• Published 15th Jun 2019
  • 1,461 Views, 86 Comments

Running With the wind - SC14

Sweetie Belle can’t take the suffering at home, so she does the only thing she can, runs away.

  • ...

Stones Turned

Night Shade stepped off the train with Blue Streak close behind, the two came in search of Good stuff a coffee shop on main street Baltimare, It was a long shot and frankly did nothing to advance Sweetie Belle's case but they thought it important to uncover the crimes of Stormy Seas and Walker.

They wandered around the city until they found the main street, it was a short walk to Good Stuff, they entered and walked to the counter.

"Can I help you two?" The young mare asked.

"May I speak to the owner?" Night Shade asked, presenting his badge, The mare nodded and disappeared into the back before returning with an older-looking mare.

"How can I help you two?" She asked. Night Shade pulled out the picture and showed it to her.

"We were hoping that there was some possibility that you know or knew this mare," He said.

"Of course, that's Sunny Medows," The mare said. "And that's her son, Black Diamond," She added. Night Shade went to say something but was cut off by the Mare. "Oh my gosh, please don't tell me something bad happened to her," She exclaimed,

"Nothing Bad happened to our knowledge, we were just hoping that you could point us in her direction," Night Shade explained.

"Oh, thank goodness," She said. "She lives in an apartment in the building at the end of the street on the left," She explained.

"Thanks, we might stop back by if we need something else," Blue Streak said as the duo left. They continued down the street until they came to the building. "I get to do the talking this time," Blue Streak said as the two entered the building, Night Shade laughed.

The stallion, whose name tag said Lighting Wind glanced up at them. "Can I help you guys?" He asked.

Blue Streak presented his badge, "I'm looking for a Sunny Medows," He said.

"Second-floor room 211," Lightning Wind said. Night Shade thanked him as they walked past, they took a turn and continued to the stairs. They walked up the stairs to the second floor and 211. They knocked and waited for an answer.

Sunny Medows opened the door and stared at the two, eyebrow raised. "Can I help you guys?" She asked.

Blue Streak held up his badge. "Are you Sunny Medows?" He asked, She nodded. "Could we talk to you for a little?" He asked. She once again nodded and motioned to follow her in.

"Let me guess, about Stormy Seas?" She asked. The two officers turned and looked at her, surprised looks on their faces. "What? It's all over the news," She added. Night Shade just handed her the picture. "Where did you get this?" She asked.

"It was in his office, why?" Night Shade said. Sunny Medows's face fell.

"I was told this was for the newspaper," She said.

"Who took the picture?" Blue Streak asked. Sunny Medows gave an exact description of Walker.

Blue Streak sighed. "That sounds exactly like his sidekick, Walker," He said. Sunny Medows looked at the ground.

"I should've known," She said. A brief silence fell between the three before Blue Streak spoke up.

"How did you know him?" He asked.

"How do you think I knew him," Sunny Medows replied sarcastically. Blue Streak started to apologize but she spoke again. "I'm sorry, I just, The picture is exactly what it looks like," She said. "What you think happened, It probably happened," She continued. "I don't want to talk about it but if you need the answers, I guess I'm willing to help," She finished.

"How old were you?" Night Shade asked. He was trying to start with easier questions to make her more comfortable talking about it hopefully.

"I was fifteen and he was twenty-five," She answered. Night Shade couldn't help but internally shudder, how could anyone do something like that?

"How did it happen?" Night Shade asked. Sunny Medows looked at the ground, mentally preparing to relive the event.

"I was out late one night and someone from an alleyway knocked me out, and then I was in a small room," She said it was an almost frighteningly straightforward story. Night Shade pondered his next question for a moment.

"Were you the only one?" He asked.

"I was the only one in the room but there were others," She said. "He always called me His Favorite though," She added. This time, Night Shade shuddered as it wasn't a very pleasant thing to think about. "Once he figured out I was pregnant he stopped abusing me and started trying to be more intimate with me, and then, one day he dropped me in front of a hospital and I gave birth the next morning," She explained. "And that was it, He never tried to contact me again, I have never had any sort of problems or anything like that since," She clarified.

"Did you ever have an interaction with Walker?" Blue Streak asked.

"Not until he took that picture, I'd assume Stormy Seas acted alone back then," She said. This was a rather interesting revelation as now there were even more layers to the crimes of Stormy Seas.

"Interesting, Now If you don't mind me asking where is the foal?" Blue Streak questioned cautiously, Sunny Meadows gave him a look like she minded but, begrudgingly she decided that they might as well know even though she didn't believe it would help them.

"I didn't have enough money so I had to give him to the orphanage but I am saving all the money I can to get him back, and I am getting close," She said hopefully. The two officers looked at each other, seemingly sharing the same feeling of sadness at what they were just told though, they held out hope that she would pull through and get the foal back as Sunny Meadows seemed like she would be a great mom.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Night Shade said. She nodded and muttered a quiet thanks before Night Shade spoke again. "Is there anything else you can tell us that could be pertinent to the case?".

"I don't really see how any of this helps you guys if I'm being honest," Sunny Meadows countered. Night Shade sighed as dealing with these types of cases always sucked because it tended to bring out the worst in people, especially when he could tell that they were good people that didn't want to remember their trauma.

"Look, I know that it's tough for you to remember all of this but I need you to keep in mind that this is to aid the case of a girl who is the same age as you were," Night Shade explained. "And it helps us map out suspects that could still be alive and connected in any way to this case, especially with our theory that this was a bigger operation than just Stormy Seas doing his own thing," He added. Blue Streak gave him a death stare, which Night Shade didn't acknowledge, he knew it was risky to tell Sunny Meadows even theories about the case but he believed that it was the only way to get any more information out of her who, to this point had been relatively un-cooperative.

Sunny Meadows looked down, slightly ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry I just don't know what would be useful," She said sounding downcast. "I mean, I remember him talking about joining organized crime to attempt to control his impulsive behavior," Sunny Meadows said. "But I really have no clue if anything ever came of that," She added. Night Shade and Blue Streak looked at each other and shared a raised brow, this was somewhat evidence but not really much to write home about.

The three sat in silence for a second, trying to think of another good question to try and save this lead from being a total bust. As the silence was beginning to drag on a little too long Sunny Meadows broke it.

"I don't know if this helps but he did talk about adding things to various different "Books" I'm not really sure what these were but I bet that they could be something to look into," She explained. Night Shade couldn't really decide how he felt about this news but he figured that it could help in some capacity.

The two detectives shared a nod before getting up "I think this has been a successful interview, I thank you for going through this for us, it helps for more than you know," Night Shade said. Sunny Meadows muttered a non-descript farewell as the two detectives began to leave.

Before they were fully out the door Blue Streak turned around "I don't know if it's legally executable but Stormy Seas named you in his will as the inheritor of all his money, I wouldn't get your hopes up too high though," Blue Streak said. Night Shade gave him a confused look and Sunny Meadows rolled her eyes, assuming that this was just a misguided joke.

After a short silence, the two detectives kept walking, Once they were out of the building Night Shade gave Blue Streak a death stare. "What the hell was that?" He asked. Blue Streak chuckled.

"I wasn't lying," He swore. "I found his will while looking through some documents and he named "The mother of his child." As the inheritor of all of the money he had," He explained. "As I told her though, I don't know if it is a legally executable will considering the money is probably stolen or obtained through illegal methods but I think it would be worth a shot for her," He added. Night Shade gave him yet another confused look.

"And you didn't think to tell me this?" Night Shade asked.

"I didn't think it mattered because it holds no evidentiary value," Blue Streak said.

"I guess you're right still kinda interesting though," Night Shade said. Blue Streak nodded in agreement and the two continued on to the train station, ready to get back home to Ponyville.

After an uneventful trip to Ponyville, the two got off the train, happy to finally get back to their houses and maybe get some rest. Unfortunately, they were sorely mistaken they were immediately approached by an administrative assistant. "The chief wants to see you guys," They said. The two detectives looked at each other and sighed, this might not go well. They begrudgingly followed the assistant to the police station, where the chief was waiting for them at the front desk. They once again found themself playing follow the leader as they trotted to the office of the chief. Once inside he gestured for them to sit down and they did, The chief let out a sigh as he sat down, knowing that he, once again had to reprimand two of his most difficult detectives.

"Well boys, seems you guys have pulled yet another stupid stunt," The Chief said before hesitating, "Now I think I need to preface this to you guys, I'm tough on people I want to succeed," He explained. "With that being said, What In the actual fuck are you guys doing? This whole damn case it has seemed like your priorities have been completely ass-backward! First, while the little girl was missing you guys were sending people on spy missions to try and get dirt on her sister that there could be no case against if the girl wasn't found and then I send you to find her, which I'll admit you did but only because you followed the greatest agent that the EBI has ever seen. And then once you find the girl alive you start investigating suspects that are dead! What are you going to find on Stormy Seas that matters right now? That he committed crimes? you can't charge a dead guy! and you guys would probably just say that you wanted to find evidence against Walker right? Newsflash even if he doesn't plead guilty he is going to Jail!," The chief paused for a second to catch his breath. "Now that we have that out of the way, For the love of Celestia go back to investigating Rarity, Sweetie Belle is alive and well, we already solved that one not to mention that she told you that she would press charges, let the guys in Los Pegasus handle that shit I don't see any reason for you two to be going back and forth every day for a cause that is pretty much just paperwork," He finished.

The two young detectives sat there in bewildered silence, The Chief was completely right (As he often was). Despite this, Blue Streak was too stubborn to just sit there and accept defeat.

"What If we get called to court and don't know what we are doing?" Blue Streak asked. The chief sighed and Night Shade resisted the urge to face-hoof.

"Even if Walker doesn't please guilty and you for some reason get called to the stand, they won't ask you questions like that, and If they do the prosecutor will know and he will protect you, I promise," The Chief reassured. "Now get out of here and go do something productive," The two detectives looked at each other and, with a completely new and reinvigorated outlook, descended out into Ponyville, Detirmened to make the chief proud.

Author's Note:

Turns out not being able to sleep at 2 in the morning does wonders.
I guess I'm not dead but I probably wouldn't get my hopes up, Sorry.