• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 3,835 Views, 71 Comments

SleeplessBrony's Sexy Speed Fic Compilation - SleeplessBrony

A collection of mature pieces written by prompt and under time limits.

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Comments ( 21 )

Spike had been sent away, tasked with some meaningless errand.

Downvoted so fucking hard.

“You could always hook up with Spike,” Rainbow Dash said, snorting into her glass. A few other members of their club snickered.
Rarity glared long and hard at the pegasus. “Aren’t you the one into bestiality? How closely related are griffons and ponies, anyway?”

I wish so badly I could downvote again. Well, thanks for promising clop and providing it while leaving me in a worse mood than before. :ajbemused:

Different kind of plunge, there. Nice to see some more writing from your corner of the woods, by the way.

The first story was a bit random, but the second and third felt more solid in the Sleeplessbrony cannon like they were side chapters from the main stories so I find them more enjoyable.

2573519 so your legit reason for down voting is because there's no spike in the first chapter and because a character it didn't had underage sex with a kid, not to mention that non of the stories had anything to do with him.........

2573840 The errand is described as "meaningless," implying that no one gives a rat's ass about what Spike's doing, while the ponies' reason for laughing at the idea of sex with him is that dragons are evolutionarily inferior to ponies. This paints a disturbing picture of Equestria, drives a wedge between Spike and his only close friends, and implies that none of them care that he won't be able to connect with anyone in a romantic/sexual way, that they're perfectly fine with the likelihood that he will die alone in the society he was raised in and is part of.

The age gap is an understandable reason for getting him out of the picture (though as long as we're writing about magical cartoon characters, just how hard would it be to simply state dragons reach sexual maturity earlier than ponies do?). I downvoted because the author is treating Spike (a character who has a long, undeserved history of neglect, degradation and abuse from the fanbase and the characters) like unwanted refuse.

Zuh? That seems like an extreme reaction. I understand if you don't like something or disagree with the writer's choice of characters... or something? But the story was solid and the writing was good. If I don't like the story someone is telling, I leave, but I don't downvote it. That's for something that is poorly written or just terrible, neither of which describe this.

Anyways, awesome chapter! I really liked your portrayal of Dash. It really felt like she was struggling to convince herself during her internal monologue, which I hope was your intention, because that's what I got out of it. :pinkiehappy:

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

2573902 So you are saying that if you had the chance to talk about sex escapades and a kid was in the room with you then you wouldn't try to get him/her out with whatever task you could think of on the moment? If you have really seen the show: cows, pigs, donkeys etc. any non pony is treated different, even Zecora and if you actually put attention on how Rarity talks to him you can heard that she speaks to him like he is a dog ( which is ironic considering that in equestrian girls he actually turn into one).
Spike is still a baby dragon it has been said more than once on the show even though he was born when Twilight was a child, so I highly doubt that he need to connect romantically/sexually with someone for a long wile and it's something that will be address when the time comes, like you know every single person that grows up.

And again, you are down voting because the author didn't want a kid to be part of/witness/ be included in a sexual situation. If you wanted an actual scene were he is present and then dismiss because of the sex the you just needed to read the second chapter.

2574117 Like I said, you're right on the age issue, but as for Rarity's bestiality remark, my conclusion is that these ponies are disgusting parodies of the decent characters I'm familiar with.

Wow your Rainbow Dash/Pinkie relationship just gets more and more interesting as you go along and it is has gotten a lot of attention in side stories and remarks but this is possibly the first big event since "Private Party".

Is this Canon for "Romance Reports" or is this just related to the story but not canon. If it is canon I wonder if it is before or after your current long story. In one of those chapters Fluttershy was picking up on the theme of this story though that in and of itself does not give us conclusive evidence about this story's placement in the timeline (if any).

Rainbow Dash's progression in these stories continues to be interesting and I look forward to seeing more (most likely in hints from your main story). Pinkie also is still a treat and I thought your use of her smiles as being her subtle way of expressing herself (believe it or not Pinkie can be subtle even if she is looking blatant) and I love that Rainbow Dash is catching on to it. Also interesting but not surprising is that Dash is keeping her relationship that is not a relationship away from her friends. Granted we know that at least most (if not all) her friends know basically what is going on Dash can't bring herself to admit and that is such a big part of this story. We have seen hints of this before but now we are hearing it right from the horses mouth. Now we just need to hear about Gilda and get more talk about what Pinkie and Dash are going to do (will they continue on the path of being a couple etc).

Also it is clear Pinkie cares for Dash romantically but is willing to give her up if it will make Dash happy. Good thing for Pinkie that is not needed today. The characters have so many delicious layers (mmm like seven layer cake) that as I read it again I notice more. That is a mark of good characterization and is the sort of thing I actually look forward to in your stories.
And as if it needs any more you definitely caught the theme of the prompt even if it would not be true for most. For Dash this is new and her wanting to do this is a big moment in your series.

Can't wait for that particular long story where even more of this gets its due.

I can understand you getting upset because of the implication that Spike is an animal but really? All of them are animals. Some species are smarter than others but that does not take away the fact that of what they are. And seeing as the meaning of bestiality is of a human having sex with a non-human animal we can deduct that in this particular case it means a pony having sex with a non pony like a griffon, and in this fic Rarity is not into it

Now that was an unexpected new thing for Dash. Good for her and Pinkie!

Also, this part?

“I thought you said snuggling was gay?” Pinkie says.

“Pinkie, I’m-

“But now you’re snuggling me!” Pinkie says breathlessly.

This got a long, loud laugh out of me. :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Feels good to stretch the writing muscles, man.

I guess this isn't really canon to RR, but this is kind of how I saw their relationship ending up - think of it as a sneak preview I guess?

This whole thing is pretty hilarious considering I also wrote this.

What is this? An update from Sleepless? :pinkiegasp:

I guess this isn't really canon to RR, but this is kind of how I saw their relationship ending up - think of it as a sneak preview I guess?

I am disappoint. This needs to be canon.

Really nice, by the way. I love the RR version of :rainbowderp: X :pinkiecrazy: even if this isn't technically RR.

“Changeling!” Pinkie yells, shaking Dash back and forth. “Give me my Dashie back you gross bug pony!”

I love this bit, that's what you get for trying to have character growth.

That last PinkieDash one was adorable. PinkieDash as a ship seems to be a bit slow lately, so it was nice to see. Thanks for sharing :pinkiehappy:


It will come back...with a vengeance!

Taking the Plunge is missing its description

That was one of the sweetest little stories I've ever read on this site. Kudos for you, gusta for me, and cupcakes for all! :heart:


To be honest I thought we would see more of it after the third season due to the amount of fodder the season gave people to use in those stories. The 2nd season was not kind to Pinkie/Dash if you wanted inspiration but the third season gave back a lot. So I was expecting more stories sort of like after the season 3 finale you saw a rash of Pinkie/Mac due to people trying to establish how Pinkie was on the Apple farm. Perhaps since so many fans have established what ships they like new material does not affect them unless it establishes a new uncommon ship.


Makes sense, actually. Maybe those "original" ships that we already like could be strengthened if the show shows an uncommon approach to it. Like new elements the characters could find in common or a new way of behaving to each other. We know that Pinkie is affectionate is Rainbow, that she and Applejack have this friendly, playful rivalry and Applejack makes a nice contrast to Rarity sophisticated behavior, but maybe if the writers try to establish new facets of their personality (which are already impressive, the show's greatest strength in my opinion) the ships themselves could be rejuvenated by it.

Wow, that's the second time I don't end up rambling... :twilightoops::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh::applejackconfused:

My favourite chapter! Since I'm one of the biggest PinkieDash shippers there is! ;P
I love this! So muuuuchhh! And I hope Dash realizes Pinkie is the best pony for her! >:D 'Cuz she clearly is the best!

Ohhh!!! A friend recommended this fic (Chapter 3) to me because she's a big Pinkiedash shipper. This is the first fic/story I ever read with them and I'm so pleasantly surprised! This was a really good read and it felt very natural how they interacted.
I'm not good with words but I never expected to like a fic this much. It's the perfect amount of whumpy and adorable with a happy end <3 Thank you!

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