• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 506 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 5

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 5
by Rixizu

Lyra sipped her drink,enjoying the dandelion tea she had ordered. Her teacher sat across from her sipping her jasmine tea. It was a late hour so few ponies were in the tea shop. Lyra noted how her teacher didn’t order coffee cake again, which was her mentor’s favorite. Octavia didn’t seem to have any appetite lately. Maybe she was on a diet? She was looking thinner at late. Still, it was nice to meet up with her mentor again. Moving and Gala practice didn’t leave Lyra with much free time. It was nice to relax for a few hours. She had a train to Ponyville to catch in an hour.

“And Trixie finally decided on a dress design?” Octavia asked.

“Yep.” Lyra rolled her eyes. “Poor Rarity ran herself ragged trying to appeal to Trixie’s picky tastes.” Only four days left until the Gala. It was about time.

“How about moving?”

Lyra made an indecisive sound. “It’s going okay. We have a lot to pack.”

Thankfully, her friends were helping. Cheerilee was right about them having a bunch of unneeded junk. Bons wanted to get rid of several pieces of candy making equipment she thought were too old. She’d buy newer models in Manehattan. They also needed to get rid of Bon’s old house. Ponyville’s housing market wasn’t the best.

Octavia smiled pleased with herself. “I’m glad you took the job. It’s time to grow up and leave Ponyville and other childish things behind. Now you can bloom into a full adult.”

Lyra’s eye twitched. Did her mentor just call her friends a foalish fantasy? She knew Octavia didn’t bother with friends, but what a horrible thing to say. She fought back a biting remark and forced a smile. Best not start a fight.

“Enough about me.” Lyra changed the subject. “How’s the Symphony going? Can I get a sneak preview? I’m eager to see your results. It’s a difficult piece, but you are a genius.”

Her mentor’s smile turned brittle. “It’s coming along. I’m afraid I can’t show you anything yet. I want it to be a surprise.” Lyra’s heart sank seeing the lie and realized her teacher still hadn’t finished the Symphony for Moon and Sun.

Oh no! Only four days remaining until the Gala. How could anypony finish it in such a short time? If her teacher failed… No, Lyra won’t allow it.

Lyra stood up. “Please, you told me you didn’t want help, but you can’t do this alone. Let me help you. Together, we can do it!” The power of friendship could overcome any obstacle.

Octavia’s eyes blazed with anger. Something ugly lurked behind her mentor’s expression. “Never.” She hissed. “This is my triumph and you have no part in it.”

“But! You can’t do this alone.” Lyra shot back. “I discovered some interesting things about the piece. Did you know the compossor originally called it the Symphony for Sun and Moon? I can be a big help!”

“Never!” Octavia’s voice was acid and hateful. “An amateur musician like you completing a masterpiece like the Symphony for Moon and Sun? Nay! Ludicrous. Small pieces of trivia your friends uncovered mean nothing. This requires a master of their craft, not ponies so out of their depth they don’t realize they’re drowning!”

Tears burned in Lyra’s eyes at her teacher’s hateful words. How could she say such things? Lyra only wanted to help and save her beloved mentor from destroying her career. Friends help each other, right? Octavia spat in her face and it hurt worse than any wound she’d received fighting monsters.

Octavia calmed her breathing and returned to a jovial smile. “Forget this nonsense and sit down. Tell me, do you like the apartment I picked out for you?”

Lyra turned her back to her teacher and walked out. Octavia called out after her, but Lyra ignored her too furious with her mentor to say a single word.

Lyra pulled out her morpher. “It’s morphing time! Cygnus!”

“Lyra!” Octavia said in astonishment and Canterlot snobs gapped at Lyra. Most had never seen a superhero before.

She ignored them and pressed a button on her morpher. In an instant, she was in her Zord flying down to Ponyville. She landed in a quarry and made her way to Twilight’s apartment. She slammed a hoof on the front door.

“Coming!” Moments later, Twi came to her door. “Lyra? You got home fast. Did you take an early train?”

“We’re finishing the symphony.” Lyra replied anger burning hot. She’d complete the Symphony for Sun and Moon regardless of whether her teacher like it. She refused to let that idiot ruin her career for nothing even if Octavia hated her until the end of eternity.


Unbeknownst to the two Rangers, a black figure watched Lyra enter Twilight’s apartment planning, judging, and waiting. Soon the trial run would begin. The Crimson Shade was ready to prove its might.


“The simple fact is something is missing!” Lyra said, sipping her fiftieth cup of coffee. Black circles were under her eyelids from lack of sleep. She hadn’t slept since she arrived at Twilight’s place.

Her friends watched her with growing concern, but they remained supportive. Screw Octavia and her telling her the other Rangers couldn’t help because of their lack of musical talent! She’d show her! Despite being busy getting ready for the Gala, everypony had dropped everything to help her.

“Why do you think they failed? Besides the piece being evil and cursed.” Trixie asked.

“I don’t know!” Lyra threw up her hooves. “It doesn’t sound right somehow?”

“Have you picked apart what works about the first half?” Twilight asked. She scribbled on some notes.

“Yes.” Lyra replied blandly.

“You talk about how great it is, but what do you like about it personally?” Raindrops asked. “I’m curious. Does it make you headbang?”

Handbang? Oh right, Raindrops like that loud stuff that makes ponies jump around like foals. Still, Lyra pondered the question. Should she give a more objective answer or state her own opinion? Art is subjective.

“I like how it uses music to depict the movement of the heavens. Each instrument stimulates your imagination making the moon and sun seem alive and real! They soar through the stars in both equilibrium and battle. Each fighting for supremacy of the sky, yet also knowing they can’t control it forever.” Raindrops’ eyes widened impressed by her answer.

Trixie snorted and rolled her eyes. “Sure. Princess Luna loves to talk about how her moon raising is art. Like there's an art to moving something in a simple arc around the planet.”

Lyra rubbed the bridge of her nose and glared at Trixie. A brick understood the art better than this mare. She was so wrong that a pony needed to create a new word for how wrong she was. How could Trixie not see beauty and majesty in the endless cycle of the moon and sun? It was a dance of the heavens!

“The princess better not overhear you say that.” Ditzy chidded.

“I’m sure she works very hard raising the moon and sun every day.” Cheerilee fought back her own annoyance at Trixie’s blasé attitude.

“Oh, she’s well aware of my opinions on the matter.” Trixie rolled her eyes again. “When Luna moves the moon into place, she’s half awake and barely aware of her surroundings. And the sun? Pfft. She makes it coast through the sky.”

“Are you saying Princess Luna pays more attention to raising the moon than the sun?” Cheerilee asked full of concern.

Trixie snorted. “The night sky is her canvas, or so she says. The day? She couldn’t care less.”

“She realizes we need the sun to live, right?” Cheerilee asked.

“Sometimes I wonder.” Trixie replied. “I haven’t seen it myself, but I’ve heard there have been times Princess Luna has accidently almost crashed the Sun into the Earth.”

“No!” The entire group gasped.

Trixie nodded. “She calculated the wrong angle leading the sun right towards the planet. To be fair, Luna is dead tired when she raises the sun and mistakes happen.” This news didn’t calm the other Ranger’s fears especially Twi.

“I’m sure things will improve when Celestia takes over control of the sun again.” Ditzy suggested.

Trixie snorted in amusement. “Unlikely, the princess feels both belong to her now even though she hates raising the Sun every day.”

Lyra pondered these revelations. She never realized how little Princess Luna took care of raising the sun. It was a shame Luna greedily kept the sun to herself. Seeing Celestia’s sun again would be a wondrous sight.

She envied the symphony’s creator. They’d gotten to see both princesses control their heavenly body in all its glory! Wait, no. Symphony for Sun and Moon? No, it can’t be that simple? Can it? No, it makes perfect sense. Stupid Lyra. You’ve been looking at this problem at the wrong angle!

“Trixie, you’ve given me the best idea!” Lyra stood up and raised a hoof in triumph.

“Have I?” Trixie puffed out her chest in pride.

Lyra turned towards Twilight her eyes lit with a feverous intensity and any sleepiness left her body turning into energy and determination. “Twilight, can you get any records of astronomical data before Celestia’s fall a thousand years ago?”

Twilight pondered the question. “I might, why?”

“This might sound crazy, but I have an idea.” Lyra said. “I believe attempts to finish the symphony have failed because they’re basing the music on the wrong information!”


“The original composer lived before Celestia’s fall. He must have seen Celestia control the sun hundreds of times. But modern composers have only seen Luna’s sun.”

“Are you saying the modern versions fail because they don’t use the original sunrise and sunsets?” Cheerilee asked piecing together Lyra’s theory.

“So, they’ve failed because they aren’t using the original intent?” Trixie guessed.

“Yes! The final piece is missing the final sunset before the day gives way to night.” Lyra paced full of feverish energy. “If we use Celestia’s original sunset, I believe we can finish the symphony!”

“I suppose it makes sense.” Carrot Top said thoughtful. “It would be like drawing a carrot using orange, but ending with the color blue. It doesn’t mesh together.”


“One moment.” Twilight teleported away. Several minutes later, she reappeared with some old scrolls. “Sorry, there wasn’t much at the royal library. It’s over a thousand years ago. Not the easiest information to find.”

Twilight unraveled the scrolls and revealed some complicated math equations depicting the arc Celestia’s sunset had traveled. Lyra wondered how she might use this information, before Twilight drew a rough sketch of how the sun might have moved. Trixie’s face lit up with an idea and she created an illusion of Celestia’s sunset using her magic. As Lyra watched the sun’s brilliant red light fade into the horizon, everything clicked into place and she scribbled ideas onto a notebook. Trixe replayed the scene hundreds of times and Lyra watched with rapt attention sipping another cup of coffee Ditzy had given her.

After two hours, Lyra had many brilliant ideas. Somehow, Celestia’s original sunset had broken the barrier allowing her finally complete the symphony. She only needed to put her ideas together into a cohesive whole. Lyra shook her head trying to keep herself awake. She couldn’t go to sleep yet. There was still much to do!

“I think you’re done for the night.” Ditzy grabbed the notebook and placed it on a table. Lyra tried fighting back, but her traitorous hooves were too clumsy and slow. She was about to argue, but a yawn interrupted her.

“Darn it!” Lyra rubbed her tired eyes. “I can’t go to sleep now.”

“Come on.” Twilight led Lyra out of her living room into her bed. Trixie levitated the covers over Lyra and Carrot Top adjusted her pillow.

“You guys are too nice to me.” Lyra slurred before falling into a deep slumber. Somehow, it was the best night's sleep she’d had in many years. Her fears of the gala, symphony, and moving faded away into contentment. She and her friends had done the impossible. The sun and moon danced their endless dance through her dreams as she slept.


“Is this it?” Daring gazed at the mysterious door they’d gone to so much effort to discover. She’d only heard rumors, hints of its existence. Somehow the Duke had procured its exact pinpoint location.

The doorway appeared as a simple outline and a pony probably won’t even have noticed it if wasn’t pointed out to them. In its center was a large keyhole easy to confuse for a simple crack.

“I was expecting something cool Greeny, but I’m sure the magic will happen when we enter the key.” Vinyl picked at the keyhole with a hoof.

Daring scowled. Somehow Greengrass had convinced her to allow his group to tag along. He was a very persuasive pony. He swore on his mother’s honor he would let Daring take whatever magical artifacts she found and only wanted to see what lied behind the doorway. Daring had reluctantly agreed. Greengrass’s oath was so earnest that it forced Daring to believe him. Still, if Greengrass betrayed her, Daring was confident she could take all of them. She doubted Fluttershy would put up much of a fight.

“We shall see.” Greengrass said. “It’s possible this is a wild goose chase, but I’m confident my info is good.” He gave a winning smile. Something about that smile made you believe every word and boast it gave.

Greengrass extended a hoof towards Daring. “After you. This is your discovery Professor Doo.”

Daring sighed and Vinyl levitated the Key of Bimini towards her. She tentatively approached the keyhole and inserted the key. It fit snugger than Daring had expected as if the lock awaited this very moment. She turned the key and stepped back ready for anything. A bright light appeared, blinding Daring, and whole doorway shone with a rainbow-colored light. The stone disappeared revealing a black space, a void of nothingness. A road of rainbow appeared stretching out into the nothing. Where it ended, Daring couldn’t tell.

“Well, ready to depart into the unknown where nopony has gone before?” Greengrass trotted up to the rainbow colored bridge.

“You bet I am!” Vinyl beamed with excitement bouncing on her hooves.

“I guess.” Fluttershy said reluctantly.

Trail Blazer examined the bridge. “No hoofrails. Why is it these ancient civilizations never believe in basic safety measures?”

“No worz.” Vinyl replied. “I’ll catch you if you fall.” Fluttershy nodded her agreement to help anypony who got in trouble.

“Let’s get this over with.” Daring walked through the doorway and the others followed.

“It sure is pretty.” Fluttershy examined the rainbow road.

“Where we are?” Trail Blazer peered into the void.

“We are traveling through the void between dimensions.” Daring had discovered such magical wonders in her travels before. She once discovered a strange universe where everypony was a bizarre multi-color ape-like biped. That was an odd day.

“What, like to a different universe?” Vinyl asked.

“Maybe.” Daring examined the rainbow bridge. If she squinted, she saw a doorway not so different from the one they entered. “Or a pocket dimension. Don’t slip or you’ll fall for eternity.” She reflected how odd her life had become since she started archeology. College didn’t prepare you for dimension hopping.

“Eep!” Fluttershy shuttered and carefully avoided leaving the center of the bridge.

“Fascinating.” Greengrass looked at the void with clear appreciation.

The bridge twisted and twirled for no discernible reason first climbing up high then turning into a steep slope. Strangely, no matter what direction they faced they never fell off even if they stood upside down. Even telling which direction was originally up was impossible now. The light of the second doorway guided them shining with a brilliant glow. They stared in awe at what lied behind it. Only one word described it, paradise. They walked through the doorway in a haze of pure amazement.

Somehow the colors were more vibrant. The grass under their hooves was greener than any grass Daring had ever seen. Fields of flowers stretched into the distance. It appeared every type of flower ever was before them.

Fluttershy gasped and pointed towards a white, grey bird its neck tinted a light red. “Oh my! Is that the Réunion pink pigeon? But, they’re extinct!”

“Not in this place it seems.” Greengrass said.

Dear Luna, even the air was clearer and better than their world. Animals played with no fear of predators or hardship. Fluttershy ran towards them to join in their frolicking, but they ran in fear when she approached.

“Oh my, please don’t go!” Fluttershy said. “I’m a friend!” But the animals ignored her and disappeared.

“Do you think they’ve never seen ponies before?” Vinyl asked.

“I hope so.” Fluttershy looked down hurt by the rejection.

“What is this place you think?” Trail Blazer asked.

“How about we ask?” Greengrass pointed towards a village in the distance. They were simple primitive dwellings and none of them had smoke stacks. With no better options, they walked towards the village taking dirt path they discovered.

“Disappointed there isn’t any treasure, Duke?” Daring couldn’t hide her smug smile. Whatever he wanted, it wouldn’t be in this place.

“We shall see.” Greengrass said cryptically. “Oh, and I’m not a Duke anymore. Greengrass will do.”

Daring stared at Greengrass in astonishment. She’d been in the wilderness too long to miss such major news. Was this the reason he started this adventure? Treasure to bribe the princess into giving his title back?

Daring’s eyes widened when she got a good look at the creatures that lived in this village. They appeared like ponies, but they had wings like butterflies, delicate and beautiful. They floated through the air with a grace beyond anything she’d seen from a pegasus. Their features were otherworldly and Daring felt ugly just looking at them. She stared in utter disbelief. Flutter ponies! She’d always thought them just a legend, a fairy story for foals. Stories told they were the most perfect, good, and benevolent beings in creation. So this was the creature they’d seen in the murals! Why didn’t she put this together sooner? They gasped in astonishment when she group approached their village.

The flutter ponies spoke in an unknown language and she knew most ancient languages. They eyed the newcomers with curiosity and excitement. They rushed up and chattered to Daring shaking her hoof and asking questions in their musical language. Some broke into a cheerful song and they danced in the air swooping and twirling with delight.

“Now, now. Calm down my little flutter ponies.” A flutter pony said walking through the crowd speaking in Equish. They gave her deference and bows as she approached. She wore no crown or jewels showing her royal status, but she had a regal bearing and stood proud and strong. Being in her presence was like meeting Princess Luna. The mare’s mane and coat were the same colors as Fluttershy, but her cutie mark was three pink roses. Greengrass took the initiative and bowed and the rest of his group followed.

“My name is Rosedust, queen of the flutter ponies. I welcome you to our little village in Flutter Valley.” The mare said.

The sight of the mare took Daring’s breath away, her majesty was that spectacular. Her beauty stood above and beyond her subjects. Daring realized this must be the creature in the mural the ancient ponies had worshiped. Dear Luna, that would make her several thousand years old at least.

“My name is Greengrass. It is an honor to meet you.” Greengrass said. “And these are my associates Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy, Trail Blazer, and Daring Doo.” Daring rankled at being named last, but ignored it.

“It is rare for you ponyfolk to come to our world.” Rosedust said. “Come, I will have refreshments brought to you. I see you have come far.”

Daring blushed when she realized how dirty and sweaty they all were and they seemed out of place in this perfect place. Everypony else, except Vinyl, noticed this too and shifted uncomfortably.

“Sweet! I can’t wait to see what kind of grub you flutter ponies have!” Daring winced at the informal tone Vinyl used towards a queen. Rosedust, however, didn’t even seem to notice.

“Come, my home is not far.” Rosedust lead them to a hut two stories tall. It was a simple structure, but beautifully constructed. Flutter ponies crowded outside eager to hear more from the newcomers.

The outside didn’t give justice to how richly ordained the inside was. Again, it was simple, but they made every piece of furniture with expert craftponyship. Paintings of flowers covered the walls done with an expert hoof. More flowers stood in vases and their rich aroma filled Daring’s nostrils. Daring sat at a simple table and a flutter pony servent poured tea out for them. Daring preferred coffee, but her mouth watered at its scent. She needed to drink this tea.

“Don’t drink the tea.” Greengrass whispered. “Remember the stories of Flutter ponies.”

Darling flinched and her senses returned to her. She’d be so blinded by this place she’d forgotten to think. She remembered stories about ponies entering the flutter pony’s world, only to never return or returning home centuries later. Legends told they were the most good creatures possible, but that didn’t necessarily make them nice. There were stories of the cruel pranks Flutter ponies liked playing on mortals for their own amusement. Again the tea called for her and she shook her head to clear it. She turned and found Fluttershy, Vinyl, and Trail Blazer passed out on the table a content smile on their faces.

“Is something the matter?” Rosedust tilted her head acting like several passed out ponies on her dining table wasn’t an unusual sight.

“I mean no disrespect, but I’ll pass.” Greengrass said keeping his calm.

Rosedust smiled at them. “I’m impressed. Most ponies can’t resist our magic and fall into our sway almost immediately. An impressive feat for a pony of your age.”

Greengrass shrugged. “What can I say? I don’t like my mind and emotions played with. Not again.”

Daring scrambled out of her chair and reach for her whip, only for a flutter pony to stop her with a hoof. She tried to fight back, but the flutter pony’s hoof was like iron. Rosedust extended her hooves a benevolent smile on her face.

“Do not fear, we have no wish to harm any of you.” Rosedust said. “You are our guests and we like you ponyfolk. One small detail, we must change your behavior a little. Ponies are often too selfish and greedy for their own good, and we can’t allow that if you’re living with us.”

“What do you mean?” Daring gasped as a flutter pony grabbed her by the neck immobilizing her. Any attempt to struggle was useless.

“Immortality. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? Don’t worry, we’re happy to share.”

“As I suspected, the fountain of youth is here.” Greengrass’s voice was full of awe and amazement.

The fountain of youth? Duh! How could anypony miss something so obvious? He wants to regain his youth.

“Correct. It’s our sacred duty to protect it.” Rosedust gave Greengrass a look-over her expression turning to desire. “My my, I’m certain you were quite the looker when you were younger. It’s settled. You will become my new consort. It’s been awhile since I’ve taken a pony one.”

Greengrass gave the steely glare. “Sorry, but you’re not my type. I have my eyes set on another.”

Rosedust laughed. His defiance amused her. “You act as if you have a choice? Bring them. It’s time they tasted the fountain of eternal youth and joined our little community in absolute paradise.”