• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 506 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 2

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 2
by Rixizu

“Finally!” Trixie did a little dance. “It’s about time she noticed us.” She pointed at the letter in her hooves.

“Yeah,” Lyra said disinterested and picked at her cupcake. Her weekend hadn’t been so great after her visit with her teacher. She’d thought a trip to Sugarcube corner with her friends would cheer her up, but not even a strawberry cupcake, her favorite, helped her mood.

“Have fun.” Carrot Top said.

“You’re not coming?” Trixie asked shocked. “Haven’t we all earned this honor? Dame Trixie Lulamoon. I loved how it rolls off the tongue!” She waved the latter in the carrot farmer’s face expecting this to change her mind.

Princess Luna had sent each of the Rangers an invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala. The letter contained a plus one for a guest and stated the Gala would end with a knighting ceremony bestowing them the title of Dame. Trixie was ecstatic as usual. Lyra wanted to be interested but worry for Octavia overrode everything else.

“No, those animals almost made me lose my farm and destroyed my house!” Carrot Top scowled. “I don’t even want to talk to those monsters!”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Fine, don’t attend the Gala. At least attend the knighting ceremony and take the title of Dame!”

“No!” Carrot Top snarled. “For the millionth time, no! I’m fine being regular old common as dirt Carrot Top. I’m a farmer. I have no use for titles.”

“But!” Trixie tried to protest, but Cheerilee stopped her.

“Let her have her way,” Cheerilee said. “It’s her choice if she doesn’t want to go. Besides, being a knight is your dream, not hers.”

“I still think it’s insulting to Princess Luna to not even attend the Gala,” Trixie grumbled.

“The Gala sounds like it will be tons of fun!” Twilight said. “Oh, my gosh! There’s so much to prepare for! Why didn’t the Princess send her invitations sooner! I don’t even have a dress prepared. I must create a checklist!” She pulled out a scroll and wrote into it vigorously with a quill.

Talk of the Gala lifted Lyra’s spirits somewhat. She was one of its key musicians this year and she’d never taken such a big job before. The boost to her career would be astronomical. If she messed up, it would doom her to being a street musician for the rest of eternity. The risk both thrilled and scared her. She hoped they’d give her some free time so she could have a few dances with Bons. Her marefriend would be so beautiful under the moonlight. A cough broke her thoughts.

“Well, if you need a dress, I’ll be happy to help.” Rarity said. “Two weeks? Ha! A trivial challenge to a seamstress such as myself. And I’ll do it for no cost.”

“Alright, what do you want in return?” Trixie asked. Rarity skill with the needle was legendary, but she could be pricey, especially for such a short notice job.

“Oh, not much.” Rarity waved a dismissive hoof. “Just a chance to mingle with the highborn of Equestria and attend the most exclusive party of the year. Anypony who’s anypony will be there!”

“Fine.” Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “You can be my plus one. It’s not like I have anypony to go with, anyway.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Rarity grabbed Cheerilee’s hoof and shook it vigorously. “Finally, I’ll have to chance to meet him.”

“Him?” Trixie asked.

“Prince Blueblood, the most handsome and eligible bachelor in all of Equestria.” Rarity cooed. “A true prince and gentlecolt.”

“Prince Blueblood?” Trixie blinked.

“Oh, I don’t have time to waste here.” Rarity said. “So much to do and plan! Oh no! I need a dress too! I don’t know if I’ll make it time! No, Rarity, you must. True love depends on it!” She disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Dresses for Gala? Check.” Twilight crossed something off her checklist.

“She is in for a rude awakening if she thinks Blueblood is gentlecolt.” Trixie shook her head.

“Oh?” Lyra asked.

“He’s a cad and a pervert.” Trixie shuttered in disgust. “He’s been pining over me for years and won’t take no for an answer. Or a punch to the jaw.”

“Poor Rarity,” Lyra said, “is he really a prince? Is he a relative of Princess Luna?”

“Sure, and I’m an alicorn princess.” Trixie rolled her eyes. “His parents just named him Prince to make him feel special. His family is nopony important. Only minor nobility.”

Lyra shook her head. “Nobles.”

Twilight wrote more stuff on her checklist, tongue extended with both thought and excitement. She loved nothing more than making lists. Lyra knew the gala details would be well in hoof. She could focus on her own practicing. Practicing for the same gala where her teacher Octavia would almost certainly have her career ruined. Depression filled Lyra again and she slumped against the table all the energy drained from her body.

Why! Why risk everything Octavia?! She lamented. Despite knowing curses weren’t real. In her heart, she realized Octavia’s quest would fail. Her teacher was good, but experts in their craft had tried completing the Symphony for Moon and Sun and failed. Doomed. Her teacher was doomed! Doomed!

No, I must help her! Her teacher had forbidden her help, but Lyra didn’t care. The Element of Loyalty chose her and she never abandoned a friend. Ever. Lyra would help if Octavia liked it or not! And she had just the supernerd to aid her.

“Say Twi, could you help me with a research project?” Lyra asked, immediately catching Twilight’s attention.

“What about?” Twilight stood to attention.

“I need help researching the Symphony for Moon and Sun.” Lyra knew Twilight had no musical talent whatsoever, but her library skills were second to none.

“I’d love to!” Twilight’s tail wagged like an excitable puppy. “Help Lyra research the Symphony for Moon and Sun.” She wrote on her checklist and scrutinized it. She erased something from the listed then added something else. She rumpled her head in frustration as she tried adding Lyra’s request to her busy schedule.

Lyra realized this would cut into her practice time, but she didn’t care. This was too important. She wouldn’t let Octy down!


Greengrass wiped his head with a handkerchief as he peered down into the dense jungle below. In the distance, he saw a stone temple. Deep inside it was the item he sought.

“Excellent, the temple is exactly where the map said it was,” Greengrass said.

“Correct, Duke.” Trail Blazer, their guide, eyed the temple nervously. He was a white-coated earth pony stallion with a red mane with a black streak through it. His cutie mark was a trail of hoofprints.

“Sweet!” Vinyl Scratch beamed. “This jungle has been, like, super annoying.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said and gasped when she saw the intimidating structure. It wasn’t a friendly looking place with statues with hate-filled eyes telling intruders what would happen to them if they intruded in their lair.

“It will be dark soon. I want to make good time.” The trip had been killer on his newly old bones, but he wouldn’t rest with his objective so near. His plans depended on his success.

“Are you are sure you want to go further Duke?” Trail Blazer trembled. “They say nopony has ever exited that place alive.” His fear infected Fluttershy and she trembled hiding under her hooves and mane.

Vinyl snorted. “Ph-lease, we can handle it. ‘Sides, I got this if any trouble comes our way!” She pulled out her crossbow and posed with it. The weapon was almost half her height, but she held it with ease despite her age. She too had lost her youth after the destruction of her Planetary Gem, but she treated old age as more of an annoyance and didn’t let it slow her down for a moment.

“My associate is correct, Mr. Trail Blazer,” Greengrass said, “I assembled this team for such a task. You all have my utmost confidence.” Fluttershy blushed at this and his self-confidence filled her with energy.

“This jungle contains some of the most dangerous animals in the world!” Trail Blazer argued.

Fluttershy brightened at this announcement and nodded. “Oh yes, like the Black Mamba. Its venom is the sixth most deadly in the world. Isn’t nature fascinating? They’re so cute! I wonder if one would like to come home with me?”

Trail Blazer stared at Fluttershy like she was crazy.

“Oh, don’t worry Mr. Trail Blazer sir,” Fluttershy said, “Black Mamba rarely bother ponies. If you leave them alone and don’t scare them, you’ll be just fine.”

Trail Blazer turned away deciding not to argue. Greengrass was glad he brought the mare along. Her animal expertise was invaluable. The way she handled the Ursa Major incident had impressed him. In his many years, Greengrass knew most ponies had a price and Ms. Fluttershy’s had been a pittance to pay. Especially considering the rewards if they were successful.

The jungle was deep and the trek through it was difficult, it seemed to fight against their attempts to cross it at every chance. Trail Blazer did his best to cut through the thick foliage, but it only seemed to get tougher and thicker the further they went on. Even Greengrass admitted this place made him uneasy, but that meant he was right on the mark. Their goal was here and he felt this truth in his bones. A furious leopard blocked their path, but a pat on the head and a snuggle from Fluttershy convinced it to leave. After several painstaking hours, they stood at the base of the temple. It loomed over them dark and foreboding.

“Sweet!” Vinyl said. “This place is so cool. It’s given me a great stage design idea for my next show!”

Fluttershy looked less than impressed with the structure and trembled. “Well, I’ve got you to the temple! I’m sure you’ll be just fine on your own! I’ll see you later!” She took to the air.

“Fluttershy.” One word from Greengrass froze the Pegasus in her tracks. “Remember our agreement. You promised to aid us until we procured the artifact inside. You aren’t reneging on our deal, are you? Remember what’s at stake.”

Fluttershy sighed and dropped to the ground. “You’re right Mr. Greengrass. I’ll be brave.”

Greengrass gave her a warm smile. “Wonderful. I know you will surpass my expectations.”

Fluttershy nodded and muttered encouraging words to herself which boosted her confidence somewhat.

Trail Blazer examined the structure carefully, but the temple had no obvious entrance. The walls were solid stone and Fluttershy confirmed no roof entrance either.

“Hmm. There must be a hidden switch somewhere.” Greengrass stroked his chin. It all appeared like solid rock to him, but appearances could be deceiving. The hidden door was somewhere.

“Oh, dear,” Fluttershy said forlornly, “our mission was doomed from the start.”

“No, it must have an entrance. We only need to discover it.” Greengrass said.

“And we aren’t leaving until we find it?” Trail Blazer sighed and kicked at a rock.

“Chin up Traily!” Vinyl said. “We’ll find it. Greengrass is the smartest pony in Equestria!”

Greengrass smiled and searched his mind for everything he knew about the temple. Info was sparse and the best reference he found came from a Daring Doo book. He shook his head finding nothing of use. Instead, he examined the stone walls for any clues or patterns. They might lead to the answer he wanted. The walls had paintings of ponies doing a tribal dance, but their pattern wasn’t clear to him and an hour of examination didn’t illuminate the problem. Fluttershy asked the nearby animals if they knew a path inside. According to them, nopony had ever entered the place.

Defeated, they set up camp for the night. One failure wouldn’t put off Greengrass, but his old bones protested and forced him to rest. Luckily, they found a nice clearing that made setting up their tents easy. Greengrass stared at the stars, his mind circling through the day’s events. He spotted the Big Dipper constellation and smiled and wondered what mischief Trixie Lulamoon was up to. He found it interesting that despite all the stars Corona had taken to create her Star Beasts, the Ranger constellations stayed intact. Those seven mares seemed like an immovable part of the universe. He smiled. Wouldn’t they be surprised when they saw what he had planned?


“Good work everypony.” Maestro said, “see you tomorrow.”

Octavia, like everypony else, put away her instrument. It was a lethargic motion much slower than usual. Thankfully, nopony noticed her weakness. Dear Luna, even practice sessions wore her out these days. No matter. In a few weeks, it would immortalize her in history and no amount of pain or tiredness would distract her from her goal. She looked over to Lyra’s spot and found it empty once again. Her student had called in sick and Octavia worried for her. The gala was too important for her career to mess up. Even getting sick was no excuse. After practice, she needed to check up on Lyra and chew her out for missing two days in a row. The sound of clapping interrupted her thoughts.

“Bravo!” Celestia said. “Well done. My sister has outdone herself this year. She’s certainly found the best and brightest musicians of this generation.”

Everypony tensed when they saw the fallen princess, unsure how to take her presence. Celestia’s bright smile and compliments, however, put everypony at ease. She shook everypony’s hoof and complimented them on their individual skills. The princess’s knowledge of the musical arts was impressive. She greeted everypony like they were old friends and they received her warmly in return.

“You must be Octavia Philharmonica,” Celestia said as she shook her hoof, “I’ve heard so much about you. Is it true you wish to play the Symphony for Moon and Sun? I’d done a little research on the piece. It is a daunting task for anypony.”

“Indeed, it is, princess,” Octavia replied, “I believe it would be a fitting tribute to the reunification of the royal sisters.”

“Just Celestia, please.” Celestia’s ears folded back. “I’ve given up my right to be princess long ago.”

This is the pony Greengrass is afraid of? Still, Celestia was famous for her cunning, but the former princess looked so sad and sorrowful that Octavia’s heart went out to her. Greengrass was panicking at nothing. Old age must have ruined his senses.

“Is that so?” A snide voice said and everypony froze as Princess Luna entered the hall. “Winning everypony with your charms as usual.”

“Lulu!” Celestia said brightening. “I didn’t see you come in. How are you? It’s been too long.”

Luna glared at everypony in the room. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

Everypony got the clue and scrambled to get their things and leave. Octavia’s sharp hearing picked up something strange about the princess. While Celestia spoke in perfect harmony, Luna spoke with complete discord. Even her breathing and heartbeat were off. Much to her horror, she realized Greengrass was right about Princess Luna.

Luna scowled as everpony gave Celestia a polite bow and a warm goodbye. Octavia left, but hung outside to overhear the conversation between the two sisters.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Luna’s voice was full of accusations.

“Just checking up on the Gala’s preparations and you know how I love music so,” Celestia replied.

“More like you’re trying to steal my ponies!”

“I don’t know what you mean, sister. I’m only trying to be friendly.”

“Listen here, Celestia.” Luna used her sister’s name as a curse. “These are my ponies and they always will be. They love me and have for centuries. I am the center of their world! You don’t like that, do you? You’re always like this! Trying to steal my spotlight! Making ponies appreciate your sun over my moon and night!”

“Lulu, please.”

“Things have changed in the last thousand years!” Luna continued. “They love me now! Me! They’ve forgotten your sun and embraced the night! And that will never change! They know you’re a monster sister! They’ve grown up with stories of your evil!”

“Yes, the murals of my downfall in most government offices were a bit much,” Celestia replied with some humor, “your right. I did many terrible things. I want to repent and make amends.”

“They’ll see through your lies sister! You’re evil!” Princess Luna abruptly left the hall leaving a perturbed Celestia.

Octavia tensed and hide behind the open door. She let out of breath as Luna passed her unnoticed. Celestia sighed and shook her head. Octavia watched Princess Luna stomp away eyes wide. Greengrass wasn’t kidding. At the time, Octavia hadn’t taken him seriously and realized how wrong she’d been. Princess Luna was out of control. What happened to her grace and beauty? What happened to the voice that could bring a smile to anypony’s lips and bring joy to their hearts? Even without her promise to Greengrass, Octavia needed to find out what was wrong.