• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 506 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 3

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 3
by Rixizu

“There!” Twilight beamed proud of her work. She’d pinned countless pages to the board each grouped by year and in alphabetical order. The amount of information overwhelmed Lyra as she examined it.

“And this is everything?” Lyra asked with some hesitation. She feared Twi might pull out another board filled with even more pages. Twilight had gotten her hooves on every attempt to finish the Symphony for Moon and Sun over the millennia.

“It isn’t much on such short notice.” Twilight admitted ears drooping, “but it’s a good starting point!”

“Okay,” Lyra replied. She slapped her face and redoubled her efforts to understand everything before her. Hours passed as she worked. The compositions before her were beautiful even breathtaking. Yet they’d failed and Lyra couldn’t figure out why. No wonder ponies considered the symphony cursed. Each attempt had missed something vital, a small piece of the puzzle they’d failed to add. Still, her mind rushed with possibilities. She loved studying old music and she’d gained countless new ideas. Her mood dropped when she realized none of her inspirations helped Octavia. She’d slept badly the previous night due to a nightmare of ponies scorning her old teacher and laughing at her failure.

“Morning Lyra!” Bons waved as Lyra entered their dining room.

“Morning.” Lyra sipped her coffee her mane disheveled and black circles under her eyes.

“You’re staying the day again?” Bon-Bon served Lyra toast and eggs, her favorite. “What about practice for the Gala?”

“I know.” Lyra slumped against the table. “I can’t focus! Octavia’s about to ruin her career and it’s destroying me! I can’t stop worrying about it!” And even with Twi’s help, their research had produced nothing useful. She was a failure as a pony, and a student.

“I see,” Bon-Bon replied and they ate in silence. Lyra nibbled at her toast with little appetite.

“There must be an answer, darn it,” Lyra put a hoof on the board of papers. “I can’t fail this!”

“Lyra!” Twilight ran into Lyra’s basement. “I discovered something really interesting!” She held a book in her aura.


“According to this source, this symphony was originally called the…”

“Lyra!” A voice cried out startling them both. They turned to find a fuming Octavia. “There you are.”

“Octy!” Lyra blocked the board of papers and gave a forced smile. “Fancy seeing you here. Shame I’ve been too sick to attend practice!” She made a fake cough.

“I bet,” Octavia said coldly and pushed Lyra aside examining the board herself, “been busy I see.”

“I thought it was an interesting research subject!” Lyra gave a nervous laugh. Dear Luna, I suck at lying.

Octavia fumed and threw the board to ground scattering papers everywhere. Twilight stared in horror. The musician didn’t stop and tore papers to pieces.

“I understand your concern, but I don’t need your help!” Octavia said. “I have gotten this matter well in hoof. You are my student and you will do as instructed. Don’t get involved anymore. This is my personal mission, and you have no place in it. Do you understand?”

Chastised, Lyra’s ears dropped and her head fell. “Yes, teacher.”

“Good. Now forget this nonsense.” Octavia said changing the subject. “I hear Ponyville has a great tea shop.”

Lyra fought back her pain and nodded. Twilight and Bons stayed behind to clean up. She tried engaging in conversation with her teacher. It was awkward at the beginning, but they talked like old friends again as tea arrived. A part of Lyra resented her teacher for rejecting her aid, but she hid it away. Octavia was right. Lyra would leave it alone.

She put all thoughts of the Symphony away and they discussed silly things like old times. They had a lovely chat and Raindrops even dropped in for a hello. Lyra returned to her normal self as her third cup of tea arrived.

“And Cloud Kicker has been bugging Trixie to let her attend the Gala,” Lyra said, “she says it would give her the opportunity to get drunk and bang all the nobles she wants.”

“And Trixie said no I hope. The Grand Galloping Gala isn’t that kind of party.” Octavia’s snout rankled. “We don’t need somepony so uncouth at the Gala.”

“No.” Lyra shook her head laughing. “Even Trixie sees it as a bad idea.”

“My opinion of her has gone up a notch.” Which Lyra knew was high praise coming from her teacher.“Ponyville certainly has its characters.”

“No kidding!” Lyra beamed. “The other day, I learned a pony I’d known for years was a robot. Or golem if you prefer. It’s a long story!”

Octavia blinked. “What?”

“Such is life in Ponyville.” Lyra waved a hoof.

“As exciting as Ponyville is, you will need to leave one day.”

Lyra’s good mood sunk like a ship with a broken hull. “I know.”

“Hero or not, ponies in high society don’t care for yokels from towns like Ponyvilla.” Octavia continued. “As I’ve always said, you must distance yourself from that image and show yourself as a pony of grace and class.”

Lyra stayed silent knowing Octavia was right. Ponies in Canterlot had laughed at her for being from Ponyville. Yet, she loved this silly little town. It was unimaginable leaving it and her friends. The mere thought of being miles from the other Rangers pained her. Still, she had her career to consider. She couldn’t take constant train trips from Ponyville to distant cities for jobs. The cost alone would be insane. Maybe if she used her Zord instead? Her giant robot could travel the globe in moments. Still, it would be a pain to park.

“I have a surprise for you.” Octavia brought Lyra out of her ponderings.


“I found this nice little apartment in Manehattan for you and your marefriend. Bon-Bon, correct?” Octavia replied. “It’s the perfect location. A new revival of My Fair Filly is looking for a full-time lyre player and I’m a good friend of the director.”

“I don’t know Octy.”

“Think about it!” Octavia pressed. “It’s perfect. Think how exciting it would be part of a Bridleway play? It’s an excellent opportunity!”

Lyra closed her eyes and considered. With Corona reformed, supposedly, it had been quiet. With Twilight add to their team as the White Ranger, they had plenty of ponypower. And being part of a Bridleway play’s orchestra had been a minor dream of her. It would be loads of fun.

“Does this offer have a time limit?” Lyra asked. “I need to discuss this with Bons.”

“Not too long. I’d need to know before the Gala.” Octavia nodded in approval.

“I’ll consider it.” She needed to discuss this with the other Ranger too. They might have some good advice.

They talked more, Lyra only half listened. The offer distracted her. She considered every angle and opportunity mulling over everything. She waved Octavia goodbye as her teacher took an early train back to Canterlot. Lyra took the long way home. She liked walking. It gave her plenty of opportunities to think.

“Lyra!” Twilight waved and ran towards her.

“Oh Twi, what’s up.”

“Finally, I found you,” Twilight replied, “I wanted to tell you of my discovery about the Symphony for Moon and Sun.

Lyra shook her head. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve given up researching it. My teacher has the problem well in hoof.”

Twilight ears drooped like a kicked puppy. “If you’re sure. It’s an interesting problem.”

“I’m sure.” Lyra gave a sad smile. I have more pressing issues, anyway.

“Well, I thought you might find it interesting the Symphony for Moon and Sun was actually called the Symphony for Sun and Moon first.”

Lyra blinked. “What?”

“Yeah, the composer switched it around to appeal to Luna’s vanity,” Twilight said. It made sense. According to Trixie, the princess was vainer than she let on.

Twilight switched to lecture mode. “Before Celestia’s banishment, it was common to refer to the sun before the moon. After Princess Luna gained power, ponies switched around. That’s why the title used sun first out of automatic reflex.”

“Okay, that’s interesting, but I don’t see how that helps with finishing the composition,” Lyra replied though her mind chewed on this new tidbit.

Twilight shrugged. “I just thought it was interesting. Well, if you’re not interested in the Symphony, I’ll stop research it.”

Lyra wanted to agree, but something made her reconsider. Part of her screamed this tidbit was a vital clue. No way, it was only a name.

But names have power. No, I’m being stupid. Octavia ordered me to stop. Yet…

“Uh, see what else you can uncover,” Lyra said instead cursing that she’d broken her promise.

“Sure.” Twilight brightened.

Darn it, I can’t let this go. I can’t help myself. Well, I’m sure it won’t hurt anypony doing a little more digging. Symphony for Sun and Moon, huh? Maybe it means something.


Vinyl examined the murals on the temple walls stroking her chin and paced back and forth. She’d been working on this puzzle for an hour and Greengrass waited for his ward to solve the problem. It began apparent he couldn’t solve it on his own, so he let the music expert take a crack at it. The puzzle was music-based and he’d long learned to rely on experts where his skills lacked.

“Ha!” Vinyl pumped a hoof in victory. “I got it. No problem.”

“Really?!” Trail Blazer said glad to escape the dangerous forest.

“Oh, my!” Fluttershy said while petting a macaw.

“The boss pony was right about the puzzle being music based, no surprise there.” Vinyl pointed at a stone panel hidden by dirt and plants. “You must perform a certain dance there to open the door. A pretty awesome one too.”

“Dancing?” Trail Blazer starred at a loss for words.

“Interesting,” it pleased Greengrass his ward had discovered the secret so quickly.

“Argh, if only I was young still.” Vinyl whined. “Hey, Traily, you any good at dancing?”

Trail Blazer shook his head a little embarrassed. “No, in fact, the misses barred me from it after our wedding dance.” Everypony and the macaw looked to Fluttershy.

“Me?” Fluttershy’s voice cracked.

“Don’t worry, you got this.” Vinyl beamed. “Just leave it to me! I’ll teach you all the coolest steps ever!”

“Okay,” Fluttershy replied resigned and the macaw stroked her head in comfort.


“Okay Flutters, you can do this!” Fluttershy said to boost her confidence.

“Yo! You got this Fluts!” Vinyl yelled and the macaw on her head joined the cheering. Greengrass watch from a stump curious about what would happen next.

Fluttershy took in several deep breaths preparing herself for the task at hoof. Vinyl had trained her well and she didn’t want to let anypony down.

“Now!” Fluttershy jumped on the dance pad and jigged her body back and forth. She swung her hooves and waved her plot high in the air. After spinning around in a circle, she waved her plot again, stepped around in the circle, and finished with one hoof pointing to the sky. A stone door groaned open leading a path into utter blackness. Vinyl hooted and Greengrass and Trail Blazer clapped their hooves.

“I am never doing that again.” Fluttershy’s face turned beet red.

Trail Blazer lit a torch and carefully led the way wary of any traps. Vinyl followed behind her crossbow at the ready while Greengrass and Fluttershy took up the rear. The butter coloured mare paused for a moment to wave the macaw goodbye. Fluttershy couldn’t bear putting any animal in danger. She yelped as the door slammed behind them leaving no trace of its existence. They searched, but there was no switch or dance pad to reopen the door. With no other choice, they moved forward towards almost certain danger and death.


A figure watched from the safety of her treetop hiding place. After months of research, she’d never found a way inside this accused temple. Yet somehow, these thieves discovered the entrance in several hours. No matter, they’d given her the key inside. She needed to hurry. She couldn’t afford these thieves getting the treasure inside.

Daring Doo adjusted her hat and smirked. Head start or not, she’d get the Key of Bimini first. It was too dangerous to fall into anypony hooves especially an evil Night Court Noble like Duke Greengrass. Whatever his nefarious plan was, she planned to ruin it. She replayed the dance in her mind and counted for five minutes. She didn’t want them discovering her presence just yet. After the time limit ended, she flew down and landed on the dance platform.

“Duke Greengrass. Your evil plans are finished.” Daring looked around and sighed in relief. Nopony was there to watch her do that embarrassing, ridiculous dance.


“Argh!” Octavia threw another failure against the wall. She gritted her teeth. Greengrass’ book had given her some useful insights but no solutions. How could this be so hard? She was a genius and a master of her craft. Few in her generation matched her skill at the cello. Now only a week and a half remained until the Gala, and she was still no closer to her goal.

Maybe I should have taken Lyra up on her offer to help.

No, that was ridiculous. This was her mission and dream and her student didn’t have a part in it. She’d known from long experience a pony could only count on themselves. Poor Lyra was too young to realize this yet. Her chest erupted in pain and Octavia broke into a coughing fit spitting out blood.

No, I can’t fail. It’s impossible! My dream will become a reality.

Still, not everything had been a loss. Her spying on the Princess had gone well. She learned about Luna conducting secret meetings and overheard one would happen tonight. It surprised Octavia how easily she’d come across the information. Princess Luna was terrible at cloak and dagger and it amazed Octavia she’d lasted so long in the Night Court. The princess couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Tonight Luna had a meeting with a pony only known as Lady Jewel. About what, Octavia couldn’t gleam.

Octavia sighed and put her Cello away too wound up to work, anyway. She might as well arrive at the secret meeting early. After dressing in a dark cloak, she slipped outside keeping to the shadows. It was well into the night as she arrived hiding herself on a rooftop her keen eyes and ears ready. She fought off another coughing fit as she waited. The princess had made the meeting point an alley behind some hayburger joint.

Princess Luna arrived alone. She wore a dark cloak blending in the night with ease. Octavia had heard the princess before seeing her. Much to Octavia’s confusion, Luna floated a greasy bag in her magic. Luna sat down and opened the bag pulling out a hayburger heavy with mayonnaise and ketchup eating with relish. Octavia’s face scrunched up disgusted. She’d never guessed the princess liked such uncouth food. Shouldn’t it be beneath her? And wasn’t this a secret meeting? The other pony arrived much later, thankfully without a bag of hayburgers. They wore a gray cloak.

“You’re late,” Luna said without preamble.

“Of course I am.” The other pony huffed. “It’s fashionable that way.”

Luna clenched her teeth in annoyance but ignored the comment. Octavia almost gasped when the mysterious pony drew back their hood. It was Vicereine Puissance! She gave the princess a polite bow.

“How goes the project?” Luna asked. “You know we have a tight timetable. My sister will act soon.”

“Patience princess.” Puissance waved a dismissive hoof. “It is going on schedule. Yesterday’s test run went well.”

“Good.” Luna sighed in relief. “I appreciate your tireless efforts.”

“I live to serve, your majesty.” Puissance bowed.

“Serve me well, and I’ll forgive your foalnapping of my student,” Luna said. “Still, the data from Trixie’s morpher has proven useful. No, vital to my battle against my sister.” Puissance and Octavia jumped when Princess Luna threw her head back breaking into uproarious laughter.

“Soon, my sister will pay for her sins. Crushed!” Luna crushed her empty paper bag for emphasis under her hoof. She broke out into laughter again.

“Soon, Project Ranger Killer will be complete!”