• Published 15th Jun 2019
  • 1,460 Views, 86 Comments

Running With the wind - SC14

Sweetie Belle can’t take the suffering at home, so she does the only thing she can, runs away.

  • ...

The interrogation of Walker

Blue Streak paced around his room, he hated his sometimes gift of waking up at some ungodly hour in the morning no matter when he went to sleep. His attention was drawn to his radio which had started buzzing, He walked over and picked it up. It was Night Shade.

"Walker has regained his voice, How quickly can you make it to Los Pegasus?" Night Shade asked. Blue Streak yawned and looked at the clock, It read four-thirty.

"I can be there by six," Blue Streak said.

"I'll hold you to that," Night Shade said. Blue Streak tossed the radio on the nightstand and started to get ready.

As Blue Streak was walking out a thought came to mind. 'I thought we weren't investigating this,' his curiosity got the best of him and he pulled out his radio, and Night Shade answered.

"Yeah?" Night Shade asked.

"I thought we weren't part of the investigation anymore," Blue Streak asked. Night Shade chuckled.

"I might have called in a little favor," He said.

"Elaborate," Blue Streak said.

"Well, I have an old friend in the EBI, and let's just say, he owed me a favor so, he made us temporary agents, meaning we have jurisdiction everywhere and we can stay on the case," Night Shade said.

"How does that even work?" Blue Streak asked. There was a short silence from Night Shade.

"I honestly have no clue but, he said we can still work the case so I didn't ask questions," Night Shade answered.

"You are an idiot, you know that," Blue Streak said with a chuckle. He put away his radio and left his house, into the dark streets of Ponyville. He wandered in the direction of the train station.

"Morning Blue Streak," Blue Streak's head shot up to see Lyra standing in front of him.

"Oh, hey Lyra, what are you doing out this late?" Blue Streak said. She smiled.

"I can ask you the same question mister righteous policeman," Lyra said with a giggle. "Has anyone ever told you that you and your partner should take some time off, You two are going to work yourselves to death," She playfully chided.

"Sorry, Lyra I really want to talk but I have to go," Blue Streak said as he started walking away. He could sense that she was following him.

"Really?" She asked. "What is so important you can't even talk to your old friend Lyra?" She added.

"Classified police information," Blue Streak said. Lyra smiled knowing that she was close to her end goal, getting a rise out of Blue Streak was all too easy.

"Anything to do with the Sweetie Belle case?" Lyra asked. Blue Streak looked at the ground, he didn't want to have this conversation even if he knew Lyra was only joking to get him to raise his voice.

"Trying to get yourself investigated or something?" Blue Streak asked. Lyra chuckled.

"Just trying to figure out why you seem so preoccupied," Lyra said. Blue Streak was going to retort but, he realized that he was on a schedule.

"Sorry, I really have to get going, I'm on a tight schedule," He said. Lyra sighed, she figured it was best to give up, he seemed serious.

"Can I at least walk you to the train station?" Lyra asked. Blue Streak stopped walking, how did she know that is where he was heading, this made her look even more suspicious.

"Now how would you know where I am going?" He asked. Lyra realized the predicament that she had gotten herself into.

"You are heading in the direction of the train station," Lyra answered. "And the police station is the other way," She added. Blue Streak breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't want you involved in any of this, so I advise that you move along," Blue Streak said.

"Nonsense, I don't think makes any difference," Lyra said. Blue Streak shook his head.

"I don't need any collateral damage Lyra," Blue Streak said. Lyra looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed. "These people are dangerous Lyra and they will do anything to get out of going to jail," He said.

"Now Blue Streak, I haven't done anything why would anyone mess with me?" Lyra said.

"You would be surprised," Blue Streak said, Despite this, Lyra continued to follow.

Soon enough, They were at the train station and Blue Streak was boarding the train to Los Pegasus.

Lyra laughed as she turned and started walking away, she always laughed at how overdramatic and paranoid that Blue Streak was about everything, he had always been that way. She couldn't think of a person in Equestria that was evil enough to attack a pony just for being friends with the police, She had always seen Equestria as a nice place. As she finished that though a stallion jumped from the bushes and put his hoof on her mouth, she tried to scream but, it was of no use, He pulled her into the alley and knocked her out.


Blue Streak did his best to shield Sweetie Belle from the following crowd, he was afraid he might lose her, considering they had already lost Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight somewhere along the line.

He flung open the door to the police station and practically shoved Sweetie Belle and her friends inside before slamming it on the crowd. He was confident that they wouldn't try and infiltrate the police station but, they had enough people that it just might work.

"You two sit right here, I need to have a conversation with Sweetie Belle real quick," Blue Streak said. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded and they both took a seat as Blue Streak walked Sweetie Belle down the hall. He pushed open a door and followed Sweetie Belle in. They both sat down and he gave her a sad look.

"I'm sorry to ask again but, we need to work this out at some point," Blue Streak said. "I need to know if you are going to press charges against Rarity," He said. Sweetie Belle gave him a look. "I will let you know, If you decide not to, legally, we have to return you to Rarity's custody," He said.

"And if I do?" She asked.

"You will be taken by child protective services until they find a home for you," Blue Streak said. It wasn't much of a choice to Sweetie Belle even considering how much she didn't want to be taken by CPS.

"Do you think we have a chance?" She asked. Blue Streak knew that at present, they did not have a chance at winning but, he knew they could down the line.

"Of course," He lied. Sweetie Belle was pretty sure he was lying but, she pretty much had no option, even if it was putting off the inevitable at least it was a few months away from Rarity.

"Then I will," She responded. Blue Streak nodded.

"That's all, I will let you talk to your friends now, Would you rather talk to both or one at a time?" He asked.

"Both," She said. Blue Streak nodded and walked out of the room. He looked at the other two crusaders and motioned for them to go in. They jumped up and practically ran into the room.

"H-hey girls," Sweetie Belle said as her friends wrapped her in a shockingly forceful hug.

"We missed you, Sweetie," Scootaloo said, even with her bold and tough exterior, it was obvious that even Scootaloo was struggling to hold back her tears.

"I-I missed you guys too,' Sweetie said as, she too, burst into tears. They cried for a bit before Scootaloo finally broke the silence.

"Why?" She asked. Sweetie Belle took a moment before answering.

"I-i didn't want to live with Rarity anymore and... and I thought you guys were trying to c-cut me off," Sweetie Belle stuttered. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom gave each other a pained look, knowing that her thought was partially true.

"We're sorry Sweetie, we just thought you needed some space," Apple Bloom said, holding back more tears. It pained Sweetie to know that they were doing it on purpose but, at this point, they were all she had so, she looked past it.

"It's alright girls, just, please... don't ever leave me again," Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom muttered their agreeance before the trio had another crying session. Afterward, a short silence loomed over them.

"D-Do you want to tell us what happened?" Scootaloo asked carefully. Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment, she wanted to tell the girls what happened but, on one hand, she wasn't sure how much Blue Streak would allow her to tell them.

"I do girls but I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say," Sweetie Belle said. "Would one of you mind asking Blue Streak?" She asked. Scootaloo jumped up and went to the door.

She poked her head out and spotted Blue Streak down the hall reading a newspaper. "Blue Streak," She called, Blue Streak looked up at her.

"Yeah?" He asked as he started towards her.

"Sweetie Belle was wondering, how much can she tell us?" Scootaloo asked. Blue Streak looked at the ground, Was he willing to risk this? He knew it would be good to let Sweetie Belle talk about it but, he was also worried that it could jeopardize the case.

After some thought, he figured that he would bite the bullet and trust the kids. "As long as you and Apple Bloom promise to not say anything to anyone, she can tell you everything," He said.

"We promise!" Scootaloo said. She hurried back to her friends. "He said you could tell us anything as long as we don't say anything!" She said. Apple Bloom did the goofy pinkie pie promise, they looked to Sweetie Belle, who seemed to be deep in thought. "Whatever you are comfortable telling us, that is," She added. Sweetie Belle was having a small crisis, as she really wasn't sure if she wanted the Crusaders to know what happened, but she did want to tell someone other than Blue Streak.

"What do you want to know?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked, puzzled. They weren't sure how to answer Sweetie's Question.

"Uh... Everything?" Scootaloo said, unsure. Sweetie Belle once again, looked at the ground, unsure of how to start her journey.

Sweetie Belle looked at her friends and, with trepidation, started telling her story.

Blue Streak stepped off the train and into the train station, where Night Shade was waiting for him. He handed Blue Streak his temporary EBI badge and the two started walking to the hospital.

"How should we approach this?" Blue Streak asked.

"I dunno," Night Shade said. "I researched him for a while last night but, there isn't very much known about him," He added. Blue Streak sighed, this would make this interrogation much harder than usual. "I think he will try to base his responses on what we know, so we should leave out big things like Fleetline until later on in the interrogation, or just leave him out entirely," He thought aloud.

"Whatever you think is right," Blue Streak said. They walked in silence for the rest of the journey. After a few minutes, they entered the building. When greeted by two workers, they flashed their badges and continued past them. It wasn't long until they were outside the interrogation room, they could see Walker through the two-way glass, he stared at the glass as if he knew they were on the other side.

They got a quick briefing from the doctor on what they shouldn't do, waited for the transcriber to show up, once he was ready the two looked at each other, nodded, and headed in.

"I was beginning to think they had forgotten about me," Walker said, trying his best to sound cool. The two police officers shook their heads and took their seats.

There was a short silence. "What happened?" Blue Streak asked, it was a rather dumb question and Night Shade made a mental note to chastise him later but, it was better than nothing.

"Why don't you tell me?" Walker asked.

"Your not the one asking questions here," Blue Streak returned. Walker rolled his eyes, he was in a little bit of a corner here as he wasn't really sure what his approach to this should be, and, at the moment he had no response other than to tell them what happened.

In the heat of the moment, Walker panicked and brought out the big guns earlier than he had wanted to. "At the moment you two have no evidence of me committing any wrongdoing," He said, managing to sound much more collected than he had expected.

"Who says?" Night Shade asked. Walker looked up and smiled.

"I heard that you ain't going to prosecute that Fleetline kid," Walker said. Blue Streaks eyes bugged and Night Shade nearly choked on his spit. "If you aren't going to even interrogate him, how can you come up to me and point the finger?" Walker asked. He thought that he had possibly just saved himself, maybe betraying his deal with Dark Horse but, all he cared about was himself.

What Walker thought was his saving grace turned out to be his downfall. "Walker, you don't have a lawyer and only the doctor has seen you since the incident, how could you have known if you weren't involved," Night Shade said, it was hard to hide the smug grin on his face. Walker went to argue but, he knew that they had him beat.

"Alright, I was in on it," Walker sighed. Before the officers could celebrate he caught their attention. "But I had nothing to do with beating up Fleetline," The duo looked at him, eyebrows raised.

"So Stormy Seas did it?" Blue Streak said. "Convenient, it just so happens we can't prosecute him for that," He added.

"Nope," Walker said, simply.

"Quincy?" Blue Streak asked.

"Try the little girl," Walker said. This time Night Shade did choke on his spit.

"And why would she do that?" Blue Streak said. Surprised that he was for once, the one who kept his cool.

"Beats me, we were just transporting her to the factory when he bumped into us, "She flew out of her carriage and started going after him, Me and Stormy Seas practically had to stop her from killing him," Walker lied.

"That's total bullshit," Night Shade said. Blue Streak put his hoof on Night Shade's shoulder, their signal to calm down.

"Why would it be? That girl is crazy, In my time with her, I'm not sure that anything she said to me was true," Walker continued to pour it on.

"How could you tell something like that?" Blue Streak asked.

"I'm not saying anymore," Walker said, after having a sudden idea.

"Well we aren't finished," Night Shade said, Walker, smiled.

"Good to know," Walker said, not trying to contain his smugness from the confused officers. "Now that I know you want more from me, I control these interviews, And I'm not saying anymore to you two until you go after that demented girl, because if she is taking me down, then I'm taking her down." He added. Content and even impressed with his performance, Walker sat back and folded his forelegs across his chest.

Night Shade went to say something but, was stopped by Blue Streak practically dragging him out of the room.

"It's no use," Blue Streak said. "He's not going to say anymore,".

"We have to try," Night Shade exclaimed.

"Why?" Blue Streak asked.

"Because we can't go re-interrogate Sweetie Belle, she did nothing wrong," Night Shade reasoned.

"We don't know that," Blue Streak deadpanned. Night Shade looked at his partner, aghast.

"You didn't fall for his lies did you?" Night Shade asked. Before Blue Streak could respond, the transcriber interrupted.

"You two might have bigger things to worry about," He said. The officers looked at him.

"Like what?" Night Shade asked, his voice dripping with venom.

"Well I was looking over the log and it got me thinking, How would Walker know that you weren't going to prosecute Fleetline?" He paused. "You two probably think that it was a hail mary lie, Well I decided to be thorough and sent an officer to case the hospital staff, and let's just say a staff member is waiting to talk to you guys," He explained. Night Shade and Blue Streak put aside their hostility as they were genuinely curious. They followed the transcriber to a nurse, who looked worried.

"How may we help you, ma'am?" Night Shade asked. She looked up at them.

"Well, I was asked if I had seen any suspicious activity regarding Walker," She said. There was a pause.

"And?" Blue Streak asked.

"Well, two ponies claiming to be from a newspaper company came in, asking to talk to Walker," She started. "I turned them down for obvious reasons and thought that was the end of it," She continued. "But I was told this morning that the gate had been jimmied open by someone, And I made the connection that it was near Walker's room, I don't actually know if anything happened but It's possible," She finished.

"Could you explain the two to us?" Night Shade asked.

"One of them was a stallion, all black and the other was a mare, pink coat, and a purple mane with turquoise steaks through it, both of their cutie marks were obscured," She said. Night Shade froze, his mind flew back to high school, was there any way that sweet girl could have done something like this?

"Diamond Thread," Night Shade muttered. Blue Streak did a double-take.

"No way!" Blue Streak nearly shouted.

"I have to go to Ponyville," He said.

"How many times are we going back and forth?" Blue Streak asked.

"As many times as it takes, You stay back and try to coax something out of Walker or something, I'll be back," Night Shade said. Blue Streak didn't argue, he just watched his friend walk into the sunrise.

Night Shade sat outside Diamond Thread's house, in all honesty, he didn't want to do this, He had to know Diamond Thread since grade school and he wasn't too keen on potentially ruining the friendship they had.

But, he had a job to do so, with trepidation, he knocked on her door.

Diamond Thread greeted him. "Hey, Nighty!" She exclaimed, Night Shade cringed, hearing his nickname. "Come on in," She offered.

When they sat down and he still hadn't said anything, Diamond Thread started to worry. "What's going on Shade?" He looked at her with a serious expression.

"We need to talk," He said.

"A-About what?" She stuttered, starting to worry.

"I just got done interrogating Walker," He said. She stared at him. "Afterwards a nurse told us two news ponies tried to talk to him, and the next morning the fence right by his cell had been jimmied," He continued. "And the nurse gave me an exact description of you and I know you aren't a news pony so what were you doing? And who was your partner?" He finished.

"Hold on a minute, I did nothing of the sort!" She exclaimed. "And I am offended that you think I would," She added.

"If you don't tell me the truth, I can't help you," He deadpanned.

"I am telling the truth," She said angrily. No longer wanting to argue, he stood up.

"I warned you," He said as he exited the house.

Unbeknownst to Night Shade, Dark Horse and Rarity watched him from afar. They were appalled that Diamond Thread would betray them like that, Of course, they didn't know if she did or not but, they couldn't take any chances.

"Well, we certainly can't have that," Rarity said.

"Would you like me to inform her of her termination and then, maybe, convince her to keep quiet?" Dark Horse asked.

"You would do that for little old me?" Rarity asked.

"Of course I would," He said.

"Then go get her," Rarity said, with a smile.

Dark Horse smiled as he walked to her door. He knocked And was greeted by considerably less enthusiastic Diamond Thread. Before she could say anything, he was in her house.

"What was that about?" Dark Horse asked.

"What was what about?" Diamond Thread asked.

"The cop! Did you get a conscience or something?" He asked.

"No! Why would I?" She asked.

"Don't lie to me!" Dark Horse yelled. He started approaching her, she started backing away.

"I-I'm not lying!" Diamond Thread pleaded. As Dark Horse continued to approach her, she caught a glimpse of his real intentions, he wasn't going to beat her, he was going to rape her. She increased her pace as he carefully stayed between her and the door.

"N-No, you don't have to do this!" She said. "W-what can I do? I will take the blame for everything, anything you want! Please just don't do this!" She once again pleaded. Dark Horse laughed as she bumped into her bed.

"If it means anything, You're fired," He said as he took hold of her.

Author's Note:

Wow, this took a while. What can I say, I just lost motivation. I always had an interest in writing, just never could motivate myself to.
Yeah, it got dark, sorry bout' it.
Thanks for reading!