• Published 15th Jun 2019
  • 1,461 Views, 86 Comments

Running With the wind - SC14

Sweetie Belle can’t take the suffering at home, so she does the only thing she can, runs away.

  • ...


Sweetie Belle awoke to a black room. She didn't know where she was but, she had a good idea of how she got there. She had been caught they finally got her.

Sweetie was freaking out. What were they going to do with her? She had a pretty good idea of what they wanted to do with her but, would they actually do that?

Sweetie searched around the room for a light switch or any sort of light source but, she could find nothing except a locked door. Not to mention the fact that there was nothing in the room beside a dirty mattress, not even an air conditioning vent. At this point, she could only hope that they would just forget about her.

The door suddenly creaked open and she saw a rather proper looking unicorn stallion walk in with the stallion who kidnapped her. "She really is a looker," The proper stallion said. Sweetie cringed as she heard this. Out of all the things he could have said that one was possibly the worst.

"Good job Walker," He said as he gave him a hoof shake. 'Walker' turned and walked out of the room. He turned back towards Sweetie. She started to back up as he approached her. "What's wrong? I won't do anything to bad to you... yet" He said. Sweetie continued to back up until bumped into the wall. "What's wrong? Are you scared of me?" She wasn't sure how to respond or if she should respond. But apparently, her silence was enough for him. "GOOD!" He yelled. "I love it when people are scared of me," He said. Sweetie cowered back in fear as the stallion stood over her. He reached down and put his hoof on her chin and brought her eyes to meet his. She looked into his eyes with a confused look as it appeared he was examining her. He let go of her chin and gave her a once over. She hoped that would be it but, of course, it wasn't. He grabbed her and started examining her all around just like a doctor would. Sweetie shifted uncomfortably as she was too afraid to stop him. "Well all looks well with you," He said. "I will return shortly," He said as he kissed her on the forehead. she tried to push him away. "Ooh, Fiesty are we?" He said with a chuckle. With that, he turned around and walked out of the room. Sweetie Belle collapsed, disgusted with what just happened. She was alone and afraid. She was seriously starting to regret her decision to run away.

You know, If you just be a bitch to them maybe they will kill you. Sweetie cringed. The voices were back and with a vengeance. No one will miss you. Sweetie Belle shook her head. She had enough to deal with and the voices coming back just added to that list. It would be better for everyone. She started to hit her head on the wall hoping that it would make them go away or it would knock her out either one was good.

She was so focused on the pain that she didn't notice the door open back up. "Trying to make an early exit?" The stallion said with a chuckle. Sweetie stopped and looked back at the stallion and for the first time in her life, she felt something. Immense hatred she had only met this stallion five minutes ago and she already hated him more than any other pony in Equestria.

He shook his head as Walker appeared in the doorway. He looked back at Walker and asked. "We ready?" Walker nodded and the stallion shook his head. "First off my name is Stormy Seas but, you are to call me master are we clear on that?" He asked. Sweetie only gave a weak nod of her head. "Secondly what is your real name and what would you like your pseudonym to be? Not that you are going outside any time soon." He said giving her a sadistic grin.

"What," Sweetie Belle said blankly. He stared at her in confusion for a few moments before shaking his head.

"She talks," He said excitedly. "And here I thought we were going to have to name you," He said with a laugh.

"I'm not telling you my name," She said anger evident in her tone. Stormy Seas raised his eyebrow and chuckled.

"Well, then I guess we will just have to figure that out for ourselves." He said. "Well then just tell us what you would like to be called"

"Master," Sweetie Belle said defiantly. It might not have been a good idea to mess with Stormy Seas but, she was in it for the long haul at this point.

"Funny," He said clearly unamused. "Don't make this harder than it has to be" While Sweetie certainly didn't want to die she figured that she should mess with him while she still had the courage to do so.

"Celestia," Sweetie said with pride. This turned out to be a bad idea as Stormy Seas took a few steps forward and punched Sweetie Hard She fell to the ground in pain.

'You ain't funny kid. Now tell me what you want to be called or I will make sure you will walk funny for a week" He said angrily. Sweetie could think of two ways that he could make her walk funny for a week and neither of them sounded too appealing.

Sweetie racked her brain. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't come up with anything. "If you don't give me a name in the next thirty seconds I will call you dumb whore," He said impatiently. Sweetie wasn't one-hundred percent sure what that word meant but she had a pretty good idea.

"Silver Heart" Sweetie Blurted out. He looked at her and shook his head.

"Whatever you say, kid or should I say Silver Heart?" He said with a laugh. "Alright, Walker lets go find out her real name" With that He and Walker turned and left the room.

Sweetie curled up into a ball on the dirty old mattress that they had given her. She just couldn't wrap her head around this whole situation and how it went so wrong so quickly. One day she was roaming free maybe running from a few people but, she was free and then the next day she didn't even go by the same name. Sweetie started to softly cry as she realized the severity of this whole situation. She was a prisoner and her captors were most likely going to do bad things to her.

Sweetie decided that the best thing to do was to get some rest so, she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Well that was an adventure," Walker said as the two stallions walked down the narrow hallway that led to their office. They weren't sure what that room was made for but, it was perfect for keeping their prisoners in.

"It sure was," Stormy Seas said. "Now we just have to figure out her real name," he said with a sigh. He knew that it would most likely be a long boring process to figure out this filly's real name but, he needed to keep up with the latest news on her.

"You know. I don't think she is from around here" Walker said in a thoughtful tone. Stormy Seas raised his eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"She didn't seem to know that alleys that well" Walker stated.

"Not everyone has a comprehensive knowledge of the back-alleys like you do," Stormy Seas said with a chuckle. Walker might not have been the smartest pony but, he made a pretty good sidekick or whatever you would call him.

"Well, she seemed like she was a runaway. And if she was a runaway from these parts she would most likely know the alleys" Walker said sounding slightly irritated.

"I guess your right," He said. That would make their search slightly easier but, still not exactly a walk in the park.

They made their way into the office and Stormy Seas took a seat at one of the chairs while Walker went through some papers.

"Say. You wouldn't happen to have today's newspaper lying around here?" Stormy Seas said with curiosity.

"I think I do," Walker said as he rifled through a stack of papers. "Ah-ha!" Walker said triumphantly as he held up the day's newspaper. "Oh.. I think we found our girl" Walker said as he looked at the headline of the paper. Stormy Seas raised an eyebrow and extended a hoof.

"Oh wow," He said with surprise. The headline read. "Ponyville girl reported missing!" But that wasn't what caught his eye. He was more interested in the text under that. "Yesterday morning Sweetie Belle, the sister of famous fashionista Rarity was reported missing...". Stormy Seas was shocked at what he was seeing. "Looks like we got ourselves a valuable one," He said with a chuckle.

"It seems weird that she would run away like that. I mean I would love it if my sister was famous" Walker said.

"Yeah, It does seem weird but, maybe she just didn't get enough attention or something," Stormy Seas said. Walker shook his head in agreement.

"So, What are we gonna do with her?" Walker asked. Stormy Seas knew what Walker wanted to do with her and he wanted to do it too but, he figured he would put her through hell first.

"Usually I would want to do the usual but, I feel like she has some sort of talent and I need some things done around here. So why not put her to work?" Stormy Seas said.

"I mean I could just do it," Walker said. Despite how stupid that was Stormy Seas decided not to be condescending for once.

"Now Walker. Why would you do something if you could have a perfectly willing filly do it for you?" Stormy Seas said with a smile.

Walker chuckled and smiled. "I wouldn't call her 'Willing' but I get your point". Stormy Seas smiled and laughed. Of course, she wasn't willing but it sounded better that way.

"Yeah Yeah you get the point," Stormy Seas said with a wave of his hoof. "But we will have fun with her either way," He said with a wink.

"I know we will," Walker said with a chuckle. Stormy Seas looked at him with a smile.

"Walker, You are a rat after my own heart" Stormy Seas said mischievously.

"I learned from the best," Walker said with a wicked grin.

Author's Note:

Yes, Walker walked out of the room :twilightblush:. Am I sorry? only a little.
Thanks for reading!

Also if you can tell me what movie the line "You are a rat after my own heart" Is from I will be very surprised.