• Published 15th Jun 2019
  • 1,461 Views, 86 Comments

Running With the wind - SC14

Sweetie Belle can’t take the suffering at home, so she does the only thing she can, runs away.

  • ...

The Gambit

Sweetie Belle's case had become so big that any information was practically a headline, The news of Split Sight going to Los Pegasus had become largely overshadowed by the rumor that he received a warrant to search the property of a possible suspect. Even if it was just a rumor, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight decided to travel to Los Pegasus to possibly aide in the search for Sweetie Belle. Night Shade and Blue Streak wanted Applejack to stay in Ponyville because she was one of the main parts of their case against Rarity, Or she was until the whole abuse case was derailed by Applejack's honesty.

Night Shade and Blue Streak exchanged worried glances, getting called to the Cheif's office was typically never good and they had no clue why he even called them in. The two stallions entered the office. "Ah, you two are here," The chief said. "Do you guys know why you are here," Night Shade shook his head. The Cheif dropped a newspaper on the table, Night Shade raised his eyebrow before looking at the opened newspaper. 'Ponyville police department under fire!' Blue Streak and Night Shade exchanged worried glances before reading on. 'Rarity has fired back about the abuse allegations, claiming that PPD used unlawfully obtained information to create their allegations'.

"I don't understand, What did we do wrong?" Blue Streak asked. The chief sighed.

"Rarity claims that she interrogated Applejack who admitted that you guys sent her on a mission to get evidence like, her beer stash," He said. Night Shade raised his eyebrow.

"What's wrong with that?" Night Shade asked.

"You didn't have a warrant," The chief replied. Night Shade gave him a confused look.

"But, we didn't search the house," Night Shade said.

"Yes but, Rarity is saying that she was technically affiliated with the PPD because you guys sent her, and therefore she would need a warrant to conduct a search," The chief said.

"Yeah, but they are or were best friends they were definitely on 'Fridge' terms," Blue Streak said. The chief let out an exasperated sigh.

"For one, this is serious and two, Rarity claims that she never directly gave Applejack permission to use her fridge," The chief said.

"Even so, it wasn't a search she just looked in the fridge" Night Shade said.

"You told her what to look for, therefore it was a search," The chief said.

"That's fine we will just get some new evidence," Night Shade declared.

"No, You want to prove yourselves? Get your asses to Los Pegasus and look for that girl," The chief commanded. Night Shade and Blue Streak looked at each other, they thought about arguing but they knew that the chief was right, just like Applejack was.

Stormy Seas anxiously waited on the corner of fifteenth Street, for a brief amount of time he was worried that Walker might have been caught but, it all went away when he saw the Light Blue stallion approaching him, he let out a sigh of relief and signaled for Walker to follow, they walked up to the all too familiar Fiftheenth street hotel. Stormy Seas was more scared to tell the boss than he was of getting caught.

Once they reached the entrance Stormy Seas reluctantly entered the massive hotel, he was greeted by the same stallion as before, he seemed to recognize them as he pointed in the direction of what Stormy Seas assumed was Doctor Red Sythe, but they weren't here for the doctor and Stormy Seas started to correct him but he realized, He didn't know the Boss's name. He caught a break as he realized that the boss mentioned that his room number was 216.

"Thanks," He muttered as he and Walker approached the stairs, they walked up the stairs to the second floor. He took a left and walked a few steps down the hall before he came across room 216, he sighed before slowly knocking, The door opened and he was greeted by the boss, who gave him a confused look.

"Yes?" He asked. Stormy Seas looked at the ground.

"We lost her," He said.

"WHAT!" He screamed. Stormy Seas took a step back. "You Dipshit!" The boss continued.

"They searched the office all we need is a place to set up shop and then we start searching," Stormy Seas said.

"Did you get everything out of the office?" The boss asked. Stormy Seas let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, We bleached the place and Walker got the papers that linked us to the room," Stormy Seas said. The boss sighed and handed him a key.

"Stay here for the night, Tomorrow go to the factory behind Moonlights," The boss said.

"The bar?" Stormy Seas asked.

"Yes," The boss said with another exasperated sigh.

"You own that place?" Stormy Seas asked. He had been by that factory before but, he had no clue that the boss owned that property.

"New acquisition," The Boss said.

"Let's stop wasting time and get after that girl," Stormy Seas said. He was stopped by the boss grabbing his arm.

"Are you sure about this?" the boss asked.

"I know what I'm doing," Stormy Seas said. The boss sighed.

"This isn't about me, that girl is going to be the death of you," The boss said.

"I know what I'm doing!" Stormy Seas repeated. The boss shook his head.

"Whatever you say," Stormy Seas didn't reply, he just walked to his room to unpack.

Sweetie Belle found herself near the bookstore that she was originally captured behind, She stopped to catch her breath, She noted the sharp pain in her ribs, this meant that she had to be strategic because she couldn't run very far.

She started heading towards the train station, she had no money but she might be able to jump on the train or just walk along the tracks. But that all fell apart, She gasped and jumped into the nearest alleyway, getting off the train was Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight accompanied by two police officers. She wasn't sure how they found her she had only been free for an hour tops but, she did see that Split Sight received a warrant to search Stormy Seas' office, it shocked her that this case had become so big that any new developments were in the new in about ten minutes. But she still had five more ponies to avoid. She turned around and walking back the way she came, she didn't know where Stormy Seas and Walker were but, she had a plan.

She was going to go do a loop along the coast and back to the train station, all the way leaving clues that she was going the opposite direction, it was a long shot but, it was worth a shot. She started backtracking towards the Los Pegasus Coastline.

Sweetie Belle once again found herself diving into an alley, just up the road was Stormy Seas and Walker and unfortunately, they saw her and she knew it, Time to start galloping again, Sweetie Belle knew she had a head start on them so she was going to make a b line to the coat and then try to make them think she went the other way.

Once her destination was in sight, she took a hard right and then a left out onto the main street, she figured that they were dumb enough to believe that she kept going west. She walked up the street and peeked back down the alley that she was just on, Sure enough, there was Walker and Stormy Seas following her route, She watched as they fell into her trap.

Sweetie Belle seized this opportunity to start heading back towards the Train Station, She tried her hardest to blend in with the crowd of ponies that seemed to all be going to the same place but, her efforts were for nothing.

"Sweetie Belle?" She heard a voice from behind her. She didn't look up she couldn't it was best to just pretend like she didn't know what was going on. "Sweetie Belle!" She heard it again, She took a sideways glance and almost started running then and there, Split Sight was trying to weave his way through the crowd towards her, She took a quick turn down an alley and took off she darted down random alleys trying to get away from Split Sight. Once she was satisfied that she had escaped it was back towards the station. Sweetie Belle took this time to think about what had become of her life she was running from her friends and family, criminals and not to mention the police, just a few weeks ago she would have considered herself a model citizen but, now she wasn't sure if she could say the same.

But, none of that mattered anymore she was going to escape to a city that was a little bit nicer than Los Pegasus, and then it was smooth sailing. But, she might have been getting ahead of herself because most cities other than Ponyville and Canterlot were also pretty bad. Dodge City and Appleoosa weren't bad but, she would be identified in a matter of seconds.

Sweetie Belle was jolted from her thoughts by a voice. "Nice try kid, But, we aren't stupid," She looked up to see Stormy Seas staring at her. She didn't bother to back up, she knew Walker was behind her. "It was a valiant effort but, all good things must come to an end," Stormy Seas taunted.

Sweetie Belle sensed that Walker was approaching her from behind, She made an attempt to escape him but, he was ready for it and he grabbed her and covered her mouth as she attempted to scream. It was at this moment that Sweetie Belle started to realize that something, she should have just surrendered to Applejack and Rainbow Dash at the train station because she didn't want to imagine what Walker and Stormy Seas would do to her after all the trouble that this caused.

"Wait," Walker said. Stormy Seas stopped and turned to look at Walker, Eyebrows raised. "How do we get her to the hotel?" Walker asked.

"How did you get her to the office the first time around?" Stormy Seas asked.

"I was a lot closer and, didn't have to go through any high-traffic areas," Walker explained. Stormy Seas tapped his hoof on his chin, This was a little bit of a predicament, With Split Sight and practically the entire police force roaming around it would be hard to sneak her across fifteenth street and into the hotel.

"I guess we just have to keep her in between us," Stormy Seas said.

"She would probably try and scream," Walker said. Stormy Seas looked at the ground, trying to think of a plan.

"The factory is pretty close what if we try to keep her in there," Stormy Seas offered. Walker thought about it for a second, before offering his input.

"If it's unlocked one of us would have to stay behind because we didn't bring a key," Walker said. Stormy Seas was about to ask Walker to stay in the factory before an idea popped into his head.

"Do you have your radio?" He asked. Walker nodded and pulled his radio off his belt and handed it to Stormy Seas.

Stormy Seas pressed the talk button. "Boss, do you read me?" He asked. After the boss responded, Stormy Seas continued. "Can you get me a carriage behind the bookstore?" He asked. The boss wasn't quite sure what he needed a carriage for but, he learned to question Stormy Seas' ideas, no matter how stupid.

"Give it ten minutes," The boss said. Stormy Seas thanked the boss before, handing the radio to Walker.

"Sorry but, your stuck pulling the carriage again," Stormy Seas said with a chuckle. Walker rolled his eyes, he knew when a carriage was involved, he was probably pulling it.

After a few minutes, a grey stallion approached, the carriage in tow. He dropped it by the duo, nodded, and left. Stormy Seas looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Sorry kid but, we can't risk you screaming can we?" He said with fake sadness. "Walker?" He said. Walker didn't hesitate before he knocked Sweetie Belle out.

Author's Note:

Well, that didn't last long.
Okay, I am going to be blunt, this chapter might be a little bit hard to follow, so I am going to tell you guys the series of events from the last chapter to this one. Sweetie Belle escapes, Walker and Stormy Seas find out, they have their encounter with the police, they clean the place, Split Sight gets a warrant, Night Shade and Blue Streak are ordered to go to Los Pegasus, They arrive in Los Pegasus with Twilight Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Walker and Stormy Seas tell the boss, Sweetie Belle has both her run-ins with Stormy Seas and Walker.
I hope that clears any confusion :twilightsmile:.
Thanks for reading!