• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 14,438 Views, 1,564 Comments

Griffon of Canterlot - Electuroo

A young griffon found a few weeks after the events of Nightmare Moon on the grounds of the castle. The questions continue to mount over time with no solid answers as they find that communicating with the young griffon going to be more challenging.

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Chapter 64 – Geez G Birthday

Author's Note:

Birthday parties one of my weak points to type up but I always try my best to put it together, hopefully I did it well enough for you my readers! Also at the end there a new poll opened too.

Hope you all enjoy the story and hope to hear your comments as well see what you think Gilda's wish is?

Stay safe and healthy all!


Griffon of Canterlot

Chapter 64 – Geez G Birthday

Gilda stepped off the train soon as the doors open onto the Canterlot station platform, she adjusted her saddlebag ready to head off to the castle and get her weekend update of what Gale been up to, but soon as she left the platform and entered the streets her sharp eyes caught sight on a blue griffon with that hook beak of a Macaw staring right at her.

“Good morning Gilda.” He walked up to her.

Gilda rolled her eyes. “It was good till you showed up Trace.”

Trace knew the small talk wasn't going to work. “You already figured it out haven't you?”

“Just get to the point.”

“Your going to come with me and get a check up.” Trace said bluntly to Gilda.

Gilda chuckled. “Yeah right, you been trying for weeks and this isn't going to be any diff-”

Trace pull from his bag a piece of paper. “Gilda Clawhowler, you got quite the picture when you were a little cub.”

Gilda smug look disappeared in a instant, her expression showed horror and look around to see if any pony heard but none had luckily, she reach to take it from him but Trace pulled it away. “Hey give me that!”

“Your full name here too, nice middle name and oh it seems today is-”

Gilda quickly grab his beak with her talon. “Okay you made your point, I'll do the stupid check up!” She let go off his beak. “I really hate you.”

Trace gave a sly smirk. “Oh I know, come with me to the hospital and the sooner we get this done the sooner I am out of your feathers.” Trace put the paper back in his bag.

Gilda stared at the bag with that paper in it, she really wish that was the only one but if that was a copy from her flight camp days, than it wouldn't be. “Lead the way already you dweeb!” Trace leads her to the hospital, with a quick glance to a guard with a few blinks.

Soon as they were out of sight the guard open his wings up taking off to the castle after getting the signal from Trace, they had a bit of extra time to prepare while Gilda get her check up completed, the guard lands at the castle and reports to Blue Star. “The patient is on the move to the hospital as planned.”

Blue Star salutes. “Thank you for the report, head to the hospital and keep a eye out for Gilda when she leaves, make sure not to be spotted by her since we all know how good a griffon's vision is.” The guard salutes and takes off to the hospital while Blue Star heads inside the castle.

The guard by past Neighsay, he looked as unimpressed as each weekly update about Gale's progress from Celestia, she step out of the throne room noticing Blue Star. “Sergeant Blue Star, is there something going on that I am not aware of?”

Blue Star was taken back hearing this, neither Prince Gale or Princess Luna had informed Princess Celestia of the surprise party being put together for Gilda. “Why would you say that Princess?”

“Many of the morning staff isn't anywhere to be found and oh... My son and my sister Luna wasn't present at breakfast this morning.” Celestia answered. “Now Sergeant tell me, do you know where they are?”

“Yes I do.” He replied. “But it be best to show you than tell you.” Blue Star said.

Celestia closed the large doors. “Lead the way.” Blue Star salutes and match on by with Celestia in tow. “It must be important for them to miss breakfast and to have many of the morning staff not doing their normal routines.”

Blue Star glance over to his right side looking at Celestia in the corner of a eye. “Let's say it one of those things that only come by once a year type of thing.”

“Hmm... Now I am very curious.” Celestia rubbed her underside of the muzzle with a wing. “I wonder what it possibly could be.”

They walked up to a large double door. “When you open the doors expect a lot of ponies setting things up, so mind where you step Princess.”

Celestia nods using her magic to open the doors. “I will and thank you for the warning.” She open the doors to one of the many spare empty rooms of the castle to find it not so empty, what she saw was decorations, tables, cushions and all sort of things that a part would have, one thing that clued her in on it was the big banner that was just put up saying 'Happy Birthday Gilda' on it.

Before the ponies setting it up was Gale waving them to adjust it across two pillars, he give a thumbs up flying over to a long slender leg orange stallion with a brown tail and mane that remind her of Pinkie Pie's style while wearing a yellow shirt. “That perfect! Great team work!” The Pegasi stomp their hooves into the nails pinning the banner in. “Now Prince Gale what next on the list of things to do?”

Gale tapped his beak. “Refreshments? Music?”

“Ah yes, we need food, drink and a good DJ right?” Gale nods. “I got the perfect DJ funny enough, she mute but got quite the ear for that really upbeat jam that I am sure Gilda will like!” The stallion happily trot over to the doors giving it a kick, the doors open to present a white mare wearing head phones with two tone blue mane and tail, she also wearing purple shades wheeling in a large decking station with two towering speakers. “I present to you the one and only DJ-Pon-3!”

Gale flew around the station in awe. “Oooo music DJ cool!”

“That she is, how it hanging?” He raise a hoof to her, she gave him a hoof slap with a smirk waving her hoof side to side motion. “Okayish huh? Well we going to make it epic now!” She nods and continue to wheel in the station. “Next up is the refreshments!”

Celestia walks in slowly trying to avoid getting in the way of the ponies rushing around, she noticed two griffons in the mix that one recently met and the other a big pain in her rump. “Gabby, RS I am surprised to see you and all this.” She wave a wing to the room.

RS chuckled as she put up some ceiling decorations. “This Celly is all part of the young prince's surprise to Gilda, I got a invitation to come and saw they need help to get it all set up, so that what I am doing.”

“Yeah! It fun to help and surprise my cousin!!” Gabby squawked happily. “And getting to know RS is cool! A griffon that explore the most dangerous parts of Equestria and laugh at it is AWESOME!” Gabby said with excitement.

RS laughed. “Haha, your a complete bundle of happiness and hyper joy kid, you ready to set up the disco ball?”

Gabby gasped. “Really!!?”

“Yeah of cause sweetie, we a team aren't we?”

“Oh we DEFINITELY are!” They clapped talons and pick up the disco ball to put up on the ceiling.

Celestia watched them fly up to the ceiling as Luna step up to her. “Morning sister, quite the surprise is it not?”

“That it is Luna, I am sure she be just as surprised as I was.” Celestia smiled. “Seeing my son organize this, it really something.”

Luna chuckled lightly. “He had a bit of help from the party planner Cheese Sandwich, he really got this weird hyperness that remind me of that pink pony Pinkie Pie, he came at the right time and how he got those invites out so fast is beyond me.” Luna trying to understand his mysterious ways. “Greystorm should be arriving shortly and his wife Octicovix said to expect a much young adult appearance.”

Celestia raise a eye brow. “Young adult appearance?”

“From what she said, there was a bit of a after effect of the magical punch he got from Gale.”

“That is strange...”

Gale flew up to them. “Hi mum! You like?”

“Indeed I do.” Celestia hugged him and he return it. “So my young griffon, what can I do to help?”

“Cooking yummy amazing stuffy stuff? Is that okay?”

Celestia nods. “I think it is, care to help me son?”

Gale nods excitingly. “Yes help! Make awesome treats and birthday cake for Gilda!”

Cheese Sandwich watch them leave for the kitchen. “That cub really something isn't he Boneless?” He glanced over to the rubber chicken. “Hehe I know right? Pretty sweet that we already in this early of a story.” He turn to a few ponies setting up a table. “Already team table let's get that chocolate fountain up! We on the dime here!”

Gilda flying to the castle finally freed from all the tests she was put through on by Doctor Trace, only thing she was glad about all the tests that were done on her that he knew exactly how to do it probably to griffons, he might be one at the moment but born a unicorn and a doctor in practice he was one of a few ponies she would trust if she ever got hurt.

“That took way too long!” She growled and her annoyance grew as Gilda saw the time on a clock at a side of the building. “It past noon already!? I was there for two Grover damn hours!?” Gilda squawks angrily. “Now I am going to fall behind on my lessons to Gale! Just great! Thank you Trace!” She hovered in the air for a moment throwing her forelegs up in the air and zoom off once again to the castle.

Gilda lands hard on the stone ground with a burst of air, the guards standing at the entrance into the castle didn't flinch. “Still solid, cool dweebs.” She was going to get them to flinch or do something someday but not today, Gilda walked in side looking around seeing mostly staff and guards. “Hey where is Gale?” She asked a guard.

The guard raise a hoof pointing up the stairs. “Up stairs, to the left down the corridor, pass one cross point and turn right to the double doors, Prince Gale been waiting for you ma'am.”

Gilda groans. “Just bucking great... Thanks.” He nods and she follows his directions to stand before a pair of large doors. “Hey Dweeb!” No response. “Gale!” She walk up to the doors looking up and down it, she knocks on it. “Is it cool for me to come in?”

“Yes Gilda! Come in!” Gale squawks in reply.

Gilda put both talons on the handles and push them to open the doors. “Hey-” Gilda couldn't see into the room, the light of the corridor was giving limited light into the room. “Gale why the heck is it so dark in here?” She walks in and the doors shut causing her to squawk in shock. “Gale! Seriously turn on some lights!”

“Okay Gilda! Lights on!” He scream out.

The lights burst on, many ponies and some griffons scream out all at once. “SURPRISE!”

Gilda was taken by complete surprise as the room lights up, before her all she met to some that became her friends stood before her with a banner hanging directly above them. “Wh-how-when!?”

Gale grins. “It my idea! Saw when birthday and help from party planner and all!” Gale step up to her holding a party cone hat to her. “Happy surprise?”

Gilda slowly taking in what was before her, looking around at the tables of food, drink and a table stacked with presents, she also noticed DJ-Pon-3 was behind a DJ station with a vinyl disc in hoof. “Usually a hate this type of thing but because it you Gale.”

Gale ears lower. “Oh...”

“But I'll bite and say yes it a good surprise.” She took the hat putting in on her head. “Well dweebs what are you all standing around? Let's get my birthday party going shall we?” She give a thumb up to the DJ, she smirks and slam the vinyl down starting to play some music.

Gale ears perked up beaming with happiness. “Yay!” He turn to the stallion wearing the yellow shirt. “Cheesy came when need and helped lots!”

“Oh come on Prince Gale, all I was the suppler and helped get things set up, this is all you.” He poke the hoof against Gale's chest. “You created this happiness and seeing what I helped you create for our honorary birthday griffon here, that made me happy.” He put his hoof out to Gilda. “Name's Cheese Sandwich party extraordinary.”

Gilda cross her forelegs. “With a mane and tail like that, I don't think do dweeb.”

Cheese chuckled. “Fair enough.” He took off the hoof buzzer putting it in his pocket. “Now is that better?”

“Yes.” She took his hoof and shook it. “Now I got one surprise for everyone.” Gilda look down to Gale with a grin.

Gale suddenly got scooped up and given a hug by Gilda, Gabby stares in shock with her beak dropped seeing Gilda hugging Gale, ponies cheering stomping their hooves on the ground, DJ-Pon-3 play music matching the hoof stomps bobbing her head to the beats through her headset. “Now that something surprising.” RS laughed pushing Gabby's beak closed.

Gilda let go of Gale. “Now to chat with my cousin.” Gilda ruffled Gale's feathered head walking by him.

Gale turn around. “She hugged!”

“That she did.” Celestia laughed.

“Very unexpected.” Luna joined in with her sister.

Trace walks in with Amber. “I see everything went well?”

“If Kitty not stormed out, than yes.” Amber smirked looking over to Cheese Sandwich. “Good to see you again.”

He smiled back. “Good to see you too Amber, still taking care of those fraudsters?”

“Oh you know it.” She bump a fist against his hoof. “Sticking around?”

Cheese took a quick glance at Gale. “Of course I am, this party just starting and it be rude for me to just get up and leave.” He now looked at the rubber chicken on DJ station. “Boneless is in the grove too!”

Trace was confused by the rubber chicken. “Erm... Sure...”

“Just go with it sweet heart, come on let's go and congratulate Gilda.” Amber grab him by the foreleg dragging him over to Gilda.

A moment later Trace returns to Gale and the others with pie dripping off his feathered face, Celestia couldn't help but laugh. “Hahaha, Gilda's revenge?”

“Pretty much.” He licked some of the pie off the side of his face. “Nice pie though.” That got the others laughing.

Cheese also laughed. “Hahaha your a riot!” Trace laughed too.

The small number of creatures that Gilda got to know over the last month enjoying the party with her, she drinking some punch talking with RS, Shining Armor and Cadance with laughter soon followed, Gale happily dancing under the disco ball with Luna, Cheese Sandwich joining them to get laughter from Celestia, Blue Star, Sunbeam with others.

The latest arrivals arrive being Greystorm and Octicovix. “Wow they weren't kidding when I heard you look hot now.” Gilda had noticed their arrival and saw Greystorm. “Last time I saw you, you were that rich lame griffon and now I know it all a act.”

“Pretty much, that between us, happy birthday.”

“Thanks, not much of a party griffon but Gale did put a lot of effect into this and it awesome he did.” Gilda said circling around him. “Damn Gale's magic did that to you?”

Greystorm felt a bit warm pulling on the collar. “Pretty much, your staring.”

“What not good to stare at? Your a hawk and Octty really scored good.” She laughed slapping him with a wing at the rump causing him to squawk in shock. “Whelp mingle and enjoy! I am and that saying a lot for this dweeb.” She point to herself walking away.

Octicovix walked up beside Greystorm nuzzling him a little. “She right you know?”

Greystorm groans. “I say it again, I hate looking young.”

“Oh I know.” She laughed.

The party continues.

Gabby land on the dance floor grabbing Gale by the talon and whispers into his ear, he gasped with rapid nods turning to the DJ with a thumbs up to her, she nods as they raced off into a side door and DJ-Pon-3 lowers the sound till the music couldn't be heard any more, with a flip of a switch one of the celling lamps light up on the door way with the others dimming.

They all turn to the door to see it open and a large cake being wheeled in by Gale and Gabby with candles on it lit, Gilda whistled at the size of the blue frosting cake with each colour of the rainbow on each top layer, the number of candles on it counted her age. “That some cake.” She walked up to it as the spot light grew.

Cheese nod to DJ-Pon-3, she start to play music as he blow a whistle.

They all sang together.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Gilda
Happy birthday to you

From good friends and true
From old friends and new
Happy birthday to Gilda
Happy birthday to you!”

“Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!”

Gilda eyes drift left and right as one part of the birthday song made her think about something...

“Go on make a wish and blow out those candles!” Cheese Sandwich says out loud. “And it may come true!”

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Yeah right...”

“Please?” Gale gave her a plea look.

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Oh fine! I'll make the wish! Not like it going to be true!” She took a deep breath and blew out all the candles in one blow.

Should Gilda's wish come true?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Voting closed.

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