• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,819 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...


The bell signaling the end of first period had sounded off, and Sunset heaved a sigh. Despite Cherry Crash's earlier efforts, she could still feel the Demonself mocking her. Taunting her. Deriding her.

Sunset slowly got up from her desk, and headed for the door.


Sunset stopped in her tracks and turned around. "...Yes, Mr. Doodle?"

"Sit with me for a moment," Cranky said as he gestured to a nearby chair.

Sunset paused for a moment, then walked over to Cranky's desk and pulled up the chair. "What's up," she asked a little shakier than she had intended.

Cranky smiled warmly. "Sunset, you don't need to be afraid. I'm not mad at you and you haven't done anything wrong."

Sunset released a breath she didn't realize she was holding and relaxed her shoulders.

"Listen... I know you've been going through a lot lately."

Sunset scoffed. "That's putting it mildly."

"Hold on a second." Cranky got up from his desk, then looked around the hallway. Once he saw the coast was clear, he closed the door.

"What are you-"

"Sunset... what I'm going to say to you needs to be just between you and me."

Sunset blinked. "O-Okay."

Cranky closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then exhaled. "Sunset Shimmer..." he opened his eyes. "You remind me of myself when I was younger."

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't really have a good life as a kid. I used to lash out at others.... I was so lonely." Sunset opened her mouth, only for Cranky to cut her off by holding up his pointer finger. "I know, I know. That was the old you." He smiled. "Let me finish first."

Sunset nodded.

"It wasn't until I made a friend that I realized I was going down a dark path. I had to make amends with all those I'd wronged. Of course, I'm sure I don't need to tell you it wasn't easy." Cranky laughed softly. "Do you know why I became a teacher?"

Sunset shook her head.

"I became a teacher because I didn't want others to have the hard life I did. I want students to be happy. To teach them skills that'll help them in life." Cranky's smile faded, and he sighed heavily. "That's why it was heartbreaking for me to hear what had happened to you."

"Mr. Doodle..."

Cranky grit his teeth. "I ran as fast as I could to the cafeteria when I heard that scream of yours, not knowing who it was, what had happened or why. When I saw you you unconscious... I felt... I felt like I had failed you."

Sunset's eyes widened.

"Between all the altercations in the hallways, students being sent to detention and the nurse's office, the staff was stretched thin. There was nothing we could have done to stop it... and we tried." Cranky sighed heavily again. "But to me, truth or not, that all sounds like an excuse."

"Mr. Doodle..." Sunset leaned forward and put an arm on his shoulder. "You just said there was nothing you or anyone else could have done."

"I know what I said. Doesn't change what happened yesterday."

"I know," Sunset said softly as she looked away.

"All of that's why I want to apologize to you. For being unable to help you when you needed it most, regardless of whether or not I knew."

"Mr. Doodle... you don't have to apolog-"

"Please, Sunset," Cranky said quietly. "Just... just accept the apology."

Sunset froze up momentarily, caught off-guard. Mr. Cranky Doodle, the most curmudgeonly teacher in Canterlot High, had not only opened up to her, but felt horrible about his inability to stop the mob that had formed!

"I accept the apology, Mr. Doodle."

"Thank you," Cranky said, smiling genuinely. "That means a lot to me, and it feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

Sunset smiled and nodded.

"There's something else I need to tell you."


"I'm surprised you decided to come today, given what happened. If it was me, I'd be at home!"

Sunset gave Cranky a funny look.

"What I'm saying is that you're very brave for coming back. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised." Cranky chuckled. "The Fall Formal, the musical showcase, and yesterday... time and time again, life's been throwing you curveballs. Yet time and time again, you always manage to bounce back."

"Mr. Doodle..."

"Sunset," Cranky said softly. "You are a stubborn, strong, and resilient young woman with a bright and promising future. Students like you are hard to come by." He leaned in close to Sunset. "Just don't tell the others I said that." He winked.

Sunset giggled.

"There you go. That's what I wanted to see."

"Thanks for the pep talk, Mr. Doodle." Sunset got up off of the chair.

"Sunset... just this once, you don't have to call me that."

Sunset blinked in surprise. "Thanks for the pep talk... Cranky."

"Don't mention it... seriously, don't." Cranky changed his smile to a frown. "I've got a reputation to uphold. Hmph!"

Sunset snorted, then opened the door to see Pinkie Pie standing right in front of it.


Sunset yelped. "Did you hear anything in here?"

Pinkie tilted her head. "Hear what?"

Sunset breathed a sigh of relief, then gave one last look at Cranky before leaving.

Cranky waved, and Sunset and Pinkie walked away.

"I don't know why Cranky's got such a bad rep," Pinkie said as she skipped alongside Sunset. "Once you get to know him, he's actually kinda nice!"

Sunset smiled and rolled her eyes. If only Pinkie knew...

Sunset and Pinkie would reach their second period class shortly after the bell for it rang.