• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 506 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 8

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 8
by Rixizu

“Stop fussing with your dress.” Bon-Bon chided as they were lead into the Gala. Hundreds of ponies surrounded them from all over Equestria along with several griffons from the Griffon Kingdom. Many were eager to meet the reformed Princess Celestia who greeted them like they were all old friends.

“I can’t help it.” Lyra adjudged her dress for the fifth time. She wore a white dress with golden trimming. On its center was a blue diamond-shaped sapphire gem that shone in the light. On her head was a golden circlet matching her gold shoes. She couldn’t help her nervousness. She’d done big concerts many times before thousands of ponies, but the Grand Galloping Gala was on a whole other level.

“It’ll be fine.” Bon-Bon grabbed her hoof and squeezed and Lyra returned the gesture with a faint smile. Bons outshone everypony in the room with her braided hair and simple blue and pink dress. It didn’t matter how plain it was when worn by a stunning mare such as her marefriend.

“You got this.” Trixie gave a confident smile. “Just smash it like you would a giant monster.” She wore a star-spangled red dress. For once, she dressed up her hair with a red star which made it end in a neat bob.

“Yeah!” Snowflake added. Nobles and other rich ponies jumped from the unexpected sound of his loud voice. He looked odd in the tiny black tux that almost didn’t fit him.

“You’ll do fabulously.” Rarity said.

“Thanks, guys,” Lyra replied. Her friends’ confidence gave her confidence. She could do this.

Ponies starred as they passed, no doubt because they looked so fabulous. Rarity had outdone herself this time. She’d get plenty of new business after ponies learned who made their dresses. The real reason they starred was that Carrot Top was the only pony in the Gala not wearing a dress or fancy getup. No matter how much they cajoled her, the carrot farmer refused to budge on the subject. She sighed. This would be one odd Gala, that’s for sure.

“Oh goody! We’re almost to the princess! Hi Princess!” Pinkie yelled and waved at Princess Luna standing in front of the line.

Lyra sighed. Yep, one odd Gala.

“Hello, my faithful student,” Luna said as they approached her, “who is this handsome stallion with you?”

“This is Snowflake, a good friend of mine,” Trixie said.

“Hi, Princess!” Snowflake said nervously. The other guest winced from his loud voice. A mare dropped her wine glass which fell on the clean tile floor. This caused a stallion waiter carrying a tray of drinks to slip. He crashed into a mare in a very expensive dress spilling drinks all over her.

“Sorry.” Snowflake said in a whisper still several octaves above a normal speaking voice.

“Trixie, you didn’t bring this stallion here to disrupt my Gala, did you?” Luna’s voice was tight.

“I would never do that,” Trixie replied, although she didn’t sound very convincing.

“I bet.” Luna’s eye twitched.

“He’s a very handsome stallion,” Celestia said. “Welcome to the Gala.” She gave them a bow and Snowflake flushed red.

“Moving on,” Luna said. The sun princess’s presence created a tense awkward pressure in the air. Luna made it obvious Celestia’s presence at the Gala wasn’t welcome.

“Lyra, Bon-Bon! How glad I am you came.” Luna greeted them warmly. “I am eager to hear you play tonight.”

“I’ve heard you play on the street,” Celestia said, “I can tell your music will make tonight magical.”

“Thanks.” Lyra also flushed.

“And Carrot Top.” Luna eyed the Orange Ranger confused and curious. “No date? And I see you didn’t bring a dress. Were you unable to procure a dress tonight?”

“Actually, I’m going with Raindrops as her plus one.” Carrot Top replied. “She couldn’t find anypony to go with her.”

Raindrops nodded her head. She shifted uncomfortably in her dress eyeing the crowd worried everypony might notice her discomfort. She wore a black dress with raindrops stitched on simulating a gentle rainstorm during the night sky.

Luna’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Didn’t I send you an invitation?”

“You did, I burned it.” Carrot Top’s voice held no shame. “I changed my mind about coming. I’m only here to root Lyra on as she plays tonight. I didn’t come to attend the Gala or the knighting ceremony. That’s why I didn’t bring a dress.”

“She’s still mad about the Night Court destroying her house,” Trixie whispered into the Princess’s ear.

“I see.” Luna’s voice was tight with anger and Lyra agreed. The carrot farmer was making a quiet mockery of her Gala! She glared at Celestia when the Sun Princess giggled into her hoof.

“It’s nice to have you,” Celestia said after she ceased her merriment.

“And this is?” Luna tilted her head towards Rarity and Cheerilee.

“Rarity.” Rarity made a polite bow. “I must say it is an honor to be in both your presence Your Majesties.”

“She seems like a nice mare, I’m glad you’ve found yourself a nice marefriend Miss Cheerilee,” Luna said.

“Actually, she is coming along as a favor for helping make our dresses,” Cheerilee replied. She wore a light green dress that ended in a purple skirt and a dark green bow around her waist. On her head was a green floppy hat.

“Yes, it was quite an undertaking, but they came out fabulously, don’t you agree?” Rarity beamed with pride. Ponies around them gave nods and smiles of appreciation. The mare soaked in their praise with glee.

“Yeah, I’m not dating anypony either.” Pinkie said. “I just like super cool parties!”

“She nagged me until I gave in,” Ditzy said. On her chest was a golden plate that ended with a pink shirt with bubbles erupting everywhere. In her hair were pearls that simulated a bubble’s appearance. Even her golden shoes had pearls. It seemed random and haphazard, but it suited her.

Luna seemed less than pleased with this news. “Trixie, I was hoping when I sent those invitations you and your friends would bring your special someponies for a special night out.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Come on princess, you know our dating lives are deader than a desert.”

“Yes, we know Trixie. You don’t have to spell it out.” Cheerilee said miffed.

“Leave them be, sister,” Celestia said butting in, “I think it is lovely they wish to bring friends to the Gala. What a colorful group of ponies too.”

“Stay out of this!” Luna growled showing teeth.

“Uh, it’s not that big of a deal,” Trixie said, “don’t worry about it.”

No kidding. Talk about touchy. Luna remained in a sour mood, while Celestia gave them each a serene warm smile.

“Sorry, we’re late!” Twilight rushed up to them followed by a white stallion dressed in formal ornamental armor. It was obvious he was part of the royal guard. “I was, uh, you know, nevermind don’t worry about it.” The mare wore a blue star-spangled dress with white stars the collar reached almost to the top of her head.

“She was studying and lost track of time, you mean.” The stallion said laughing.

“Shining!” Twilight said in protest.

“Who’s this?” Trixie asked. “You’re new coltfriend?”

Twilight snorted her muzzle twisting in disgust. “No, he’s my brother Shining Armor!”

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Shining Armor said. “Twilight’s told me all about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you again, princess. And you too as well, Princess Celestia.” He gave the sun princess an awkward smile.

“Please, Celestia will do,” Celestia said, “I remember you well. You bravely defended Canterlot during my madness. If it wasn’t for you, Canterlot would be a smoldering ruin right now. For that, I am forever grateful.”

“Well, I…” Shining Armor flushed at a loss for words.

“Hold on, since when do you have a brother?” Trixie peered at Shining with suspicious eyes.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“You’ve never mentioned him like ever,” Trixie replied, “in all the time I’ve known you.”

Lyra pondered this question and realized Trixie was right. Not once during all their hangouts had Twilight mentioned having a brother. How odd.

“I mention him all the time!” Twilight said defensively.

“No, you haven’t,” Trixie said, “are you, like, ashamed of him or something?”

“What, of course not! He’s my B.B.B.F.F.! Big Brother Best Friend Forever! He’s the best brother a pony could have!”

“Which is why you’ve never mentioned him before like he just came into existence right at this moment?” Trixie gave a Shining a distrustful glare.

“He’s not a changeling, if that’s what you think!” Twilight said stepping before her brother.

“No, the changelings are right there.” Trixie pointed towards Thorax and Cornicle, who waved back. They were enjoying the party although most of the noble ponies weren’t sure what to make of the insect ponies. They were managing to talk with a stallion with a monocle and were having an engaging conversation with him.

Twilight flushed before anger returned to her. “It’s still a stupid theory.”

“Now Twily, you can’t help it if you’ve never talked about me,” Shining said his tone jovial and teasing.

“I’m sure I have, many times!” Twilight fell into deep thought positive she was right.

Shining gave a rueful shake of our head. He walked up to Princess Luna. “It’s an honor to be here, your majesty.”

“You, as well captain.” Luna gave his hoof a shake.

“Oh right, you’re the captain of the guard.” Trixie slammed a hoof on her other one.

“You’re the princess’s student,” Lyra said, “how do you not know that?”

Trixie shrugged. “All the guards look the same. You don’t even notice them after a while” A hint of annoyance passed over Shining’s face, but it passed a split second later.

Luna bent down and whispered into Shining’s ear. “Captain, be ready for anything!” The stallion gave a confused nod.

“Uh, er, um, would you like to go dancing?” Snowflake gave Trixie a nervous smile.

“Sure! Let’s tear up the dance floor!” Trixie took the stallion’s hoof and dragged him towards the dancing area.

“Yeah!” Snowflake said in delight. He shrunk as other party goers glared at him.

Lyra made a deep sigh. “She knows this isn’t a club, right?”

“Oh let them.” Bons chided. “They’re having fun.”

“They make the cutest couple!” Pinkie added.

Yes, it’s… interesting. “See you guys later, I need to prepare my instrument.”

Her friends waved her goodbyes. Pinkie ran to the dinner table taking three of each item. Rarity moved around the social circles looking for her prince charming and made conversation with everypony. Cheerilee joined her trying to make new friends. Twilight and Shining milled about but didn’t find the conversations very interesting. Raindrops stood in a corner awkwardly with Carrot Top whose seething glares sent away any noble that got close. Despite everything, her friends were having fun. Not quite the Gala she wanted or expected, but being with her friends made it fun. She’d enjoy playing for them. She didn’t feel as nervous knowing her comrades were nearby.

Why can’t Octavia understand these feelings? She looked everywhere for the mare but found no sign of her. The idea her old teacher chickened out playing the Symphony didn’t even enter her head. She sighed. Octavia must be avoiding her even now. She ignored her glum mood and focused on preparing her lyre.


“Really? And they expect you, a mere mayor, to act as a baron of an entire providence?” Cheerilee asked the earth pony noble. Princess Luna had turned the town he lived in and the surrounding mountain into a new providence for Equestria called Nulpar.

Odd name. Did the Princess pick random syllables from the top of her head when naming it?

“It wasn’t my first choice, but I think it’s a good opportunity!” Barron Mounty Max said. “The night court might seem crooked, but with a guiding hoof, I believe we can turn it around.”

The new young noble had the unfortunate luck of joining when the Night Court was its least popular. Its approval rating had dropped to rock bottom. Maybe some genuine nice ponies might change it. Some might call it naïve, but Cheerilee called it being optimistic. Ponies can’t accomplish much if they refuse to believe change is possible.

“If you would excuse me, I have to hit the dinner table,” Max said, “I’ve been traveling all day and had a light breakfast.” Cheerilee let him go glad to have a nice chat with a nice noble. The rest were less than friendly. Many blamed the Rangers for their lack of popularity. The Galaxy Rangers had exposed some serious corruption and it damaged the Court’s reputation. It wasn’t their fault the Court was so bad at policing their own.

Cheerilee watched Trixie as she and her date did a swing dance. One might expect Trixie to get thrown around by the large stallion, but he was both careful and graceful. Not really a dance appropriate of a Gala, but they were having fun.

“The Princess’s student sure likes to make a show, right?” A voice said next to her. “The less socially appropriate, the better.” Cheerilee’s eyes widened and she whirled to find Duke Greengrass standing next to her.

“Greengrass,” Cheerilee said dumbfounded. He was the last pony she’d expected to see again. There he stood in a neat red tux. He beamed at her giving her a polite bow.

“It’s nice to see you again Cheerilee.”

“Hello, Greengrass.” Her voice was tight. After the Night Court Ranger incident, he was the absolute last pony she wanted to see again. “Why are you here? I doubt Princess Luna sent you an invitation after the stunt you pulled.”

Much to her confusion, his face was young. Didn’t he lose his youth after his Ranger powers got destroyed? Yet, here he was younger than ever. He must have reversed the curse somehow, an impressive feat if true.

“I have my ways,” Greengrass replied enigmatically, “this is the biggest social event of the year. How could I miss it? Besides, I came here to see you.”

“Me?” Cheerilee said surprised.

Greengrass extended a hoof. “A new song had started, would you like to dance?”

Again, he’d done something that threw her for a loop. Nopony had asked her to dance yet. Heck, she’d say no stallion had given her as much as a glace of appreciation. Despite herself, it flattered her. What the heck.

“Sure.” Cheerilee grabbed his hoof and he whisked her onto the dance floor. Thankfully Trixie was nowhere in sight to observe them. They moved with the music of the gentle waltz in perfect harmony. Greengrass was an excellent dancer and guided her with grace and skill despite her inexperience.

“Your dress is stunning,” Greengrass said, “the green suits you. Did the local dressmaker design it for you? Her stitching is impressive.”

“Thank you.” Cheerilee blushed from the compliment. “I’m surprised you’re even near me after I kicked your flank the last time we met.”

Greengrass laughed. It was a jolly one. “I like a mare that can kick my flank.”


“Oh yes, I like a mare that can push and challenge me.” Greengrass beamed.

He’s daring. I’ll give him that. They increased their pace with the song gliding across the dance floor. Everything drowned out leaving only Cheerilee and her dance partner.

“In fact, I owe you and your friends a great deal.”

“Oh?” Cheerilee raised a speculative eyebrow.

“Without defeat and hardship, how can a pony grow?” Greengrass replied. “I’d been too successful, too confident. I deserved to be taken down several pegs.”

“You’re not mad?” Cheerilee expected steel in his voice or at least anger. Instead, he seemed happy.

“I had it coming,” Greengrass replied, “you and your friends taught me a great deal, and for that, I am forever grateful. I’ve learned from my mistakes.”

“And now you’re back for revenge?”

“Never, I wouldn’t waste my time on such nonsense.” Greengrass shook his head. “Not when there are greater heights to reach, and brand new avenues to explore.”

Huh. She admired his determination and willingness to learn from his mistakes, yet not bound by them. If not revenge, what was he planning? Cheerilee couldn’t help but be excited to see what happened next. What would he use his new knowledge and humility for? Something good she hoped.

“Besides, why would I want revenge on the Rangers when they have a charming mare like yourself?”

“Oh stop it, flatterer.” Cheerilee gave him a gentle punch on the shoulder. She moved in close enjoying his warmth and the smell of his breath. She’d forgotten how handsome this stallion was. Their steps seemed to float into the air as they flowed around the dance floor.

What am I doing? Cheerilee a blush came to her cheeks. He’s the one who made our lives heck. Yet he’s stronger than ever. Despite everything, Cheerilee thought he was a decent pony at heart. She cursed her habit of always looking for the best in ponies. Still, she wouldn’t let him get away that easily.

“One warning.” Cheerilee’s voice became grave. “If you ever trying anything against my friends again, I will break every bone in your body.”

Greengrass chuckled amused. “If I do, then I deserve every punishment you give me. Is that a promise? I’ll hold you to it.” They exchanged a laugh. What would she do with this stallion? The dance stopped as the music ended.

“I’m sorry. I wish to do another dance, but I have other matters I need to attend to.” Greengrass gave her a gracious bow. “Maybe later tonight?”

“That’s fine.” Cheerilee felt a pang of disappointment. She wanted it to continue longer.

“And remember, if I try anything against your friends, you’ll break every bone in my body.” Greengrass gave her a wink. Cheerilee rolled her eyes but smiled. She watched as he disappeared into the crowd. What would she make of him? Whatever the case, she would be happy to see him again.

A scoff caught her attention and she turned to see a pegasus mare glaring at her. The mare’s appearance caught her off guard. Cheerilee had never seen a mare such as this one. She shared the same mane and coat colors as Fluttershy and her dress was pink with wreaths of colorful flowers all over it and she caught everypony’s attention. There was an inexplicable natural beauty about her. She made everypony who looked upon her lose their breath for her beauty outshone even Princess Luna. The only thing that disrupted the image was the hate-filled eyes aimed towards Cheerilee.

“Excuse me?” Cheerilee said regaining her composer. Who was this mare? She couldn’t recall hearing of a mare like her before. You’d think she’d heard of a noble this beautiful. She felt self-conscious and unsightly in comparison. Stallions and mare flooded her with attention, but she ignored them all focusing on stomping towards Cheerilee. The strange urge to flee flooded the Ranger.

“So you are the one Greengrass choose over me?” The mysterious mare said. “An ugly plain thing like you?”

Ugly?! Still, Cheerilee gave the mare a forced smile. “You know Greengrass?” Was this mare an old flame of the ex-duke? She gave the appearance of a mare scorned.

“I don’t know what he sees in you.” The mysterious mare circled Cheerilee like a predator moving in on her prey.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Cheerilee said trying to remain diplomatic.

“Understand this.” The mare’s words could remove paint from a wall. “I will haunt your foals and decedents for the rest of eternity. That’s a promise!”

“E-excuse me!” What was with this mare? What kind of relationship did she believe Cheerilee had with Greengrass? They barely knew each other. The mare didn’t reply and stomped off.

“Okay, that was weird.” She’d need to talk with Greengrass about getting a restraining order on whoever that was. She’d heard of scorned love, but this was ridiculous.

“Are you sure you want to go out there?” Octavia’s bandmate, Beauty Brass, said full of concern after Octavia had a nasty coughing fit.

Octavia waved him away hiding the blood-soaked handkerchief. “Never better. Best concern yourself with your own performance.”

“If you’re sure?” Beauty Brass took her saxophone out of its case. “I know this is an important night Octy, but musician shouldn’t neglect her health regardless of the reason.”

“I’m fine.” Octavia’s words contained steel and the mare wisely backed off.

Beauty Brass took her instrument outside the dressing room leaving Octavia alone. She kicked a chair over in frustration. She wanted to perform too, but Lyrica Lilac had rejected the idea. Lyrica noticed how serious Octavia’s condition was and refused to allow her to perform. Octavia had argued, but she had broken into a coughing fit and spit blood on the floor. Lyrica was sympathetic, but stern. She’d only allow Octavia to perform the Symphony of Moon and Sun. Octavia hated inaction and considered this a serious insult.

“They’re not allowing you to perform?” A voice said entering the dressing room. “Pity, your talent with the cello is without rival. They are still allowing you to perform the Symphony, yes?”

“Greengrass,” Octavia growled, “now you show your face.” She turned and gasped. The ex-noble had lost over thirty years since they last talked. Her mouth hung open in sheer disbelief. She shook her head. What was she thinking? This was obviously some illusion to hide the shame of his aged appearance.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again,” Greengrass replied, “I would have come sooner, but other matters tied me up.”

“I’m glad you’ve finally come,” Octavia said, “we have a situation.”

She explained everything she uncovered about Luna’s activities during her sneaking missions. She took some satisfaction at his surprised expression when she described the Ranger Killer project.

“I see. Princess Luna has acted sooner than I anticipated.” Greengrass stroked his chin in thought. He accepted the papers Octavia gave him detailing scientific aspects of the project and skimmed through them. She’d stolen them when exploring Puissance’s secret lab. It was all nonsense to Octavia, but the ex-noble understood it somehow.

“I hope that will satisfy the conditions of our arrangement.” Octavia was glad to rid herself of this stallion and his deals.

Greengrass gave a noncommittal nod too consumed by the papers to acknowledge her. He threw the papers into a briefcase and rushed towards the door.

“What about our deal?” Octavia said with more force. She hated being ignored.

Greengrass turned around and gave her a grave smile. “I will fulfill the conditions of our arrangement, do not fear that. But I have more pressing concerns to deal with. I must talk to Trixie.”

Octavia backed away so surprised by that statement. “What? Aren’t you enemies?”

“It doesn’t matter. The future of Equestria is at stake!” He left without another word.

Octavia regained her composure. Whatever. This battle didn’t concern her. Trixie would deal with it. Everything would work itself out. Octavia had done her part. She took out her composition of the Symphony and studied it. She had more important matters to concern her.

Author's Note:

Snowflake is the Lunaverse's name for Bulk Biceps.