• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,808 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...

Bathroom Break

Passing period was in full swing, and Sunset left the stall in the women's bathroom. She sighed heavily and ran the faucet, then knelt down and splashed water on her face.

"Sunset Shimma!"

Sunset stood upright upon hearing a husky Broncs-accented voice. She turned around to see a light gold teenager wearing a small sequined back dress with a pink bowtie. Her violet-opal pigtails bobbed around as she walked over to Sunset.

"Pixel Pizzazz?"

Pixel Pizzazz was a tough-as-nails, take no shit girl, as well as one of the very few students in Canterlot High who always stood up to Sunset when she was a bully. She was one of the first students to accept her after the musical showcase.

"Oh, thank gawd yer okay," Pixel said, then rushed over to Sunset and hugged her. "Um... are ya okay?"

Sunset returned the hug. "I've been better, Pixel... I've been better."

"I believe ya. Afta a freakout like dat, I'm surprised yer still standin'!" Pixel shivered as she broke the hug. "Dat was one hell of a scream... I'm gonna be hearin' it for weeks!"

Sunset shuddered. "Don't remind me."

"Sorry about dat," Pixel said with a sheepish smile. "I just can't believe someone would put ya tru all dat when everybody knew you'd changed!" She scowled. "If I evah find out who did it..." She made a fist with one hand and punched the palm of her other.

Sunset smiled warmly. "I appreciate the thought, Pixel, but you don't have to worry about them."

Pixel blinked. "'Them'?"

Sunset nodded. "After the... incident..." She stopped as the Demonself's cackle resounded throughout her mind.


You're a monster.

Sunset shook her head and grit her teeth.

"Are ya okay?"

Sunset took a deep breath, then exhaled. "I-I think so."

"Do ya need me ta call for Nurse Redheart?"

Sunset shook her head.

Pixel raised an eyebrow and folded her arms. "Are ya sure yer okay, Sunset? Last thing ya need is to keel ovah in da middle of da hallways."

Sunset smiled. "I promise I'm okay, Pixel Pizzazz."

Pixel eyed Sunset skeptically for a moment, then shrugged. "If ya say so."

"Anyway, as I was saying..." Sunset gave Pixel a quick recap of what had happened to her after her scream, including what had happened to her while she was trapped in the rainbow vortex. By the time she had finished, Pixel was teary-eyed with her hand to her mouth in shock.

"Oh gawd," Pixel whispered, then sniffled. "I... I can't even imagine. Ta go through what you went through..." She shuddered. "I'm gonna ask ya one more time; are ya sure you're okay?"

Sunset sighed heavily. "I... I don't know."

"Why did ya even come back if it's causing this much trouble for ya?"

"Because I'm sick and tired of my Demonself hounding me. I figured coming back here would do something."

Pixel frowned. "Looks and sounds ta me like it's only makin' things worse for ya."

Sunset narrowed her eyes. "Well I'm not going to back down."

Pixel put a hand on Sunset's shoulder and smiled. "You're a braver person than I am. I woulda stayed home!"

Sunset opened her mouth, then closed it. She almost forgot to keep the conversation she had with Cranky a secret!

"So ya said Wallflowah an' Trixie were suspended?"

Sunset nodded.

"I didn't think Wally had it in her! She seemed like such a nice person."

Sunset heaved a sigh. "I was such a bitch to her... It's no wonder she did what she did."

"Was, Sunset. Past tense. Yer past isn't today."

Sunset laughed softly. "One of my friends said that a while back."

Pixel raised an eyebrow. "No foolin'. My ma used ta say dat."

"Small world."

"How are the girls doin'?"

"The Crusaders? They seem to be a little shaken up, but no worse for the wear I guess."

Pixel heaved a sigh. "Dat's a relief. As for Trixie," she growled.

"Pixel," Sunset said softly. "I totally understand why you're angry, but remember what I said when she and Wallflower fessed up. It would just be kicking a dog when it's down. They clearly feel bad about what they did. And if their experiences are going to be anything like mine..."

Pixel's face fell. "...Oh," she said quietly.

"Yeah," Sunset nodded. "Things are going to be tough enough as it is for them, and even Principal Celestia felt bad about punishing them."

"I see yer point."

The bathroom door all but flew open, startling Sunset and Pixel.

"There you are," Rainbow Dash said as the door closed behind her. "I've been looking all over for you!" She turned to Pixel with a smile. "Hey, Pixie."


Sunset barely managed to suppress a snort. "'Pixie'?"

"Rainbow and I've been friends since seventh grade," Pixel said. "An' she's da only one who can call me dat. Got it?"

Sunset nodded.

"Anyway," Rainbow said, "I don't wanna be late for P.E., and I'm not going in without you!"

Sunset checked her phone, then yelped. "Oh shit!"

"Sunset, before ya go," Pixel said as Sunset and Rainbow hurried for the door.

Sunset turned around with a questioning look.

"Give yer Demonself hell for me, would ya?"

Sunset smiled and nodded, then left. She hurried alongside Rainbow, who kept an even pace with her so she wouldn't fall behind. "'Pixie', Rainbow Dash? That doesn't sound like something you'd say."

"You guys sometimes call me 'Dashie', and I don't mind."

Sunset smiled and rolled her eyes. It wasn't the point, but she wasn't going to argue that right now.

Sunset and Rainbow made it just in time, and the next period began.