• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,819 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...

Friend of a Friend

Sunset sighed as she left her classroom, holding a medium sized plastic bag with her remaining portion of the banana bread. She was headed towards her locker to store it, when someone called out her name.

"Hey, Sunset!"

Sunset turned to see a heavyset cream-colored female student with orange and purple hair, the beads tied within shining as she walked. A few strands of hair tied together by three beads draped down her face, and her dark pink eyes glimmered.

Sunset blinked, surprised by this sudden interaction. The only thing she knew about this woman was that she was the alto for Rarity's vocal quartet, the Wondertones. She had completely forgotten her name. "Umm... hi," she said, then paused awkwardly.

"Torch Song," the student said.

"Right. Torch Song. So... um..." Sunset paused again, trying to word her thoughts carefully.

"Why am I talking to you even though we hardly know each other?" Torch smiled. "Well, Rarity's a friend of mine, you're a friend of hers. So the friend of my friend could be a friend to me!"

Sunset blinked again, giving Torch Song a quizzical look. "How much time have you spent around Pinkie Pie?"

Torch let out a fairly high-pitched giggle. "Enough for her to rub off on me, apparently."

Sunset snorted. "You'd think she'd have rubbed off on me and the others by now."


The two shared a laugh, then began to walk together.

"So," Torch said. "What's it like? Where you're from?"

Sunset took a deep breath, then sighed.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, Torch Song, it's just..." Sunset sighed again. "I haven't thought about Equestria for eons."


Sunset nodded. "That's where I'm from. Equestria."

"Equestria..." Torch cupped her chin in thought. "So it's got something to do with horses?"

"Not just something. It's a whole continent of equine life, as the name would suggest."

Torch raised an eyebrow. "Wait... are you telling me you're a horse?!"


"You're... a pony."

Sunset nodded.

"Huh... I guess that makes sense, what with the ears you guys sprout."

Sunset nodded again. "Yep. It's generally a peaceful place, at least from what I experienced."

Torch stopped for a moment. "What did you experience?"

Sunset stopped, then gave Torch Song a sad smile. "It's... a long story. Too long to explain in the time we have before next period."

"Fair enough."

The pair starting walking again, and Sunset spoke to keep the silence away.

"So what about you? I know absolutely nothing about you."

"Oh, there's not much to tell about me," Torch said with a smile. "I'm just an average girl."

"There's nothing 'average' about your singing voice," Sunset said with a smile.

Torch Song blushed and laughed. "Thanks."

You're a monster.

Sunset winced, and Torch took notice.

"Are you okay?"

You're a monster.


"I didn't know you had two people as an alto!"

"Just have her sit down, and the three of you'll already have a full audience!"

You're a monster.

Sunset turned to Torch as her guilt reared its ugly head again.

"Sunset?" Torch gave Sunset a concerned look.

"...Why are you talking to me? A-After everything I said to you?"

Torch's expression changed from concern to a warm smile. "Because I believe in second chances," she said softly. "Everyone makes mistakes," she said as she put a hand on Sunset's shoulder.

Sunset barked a mirthless laugh. "I made a shit ton of those..."

"You did, but you know what?"


"Look at where you are now. You've been accepted by not only the magic, but the whole student body and faculty of Canterlot High," Torch said, gesturing around herself. "You've come a long way from the selfish, vindictive person you once were. Not mention the fact that you came back from a traumatizing event. From the sound of things, it seems like you're fighting against something else." she stopped Sunset, then hugged her tightly. "You are a very, very strong and resilient person," she whispered. "You have my unconditional support, Sunset Shimmer. As well as Toe Tapper's and Big Mac's... Rarity's goes without saying."

Sunset laughed softly as she returned Torch Song's hug, then sighed contently as she closed her eyes.

"Whatever it is that's eating you, I know you'll kick its ass." Torch briefly tightened the hug, then broke it with a big smile. "I've got faith in you."

"Thanks... I really needed that talk."

Torch nodded. "Anytime." She looked at the clock. "Well, I guess I should get out of your hair." She pointed to the bag of banana bread Sunset was holding. "You've got to get to your locker, store that, and still make it to class on time."

Sunset smiled. "My locker's not too far from my next class. I'll be just fine. I'll see you later."

Torch nodded, then started to walk away.

"Torch Song?"

Torch turned around. "Yeah?"

"Next time, I'll tell you all I remember about Equestria."

Torch giggled. "I look forward to it, Sunset." She gave Sunset a small wave, then walked off.

Sunset made her way to her locker, still feeling Torch Song's love, warmth, and reassurance.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: CapNTilfy does not condone bullying of any sort.

Torch Song (Pony)

Torch Song (EG)

*Mutters under his breath about human Torch Song not being as thicc as her pony counterpart*