Dang it Pinkie! No fair!” “I tell you what, three buckets and I will use two of them for pies!” a peace offering was made ...and the cowgirl took it “Fair enough”

Sitting nearby was Fluttershy which kept snickering with a flying squirrel a bit “Kihi- I know Rainbow said no, but that doesn't mean never...” with Twilight reading a book on the opposing side of the room since the constant 'squeaking' broke her concentration.

Rarity for her part was busy with a little something of her own, creating a white alicorn plushie, about to lay the finishing stitches in order to attach tiny golden regalia for more authenticity.

Rainbow was the only one doing nothing, other than rubbing a blue piece of flank into the pillows they had been given, trying to outlast this ongoing boooreeedom! “Grmnmnfpft!” this is why at first nopony noticed the rumbling coming from the other blue mare in the room “Gnn... grnnnf-”

“Rainbow, why don't you take a flight around the castle?” Twilight suggested in between turning pages... licking a hoof … before considering the ramifications of using spit on ink and paper, which may or may not would damage the book in the long-run... to then use magic instead.

Rainbows reaction had quite a delay to it, her mind had been on autopilot for while a while now, not expecting anything to happen ever again! “...h-uh? W-hat? Why?”

“I was saying; i'm trying to read and would appreciate for you to take your impatience outside” the princess repeated more pronounced.

This was when Twilight shot a glance towards the opposing pegasus to find it sitting there, looking somewhat confused, but overall quiet “Arh-AHg!” -it was only now that the purple snout turned to find Luna being the one growling and gasping, as well sweating. Flickering magic gave away that the mare also had problems holding the spell together.

“ALERT!” Twilight cried out as she snapped up- causing Applejack to fling her cards into the air and Pinkie to complain “Hey- I was about to win!” showing off that she was holding only one more card.

“Oh my, the princess looks horrible” Rarity noticed right away the tousled mane and sweat dripping on wonderful silk sheets.

“Waah waeyy- wayy- eehhh”

A sharp “Shh!” was given to silence all of them except for Fluttershy, which already was the world champion in 'shh', you know?

Twilight quickly moved around the tall moon-shaped bed to listen to the mares slumber “-i think she is trying to say something?” a long purple ear closed in... “Wah...way...” “What way? A road?” Applejack suggested, but a wing waved it all off “Wayk... wayke m.eh...” “Did she just say 'wake me'?” Pinkie Pie asked, suddenly sitting diagonal atop of Luna from which she was picked away by magic, yet Fluttershy agreed from the sideline with a humble nod “-i-i think she did!”

“Oh no, this must mean something gone wrong! Perhaps it was a trap or... the spells got tangled up in one another, in which case we have to-” and then a glass of water dropped onto Luna!? -and all eyes were on Rarity all of a sudden.

“Whaaat? The sheets were ruined anyway, might as well give it a try”

“By... dumping a glass of water...?” Rainbows brow rose rather unimpressed.

“Well- if I had a bucket, I certainly would have used that, but there is none, is it!?” it gestured around the princesses noble chamber, which naturally wouldn't include some old bucket standing around.

“WAAKEEE UUPPP!!” Pinkie Pie screamed while 'milk-shaking' Luna wildly, just before being tugged away once more, letting Luna flop onto the wet bed.

Meanwhile Fluttershy had snuck outside to get a lovely birdy! “Perhaps Mortimer could try?” presenting a red bird which immediately began to sing off key “CHWUAAÄÄÄÄH! WUAÄÄÄH! CHÄääääh!” like a fork on a chalkboard, causing the groups ears to flop down and be quickly covered by hooves until the cowgirl couldn't bear it any longer! (which wasn't that long at all) “DARN TUTN- MAKE IT STOP!” Applejack demanded and Fluttershy prompted the bird to cut out, luckily.

“Shesh, and here ah thought my rooster could wake the dead...” Applejack sighed in relief, which the bird took personal and gave a last “SQUÄ!” before flying off “Oh my- such language!” Fluttershy gasped, having not expected such rudeness from either of her friends.

“Waayk-Ehhh!” the call only got louder and more urgent at that, since the unconscious alicorn was panting by now. Spending all her strength on holding the spell together.

“Everypony, please! We need a plan-” Twilight reminded “We can't just use- water, birds, shaking or... is this sniffing salt?” which Applejack pulled from under her hat “Sure is!”

“Huh, Luna might be in a quite deep trance, but I think it's worth giving a- Rainbow don't!”


Rainbow slapped the Lunar Princess right across the face!

“Y-you... did you just-!?” Twilight stammered, unable to comprehend what just happened and the consequences attached to it! Harming a Princess like herself (which may could forgive a friend), but then doing it to Luna of all ponies... -nothing short of a federal-crime!

Rainbow for her part didn't understand why all of her friend suddenly looked like Rarity... “Hey, why you guys are so white?” and even more color drained from them as a dark blue figure rose behind the pegasus, rubbing her right cheek which was pulsating with pain.


Hooves suddenly held the speedster in a tight grasp, trying to squeeze every cubic centimeter of air out of her lungs “Princess, she did't meant to-!”

HOWEVER SHALL WE THANK YOU; BLUE ONE!?” the night princess hugged life out of her savior which kept desperately gasping, unable to fight what felt like a hug from an overly excited BigMac -praying for the humble payment of “Gaiir-aihhrrr-Airrchh!”

Rainbows hind-legs were kicking aimlessly for now, but getting slower as the vice like grip continued for just a few moments too long, forcing Twilight to teleport the pegasus to safety where there was all the air one could ask for! “GAHHhhhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhhh~pff...”

“Excuse us, we might underestimated our strength but the situation was dire...” a hoof rose once more to rub the mark left by the morning call, a painful sting indeed but a reminder the dream was over and... -then it dawned upon Luna “MEDIC!”

An outcry for help left everypony jump on the spot, while the palace guard did alike, since a royal voice wasn't something you could simply ignore.

“Luna, calm down! It's barely a scratch! -what's gotten into you!?” Twilight dared to reach out, but the hoof was pushed aside “No time to explain!”

The mare finally jumped off the bed and moments later the doors flung open with two guards dragging along the orange medic and his quickly put together emergency bag “Your majesty! We brought help!” the guard announced as they spread out to quickly secure the room, while the huffing medic tried to figure out who was in need of medical attention and how he could manage to keep a steady hoof despite lacking oxygen.

Looking deep into Rarity's blue eyes... Pinkies red mouth... and pulling aside Rainbows wings “Huh... perfectly fine?”

“Ksshh, could have told you that!” the wing was quickly pulled and the now utterly confused doctor couldn't tell if he had been pushed into the right room or not “Now if nopony is hurt?”

“I suppose Princess Luna got a bruise?” Fluttershy remarked to the dismay of the doctor.

Correcting his brown mane a bit and straightening his stance. The burned tail wasn't forgotten yet, but he had sworn an oath to help everypony... “Alright. I will see what I can do” the bag was opened and looked for a mild ointment, leaving some criticisms out of the bag as well “-seems a not quite like an emergency...” only to choke on his words as his gaze met the stern looks of Luna and a blue hoof got a hold of the orange “-i- didn't mean to offend... -p-please don't break it!”

“We won't break thous hoof, we... I- want to apologize for doing you wrong”

“Err...” was she having a fever?

“-but this is not all; i need your help! You have to provide us with a sedative. Now”

“-but Luna, you just woke, it's way to dangerous! Why don't you go back bef-” Twilight then was cut off by the Nightprincess strict “This is not about me!”

The medics hoof was let go and the royal one held open.

“Princess, i can not prescribe medicine without knowing the circumstances, i need to see the patient myself. I took an oath to-”

“-to help and protect ponies, yes I know, but so did I” Luna was sweaty, frizzled and the way she talked right now was tense as if a fever had gotten the best of her, which wouldn't make it any easier to convince the medicus. That's why the blue mare decided to be as blunt as she could since there was no way or time to sugar coat the situation without wasting even more precocious time “A mare will sees to exist if we don't act this instant.”

This alone made for a lot of rumbling in the room, yet again, the Princess had other concerns then trying explain it to the all of them individual “Right now she's laying unconsciousness in a basement in Hollow Shades” which was a remote town eastern of Canterlot Mountain. Seemingly an ideal place for hiding secrets given the remote location and thick forest surrounding it, when in fact, it was just a town like any other. Many ponies loved nature, so why not live somewhere you can appreciate it?

The hoof was held up once more “Doctor?”

“Y-es. Right away” hooves were stuck into the bag to quickly mix something up “-i will..” a choice is made between two vials, picking up the red... only to put it back and go for what looked like blue milk “-3 hours, it's all I can do for now, but I must see the patient as soon I can!”

“Certainly” Luna agreed while moving for the intimidated Rainbow Dash, which backed off just a little, concerned there might be some sort of payback or worse... another hug “-you shall fly ahead for you are the fastest of us. Take the medicine and fly to Hollow Shades, there you will find a building on the far side of town. Old, two chimneys. You have to head straight trough the hallway, there you will find an office-”

“Princess, how could you possible know!?” a hoof waved off Twilight's curiosity to close the speedsters briefing. The vial was corked, pushed into the hoof and windows ripped wide open “AWAY! FLY FAST AS THE WIND!” - “AYE!” Rainbow saluted and did just that! Spinning around, taking three prancing steps for the balcony and BOOFFFF! A strong gust of wind blew away the nearby friends “Eieeehhhh!” -except for the immovable mare and the tall sister, which was kind enough to catch everypony in a spark of sunlight.

Rainbow climbed height rapidly! Gaining hundreds of meters within seconds, poofing a white cloud and conquering the sky. Everything looked tiny all of a sudden, like the palace wasn't built for immortal goddess, but a filly playing with her official princess dolls(c).

A long turn was flown before the mare was pointing towards the forest and what might been Hollow Shades. Rainbow never been there, so there was only one way to find out! Doing what she was best at: 'Dashing!' - tilting the nose to the ground the pegasus raced in a long stretched bow towards earth to gather speed... faster then a racing chariot... playing catch with the speed of sound... and... and... BREAKING THE SPECTRUM OF LIGHT IN A SENSATIONAL SONIC RAINBOOM!! - a multi color circle burst off the mare, while she herself became nothing more then the fastest blue blur Equestria had ever seen, chased by rainbow-colored strokes... – admired from ponies far and wide with a lot of “Uuhhhh's” and “Aahhhh's” watching the brush stroke rapidly expand eastwards.

Author's Note:

When this chapter felt confusing to you, then no worries, i too felt this way.

The world in which Luna found herself is a day-dream... a mixture of memories and fiction.
Her being there made parts of it 'self-aware', like when you realize you are just dreaming and suddenly can break every boundary and do whatever you want... - simply put.

As for Tenet's friends... they too ARE him, if only different aspects of him. In fact, they are representing a notion many of us have to go through at one point or another... the five stages of grief...

Let's just watch the rainbow instead :rainbowdetermined2: