• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,211 Views, 17 Comments

The enhanced Stallion - Shenzy

When a metallic monster surfaces in Equestria, all clues point to the past...

  • ...

A dream come true

Sitting in the garden behind the hospital, Twilight and her friends were listening to Muse's life story. They had a glass of lemonade, enjoying the sun and green the garden had to offer. The mares preferred to lay on gras. All but Rarity.
The grass was very comfortable and while Muse was marveled by the green, Pinkie Pie somehow managed to sneak in a few cupcakes as well, turning it into a picnic fit for a princess!

“So this is what it's all about” Twilight nodded understandingly. Until now they had nothing but fragments - chasing clue after clue in order to prevent a disaster which wasn't going to happen because... it already did. Today's events weren't precursors of evil sharpening its claws in the dark, something the princess and her friends could bravely face and save the day, but rather fallout from a long-gone time and ponies which weren't around anymore – unable to taste victory, no matter how sweet it might be.

All that was left was a lonesome pony quietly sobbing in their middle “W-we thought it was m-eant to be” Muse thinly smiled bittersweet. The memory was painful but brought just as much joy along with it “When I drew -and Jack looked at the picture he just said 'I-it looks so alive!' and-” tears rolled along the snout and fell to the ground “I~eiesalmyfauwlt!”

There there~” Fluttershy patted the white mare and Rarity was kind enough to give another handkerchief 'pffff' for her to clean herself “Now let it all out~”

“So you and your friends built this thing to help your people” it wasn't a question. Twilight simply confirmed what she knew and watched the mare nodding “and...”

The next part she didn't say aloud but rather stopped herself from opening old wounds. While Muse's physical wounds had been treated (as good as the small hospital allowed for) the mare still wore scars no magic could hope to reach.

It was obvious it took a monster to take such a well-intentioned idea and twist it to the point there was nothing but hatred left... and Twilight only knew one pony fitting the description.

The alicorn stood up and took a look around “I think we are done for today”

“Wait-WHAT!? I -I still don't get it!” Rainbow jumped up into the air so she could wildly gesture with hooves! “I have like a bazillion questions! Helloooo!?”

“Hm~ I uhm. We can visit later- I think?” Fluttershy asks a somewhat confused over the sudden change of heart.

“I don't mind leaving, for now. Once unattended Sweetie Belle tends to 'get creative'...” pondering for a moment while tapping her chin she then mumbled “Did i- I did lock the door, didn't I?” however Applejack who felt looked at couldn't do anything but shrug sturdy shoulders “-ah wouldn't know! A door won't stop Apple Bloom which is why I hide the paint cans with the pigs!”

Daww do we really have to go!? I got at least twelve more balloons and wasn't allowed to bring my party canon!” Pinkie Pie frowns deeply. Why the nurse wouldn't allow such a fun toy in a hospital was far beyond Pinkies understanding! Laughter is the best medicine!

One after another wished the hurting mare a farewell, promising to visit soon, before (reluctantly) leaving the room. It took some shoving to get Rainbow outside because of course, it did, but the speedster eventually left after receiving an extraordinarily stern glare from Twilight after which everypony left. All but one that is.

Twilight was the one to stay behind.

The alicorn had five lists worth of questions but the purple alicorn felt that Muse had some questions of her own. Twilight was a princess after all. Muse was a criminal.

The earth-mare found a hard time to do as much as look at Twilight who was patiently waiting to hear her thoughts. Muse for her part reached deep inside herself to find a wonderful moment to hold onto. Sledge. It gave her the strength to speak- a moment before Twilight could break the ice “What... uhm... what's going to happen?” she asks ruefully, not daring to make eye contact. The once-proud mare had lost her will to fight and simply would accept whatever punishment was given. Fighting the circumstances was what got her into trouble in the first place...

“That's up to you. I'm not going to punish you” Twilight's head shook gently “Whatever happened back then wasn't your fault - neither was anything that happened today. From what I understand you tried doing something wonderful... you tried protecting the ones you love- which is something my friends and I will always do without hesitation. You couldn't know that he... that King Sombra would do something so awful...”

Snnff! “-b-ut~ you said~” a hoof rose to stop Muse right in her tracks “I already told you, my friends would move heaven and earth if it meant to save another- myself included.I'm not saying that what he did was the right way, but after talking to Princess Luna... and listening to what you had to say, I can at least understand why he did it.”

Muse mouth opened and closed a few times and the head began to shake- unable to accept this nonsense! -before she suddenly rose onto all fours “N-no! Th-at isn't right! I DID IT! WE!!-WE WERE THE ONES!” the mare took a limping step forward to plead “WE ARE J-U-ST AS GUILdY! I LIED TO MY FWRIENDS AND- I -”

Twilight approached Muse to wrap both arms and wings around her, gently whispering “Shhh... shhh... keep breathing... that's it...” until the mare eventually would calm down enough to listen “I understand what you have been through, so whatever punishment you think I should give; you already servedmany many times over...”

“... I would like to tell you that it gets easier but... I can't. I'm not going to lie to you because it won't get any easier and I'm sorry. So – so very sorry. I wish I could change any of it...” gently swaying back and forth like a mother holding a child Twilight caressed the mare for a while before she trying to put on a brave smile “You know you have great friends?” the alicorn softly laughs and gives a little nudge “I mean it! He fought like a lion! I have never seen anything like it and- and this... I mean your invention it's quite incredible... -you said you made it with your friends? Me and my friends also done a few things none of us could do on their own... it's, well, magical” Twilight smiles, watching the corner of the mare's mouth going up ever so slightly “Hey... I still got some time! How about you tell me what was his name again? Jack? Would you like to tell me more about him!? I mean you saw PinkiePie, right!? I bet they would have gone along like peanut butter and jelly! They... ufff....” the alicorn huffed slowly. For just a moment she had to wonder if she would be the one who needed a talking to? Someday for sure... -a though she tried to push aside. Someday, but not today. Twilight was determined to enjoy every minute they had. She would treasure them like a dragon a pile of gold!

Is there anything I can do for you?” being an alicorn Twilight was tall but that wasn't why she had to tilt her head eyes to meet. Muse too was surprisingly tall for a mare, possibly because she came from north? Were all ponies up north this tall? “If you let your head hang like this ponies won't see your pretty eyes. Applejacks are also green... her brothers too and he is also a tall guy! Is- everpony as-”

“I'd...” Muse easily interrupted Twilight's pep talk and began listening instead “-when I feel better, could- Hnf~ could I go to- to the Empire, please? I- want to see it”

“Of course. As soon as you can we will be on our way, I promise...”

Three weeks later

A cold wind blew along the sides of the wagon as the train huffed and puffed – pushing itself through ice and snow, fighting freezing winds which made snowflakes dance in front of the fogged windows.

Muse sat in one of those wagons, filled with more or less excited ponies, all of which talking with one another about their plans for when they would arrive. A few were living there on the way home. Others were sight seen. Two ponies dressed in sharp blue suits had some business selling candy-corn.

The train ride up until now had been a little shaky, but once the snow and wind died down it became smooth all of a sudden, so much so ponies held their conversations to have a look outside. The curtain of snow was pulled aside like it was trying to set the stage for the main attraction – the Crystal Empire.

Once the city came in sight, the tourists instantly 'ooo'ed' at the marvelous sight! It was seemingly impossible they hadn't seen this sparkling miracle from miles away! A bright sun shuns onto crystal buildings made of blue, green, pink, and purple gemstones, causing a spectacular sight. It was like a city of glistering lights and rainbow colors -a magical land trapped within the cold and yet surrounded by a lush green meadow that went on for miles to come! It had something of a snow-globe, if the snow was trapped outside, while the eye of the storm was calm and simply lovely. The tourists couldn't believe their eyes with some taking the liberty to open a window, causing a summerly gust to fill the wagon.

It... wasn't anything like she remembered it and she remembered every last detail.

The sky was blue, not black. The buildings shun like diamonds, not coal. The howl town was brimming with life and happiness, not despair or hopelessness. This...

It's just like I imagined...” Muse whispered awed, not daring to open her own window. It felt like watching a sparkling soap bubble -and anything she would do, the slightest move, would cause it to burst and the dream would be over.

The train eventually stopped. A purple wing nudged the white mare who still gazed outside “I- I'm not sure I'm ready” was the nervous reply. The alicorn shrugged and went ahead. The sweating train wouldn't return for a while so there was no hurry.

Eventually, Muse followed outside. It was so warm! And everypony so happy! Smiling faces all around! 'PLAP!' “EEP!?” ~ ha! It- was just a bunch of snow slipping off the wagon. Having to smear away a tear in the corner of her eye, Muse felt... she had to laugh. She simply felt happy! 'I DID IT! I DID IT FOR YOU!' her inner voice screamed full of joy! 'I only wish you were here to see this... it's – so beautiful!'

“Did you say something?” Twilight asks the tearful mare, who smiled right back her, before smearing a hoof across her muzzle once more “N-o it's- it's …” the mare was lost for words.

“How about some sightseeing? There is a stadium. Icecream. A salon... -the fayre is next month but you can already see the flower arrangements” Twilight waited for the mare to catch up and they trotted along a shimmering road heading for the Crystal Castle which radiated love and peace throughout the land “-how about I tell you how Spike saved the Empire?”

“Spike? Your- the dragon?”
Hmhmn, that's him! but around here he is known as 'Spike the brave!'” Twilight replied awe-inspiring before they both began to giggle for no reason at all. It simply was a wonderful day to be alive.

Author's Note:

*takes a deep breath*

I spare you my rant about life and all that... - simply remember 42.
I am very much thinking about releasing the 'Directors cut' which is, no joke, about 230 pages that didn't make it into the story.
A part of it was a 3rd story string (which I turn into another story, someday) and the rest I simply wasn't happy with :x

Sorry for all the

Comments ( 2 )

Loved this great work

Appreciate it. Took long enough to finish :,3

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