• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 14,438 Views, 1,564 Comments

Griffon of Canterlot - Electuroo

A young griffon found a few weeks after the events of Nightmare Moon on the grounds of the castle. The questions continue to mount over time with no solid answers as they find that communicating with the young griffon going to be more challenging.

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Chapter 107.25: An Interstellar Adventure Part One

Author's Note:

The dream adventure begins for Gale and the others and a Stellar one it is!

Comments always welcomed.

Stay safe and healthy all!


Griffon of Canterlot

Chapter 107.25: An Interstellar Adventure Part One

“Space, the great unknown; only now we going to know it a little better. Harry?” The large screen lights up showing stars of the Milky Way Galaxy with grids appearing across it.

The view of them standing at the console change to a screen been watched by Keeper Sentinel and Gale Solarclaw in a part of the jefferies tube, a cable attached to a open panel. “Wow that look so cool Keeper, what exactly are they doing?”

“From the look of things finding a quicker way home around Krenim space, by the look of things it will take about four years off their journey time back to the Alpha Quadrant.” Keeper said coping the data from the Astrometrics lab to his pad. “The fact we were suppose to investigate the temporal disturbances that happened in this area of space lead to us finding humans was a added bonus on our part.”

Gale curiously watched all in the lab clapping their hands part from two, Seven and Harry Kim. “Now... how the hell does it work?” Janeway asked getting some short laughs from some of them.

Seven pressing the keys on the lcars control panel. “Astrometric sensors measure the radiative flux of up to three billion stars simultaneously. The computer then calculates our position relative to the centre of the galaxy.”

Harry Kim than continue explaining it to the others after Seven. “This mappy technology is ten times more accurate than what we've been using.” Harry turn to Seven. “Seven, will you do the honours?” Seven tap away and bring up their route around Krenim Space. “We've plotted a new course home.”

“By my estimation this trajectory will eliminate fours years from your journey.” Seven said.

Neelix put his arm around her. “Our journey. Nice work, Seven.”

Keeper end the visual and audio display pulling the cable out closing the panel up. “It is interesting how this dream adventure been going so far.” Keeper put the pad into his bag, they start to walk down the tube to the door hatch.

“The mission briefing about the Krenim temporal events that were happening for half a year, dad being a admiral of the Creatures Federation Alliance and that I was put into this team because I was in some sort of come to age griffon tradition on the planet Gaia.” Gale said as they approach the hatch, Keeper tap his finger on a few keys of the touch keypad and the hatch opens up.

Keeper jump down from the tube, Gale hoop down. “A crew 29 we come to see the time weapon ship explode with a temporal shockwave resetting the events to day one part from us and those of the CFA.” Keeper said walking over to the ladder hatch pressing the keypad to open the hatch up to the ladder below. “That when Admiral Grover changed our objective with the discovery of USS Voyager and humans, Directive Omega 001.”

“And here we are!” A red finch griffon with yellow feather head, wing tips, tail brush and beak pop her head up through the hatch giving them a jump scare.

“Antimatter!” They both shouted at her.

She giggled. “Sorry about that guys, I and Tempo are done with Engineering Captain Keeper.” She saluted and climb back down allowing the others to climb down to the next deck of the jefferies tube to meet up with a light blue and white hippogriff with dark blue head feathers and pony like tail, white beak, talons and hooves. They each wearing a strapped bag with ranked badges attached to them.

Keeper dust himself off. “We will head back down to deck 14 jefferies tube section 29 back to Deep Dive Explorer, the other team on Deck Two should be done soon, also Lt. Skyclaw is the virus on their internal sensors still working it magic?” He told them where they going next and asked the hippogriff.

Tempo respond to Keeper's question. “We are hidden by their sensors but not visually, if we didn't know their schedules when they are in the jefferies tubes we could have had a run in on them by random chance. Captain they won't know we here unless we do it by mistake, accident, bad timing or just go with First Contact Protocol, which ever come first.”

“It not perfect though, for a second the sensors do pick up on our life signs before erasing that data and we becoming hidden from it again.” Antimatter added. “Though we should be fine.”

Gale open up the next hatch. “Why do we have to do all this observing stuff if humans are our first directive?”

“Because humans at myths and the fact they aren't so much makes it a serious matter, we do not know if they can be trusted or even at a technological level for first contact, till CFA Command says other wise we do what we are asked and collect the data and observe.” Keeper said as they walked down the tube.

Antimatter tap the tip of her beak. “Wonder how the dragons are doing?”

Tempo rolled her eyes. “You sent them to observe interactions at a mess hall where they sit, eat, chat, laugh and work... what do you think? Lt. Commander...”

Keeper turn his head slightly to them walking behind. “Anubis must be driving them nuts as well, their god of the dead doing basic work.” Keeper said.

“Only one dragon going to be driven nuts over it and happen to by our pilot, the best in the fleet too. Even she got one heck of a supernova of a temper.” Antimatter said shaking her head a little.

Gale tilt his head. “She does? I never seen it.”

In the jefferies tube of Deck Two a cyan dragon with turquoise underbelly sat cross legged holding a pad wired up to a open panel, she was watching through a audio and visual link to the Voyager systems of the Mess Hall. “Eat and talk, work and eat, just eat... stare out into space or just reading something on a pad.” She said sarcastically with a roll of her red eyes.

Spyro sat in front of another open panel holding a device running scans on the bio neurological gel packs. “It is called a Mess Hall Commander Ember.” Spyro said.

“And we watching their interactions to get the impression on how humans and the humanoid races are. I get we doing that part...” Ember looked over to Spyro. “Ensign Spyro, what is Anubis doing exactly over there?” Ember now look past the purple dragon to the wingless armoured clothed robed dragon sitting at a console working on it, he using his own scanning device over it too.

Spyro glance over to Anubis before continuing his work. “Something to do with the temporal event we witnessed and the appearance of USS Voyager as the shockwave pasted in front and around us. I think he called it a Temporal Echo or something.”

“Like shadow of something formally was?” Ember questioned.

“No idea... temporal paradoxes and anything to do with time events go right over my head...” Spyro said. “All I know we have defences to protect against it in both ships and our whole space...”

Anubis continue to work on his pad and without looking at them he respond to their conversation. “Temporal Echoes are high levels of temporal, tachyon and chroniton particles, those from the original timeline before the shockwave remain for a brief time but hidden to most sensors, unless you know what your looking for.”

Ember frown slightly. “So your saying that this level 12 shockwave even it happened three days ago where it wiped out a whole year and reset the clock it still present?”

“Exactly, I have discovered it and found a audio communication just before the explosion, it taken days but I finally found what I am looking for.” Anubis downloads the information to his device.

Spyro went over to him seeing what he was downloading from. “This is a secondary communication unit directly connected to the bridge, you could of tripped some sort of sensors up there Anubis...”

Anubis close up his device. “I know, but it was worth the risk. I got a few audio files that were fading away rapidly, now I have it I can reconstruct the final moments and may find out what happened to the time weapon ship.”

“Still don't get how you got the audio logs from this ship when it just appeared.” Ember said with confusion.

“It didn't appear.” Anubis raise a finger. “It was here all along as the timeline was altered.”

Ember gave him a very confused look. “That doesn't even make any sense...”

Anubis chuckled lightly. “Temporal events hardly do Ember.”

Ember put the pad down crossing her arms. “And the fact your our god of the dead and a dragon literately the definition of out of phase of time itself.”

“Indeed I am... Indeed.”

Spyro went back to work on the gel pack. “This been one very weird dream so far...” He muttered under his breath.

Anubis whispers back to him. “I advise keeping that to ourselves when we alone, not in present of a character to the dream adventure.”

Ember shook her head. “You two lame brains like to talk about your own personal things, do it when we not on the clock.”

“Yes... ma'am.” They said together and Anubis aids Spyro with his work.

Ember glance up. “I wonder if those feather brains and the captain think I would flip out on my god working on very simple tasks as this?”

“I do not know Commander, we on the clock to get the final scans in.” Anubis said bluntly to her.

Ember snorted out some blue flames. “Ass...” She said out loud on purpose and went back to observing the Mess Hall seeing Neelix had returned to the galley. “Let's see what the chef makes today...”

A blackish grey kitsune with nine tails, eight had blue flames while the ninth had a red flame, she wear a yellow and blue top with a strap across it with a rank marker on it, her one red eye stared at the one entrance into this section of tube the other with a scar line through it closed with lightly colour fur making the scar clear to be seen stood on the bridge of the Deep Dive Explorer.

She stood before the captains chair in a dome room on a platform, consoles behind with chairs, two on the sides between a total of three doors, one behind two from the side. In front of the chair a curved console that was the helm, all around was a panels creating a holographic display of the outside of the ship in a three dimensional format. A fox and hippogriff with red and blue tops with a rank strap across the chests sat at the operations and security station, a dragon wearing a green and blue top with a gold rank strap across her chest at the helm.

The white fox at operations spoke up. “Commander Clawshadow, Captain Keeper's team alpha returned with team beta, delta and gamma from their observations and data collection.” He said pressing holographic display with his fingers seeing the reports come in. “Charley and Epsilon still on board Voyager finishing up theirs.”

“Thank you ensign.” Di'Sai Clawshadow responded in a stoic tone staring at the view of space from the underside angle of Voyager above, their ship attached to a section of it near jefferies tube 29 alpha deck 14. “Status on systems ensign...”

“Cloaking still activate and green, docking port and hull clamps still engaged and strong, extended warp field still strong. Also the Camo Virus that keeping the teams on board off their internal systems still working as a charm, weapons and shields on standby with emergency transporters for the teams if things go south ready and able.” The white fox answered giving the report on the system status to Commander Clawshadow.

The behind the captain chair opens up to a corridor with adjoining corridors down it with the captain walking onto the bridge, all stood to attention. “Captain on the bridge.” Di'Sai said.

Keeper raise his hand up. “At ease.” They did and went back to work on their stations, he walk around the back railing platform behind the captain chair. “Commander, how things on this end?”

She look to the holodisplay view of Voyager above them. “Quiet captain, systems are green. Nothing new to report, I gather things been more interesting on the human vessel the USS Voyager?”

“Indeed it has, Tempo and Antimatter going through the data we collected so far, Gale is talking to his dad at the Hyper Communication Terminal.” He sat down on the captain's chair, Keeper open up the panel tapping away on the key pad to bring up the visual display. “When Commander Ember's team return, and their data gone through. There will be a meeting at the situation room for senior staff at twenty-one hundred Voyager time.”

Di'Sai nod. “That good to hear sir, but are you sure it be okay for Gale to talk to his father the admiral via the HCT? Voyager may pick up on the communication signal.” Di'Sai said with some concern.

Keeper kept a calm collected look upon him. “They haven't detected our message communications or the last HCT, so I don't think we have anything to worry about commander, anyway Lt. Renny with Gale keeping a eye in case they do.”

Di'Sai could see the logic in what he said, they have been sending transmissions and none of it been detected so far. “Very well sir... I am going to go and do my rounds, give the duty shifts for the next few days for my security team before the meeting.”

“Of course, see you there commander.”

“See you there captain.” She walk around the chair and semi raised platform walking out the middle door.

“This is some dream adventure...” Keeper smiled.

The white fox's white ears with black tips twitch. “Captain?”

“Just something saying out loud ensign, we getting to do something that we only dreamed of.” Keeper raise his head upwards looking at the large ship of Voyager their ship was attached to.

The young ensign look up too. “Your right about that one captain.” He went back to work.

Keeper sighed slopping in the chair a little rubbing his forehead. “Almost ruined it Keeper... keep that to yourself and those that know this is a dream...” He whispered to himself glad to get out of that mess he almost got himself into.

In a small room on the Deep Dive Explorer Gale stood before a holographic form of his father Grover ranked admiral of Fleet Command, behind Gale working at a console keeping a eye on the systems and making sure the transmission not being intercepted was a pale green and cream dinosaur with yellow, blue and red top on the muzzle, stood on three long toes with thick claws on each, two fingers and thumbs with claws on the tips of them with a think long tail to balance on the digitigrade legs wearing a blue and yellow uniform top.

“Connection is stable and secure. Admiral.” His black pupils shift in the orange of their eyes.

“Thank you Lt. Renny, you Rainbow Faces know no bounds when it come to your intergalactic skills.” Admiral Grover said with a smile on his beak.

The Rainbow Face gave a short nod. “Thank you admiral, we find challenges in our work and keeping this transmission hidden is such a continuous challenge.”

Grover turn his attention to Gale. “Son I hear your doing well, you've been working hard for Captain Sentinel, and from the look of things you are being a amazing griffon on his right of passage to joining the CFA as each and every griffon have done when they turn twelve, I am proud of you.” The older one said to the younger one.

“Thank you dad! I am having fun as well, Spyro say you need to recharge in-between shifts! And using the Hologrid been awesome too!” The young one smiled warmly. “I do look forward to being more than a cadet of the Creatures Federation Alliance!”

“That you are Gale, you will make the Solarclaws proud and your mum too... so what can you tell be about the humans and the observation for First Contact?”

“There not just humans, there all sort of creatures, one of them had these cool ridges on her forehead, another had pointy ears, the other had all these spots and a human with cyborg implants on her too! We watched them activate this Astrometrics Lab and seem to be trying to get home, but they look so far away from home!”

“Yes I got some of the reports from Sentinel before your message and the call, it is interesting that we were investigating level 12 temporal shockwaves coming from this area of space to find a starship with humans on it.”

“Weird thing is dad, they just appeared out of nowhere! I mean the Krenim time weapon ship that caused all of it exploded and than a new Krenim ship with Voyager appeared from the wave! It was really weird! What the chances that a time weapon ship blowing up creating one final temporal wave would have humans appear right in front of us!”

“It was seem strange Gale, through out several of our worlds history over 4000 years ago and beyond there was myths and legends about humans before it just seem to all stop, the fact also we seem to find out where they from and this ship being far from it is bring up a lot of questions to be answered... that why the mission of investigating the temporal shockwave changed to Directive Omega 001 and observation procedures began for first contact even they are not as advance as we are.” Gale's dad said to Gale.

“Because our Directive Alpha-Omega is to not interact with creatures that are less developed as our own even they are using engines that can travel faster than the speed of light like Warp Drive that we stopped using over 200 years ago, right dad?”

“Correct my little griffon.” He chuckled. “Now with the new details we've gotten and if all things go to plan, in five or six days time Captain Sentinel will decloak the Deep Dive Explorer and begin first contact procedures with the USS Voyager, and for whatever reason it doesn't go to exactly to plan, we will try to proceed either way with the ship first and than think about the Untied Federation of Planets and Earth with a ambassador first contact fleet of six ships.”

“Yeah I hope it works on dad!.”

The dino like being speaks up. “Admiral Grover, sorry to interrupt but we got about 30 seconds of alignment left before we lose connection till three days from now.”

“Thank you Lt. Renny for the heads up.” The dino nod. “Take care son.”

“I will dad! Tell mum I love her!”

“Hehe, I will son, take care of your older brother okay?”

“Will do dad! Bye!” They wave their talons and the holographic admiral vanishes.

2100 came and the gathering of the Deep Dive Explorer senior crew at the briefing room at the front of the ship, a window viewing the stars and just above in view the underside hull of Voyager's saucer section. Keeper, Tempo, Antimatter, Di'Sai, Anubis, Ember, Spyro and Renny sitting around a diamond shape table.

Keeper sat on the flat side top of the diamond shape table with his padded fingers and thumbs press against each other. “I am glad to see everyone was able to make it here on the development of first contact with the Untied Federation of Planets starship USS Voyager, in the last three days we been observing and gathering data from not only humans but other humanoid races on board.”

The fox move his hands apart and picked up a pad on the table pressing it and than the console in front of him the main display opposite to him on the wall lights up. “During this time our Temporal Specialist Anubis as been working on finding out what exactly happened the moments before our arrival and it seem today he discovered it.” Keeper raise his right hand to the Death Dragon sitting to his right. “This is your discovery, you should be the one to show them what you found.”

Anubis gave a short bow of the head. “Thank you Captain Sentinel.” He got up from the table walking around to the large display holding a pad, pressing on it he brings up a view of a very wrecked damaged bridge with a massive hole where the viewscreen should be. “This was taken from display beta 012 at the science console near the walk way to deck two and tuber lift 2, from this we seeing Voyager heavily damaged and on the verge of destruction.”

“That the weapon time ship we saw, how come we don't see Voyager there?” Ember asked.

Anubis brought up a audio file. “This is why we didn't see a heavily damaged Voyager, it the last few audio recordings that remained from the Temporal Echo, it took me days at different sections of the ship's jefferies tubes to get this.” He press a key on the pad to play it for them all to hear.

Tuvok: All our ships been disabled captain, do you have weapons?

Janeway: Negative, torpedo launchers are down, I am setting a collision course.(Sounds of the ship shaking about with explosions from consoles, Janeway tapping away at a console.) Janeway to the fleet, take your temporal ships offline.

Tuvok: Captain we won't be protected.

Janeway: Exactly! If that ship is destroyed, all of history might be restored... this is one year I like to forget... (few seconds past) Times...Up...

They looked at each other from what they just heard, Antimatter spoke. “A big gamble but it seem to have paid off, it incredible that you were able to find that image and this last communication between Captain Janeway and Commander Tuvok.” She pick up her own pad looking at the data given from Anubis. “Still... for it to be so dire that the captain would end her own life, even though now it never happened...”

Di'Sai was looking at the senior crew roster of the USS Voyager stopping at Seven of Nine, she looked up the given birth name, her only eye fixed on it. “The fact we saw it happen and with all the temporal shockwaves that effected time through out the galaxy... all but us and our space was temporarily reset by a whole year.” Ember said.

Di'Sai raise her eye from the crew roster. “It does raise some interesting questions on what we found out through what Anubis discovered and what we found on the ship so far, I do believe they are quite resourceful and would discover us before the remaining five days are up.”

Tempo agrees as she respond to what Di'Sai said. “I been doing a few checks of events that taken place on the ship since it first arrived thanks to this Caretaker Array, one of them is to do with the Voth.”

Renny instantly gave an alarmed look. “The Voth!? They encountered the damn think headed Voth!?”

Keeper raise his paw hand. “I know the Rainbow Face and the Voth don't see eye to eye as well the opinions on mammals.”

“That a understatement, we pride ourselves with working with our genetic cousins unlike them, because of it we ended up in a stupid war that cost us our world and forced us to run. We were lucky to find your kind all those centuries ago Captain.” Renny said with a bit of venom in his voice over the Voth. “Even we haven't heard or seen them for that long we still hold a deep personal grudge against them.”

Antimatter cross her forelegs. “I am not overstrike on them either, but it seem that Voyager did cross a science vessel trying to find the humans because of 47 genetic markers, the city ship from the look of things made this Gegen denounce his Origin Theory even the evidence was in their faces...”

Spyro pick up his pad with the forepaw looking at the data of it. “We have access to their database on genetics, how many of these markers are part of any of the races in the CFA?”

“Interesting question.” Tempo said. “I will look it up and inform you all on what I find out.”

Keeper bring up the next subject at hand. “Now Anubis, other than temporal, what is your personal opinion on Voyager with first contact?”

“I been looking at everything and it seem that we either do it soon or it gets messy with them discovering us, if they were able to discover a phase cloak personal device made by the Voth, who know how long we will keep their sensors fooled, specially with this astrometrics lab of theirs.” Anubis brought up some very valid points.

Di'Sai bring up a suggestion. “I would suggest speeding up the process, we got the key data and viewed them for many days now, I believe we could start the process.”

Spyro nod. “I think we can too.”

Di'Sai walk down the corridor after the meeting to turn in for the night, she noticed the hologrid was active as the kitsune walk by. “Ah crap I forgot to close down the program!” She turn walking up to the console reaching a forepaw up to it, the tactile response from the pads respond to the command. “The training program is running and there someone in there...” She use the tactile to open the doors.

The doors slide up, she walk into a cavern seeing large veins of Bloodstone Crystals shimming through the rocks, walking in she saw a yellow with cream underbelly to under muzzle, with black tip tails and ears with orange quiff on top of the head fighting dragons unleashing blasts of whitish blue magical fire from the muzzle to using magic from the seven tails. “Gale?”

The yellow young kitsune turn in alarm to see Di'Sai. “Computer freeze program!” The dragon freeze in mid air. “Di'Sai I-”

She raise a forepaw up silencing him. “It my fault.”

Gale walked up to her. “Your fault?”

“Transfiguration is part of our nature when it comes to our magic.”

“I know, it just cool that I get to experience being a kitsune! It fun using my pure magic through kitsune magic!” Gale said waving his seven tails around with bluish white flames dancing around above them shimmering with aura around the flickering floating flames.

The adult kitsune walked around Gale taking a good look with her left eye examining him visually and through her magical senses too. “There is fun and there is control Gale. You have a great deal of magic with very little control, this pure magic I heard you had but this is the first time I seen it in action.”

Gale watched her walk around him. “So using it here wasn't a good idea?”

“You could of easily blew a hole in the grid if you had a surge or fully lost control of your magic, trust me I been there a long time ago in another life and those you allowed to wield magic.” Di'Sai sincerely said to the teenager. “I could give you a few basic lessons and you can control to grow from there by expanding upon them.”

Gale thought about it. “I would like that Di'Sai! I know learning things take time, it can't happen over night.”

“Correct.” She looked around. “Computer remove the dragons.” The dragons vanished. “Computer, create two four by four metres safety mats.” Two blue mats appear before them, she walked onto one of them. “I am going to show you what I do with my time while I am in here.” She push up onto her hind paws, lift one of them up pressing her forepaws together in front with her nine tails freely waving around behind her.

Gale was surprised how easily she stood on one hind paw, she was standing straight calmly breathing in and out. “Whoa... you make that so easy!”

Di'Sai Clawshadow closed her eye continue to focus on her centre. “Balance of chaos and order isn't perfect, but if you can get close to it you find a centre and can balance even when your body screams this is not how it should work.” Di'Sai calmly said to Gale. “Now you try but use your forelegs and tails to aid your balance. And you will most likely fall over or even feel great deal of pain, do not push yourself, paste yourself.”

Gale walked onto his mat feeling the soft synthetic material under the weight of each paw shift slightly. “Your able to balance like that even on this kind of mat?”


Gale attempted to stand on his hind paws alone but waved his forelegs around wildly trying to keep balance on two of them to Di'Sai's one, he stumbled falling on his back with a grunt. “Okay, that really tough without my wings.” Gale attempted again and fell this time on his front, Di'Sai watched him fail over and over again. “Wow your really good Di'Sai.” Gale sat up looking over at her still standing calmly on the one hind paw.

Di'Sai lower the other hind paw back down leaning forwards to stand on all four paws. “That is one of many techniques of balance I can show you, this one will be more a steady flow of movement through our bodies, with a lift of a forepaw to a shift of the foreleg to hind leg, shifting your balance in motion.”

Gale got up. “Oooh cool!” Di'Sai start to show him raising a foreleg shifting it with moving her hind legs slightly, shift push herself up with tails moving alongside the movement of her upper torso, standing on the hind legs shifting the stance moving her forelegs as she step forwards slightly, she shift backwards a bit too with a slide of one hind paw.

“Now you try to follow my motions, use your tails as one with your body weight through your upper torso, shift your hind legs in small motions.”

“Okay. I will try Di'Sai!”

Seven of nine working at the Astrometrics Lab got a strange reading. “Curious...” She noticed odd readings on the sensors below Voyager. “Computer, explain this unusual reading near deck 14 outer hull.”

“There is no unusual reading detected close to the outer hull.”

Seven shift her head slightly. “Computer, the readings is right-” The readings had vanished. “-here...” Seven checked the sensor log to notice it was altered, she tap the badge. “Captain Janeway, this is Seven of Nine.”

Seven this better be important, it one in the morning and you just woke me up...”

“I believe it is, I detected something unusual under Voyager near deck 14 outer hull, the computer didn't detect it even it was on display and when I checked the sensor logs they were altered.” Seven said sternly to the captain.

Are you telling me something or someone is hidding something near Voyager?”

“That is what I believe captain, we recently dealt with a alien race that had two ships attached to our hull while they did tests on the crew and were able to keep all records of the ships from our sensors.” Seven of Nine stated recalling the event that took place about an month ago.

Get to work finding out what going on if possible I'll be at Astrometrics in a moment, there is no way in hell we having a repeat of that! If that is the case. Janeway out.”

Seven decided to widen her search through out the ship to see if there is any other changes to the logs and systems.

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