• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,809 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...

Fifth Period

Sunset arrived at the door to her classroom, only to be stopped by a female fuchsia-skinned student with hair several shades darker. She hugged Sunset, patting her on the back.

Sunset's eyes widened in recognition as the student broke the hug. "Hey, aren't you one of the Illusions?"

The student's azure eyes twinkled as she nodded, then opened the door. "Might wanna check your back when you sit down," she whispered, then went inside.

Sunset raised an eyebrow and followed her inside, then sat down at her desk. She reached behind herself and felt a piece of paper taped to her back. With a roll of her eyes, she grabbed it as she paid attention to the teacher, then looked at the piece of paper.

Hey, Sunset. Fuschia Blush here. I was absent yesterday, but I heard the whole story from Lavender Lace. I'd like to apologize for Trixie's crappy behavior on behalf of the Illusions.

Sunset quickly looked upward to see if the teacher saw her, then hid the note and paid attention for a few moments. She felt like she was playing a dangerous game here, but she was curious to find out what the rest of the note said. She grabbed the note and continued to read it.

When I heard the name "Anon-A-Miss", I nearly freaked out. That was Trixie's old stage name before she decided to use her real name. That told me so much. I'm sure you know by now that she likes making her presence and deeds known.

Sunset rolled her eyes. Everybody freaking knew that! She returned to reading.

I knew almost immediately that Trixie had planned something terrible. Something so terrible that she wouldn't want anyone to even know it was her!

That made a lot of sense since Trixie always took pride in her mischief, but even at her worst she was just obnoxious and annoying. At least, she was until yesterday.

After Lavender told me what happened in the cafeteria, I was so pissed I could barely think! I tried calling Trixie so I could chew her out, but I got no answer. Probably means her parents found out and took her phone. Next time I see her, though...


Sunset yelped and jumped, falling out of her chair. She looked up at the teacher, who gazed at her sympathetically.

"Sunset, you seem a little tense and distracted. Do you need a moment?"

Sunset slowly nodded, mortified at herself, then left the classroom as heat rose to her face. It took her several minutes to recover and get back to the letter. At least she wouldn't have any further distractions...

Anyway, I've pretty much my said my piece... you might want to check your hair, though. It looks a little messy.

Sunset raised an eyebrow and ran a hand through her hair, feeling a tiny post-it note. She pulled it out.

My bad, maybe check your pockets?

Sunset rolled her eyes and groaned. She knew Fuschia meant well, but she was so not in the mood for this. Yet at the same time, she knew the illusionist put some effort into this. It would be inconsiderate of her to not at least see what else she had in store.

Sunset checked her front left pocket and felt a crumbled up piece of paper. She took it out, then opened it and read it.

Nope. Maybe your other pocket?

Sunset grit her teeth. She had to be patient here.

All right, all right. Last time, I promise!

Sunset checked her front left pocket, then uncrumpled it.

Hey-o, Lavender Lace here. Did Fuschia go overboard with the sleight-of-hand again? She has a tendency to do that.

"You don't say," Sunset muttered under breath sarcastically.

I know Fuschia already wrote an apology letter, but after that bullshit Trixie pulled I thought we should both apologize for her behavior. I know, I know. Neither of us should apologize for something we didn't do or had nothing to do with.

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

'Then why even bother writing apology letters in the first place', you may be asking.

Sunset nodded. Took the words right out of her mouth.

I can't speak for Fuschia, but as for myself, well... I thought it was just another one of Trixie's little pranks. The reason she used her stage name didn't occur to me until well after the fact!

All day yesterday, as fights began to break out, I didn't even think to stop her. All I could think was 'What's she getting out of this?' and 'Why rile up the entire student body for just one person?'

When that last message popped up saying you were Anon-A-Miss, everything became clear to me. I was shocked. Horrified. Enraged. In all the years I've known Trixie, she'd never done anything so heinous!

Your scream in the cafeteria was the most haunting thing I'd ever heard in my life, and it only made me feel terrible. Had I known what would've happened that day, I would've done everything in power to stop it... but I didn't. And I feel like the shittiest person for not doing so.

I only showed up at school today to give this letter to Lavender in the hopes that she'd bring this to you. I just can't bring myself to show my face at school, let alone speak to you directly.

Right now, I'm probably at home with my face in a pillow, soaking it with the tears of my guilt.

When Trixie returns, Fucshia and I are going to have a very, very serious talk with her.

Thank you for reading this. Maybe someday I'll have the courage to face you again, and we can get to know other as friends.

- Lavender Lace

Sunset took a deep breath and heaved a sigh. Trixie and Wallflower's stunt really fucked some people up, and not just herself!


Sunset turned around to see Fuschia Blush wearing a worried expression. "Yeah?"

"Next time you see Lavender... give her a hug or something. She was practically beside herself when she handed me that letter."

Sunset smiled softly. "Don't worry. I will."

Fuschia returned the smile. "Thank you... now let's get back to class."

Sunset followed Fuschia, then stopped in her tracks as she realized the time of day... the next period was lunch. The period when everything spiraled out of control.


Sunset snapped back to reality. "Sorry about that, I was just... thinking, that's all."

Fuschia tilted her head, then shrugged as Sunset caught up with her and followed her back to class.