• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 14,438 Views, 1,564 Comments

Griffon of Canterlot - Electuroo

A young griffon found a few weeks after the events of Nightmare Moon on the grounds of the castle. The questions continue to mount over time with no solid answers as they find that communicating with the young griffon going to be more challenging.

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Chapter 109.5: Distorted Find

Author's Note:

Wonder how many of you figured that out before this chapter was posted ^^

It seem Keeper's Project Angel did a bit more than expected, now all they need is proof and will they get it?

Comments welcomed as always!

Stay safe and healthy all!


Griffon of Canterlot

Chapter 109.5: Distorted Find

“The International Space Station!?” Keeper got up from the console he was working at finding out any sign of creatures that may arrived from Earth via Project Angel on the Finchnet. “Are you telling me Project Angel saved a WHOLE space station from Earth!?”

Luna standing beside Arbiter respond to their shock from news she just gave Keeper and Leela. “That is correct, it believed to have crashed in the Frozen North around 87 years ago from the information acquired in Dream Cavern last night.” Gale, Spyro, Gilda and Alpha sat on seats near at a table listening.

Leela standing on a table with her book open in front of her flip through some pages. “I am confirm in the Pom-Pom's family tree that is a Di'Sai and she was born if the dates are correct 1,079 years ago.” Leela showed them a magical holo display on the family tree scroll. “So we can confirm she real, but as for the International Space Station, only references I have are from the Finch Griffons archives that recently revealed themselves to me.”

Keeper walked up to Luna looking up at her as she look down at him. “I find it strange that one day after we had that dream adventure Di'Sai suddenly appears out of the blue and says 'Hi I invade your dream realm to tell you that because you drew me into a Dream Adventure I happen to have a space station sticking out of my ceiling!' how strange is that to you Princess Luna?”

“It does seem strange that this seemingly all happened in the last 48 hours.” Luna had to agree.

Arbiter walked around the two of them raising a hand moving it with expression to his words spoken next. “What seem to be a rapid change of events may have been building before hand, the way we preserve this news determines your next move, does it not?”

Gale spoke up. “Di'Sai is Pom-Pom great nanny? And why she in Frozen North and not in land Nowhere?”

“The cub's questions got a point dweebs, how about we forget about the human space station and focus on any information in that book of yours Bookbird about Di'Sai.” Gilda agreed to Gale's questions to be answered in her own colourful words.

Leela gave Gilda a very blank stare. “Bookbird... really?”

Gilda wasn't phased by the look from the small avian. “Your a overly huge egghead, you have a book that you can find almost anything you looking for and remember it all, and third your a small flightless weird looking bird. So I gave you a lame nickname, live with it.”

Leela push her glasses up slightly. “Your odd logic has logic Gilda, in a way the lame nickname has merit in it. I'll live with what you call me.” Leela now turn her attention to her book flipping through the pages. “Let's see... Di'Sai.... Di'Sai...” She stop turning the pages. “I got something and...”

They saw concern in her facial expressions. “What did you find?” Luna asked.

“A war... a Dragon War with the details in this is quite violate, brutal and stuff that I won't even say out loud around Master Wayne...” Leela swallowed hard. “Let me streamline this into something less dark that still keep the facts straight...” Leela move her glowing talon hands over the pages.

Luna thought about what Leela found. “I do recall there was something happening in the Dragonlands, I and my sister were trying to retake Equestria from Discord during that time. But the ponies of bordering towns did speak of dragons fighting each other, since it seem to be a internal affair between dragons and we were dealing with our own issues there was no investigation into it.”

Leela confirm what Luna said. “That can be confirmed and also it seem there was a sighting of Discord written about by one of these ponies.” She bring up the small entry on a scroll in ponish. “I quote from the pony that wrote this...”

I saw him not only once but twice, the Lord of Chaos Discord went into the Dragon Lands with a army of chaotic looking creatures and than days later he teleported near our home burned and beaten. I am sure he looked right at me before snapping his lion paw and vanishing before my and my families eyes, something happened to him in the Dragonlands.

What it was I don't know... and don't want to know...”

“That dweeb got his butt handed to him?” Gilda was surprised to hear this.

Leela nod. “He did, Anubis wrote quite a full report on what happened watching the conflict on the sidelines and watching himself in the conflict.” Leela said.

Arbiter frowned. “That dragon with his time travel magic...”

“I do recall Anubis saying that he criss crossed through a lot of his own timeline without interacting with himself.” Keeper said looking over to the right of the console.

“Indeed he has... still not comfortable that you and he has this ability...”

“Mine is to do with before the construction of Prototower and other universes including Prince Wells own multiverse, this world after the construction of the tower I can't access anything on a temporal level, so I have self imposed limits...”

Arbiter grumbled.

“Anbuis was the one that sent Nowhere into that pocket universe while Silvite was fighting Thunderous in her greed growth state during the last days of the Dragonlands Civilwar.” Leela brought up a valid point. “I believe that Anubis was ordered to do so and Thunderous ordered by Grogar to give up the Bloodstone Spectre.”

Gale looked puzzled. “I get idea that is true, but what about Di'Sai? How she fit into this?”

Leela pulled out some runes showing a diagram of a pieces to a battlefield map. “From what I just read up it seem that Silvite with dragons loyal to her and the kitsunes were defending something over here.” She point to the map. “Thunderous was throwing everything he could at them till Discord came into the fray, from the look of what Anubis wrote.”

Leela next show them Discord and his chaos forces moving in on the battlefield. “Discord made a deal with Silvite, his forces directly engaged Thunderous blindsiding the dragon, with that distraction Di'Sai with five of Silvite's most trusted dragons took whatever they were defending and flew north.”

Luna stared dumbfoundered at what she just heard. “Wh-what!?” She said with a shirked. “Discord while controlling Equestria choose to HELP Silvite!? What madness is this!?”

“It what happened...” Leela calmly said showing the scrolls images to Luna via magical runes.

Luna went through them and still couldn't believe what she was seeing. “That was the moment I and my sister found the Elements of Harmony! The reason we were able to sneak pass him because he wasn't even there! But in the Dragonlands aiding Silvite against Thunderous! This doesn't even make sense at all!”

Gilda chuckled. “Sometimes making sense is just lame you dweeb. Discord from what I know of doesn't make any lick of sense at all, he choose to wake up and stay in his statue form didn't he?”

Luna's right eye twitched. “Wh...” Luna composed herself. “Di'Sai and five dragons took something of great importance, what was it?”

Leela flip through the pages. “I do not know, there nothing here Princess Luna... the information even from Anubis's scrolls while observing the war between Silvite's dragons and Thunderous's dragons is vague.” Leela return to the battlefield map she still had floating above the book in view of everyone. “Whatever it was, the threat of Thunderous getting it seem to show that it had to be taken away and out of reach of him.”

“A game changer.” Arbiter said looking at the battlefield map. “Silvite, her dragons and the kitsunes of the clan Kit-Yantic or No-Yantic were defending this area with purpose. I believe they made Thunderous believe he was winning, but it was a trap. Even with Discord's defeat came defeat to the Dragon Lord Thunderous, it changed the war completely from that day because of what Di'Sai and Silvite's five dragons did.”

Keeper lean back on his chair peering over to the right of the console. “Not everyone going to believe this information from a magical book from a magical avian, we need solid proof not only that Di'Sai did head north, the family tree scroll is still around and that a space station from Earth did crash land on top of where she been hiding with these dragons for over 1000 years with whatever this game changer was.”

Leela close her book up with a sigh pushing her glasses up a little on her beak. “I hate to admit this, but Keeper is correct. I doubt they would move a whole satellite over information that magically stored in my book even it does store everything written, draw and carved which could been misinformation too and lies, such as newspapers twisting events into a narrative that brings in more paper sales.”

Gale scratch the side of his face. “Could we send team with winter stuff and take look?”

“It possible Lord Gale they could, but I gather the Frozen is vast and dangerous.” Alpha said.

Luna nod. “It is, but my sister says there are Yaks that live up there in a settlement called Yakyakistan, maybe we could request help from them or seen anything that crashed there.” Luna informed them about some inhabitants up there.

Arbiter activate his wrist pad device. “It a good start, I believe there a Created that been there and may have information that we can use.”

“Look like we got a plan on that side, we just need to figure out the Finch Griffon side of help.” Keeper said.

“If it was that easy Keeper Sentinel.”

A tent sat over looking at rocky terrain about six miles north-east of Griffonstone with the cities tree sticking out of the horizon to the south-west. Stepping out of it was Glacier holding a mug with tea in it with steam blowing away from the top of it from the brisk autumn winds. “Let's see what today brings...” She took a sip of the tea.

“In as finding the object in these mithril deposit fields?” Dr Caballeron walked up to her from the left. “Than no such luck...”

Glacier drunk a bit more of her tea. “It out here, just going to take time. The mithril deposits it why it making it hard to find, the signal has been amplified by a factor of 29.1%, we proven that with our own communication with Sunflower back at Flaputa Five Greenhouse.” She put the cup down on a table near by with a map pinned down by rocks.

Caballeron walk around to the otherside of the table placing a hoof down on spots of the map. “These are the areas we have searched so far and found nothing so far part from the heavy deposits of mithril.”

Glacier ran claw tip over the map stopping at a point. “And your team are here right now?”

“Yes.” He confirmed.

Glacier took a look over the areas they did look already. “They know to keep a eye out for something odd looking right?”

Dr. Caballeron rolled his eyes. “Yes, you have told us it may have something covering it to keep it hidden from plan sight, this is why my team been taking time at each sight.”

“I am only asking Doc... don't need to get your tail in the twist, you are getting well funded for this even it takes a long time. Sunflower and Greystorm highly recommanded you to me.” She shot a look at him making the stallion swallow hard and pull on his spotty neck scarf.

“Right they are too hehe, shall we continue to hunt; yes?”

Glacier chuckled. “Sweetie we shall.” She pat the side of his face a few times before picking up a piece of mithril. “Do you know why the griffons never mined here?”

Dr. Caballeron was curious about the question presented now, he knew what typical griffons were like. “They seek wealth, gems and coin, in Griffonstone to even find out something crashed here 87 years ago took a lot of bits.”

“Indeed information good for the right bits and you know the griffons aren't lying over it, even I and a few others are different to them including the Finch Griffons as a whole.” Glacier said. “Now how much does it cost for mithril enhancements like armour, artefacts and so on?”

“Alot of money I can tell you that Glacier, I gather these deposits would make that worthless?”

Glacier still holding the piece of ore gave a toothy beak grin before responding. “Correct, this has a purity of 92.1% and if all the deposits are that high grade, the mithril market would crash by only a few kilos of this stuff.” She tossed it over to Caballeron.

He caught it with his forehooves and looked at the piece of ore. “Incredible, something so pure can be used to help so many is so worthless to the griffons and other creatures. Only because this little piece could make ten times more enhancements than what they got at the moment.”

“Correct, but that about to change with the high interest of the area by the Finch Griffons of the Untied Griffish Kingdom, soon as Sunflower tells Prime Minster Zipline about this area. He is the one that allow her access to classified data including the destruction of Luna 4 probe 87 years ago that lead us to here in the first place days ago.” Glacier said.

Caballeron stared at the ore. “Finch Griffons are a odd but liked type of griffons.”

“That they are.” Glacier drunk her tea.

Withers the grey Earth Pony with black mane and tail, purple and black neck collar with shades on galloped up to the camp site. “Dr. Caballeron! Glacier! We found it! We found the metal capsule thing!”

They both quickly ran up to him. “Show us right away yo- Withers!” Caballeron almost called him a fool but corrected himself quickly in front of Glacier.

“Great work! Lead the way!” Glacier said quickly.

“Right away! Follow me!” He turned and galloped back into the rocky terrain and they followed.

After about ten minutes of travelling over the terrain they met up with the other two ponies of Dr. Caballeron's team Biff and Rogue who stood over a ravine, what Dr. Caballeron and Glacier saw a cone like metal object sitting against heavy amounts of mithril deposits with a parachute caught up and tore against the rocks showing wear and tear over the last 87 years.

Biff turn to the messy feathered head griffon. “This thing really fell from space?”

“It did from a space station in fact.” Glacier sit down reaching into her pocket to pull out the sub-sonic.

Rouge stared at it. “If I didn't see it with my own eyes I would think this whole trip was a prank...”

“It really something...” Wither said.

“That it is and if what we know is true, this is from a world once lived... we staring at something that once was from a civilisation and on per our agreement to keep this to ourselves.” Dr. Caballeron said sternly. “Got it?”

“Got it boss.” They said together.

“After seeing the technology the Finch Griffons have, this is a surprise to see yet not so much. No?” Caballeron glance to Glacier.

“Indeed, to them this is out of date technology.” Glacier calmly said as she does the scans.

Caballeron looked up to the sky so did the others. “You think they have a Space Station way up there?”

“Wouldn't surprise me if they did.” Glacier continue to scan with her sub-sonic and checked her wristpad screen to see the data.

Rouge had to ask about something that bothered him. “With all this advance tech, why is it now they seem to be more noticeable?”

Glacier glanced over to him. “Because you the doc with Greystorm and his wife Octicovix set the ball rolling, a change of events led to all this happening, the Untied Griffish Kingdom finally started to emerge from the shadows and what we seeing is only the surface, what under it is truly amazing and scary to those that were not expecting griffons to be on this level of progress to the rest of Equis. There will be friction for sure.”

Biff didn't know to either feel proud or scared about knowing all this. “Boss couldn't we just stick to ruins and dealing with Daring Do?”

“And miss this? Are you insane!? We been recognized by the crown itself! We in a position we never been, working for Greystorm and seem to open doors which never been in the past, you want to go back to that?” Caballeron said with fury in his eyes, showing how he liked where he is at the moment.

They look at each other and thought about the many times Daring Do showed up at ruins, since they worked for Greystorm luck been on their side for months, they been asked by many to her survey ruins and it been good money for them on a plus side. “No boss.” They turned and answered at the same time.

“Good, let see what Glacier has found, yes?” They nod and wait for Glacier to complete the scans.

Glacier did and checked the information and data fed into her wristpad. “Yep that explains the bouncing around of the signal all over the place, that emergency beacon is being fed energy from the mithril from the look of it.”

Withers looked around the land. “So the deposits created the big echoes in areas we searched at before hoof?”

“In a way it did.” Glacier said. “Amazing that it seemingly only showing signs of weather damage to the skin of it, those things were made to survive.” Glacier explained how the broadcast was all over the place and still functioning after all this time, she was impressed by the engineering work of the capsule too seeing that 87 years of weather only done little damage to the surface of the ISS escape capsule.

Caballeron took a look around. “From the look of the terrain it would take us a good hour to get around to that side of the ravine.”

Glacier put her sub-sonic away and open her wings. “I'll take a quick look.” Wither grabbed her just before she was about to take off when a powerful updraft came from below. “Thank you, you saved my tail Sweetie.”

“No problem we felt the strong winds around this area, it seem to be connected to the Abysmal Abyss just west from here.” Withers stated.

“It look like it, we will head back to camp and pack it up, we will set up on the other side and-”

“Ask for my help to save you time and cross over in two shades of a lambs tail dude.” A voice came from behind and above them.

They all turned around and looked up to meet the large whitish grey with black spots and beak griffon head of Sunflower. “Can you please tell us when your coming!” Caballeron said with a hint of fright in his voice.

“Nah that boring Pansy.” Sunflower waved her forepaw dismissing it, she walked up to the edge over them, she casting a shadow as they wear close to her underside chest between the forelegs now. “Now that is a find, a real Soyuz capsule from Earth's International Space Station.” She then whistled in a impressed tune.

Glacier walked to the edge and looked right up at Sunflower. “The big question is how did it arrive from Earth?”

Sunflower turn her head downwards looking back at Glacier. “That a good question, and I have the answer in this.” She pulled out of the bag showing a bent, twisted and burned looking sphere with a diamond in the middle also distorted with lines engraved on the surface into the middle which look like a data storage unit made out of diamond within.

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