• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 507 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 4

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 4
by Rixizu

“And you say traps might lie anywhere?” Greengrass asked peering into the darkness. He held a portable lantern to light their path.

“Anywhere!” Trail Blazer replied. “Each step might become our last!” To emphasize his point, he picked up a stone and threw it into the empty corridor before them. When the stone landed on the floor, deadly poisoned tipped darts shot from the walls, razor-sharp pendulums appeared out of nowhere, and spikes flew from the ceiling and floor. They disappeared as soon as they appeared.

“Talk about overkill, how lame.” Vinyl said.

“How irritating.” Greengrass scanned the corridor.

“H-How can we get past that?” Fluttershy hid behind Greengrass trembling.

“Vinyl?” Greengrass turned towards his ward.

Vinyl stroked her chin than brightened. “I got it! See those little dashes on the walls? Those are musical notes! Each stone coordinates with that particular note. Step on the right stone and you’re safe.”

Greengrass looked down and scrutinized the floor and realized each row had 21 stone panels. One stone for each string on the instrument.

“Is it based on a guitar?” Greengrass asked.

“Yep, a Kora. It’s popular in this region.” Vinyl beamed. “Follow me. I think I’ve got the rhythm!”

“Um, I’ll fly across if that’s okay with you, sorry.” Fluttershy looked at the stone floor like it deadly poisoned.

“That wouldn’t work.” Trail Blazer picked up another rock and threw it across the corridor. Something sharp cut the stone into pieces midway. Fluttershy gulped and followed Vinyl’s lead instead.

It was slow going, but they somehow got across the deadly floor. Vinyl moved across without a hint of fear. Greengrass wasn’t so confident, but trusted his ward and took each step with care. The slightest slip or misstep meant instant death.

“Whoever made this place was a happening pony!” Vinyl said as they reached the end.

“I think that took years off my life,” Fluttershy tried to calm her beating heart and Greengrass agreed with her.

They walked for several minutes before coming across a fork that broke the corridor into three different paths. Greengrass found no distinguishing marks or clues. They each looked identical.

“We are not breaking into groups.” Trail Blazer’s voice was firm.

“Wasn’t planning to,” Greengrass replied, “well, Vinyl?”

“Beats me.” Vinyl peered into the three corridors finding nothing but darkness.

“Fine.” Greengrass pointed to the third corridor. “We’ll go that way.”

“Okay.” Trail Blazer led the way cautious of any incoming dangers.


“How does it feel, darling?” Rarity used her magic to adjust Lyra’s dress. One stipulation that she had laid down was that their dresses would allow easy movement in case something happened. If a monster came for her throat, Lyra didn’t want her dress to impede her.

“Wonderful.” Lyra tested her limbs and walked around Rarity’s boutique. She follows up with several kicks and punches and ended with a backflip.

“I’m glad you like it.” Rarity made some final adjustments with the frills. “Your dresses were a challenge, but I think I’ve risen to the occasion.”

“Are they all done?” Lyra asked.

“All except Trixie’s.” Rarity gave a theatrical sigh. “She’s a picky one and keeps changing her mind. But, I should have it done in a week’s time.”

I can’t believe only a week left until the Gala.

Time flew with the last several days with practice consuming most of her time. Twilight still helped her research the infamous symphony but with no results. It didn’t matter. Lyra had little doubt her teacher Octavia hadn’t already finished and mastered the piece by now. Still, Lyra enjoyed her time with Twilight despite not accomplishing much. They had spent little time together before. She learned Twi had an excellent singing voice. Trixie suggested they should start a band. Much to Lyra’s shock, Trixie was a skilled guitar player and proved it with some expertly played riffs.

A band sounded fun, but it wasn’t meant to be. She’d leave for Manehattan after the Gala. She hadn’t told her friends about her decision yet and hoped to relay the news at tonight’s Ranger meeting at Trixie’s house.

Bons says it okay. They’ll understand. Still, leaving her friends frightened her, but they always encouraged her to follow her dreams. They’d understand.

“Lyra, you’re crying.” Rarity said, her voice full of concern. “Is everything okay?”

Pull yourself together Lyra! She wiped away tears and nodded. She couldn’t afford to break down now.

“If you’re sure, darling.” Rarity put a comforting hoof on Lyra’s shoulder. “I’m here if you need to talk.”


When Lyra first met Rarity, she’d thought the fashionista was one of the most annoying and self-centered ponies she’d ever met. It reminded Lyra how shallow and judgmental she could be. Much changed when you met a pony for real and looked beyond surface impressions. She’d miss Rarity and everypony else when she left Ponyville. She’d even allow Pinkie to throw her a goodbye party!

The day passed slowly as Lyra explored around town enjoying Ponyville’s sights. She wanted to assimilate everything into her memory before she left.

Lyra paused before Trixie’s front door and took several deep breaths. She gave her best smile as she entered inside. Everypony was there sitting on various couches and loveseats. Trixie used her magic to levitate bowls of Cheetos to everypony and soda pop sat on a coffee table. These meetings weren’t only about Ranger business, but also gave them time to hang out and chat. Sometimes they played games, but it was mostly about having fun with friends. Lyra would miss these Friday meetings.

“Hey, Lyra.” Trixie waved to her. “Have a seat. We’re about to play a game of pinochle.” Trixie loved pinochle often contriving reasons to play it. She already had the game set up and used her magic to shuffle the cards.

“Uh, guys.” Lyra swallowed. “I have some news first.”

This caught everypony’s attention and they looked at her expectantly. Lyra bolstered her courage.

“You remember about that offer to play the lyre in My Fair Filly?” Lyra said. “I accepted it. I’ll be moving to Manehattan in a month’s time.”

“That’s wonderful Lyra!” Twilight said.

Carrot Top nodded. “It’s a good opportunity.”

“Make sure we get good discounts when we come to your shows.” Trixie beamed.

Cheerilee tapped her chin in thought. “We should have a yard sale. Your place is full of junk you don’t need.”

“My parents also have loads of old stuff they need to lose.” Raindrops said.

Cheerilee clapped her hooves together. “Great idea. We can all give something. It would be a nice little boost to Lyra’s income when she moves to the big city.”

“And I can do a magic show!” Trixie’s eyes glinted in excitement.

Everypony chatted about helping Lyra move and getting Bon-Bon’s new candy store set up in Manehattan. They were being very supportive of Lyra’s decision. Maybe a little too supportive?

“I’m surprised you’re all taking this so well.” Lyra ears drooped. “I’m certainly not.”

The room went quiet and Lyra’s melancholy mood infected the others. Lyra saw the other Rangers had forced their cheerful reactions and weren’t taking the change much better.

“I know.” Trixie sighed. “You were my first real friend.”

Lyra blinked. “I was.”

“Okay, you were a complete jerk to me on the train to Ponyville, but it was fun running around town trying to get the Longest Night preparations done on time.” Trixie laughed.

Lyra smiled. She remembered that day well. Somehow they’d overslept and found themselves on a train to Manehattan. They scrambled back to Ponyville with only a few scant hours remaining to get everything ready. The festival was almost a total disaster. It was a fun, but mad experience.

“You think we were friends?” Lyra asked. “I didn’t treat you very well.” Much to Lyra’s embarrassment, she’d been rude and dismissive to Trixie all day, thinking her only a spoiled and selfish student of Princess Luna. Boy did things change when Corona arrived on the scene.

Trixie waved a dismissive hoof. “It was a work in progress.”

“I don’t want you to leave either, but being a musician is who you are,” Cheerilee said, “it’s like asking a bird not to fly, or a fish not to swim.”

Carrot Top nodded. “I’ll miss you, but this is your dream. I can’t stop that.” She looked down.

“Guys.” Tears gathered at Lyra’s eyelids. Great, I’m crying again.

“Lyra!” Twilight broke into tears and hugged her. The rest of the Rangers joined her in one giant group hug. Even Trixie was crying now.

“Look.” Trixie whipped away her tears. “I just want you to know that whatever happens, you’re still my friend.”

“And we’ll come to all your show!” Cheerilee proclaimed.

Trixie nodded. “Naturally.”

“And write to you.” Raindrops added.

Twilight brightened. “I need a new pen pal with Fluttershy living in town.”

“Besides, you have your Zord,” Trixie said, “you can visit us whenever you want.”

The Rangers chatted for the next few hours about random subjects. Carrot Top gave her useful moving tips while Raindrops talked about various shows she’d always wanted to see in Manehattan. Though still melancholy, Lyra’s heart warmed having such supportive friends. Besides, they were only a Zord’s trip away. She could see them anytime she wanted. Twilight theorized ways to communicate with Lyra quickly if they ever needed her. Trixie convinced them to play a game of pinochle which Lyra won. She suspected everypony let her win.

Lyra was smiling as she departed Trixie’s house. It hadn’t gone as badly as she feared. It would hurt being away from her friends, but she could cope. She’d find new friends in Manehattan, and her old ones weren’t so far away. Her heart wasn’t as heavy anymore.


Fluttershy screamed as a trap door opened underneath her and she fell into the darkness below. Greengrass rushed to grab her hoof, but his hoof slipped past her.

“Fluttershy!” Greengrass peered into the dark void below and saw a vague outline of Fluttershy’s yellow form.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Fluttershy winced in pain but seemed otherwise fine. “Oh, hello!”

“What is it?” Trail Blazer bit his hoof worried Fluttershy might have met some horrible monster.

“It’s only a scorpion pit. Hey, there are snakes down here too!” She giggled. “Stop that, you’re tickling me!”

“Could they help us navigate this place?” Greengrass asked.

“I’ll check,” Fluttershy muttered something. “Yes, yes, really? That’s perfect!” She raised her voice. “They can! They tell me there are secret tunnels under the temple. That’s how they get around. They’re just big enough for a pony to fit through!”

Greengrass smiled to himself. As usual, his instincts about ponies were correct. Fluttershy was a huge asset to their quest. Still, he didn’t look forward to crawling through small tunnels with his bad hip. No matter. His goal was close in hoof.

“We’re really going down there?” Trail Blazer asked in utter disbelief.

“Come on Traily.” Vinyl punched the stallion in the shoulder. “Would you rather explore the trap-filled maze? We almost got crushed by a giant boulder ten minutes ago. Sides, Fluttershy will tell her new friends not to bite or sting us!”

Trail Blazer sighed knowing Greengrass’s ward was right and pull a rope out of his pack. He tied it to a nearby statue, tested its stability, and lowered it into the scorpion pit. With some effort and help from Fluttershy, they stood inside the scorpion pit. It was damp and dark as expected and scorpions and snakes filled the room. Greengrass saw at least fifteen different species of snake including the infamous black mamba. The scene terrified Trail Blazer while Vinyl only yawned having the utmost confidence in Fluttershy’s ability to control these creatures.

“Can one of these tunnels lead us to the treasure room?” Vinyl asked.

“Yes, yes, I see. Okay.” Fluttershy said talking to a scorpion on her hoof. “Yes, it can! It isn’t far.”

“Thank Luna.” Greengrass didn’t know if his hip could withstand hours crawling. “Lead the way.”


Daring examined her hat finding it intact but seared black. It had been a close one. Even the great Daring Doo hadn’t expected a fire trap appearing out of nowhere from a random statue. This temple was one giant death trap. She’d escaped most of them unharmed, but there had been some close calls. So far, she had seen no sign of Duke Greengrass or his cronies. The poor foals had walked into a situation they weren’t prepared for. Once she got the artifact, she’d return to save their sorry hides if they still drew breath. She smirked when she spotted the Key of Bimini sitting neatly on a pedestal. It contained traps, no doubt, but this situation was her bread and butter. Voices made her jump and she hid behind a pillar instinctively out of sight.

“Oh my, is that it?” The yellow pegasus said. Much to Daring’s bafflement and amazement, she emerged from a hidden door behind the pedestal covered in deadly scorpions and snakes. Greengrass and his other two lackeys followed behind her.

They must have found a secret tunnel. How the heck did they survive? She gapped when the yellow pegasus patted a scorpion’s head and it jumped off and disappeared into a nearby hole with its fellows. Daring presumed it was a maintenance tunnel the temple’s builders created to get around and avoid traps. Afterward, they filled the passages with scorpions and snakes so ponies couldn’t use them.

No far. That’s just cheating!

“Yes, the Key of Bimini.” Greengrass said nodding.

The key was solid gold and the size of a pony’s head. It had intricate carvings with tribal ponies worshiping a heavenly figure. The creature shared similarities with a pony with a gold coat and flowing pink mane, but they floated in midair shining with brilliant light with sparkling wings. This shining figure appeared in every mural that sprawled across the walls. Daring’s research had discovered little about this god-like being these primitive ponies had worshiped.

“Hold on, a key?” The white mare asked tilting her head. “A key to what? This opens something, right?”

Greengrass smiled and nodded. “Astute observation. In a nearby cave, there’s a doorway containing a mysterious keyhole. It’s said that this door leads to the ultimate treasure. What, I can’t be certain, but I have heard hints and suggestions.”

“Wow.” The lone pegasi stared at the key with dumbstruck awe.

“Sweet!” The white unicorn’s eyes lit up with excitement.

Daring cursed. How did Greengrass come across such information? It took her years to discover even the portal’s existence. Whatever the treasure was, Daring couldn’t allow Duke Greengrass to get his greedy little hooves on it.

“About this treasure…” The other stallion’s voice trailed off.

“Don’t worry, I plan to share.” Greengrass chuckled. “I couldn’t get this far without your help. You deserve a bonus.”

The yellow mare’s eyes sparkled. “I could start so many animal shelters with that treasure.”

Animal shelters? What a bizarre thing for one of Greengrass’s goons to say.

“Let’s grab the key and find our little treasure, shall we?” Greengrass said. “I don’t know about you, but the anticipation is killing me.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it, Duke Greengrass!” Daring stepped into view whip at the ready.

“Daring Doo?” The yellow mare and the white-coated stallion said in utter astonishment. Daring smirked. She got that reaction from most ponies. Most believed the fiction she wasn’t real and only a creation from A.K. Yearling’s imagination. The older mare only looked annoyed and Greengrass looked perplexed but calm.

“She looks like she stepped right out of the covers.” The white stallion muttered.

“Make it easy for yourselves and step away from the pedestal.” Daring pointed her whip towards Duke Greengrass and showed she wasn’t afraid to use it.

“Really?” The old mare pulled out a giant crossbow and Daring wondered how the mare was even holding it up. It was almost bigger than she was.

“Please.” Greengrass held up a hoof. “There’s no need for unpleasantness. We are after the same thing. We should broker a deal instead. One that would be mutually beneficial for both parties.”

“As if.” Daring rolled her eyes.”I don’t barter with gutter trash like you.” She swung her whip and wrapped it around the key. With a single motion, the treasure flew towards her. It was a reckless move considering the traps, but time was short.

Daring moved to grab the key midair, but a crossbow bolt hit it before it reached her hoof and threw it off course. The artifact clanged as it impacted the ground landing behind a statue of the golden pony.

“Hey!” Daring glared at the white unicorn who smirked back.

“Sorry, but the boss pony needs that.” The mare said. “Fluttershy, grab the key while I keep her busy.”

“Uh, er, okay, Vinyl.” Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus, replied and flew towards the key while Vinyl shot several crossbow bolts at Daring who flew away to avoid getting hit.

“I’ll just stay here then.” The white stallion said not wanting to get involved in the fight. Greengrass watched the confrontation calmly not moving a muscle.

Daring dodged several more bolts from the oversized crossbow. Fluttershy slowly flew towards the key not being a quick flyer. She eeped when Daring grabbed the key with a hoof before the other mare could.

“Um, if you don’t mind, could you return that key?” Fluttershy stumbled over her words. “It’s, uh, very important to Greengrass.”

Darling rolled her eyes and flew towards the exit.

Fluttershy puffed out her chest. “How rude!”

“You aren’t getting away!” Vinyl shot more bolts at Daring, but she dodged them with ease. She was inches before the door before it slammed shut blocking the way out. Daring cursed.

The room rumbled as panels opened and water flowed out filling the room. Angry piranhas followed looking hungry and deadly. Darling jumped as one flew at her almost biting her flank. They rushed at her ready to reduce her to nothing but bones. Vinyl took advantage of the situation by pulling the key from Daring’s hooves with her magic giving the adventurer a mocking salute as she grabbed it.

Daring growled and flew at the mare throwing a punch at her face. Vinyl dodge with speed unusual for a mare her age and they exchanged blows. Daring blocked the older mare’s attacks while dodging hungry piranhas. After dodging a punch to the gut, Vinyl threw the key towards Fluttershy who awkwardly caught it.

“Get it to the boss pony!” Daring’s jaw exploded in pain as Vinyl broke through her defenses. Fluttershy nodded and flew away.

“No!” Daring pulled out her whip and knocked the key from Fluttershy’s hooves and the key landed in the water. Nopony would get the Key of Bimini now. Diving into the water would be suicidal with the hungry piranhas everywhere. She couldn’t allow it to fall into Greengrass’s grubby greedy hooves.

“Why are you fighting?!” The white stallion yelped as he dodged an incoming piranha. “What about escape?!”

“Quite right,” Greengrass said, “stop this nonsense, both of you.” The water level had risen to his head.

Daring was conflicted. She didn’t like helping Greengrass, but she couldn’t let him die either. “Fine, we have a truce for now.”

“Excellent,” Greengrass said, “Fluttershy, call off your piranha friends and get the key.”

“Uh, please stop trying to eat us.” Fluttershy faced the horde of piranhas coming towards her. “If you’re good, I’ll get you a treat.” Much to Daring’s amazement, the piranhas stopped.

She must have an animal talking talent. In her many years of adventuring, she’d never meant anypony with an animal talent this powerful.

The pegasus talked with the piranhas who responded to her words. One dove underwater and fetched the Key of Bimini giving it to Fluttershy. She gave it to Greengrass who put it in his pack.

“Hey!” Daring said in protest.

“We have a truce, remember?” Greengrass reminded her. “We after the same thing. Fighting would only stop both sides from achieving our goals.”

Daring wanted to give him a sharp rebuke, but the water had almost filled the entire room and it wouldn’t be long until it reached the ceiling.

“Fine.” Those words felt like acid on Darling’s tongue.

“Excellent,” Greengrass replied, “Fluttershy, ask if the piranhas know a way out of here.”

Daring sighed. It would be one of those days. She wondered if anypony would believe this situation if she wrote it into her next book. She’d have to think of a clever way to make it more believable to her readers. It would seem like a hacky deus ex machina otherwise.