• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 14,438 Views, 1,564 Comments

Griffon of Canterlot - Electuroo

A young griffon found a few weeks after the events of Nightmare Moon on the grounds of the castle. The questions continue to mount over time with no solid answers as they find that communicating with the young griffon going to be more challenging.

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Chapter 3 – With Breakfast the Mystery Deepens

Author's Note:

I am still looking for a editor/proofreader. Any suggestions on any groups that will help me find one will be great!

I really want this to come out the best it came. I still reading it over and ironing it out best of my abilities.

Update 29/01/2020: Proofread by Katarina Mau
Hope you enjoy the story so far and love any help or feedback that will improve this!


Griffon of Canterlot

Chapter 3 – With Breakfast the Mystery Deepens

“Princess Celestia did she-”


“Are we-”




“Understood your highness.”

Celestia turned her attention to the young griffon that was still staring at the closed door. “Are you going to stare at the door or join us young one?” Celestia asked, giving the teenage griffon a call sign of 'young one' until she knew of his name.

The tilt of his head and not moving from the wall showed that he either didn't completely understand or still had little to no trust in her or Shining Armor. She opened up one wing and flapped it a few times in his direction, blowing the smell of hot pancakes towards him. He sniffed the air, his stomach grumbling with his free talon hand over it.

Celestia kept her genuine smile. “We are sitting on the far side so you can have your room. Please sit.” She gestured to the chair on the far side of the table.

He still didn't move, staring at her. “I don't think he believes you Princess...”

Celestia closed her eyes her horn glowing, then all doors gently opened up in the room at once. The griffon watched all of them open, looking back at her quickly, then at all the doors to see guards standing by each door like statues.

He quickly shifted away from them, but none of the guards reacted to him, which caused him to pause his movement.

“You may leave if you wish. I won't stop you, nor will the guards.” She gestured to the doors. “I won't force you young one.”

Shining Armor quickly turned to Celestia. “Princess Celestia wh-” She gestured a hoof up to him and he went quiet. The griffon tilted his head, watching Shining Armor go silent. He quickly looked back at the doorway, slowly walking up to it until he stood between the guards, looking to the right to the left as they seem to not even look at him.

The griffon turned around to one standing up on his hind legs waved his free talon close to the snout of the guard, getting no response. With a chip and soft squawk, he sounded confused by the lack of reaction “Hmm...” Celestia said to herself and Shining, looking to be deep in thought. “I don't think he can speak...”

The griffon got down back on his free talon and his paw feet to turn towards the table. “It sure seems like it, and the plan appears to be working....” Shining Armor's, doubts lingering, and turned to the griffon himself after what he just saw.

Celestia raised a cup of tea to her lips. “I was in doubt too.” Celestia replied sensing his doubts. “The guard being stationed after he arrived to gave him an option to stay or go was a risky one.” Celestia said, as she drank some of her tea, watching the griffon walk over to the table slowly while looking at each of the doors as they closed back up. “But I am glad it paid off.”

The teenager walked up to the seat that was gestured to by Celestia at first, then he put the plush down on the edge of the table and climbed up onto the chair to sit on it. He looked to the pile of pancakes, seeing the syrup oozing over them, to the whipped cream picture of a griffon face on it.

He had a very questioning look about it and looked to Celestia.

“I got a bit creative. Hope you don't mind.” Celestia giggled, seeing a slight smile from the griffon. “You have a nice smile young one.” She softly told him, causing him to blush shyly, a wing covering his face. Celestia stifled a laugh, a hoof to her snout.

A quick confused look came from him a few seconds afterwards.“I am sorry. It’s just good to see you are not running away. I see you are still a bit wary of us, from the way you were looking around.”

The griffon set his wing back to his side and looked confused again. “It look like he understands to a point, but loses track.” Shining Armor observed, and was having more doubts about the griffon, his suspicions growing.

“It seems so Shining Armor.” Celestia agreed, using her magic to pick up the knife and folk, the griffon seeming to act a bit fearful of the magic. “It’s okay. I am only using them to cut and eat my pancakes, see?” She put the fork into the pancakes, than cut them with the knife before picking up the bite of pancakes, putting them in her mouth and chewing.

He looked down at the knife and folk reaching out to each with his talons. Holding them, he watched what she did and tries to mimic the movement of the knife and fork, making a bit of a mess. He growled a little and tried again, until a bit of a messy mix of whipped cream, pancakes and syrup were stuck on the fork.

Putting it into his beak, he pulled the fork out, chewing on it. His eyes widened as the flavour exploded in his mouth. Chirping with a slight whistle, he swallowed and licked his beak, the griffon eagerly eating some more.

“Would you like something to drink?” Celestia asked. He looked up after a few more mouthfuls, his beak messy. The feathers around the beak also covered in whipped cream and syrup, blinking a few times.

Celestia using her magic float over two jugs to him. “This one is orange and this one is apple.” She pointed a hoof to each. “Which would you like in the glass?” He tilted his head. “Hmm... Smell and see which you like, like this.” She brought them back to her and sniffed at them, then placed both to the left of his plate.

The griffon leaned over to the orange filled jug, taking a sniff, he instantly recoiled with a scrunched up beak, shaking his head and pawed at his nostrils with his talons.

“I think he hates the smell of orange juice.” Shining Armor stated. “And didn't know that griffons had teeth in their beaks, let alone that they could scrunch them like a pony's muzzle.”

Celestia pulled the jug away and poured the apple juice into the glass. “Apple juice it is.” She said as she turned to Shining Armor. “Well at least we getting somewhere.”

“I don't know princess... Maybe he is playing dumb.” Shining Armor suggested, looking back over to the griffon as he picked up the glass with both talons to sniff at it then drank some.

“He seems to know the basics well enough, maybe the two weeks and the runaround was all a ploy...” Shining Armor's doubts growing about the true extent of the young griffon. The griffon happily ate more pancakes, squawking happily, his wings fluttering.

“Captain Armor, we know very little about him.”

“That’s the point princess. My doubts about him are because of the plush. I didn't say anything because I was uncertain, but now I think he maybe playing us.” Shining Armor whispered to Celestia.

Celestia look directly at the captain before something came to mind. Yes. I can use this to gain the trust of the young griffon. Maybe this will work.

The thought that came to mind allow Shining Armor to continue, to see if he would do what she'd thinks he will do. “You’re playing us for a foal, aren't you?” He raised his voice at the griffon, the young one’s head rising up and swallowing hard when he saw the look Shining Armor had.

“That plush is too well made you-” As he got off the chair, the griffon instantly grabbed his plush and with a beat of his wings, moved backwards, knocking over the chair and squawking in panic.

“CAPTAIN SHINING ARMOR!!!” Celestia used her Royal Canterlot Voice. The griffon covered his ears quickly, closing his eyes. As soon as the echoing stopped, he opened his eyes to see the white stallion flinched and showing slight fear on his face and eyes.

Shining Armor slowly turned around to an angry looking Celestia. “Sit back down and leave the griffon alone! If the young one approaches, you will be able to talk to him! Not the other way around! Understood!?”


“Understood!?” She repeated, pointing to the chair.

Shining Armor's ears flattened, and he looked to the floor. “Yes, your majesty.” He dragged his hooves as he walked back to the seat and sat back down on it.

The griffon watched and relaxed, as Celestia smiled towards him. He went back to the table, grabbed hold of the chair and pushed it back up. He still watched Shining Armor now eating his pancakes and not even looking up. “Sorry if I went overboard, but I think this may work in our favour.” Celestia whispered to Shining Armor, using her magical mane as a cover to block her face and mouth while speaking to the captain.

Shining Armor glanced to her quickly without a word, then back to his food, until he felt something near him. Shining Armor slowly looked to his right, to see the young griffon holding his plush while looking directly at him. ‘Okay…’ Was the only thought he had at seeing this.

The griffon pointed to the other side of the table, chirping and squawking as if he was trying to give a command. Shining Armor smiled at seeing that he was trying to copy Celestia. “Nice try kiddo, but it’s going to take more than that.” He said. The griffon pouted and then tried another idea that came to him.

Shining Armor drunk a little, only to spit it back out into the glass when he saw the massive eyes and sad look the griffon was giving him. “Okay that is cute and-” He instantly pauseed. “Can you stop! That is creeping me out!”

The Griffon kept doing it for a whole minute, which felt like an eternity to Shining Armor.

Shining Armor quickly got up from his seat and used his magic to pick up his drink and plate. “Fine fine! I'll move! Please just stop!”

The griffon smiled and chirped happily as Shining took his new seat, Celestia laughing now that the tables were turned. This griffon was learning fast and had used a cute charm attack to get the captain to move chairs.

Also her plan was working, the griffon felt slightly safer with Celestia now.

The griffon put the soft plush by Celestia, which she looked to as he flew over to the side he sat at, taking the plate and glass. He returned to the seat Shining Armor had been at, and sat there after putting his plate and glass down, looking up at Celestia with a big cheeky grin on his beak.

“Feeling not so scared of me and Shining?” Celestia asked. He looked over to Shining, still a little wary, but not too much. He reached out with a flat talon out, twisting it left and right slightly.

“That’s either a maybe or so-so...” Celestia said, surprised by how he seemed to understand her now, compared to a few minutes ago. “How can you understand me better now than before?” He gave a confused shrug. “This is very strange...” Celestia muttered as she rubbed the underside of her snout.

Shining Armor looked over from the other side. “That’s why I had my doubts Princess, and thought he was playing on it.” The griffon cooed looking down at his plate sadly. “Wow you really did pick up on what we said quickly... How?” He gave a confused look at the captain. “Not sure are you?” The griffon haked of the head.

“Hmm... Do you know what happened, or how you came to be in Canterlot?” He gave a confused look as if he had never heard of the city. Celestia was surprised. “You do know you’re in a castle?” Still confused. “Do you know what a castle is?” He shook his head.

“Village?” Shining Armor asked, getting a shake again.

Celestia was next to speak. “Town?” He shaked his head once more.

“City?” Another shake from the griffon, as he groaned and rubbed the back of his neck.

Celestia gestured to the food and drink. “Drink your apple juice and eat your breakfast, okay? Don't worry about not knowing.” He nodded and started to eat again. Celestia looked over to Shining Armor. “This is very mysterious...”

“I'll say Princess... He understands us speaking, but not exactly what we are saying. Not knowing about settlements from small to large? How is that possible?” Shining Armor as well as Celestia were confused by this new development.

Celestia looked to her own food. “We can think about it after we have eaten. Having him sit by me is an achievement in and of itself.”

“Understood, your highness.” Shining Armor went back to eating his breakfast, but kept glancing at the cheerful griffon eating his breakfast, The questions the captain had were mounting, and if he had to guess, Celestia also shared them.

Throughout the exchange, the griffon still didn't know exactly what they were saying, or how he started to understand them all of a sudden. It was bits and pieces until he knew exactly what they were saying for word for word, but many of the words he didn't even understand. From ‘the castle’, ‘village’ and other words spoken by them.

Something about the one that was called 'Highness, princess, and majesty' by the one called Shining Armor... he felt a bit safer as he sat by her now, since she'd protected him from the Shining Armor creature, from what he witnessed in the way she told him off.

Drinking what she called apple juice, it tasted and smelled better than the other overpowering juice he smelt, that had a taste in the air that made him shudder. He finished off the ‘breakfast’, as they called it, with a happily filled belly.

“Enjoyed it did you?” He nodded. She gestured to the napkin as she used her own to wipe around her snout. “Now you do it, young one.” The griffon picked up the napkin opening it up. He wiped it around his beak and feathers, then pulled it way to look at the mess now on it.

He put it down on the empty plate, but one thing that got him curious was the waving stuff from her head, now staring at with his eyes following with the movement.

Celestia noticed his eyes moving up and down. “You’re looking at my mane?” He blinked a few times and turned his eyes to her own. He nodded. “Curious about it?” He nodded again and reached out to it. She lowered her head to allow him to touch her mane.

He laughed slightly from the feel of it through his talons.

Celestia smiled, but suddenly there was a sharp gasp. Celestia moved away quickly, and saw him staring out to space with eyes shrunk to pin pricks. “Young one... are you okay?” No response came, and she watched as his eyes roll upwards.

His eyes closed, and he fell backwards, pulling the chair over with him, Celestia tried to catch him with her magic, only to feel parts of the telekinetic spell being cancelled out around the scraps of clothing. This resulted in the griffon landing on his back unconscious, but her magic softened it.

Shining Armor knocked over his own chair while jumping up onto the table then off it to land next to the griffon. “Princess, what happened!?”

“I-He-I-” Celestia stuttering.


She blinked and shook her head. “Sorry...” Celestia looked down to the griffon.

“I don't know. He touched my mane when I let him, then suddenly gasped and passed out! I tried to stop him from falling but the clothing... it interfered with my magic!” Celestia said with worry.

Shining Armor put the right side of his head against the griffon's chest, listening for a heartbeat. He heard and felt it. Shining raised his head. “Princess, he is still breathing! We need to get him to Canterlot General right away! I don't want to take any chances!”

“Right! I will teleport all of us there at-”

“Princess, if the clothes interfered with your magic, teleporting won't work!” Shining Armor quickly tried to pick up the soft toy with his magic, but it fizzled out around the soft toy. “Princess, take the plush with your wing. I will carry the griffon!” He commanded as he put his head under the griffon and pushed the griffon onto his back.

Celestia picked up the plush with her wing. “Why am I carrying the toy?” Celestia asked.

Shining Armor noticed her mane stopped flowing as if the magic from it was being interfered with. “Your mane.”

“My mane?” She looked and noticed. “Well...”

“If that plush can cancel out magic, it is not safe to leave here.” Shining Armor quickly said, Celestia now getting the point.

Celestia knew the captain was right as looked at the plush she now held in her wing.

He quickly rushed to the doors opening them with his hooves. “Private Spirit! Get any four pegasi guards and meet us out by the chariot! Get the rest to clear the airspace from the palace to Canterlot General! This is Alpha One priority!”

The earth pony saw the unconscious griffon on the captain's back and saluted. “Right away, Captain!”

“Damn the salute and go!” Shining Armor screamed out, as the guard galloped down the corridor. “Princess, let's go. By the time we get there, the Pegasus guard should be ready to get us to the hospital!” Celestia didn't say a word but nodded as they both galloped down the hallway towards the chariot outside.

Celestia looked at the teenage griffon that was unconscious on Shining Armor's back as they galloped, and all that could come to her own mind was...

Was it her own fault again?

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