• Published 15th Jun 2019
  • 1,461 Views, 86 Comments

Running With the wind - SC14

Sweetie Belle can’t take the suffering at home, so she does the only thing she can, runs away.

  • ...


Sweetie Belle was surprised at how few people were waiting outside the factory and most of them were police officers with a few news ponies scattered about. She looked at the ground as she passed the news ponies, she didn't want to talk to them, not now.

After walking for a little bit, Sweetie Belle started to wonder where they were going, she knew a little bit from her brief time on the street but it seemed that they were moving closer to the middle of the city. They made their way to a big building labeled 'Police' Sweetie Belle had a good idea of why they were there and if she was honest with herself she wasn't ready to answer any questions about the whole thing.

"I presume you know why we are here," Blue Streak said. Sweetie Belle was slightly surprised at his question. Did he read her mind? That wasn't important she had to focus on getting out of her talk with the police. "Look kid, I know you don't want to do this but, if we send you back to Ponyville they won't let us use any evidence that comes from you, whether it's your statement or physical evidence, You either stay here or you have pretty much have no case against the surviving perpetrator," Blue Streak stated.

"Ah'm not going to let ya bully her in ta doing nothin' if she doesn't want to be interviewed then she won't be interviewed," Applejack said sternly.

"I wasn't bullying, I was telling her the benefits of being interviewed," Blue Streak replied. Applejack went to respond but was stopped by Twilight.

"Seeing one of her friends argue shortly after all of this probably isn't the best thing for her, We should let her choose what she wants to do," Twilight said. Applejack realized her error and muttered an apology, Blue Streak rolled his eyes and started walking into the police station.

"I will be inside if you need me," He said. The four of them paid no attention to him. Twilight realized that Sweetie Belle hadn't said a word since they left the factory.

"How are you doing," Twilight asked, putting a hand on Sweetie Belle's shoulder. She noticed that Sweetie Belle flinched a little bit, Twilight's heart sank it was as bad as she had thought.

"I-I don't know," Sweetie Belle said. Twilight looked at the ground, it was a hard question to ask but, it had to be done.

"I know you are still recovering but, are you okay with being interviewed?" Twilight asked. Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment, She wasn't sure if she wanted to recount her memories this quickly but, she also wanted Walker to go to jail.

"Yes," Sweetie Belle said quietly. The three older ponies seemed a little bit surprised by this, They figured that she would at least take a few hours to decide.

"Okay, follow me," Twilight said. Sweetie Belle nodded and followed Twilight into the large structure. The police station was a little bit different than Sweetie Belle thought it would be, It was pretty loud with a few ponies yelling at each other and some yelling about being arrested.

Blue Streak stood at the front desk, He looked up to see the four ponies enter the building. He nodded and signaled for Sweetie Belle to follow him. He was stopped halfway by a yellow pony. "Is she being interviewed?" He asked.

"Yeah, I got it," Blue Streak said. He went to start walking again but, was stopped by the yellow pony.

"I'll take it from here," He said. Blue Streak raised his eyebrow. "You're going back to Ponyville with her so someone in house might as well perform the interview,"

"Excuse me?" Blue Streak said. "Who says I'm going back to Ponyville," He said, anger present in his tone.

"The chief, You were only sent her to help find the girl so you will not be conducting the investigation," The pony said with a smirk. Blue Streak went to retort but, 'Watch it Streak' Night Shade's words echoed in his head.

"Fair enough, I will head to the train station as soon as I finish my interview," Blue Streak said with a smirk of his own.

"I said I would do it," The yellow stallion said.

"My writing is very legible and I will deliver my notes to you as soon as I am finished," Blue Streak said, poking the stallion on the chest. The stallion muttered something but Blue Streak didn't care, he looked back to Sweetie Belle, who was looking at the ground. "Let's go," He said, She nodded, and followed him to an interview room.

Once they were inside the room, Blue Streak closed the door and took a seat across from Sweetie Belle. "I'm going to be square with you, this is going to be hard, I will try to phrase these the best I can and I will take breaks in between but, it has to be done," Blue Streak said. "We'll start with an easy one. Do you think that they were involved in a bigger scheme?" Blue Streak asked.

"I am almost one-hundred percent certain they were," Sweetie Belle said. Blue Streak raised his eyebrow. "I never saw him myself but, there was a stallion that they only referred to as 'The boss' I'm not sure if they even knew his actual name," Sweetie Belle continued. Blue Streak nodded and wrote it down.

"Okay, now for the hard one," Blue Streak said. She sighed and nodded. "Did they ever do something... inappropriate things to you," Blue Streak said. Sweetie Belle went to speak but she couldn't say it.

"C-can you give me a piece of paper," Sweetie Belle stuttered. Blue Streak gave her a nod and a reassuring smile. She sighed and started writing, She did want to remember what happened between her and Walker but, she knew it had to be done.

She handed Blue Streak the piece of paper. He looked down and let out an angry sigh. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that," He muttered. "Before I continue with my questions, Is there anything that you think I should know?" He asked.

Sweetie Belle looked at the ground, Was there anything that he should know? Scratch that, is there anything that she wanted him to know? Then it hit her. "Oh no," She mumbled.

"What?" Blue Streak asked frantically.

"When they were taking me in the factory, They ran into a stallion and h-he tried to run away but, they got him," She paused, did she want him to know about this? It was too late for that she was in to deep with this one. "They brought him in and tried t-to get m-me to," She paused once again. "They tried to make me k-kill him," She blurted out. Blue Streak's eyes widened, he didn't know what to say.

"You didn't do anything did you?" Blue Streak asked, Not the best way to phrase it but, he was too shocked to form good sentences.

"No," Sweetie Belle said. Blue Streak let out a sigh of relief.

"What did they do with him?" He said. "I mean, do you know what they did to him," He re-phrased.

"Walker dragged him into a side room," Sweetie Belle said. "I assume he is alive because Walker was only in the room for a few seconds and I heard Stormy Seas yelling at him," She added.

"Walker is the one that is still alive, correct?" He asked.

"Walker is the live one, Quincy is the grey one and Stormy Seas is the other one," She stated. Blue Streak thought about asking why She called Stormy Seas the 'Other one' but, at the end of the day, it didn't matter he got what she was trying to say.

"But that doesn't matter he is probably alive," Sweetie Belle said. Blue Streak nodded and pulled out his radio.

"Night Shade, Sweetie Belle just informed me that there is another pony in the factory, she said he is in a side room and should be alive be on the lookout," Blue Streak said.

"Alright, I will watch out for him," Night Shade said. Blue Streak put away his radio and looked back at Sweetie Belle. "I only have a few more questions and then you can go home," Blue Streak said. "I uh mean, Back to Ponyville?" He corrected. It hadn't been at the front on his mind but, now that Sweetie Belle had been liberated where was she going to stay? The obvious answer was back home but, with the whole Rarity situation, she definitely didn't want to stay there. He decided to just address it now rather than later. "Say, do you know where you are going to say when you get back to Ponyville?" He asked.

Sweetie Belle looked at the ground, Truth be told she hadn't thought of that either, It wasn't really at the top of her list of priorities. "I honestly don't know," She said. It was Blue Streak's turn to look at the ground, he thought about any way that he could help her.

"Look, the only thing I can think of, other than staying with one of your friends is keeping you in holding," He said. Sweetie Belle didn't think that sounded good. "You would have to sleep in a cell and some people might think you got in trouble with us but, It could be your only option," He added. This confirmed that she wouldn't like that, She could stay with Apple Bloom, right? Then a thought hit her, did Stormy Seas and or Walker tell anyone about her sister? And then it donned on her, Did Blue Streak know, he rephrased his question about going home, how would he have known.

"D-Do you know about my sister?" Sweetie Belle asked. Blue Streak was slightly taken aback by the sudden question he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to be talking about that case but, she would have to know eventually so he decided that it couldn't hurt to tell her.

"Yes," Blue Streak stated.

"H-How many people know?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Lots. Unfortunately, the story got leaked somehow so pretty much all of Equestria knows," Blue Streak said. Sweetie Belle sighed, there was no way that Apple Bloom or Scootallo would let her stay with them now, It was one thing for them not to believe her but, the fact that they think she went public with it makes it worse.

"What's wrong?" Blue Streak asked.

"I-Its just that... Now, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom probably dislike me," Sweetie Belle said. Blue Streak raised his eyebrow.

"And what makes you think that?" Blue Streak asked.

"Well I tried telling them about my sister and they didn't believe me and we went about our lives but, Since they probably think I was the one who told everyone they would not like me," Sweetie Belle said. Blue Streak realized that he hadn't told her who told him the story.

"AppleJack is the one who told me the story," Blue Streak said. Sweetie Belle looked up at Blue Streak with a shocked expression. Why would AppleJack tell him about their altercation? "She pieced things together when we were interviewing her and I think she just might believe you now," Blue Streak said. Sweetie Belle continued to look shocked did AppleJack change her mind? Her train of thought was interrupted by Night Shade walking through the door, he didn't look happy. He dropped a newspaper on the table. Blue Streak looked at it, 'Split Sight dead! Sweetie Belle found!' he looked back to Night Shade.

"What the hell did you say?" Blue Streak asked, sounding a bit irritated.

"Nothing," Night Shade said. "We didn't remove the bodies in front of anyone, I think we have a snitch," He added. Blue Streak raised his eyebrow.

"You didn't want anyone to know that the 'Hero of Equestria' was dead? You would have to tell them eventually," Blue Streak said. Night Shade shook his head.

"We believe that they were part of a bigger operation and I have a hunch that they are here in Los Pegasus and this gives them the chance to leave," Night Shade said.

Blue Streak sighed. "Come on Night Shade, we have time," Blue Streak said.

"No, They are probably packing right now," Night Shade said.

Rocky Shores (The boss) looked at the door with an annoyed expression, who was interrupting their meeting. A stallion walked in, tossed a newspaper on the table, and left. He looked back at the eight ponies that were staring at him, he shrugged and picked it up. 'Split Sight dead!' He chuckled Split Sight had been a thorn in his side for years and he was glad he was dead, he started to read the rest of the headline and choked. 'Sweetie Belle found! he frantically started reading the rest of the article. He was hoping that Stormy Seas and Walker had just let her go.

His hopes were shattered when he heard about a standoff between Stormy Seas and Split Sight which resulted in the death of both of them along with Quincy. It was over and he knew it, the police had Sweetie Belle in custody and she was probably telling them everything she knew, They were probably on their tail right now, in fact, they probably knew that they were preparing to leave.

"This is over," He said. The others looked at him in confusion. He tossed the newspaper back on the table, they scrambled to read it. He watched all of their varying degrees of concern as they read the paper.

"What now?" One of them asked.

"We go into hiding, they are probably on our tail now," The Boss said. They looked at each other with worried glances. "I recommend getting out of Los Pegasus and fast. He continued. "Oh and if any of you guys get caught and you rat out any of us, you. are. dead." He added. "Just because I'm in hiding doesn't mean I lose my connections, Now get out of here and start packing," he commanded. The eight ponies scampered out the door. The boss sighed, 'How did things go so wrong so quickly?' He thought. But, it was no time for thinking, he exited the room and headed for home.