• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,811 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...

In A Flash

Sunset returned the smile. “Not at all, Flash.”


Sunset and Flash walked together, ignoring other passers-by.

“So,” Sunset said. “Did you see that Princess Twilight’s here?”

Flash blushed. “Y-Yeah, I did… but let’s not focus on her. Let’s focus on you. How are y-”

Sunset put a finger to Flash’s mouth with a sigh. “I’ve been better, Flash… I’ve been better.” She removed her finger. “Sorry about that, but I’m starting to get tired of being asked that question.”

“Fair enough… but I have to say, I admire your strength and courage in coming here.”

Sunset laughed softly. “Thanks. I’ve been getting that a lot today, actually.”

“Only because it’s true,” Flash said with a wink.

“And here I thought you loved me,” Sunset said as crocodile tears fell from her face.

Sunset grit her teeth, and Flash took notice.

“Sunset? What’s wrong?”

Sunset put a hand to her face. “I’ve been having memories of all the terrible shit I’ve put people through, and it’s not helping all the guilt I’ve been feeling.”

“Huh… I would’ve thought you’d be absolved of all that after the Musical Showcase.”

Sunset frowned. “Yeah… you and me both.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

Sunset put a hand on Flash’s shoulder. “Just being here with me is helping.”

“Some boyfriend you are. I guess your band is more important to you than I am.”

Sunset’s grip tightened suddenly, and Flash put his hand on top of hers. “It’s going to be okay,” he said softly. “I’m here for you.”

Sunset smiled. Flash could be such a sweet guy. This comforted her, yet at the same time it also made her feel worse about how she had treated him when they were dating.

“Thanks… I appreciate it.”

“Of course. Anytime.”

As they continued walking, Sunset realized that she had barely spoken with Flash ever since she “broke up” with him. At first, it was just her being petty. After the Fall Formal she only spoke to him once to apologize for everything she’d done. She could hardly bring herself to speak to him since, because of her guilt.

You’re a monster!

Sunset stopped, then hissed through her teeth and balled her hands into fists as she winced. She felt Flash take her by the hand. He gave her a reassuring smile, which lifted her spirits just a little. She wasn’t feeling as guilty anymore, but there was something she had to know.

“Flash… Why are you being so nice to me? After everything I’ve done?”

"If by 'everything you've done', you mean 'apologizing to everyone you've wronged, genuinely working hard to become a better person and saving the world in the process', that's why."

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Flash…”

“Come on, Sunset,” Flash said with a grin. “You’ve got to stop doubting yourself like this! I mean, even the magic accepted you!”

Sunset sighed as she put a hand to her forehead. “I know, I know. It’s just… Ugh, I swear to Celestia, I have some kind of guilt complex.”

Much to Sunset’s surprise, her Demonself remained silent at the mention of guilt this time! She made a mental note of this.

Flash tilted his head slightly as confusion crossed his features. “What does Principal Celestia have to do with this?”

Sunset couldn’t help but snort. “Nevermind that.”

Flash folded his arms, still clearly confused. “If you say so.”

Sunset and Flash resumed their walk.

“So… How have you been?”

Flash turned his head and looked away from Sunset. “I won’t lie to you, Sunset,” he said quietly. “It’s been… hell. All of this magic stuff has really messed with my head.” He swiftly turned his gaze back to her. “Not that I’m blaming you for any of it.”

“But I-”

Now it was Flash’s turn to put a finger to Sunset’s lips. She removed his finger as she rolled her eyes and made a sputtering noise. “Okay, yeah,” she said in a frustrated tone. “That’s a bad habit I need to break.”

“I’m glad you finally think so. It’s been really frustrating, seeing you come so far only for that guilt to return.”

Sunset barked a mirthless laugh. “You’re telling me.” With this newfound perspective, she found herself wishing she’d made an appointment or two with the guidance counselors of Canterlot High sooner. Oh, she knew her friends would be a big help in her recovery process, but none of them had the proper experience and training necessary.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

Sunset blinked, then turned to face Flash.

“You kinda looked like you were spacing out there.”

Sunset smiled sheepishly. “Yeah. I guess I was.”

“So what were you thinking about?”

“Oh, just the next step to better myself.”

Flash gently punched Sunset on the shoulder. “I’m proud of you, you know that?”

“How could you do that to Wallflower Blush?!”

Sunset let out a yelp as another pang of guilt struck. She recovered swiftly, then pinched the bridge of her nose. “Gotta love an uphill battle,” she muttered as she slowly shook her head.

“It may be an uphill battle, but you’ve got a lot of good people rooting for you.”

"I know," Sunset said softly. "And I appreciate it. I don't know where I'd be right now if it weren't for everyone, and I shudder to think about it."

“Well it’s a good thing you won’t have to.”

A vision of a tombstone entered Sunset’s mind.

Here Lies Sunset Shimmer

She Is In A Much Better Place Now

Sunset gasped, and the world began to spin around her. She teetered, and Flash caught hold of her. Her breathing became ragged as she clenched her hands, and sweat formed on her forehead.

“What happened?!” Flash kept his hold on Sunset as he slowly sat her down on the floor. “Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay,” Sunset snapped, then put her head in her hands with a long sigh. “I… I-I’m sorry, Flash.”

“It’s all right,” Flash said softly. “I completely understand, you’ve been having a very shitty last couple of days.”

Sunset nodded. “Still, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” She removed her hands, then started to get up.

“Do you need help?”

“No,” Sunset said as she stood upright. “But I appreciate the thought.”

The warning bell rang, and Sunset gave Flash a hug. "Thanks for the talk."

"Anytime," Flash said as he returned the hug.

Sunset broke the hug, then hurried off to her next class.