• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,804 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

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(3-2) Talking and Tea Parties

"Fluttershy," Luna started as the yellow pegasus made her way out of the castle.

She jumped at her voice, surprised by her presence. "Oh! Hello Princess Luna."

"It seems you have finished with him already, no?" she asked curiously.

"I have to get back to my animals soon, and meet up with a friend, but I told him I'd come back tomorrow."

"Well then, we shall see you tomorrow, Fluttershy," she said as she started to walk past her.

Fluttershy stood still for a second, debating something that Sombra, Alex, told her. He didn't seem like he was lying when he said it, telling her so straightforwardly that it seemed like a matter of fact.

"Um, excuse me, Princess Luna?" she called.

"Yes?" Luna questioned, turning around and facing the mare.

"Um, can I ask you a question about you and Celestia? If that's okay with you, I mean."


"Well, Alex told me that Celestia knows he's not Sombra but doesn't care and hates him anyway, and that she was secretly trying to make my friends and I use the Elements on him." She paused for a second, and Luna stared at her, waiting for her to continue. "Um, that's not true is it?" she asked.

"Yes," the princess said without hesitation. "Both of those things are true."

Fluttershy tensed at that, looking surprised. "Why would she want to do that?"

"My sister's judgment is clouded by her hate for Sombra, and pain for what she has lost. Sombra killed somepony very dear to her, and is letting that influence her decisions."

"Oh my," Fluttershy whispered, taking in what the princess told her. If Sombra did that, there was no way Celestia was ever going to let her help him, even if that creature wasn't Sombra. But still…

"If she knows Alex isn't Sombra, then why does she still hate him?"

"As I said, she is letting her judgment become clouded, and I fear she is starting to seep into paranoia. As well, there is likely another layer we do not know of that is making her react this way."

"Oh, that's just awful! How are we supposed to help them if she hates him?"

Luna noted the way she said "them", referring to both Alex and Celestia. It seemed just like the Element of Kindness to want to try and help them both. But in Luna's opinion, her sister didn't need help. What she needed was a hard hoof to the head. As the ruler of Equestria, she should have been acting better.

"Many ponies seem to forget that, while I am younger than my sister, I am not her lesser. Helping that creature shall not be an issue."

"Oh, that's great news."

"However, with that being said, both what he and I have told you shall not be heard by Celestia. If she inquires about what was said, simply say you were told not to discuss it, and advise her to speak to me."

"Oh, um, okay."

"As well, if you could call Discord for me, it would be much appreciated."

"Okay, but I won't be able to stay here with him. I really have to get back to my animals now-"

"Did I hear somepony say my name?" he asked, looking around for a moment, and catching the two standing there. "Oh, it was just my dear, sweet, Fluttershy," he continued, putting on a smile for her.

She laughed lightly at that. "Good morning to you, too, Discord. Luna wanted me to call you. I have to leave though, but I'll see you soon."

"We're still on for tea, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it."

"Well then, I'll see you soon, my dear."

Luna rolled her eyes as she heard Fluttershy call goodbye to him as she walked away. They had more important matters in front of them.

"Goodbye, Fluttershy!" he called. He then turned towards the blue mare. "My, my, Luna, you look quite tired," the draconequus said, pretending to be concerned. "I do believe staying up all night has been quite unhealthy for you."

"Tell me exactly why you have brought that creature here," Luna ordered, getting straight to the point.

"And exactly what creature is that?" Discord asked curiously. "Oh, wait! You mean the one who appeared in the Crystal Empire out of the blue yesterday evening, don't you? Well, I can safely say that, despite the fun I would have had doing so, I have nothing to do with his being here."

"Discord, as Princess of Equestria, I am hereby-"

"Yes, yes, you're commanding me to be truthful," he interrupted, twirling his hand for emphasis. "However, as much as I would love to claim responsibility for every act of chaos in Equestria, sadly, that creature's being here is not my doing."

"Are you suggesting that Sombra is more powerful than you and I?"

"Absolutely not! Frankly, I'm appalled that you would even consider that! Besides that, Fluttershy would be quite upset if I put some creature in his position. No, it is merely random chance that this circumstance has befallen him."

There was a silence as Luna stared at him for several seconds. "You know," Discord continued, "some might say that gazing into one's mind to see if they're lying is terribly unbecoming. I'm honestly offended."

"You cannot send him back because he's not from this world, can you?"

"Bingo! You won the prize! And before you answer tonight's bonus question: No! I can't change him back to his original form! And even if I could, where would the fun in that be?"

He had a wide, goofy smile on his face, which contrasted against Luna's frown. "Prove it to me," she commanded.

His smile dropped at that. "You know, you should really see a counselor for the trust issues you seem to have. This mind-reading business is truly uncalled for. You should consider yourself lucky that I even let you see what a god like me thinks about once."

"Who would even want to see your mind?" she huffed, not even needing to read his mind to see his truthfulness, realizing just how difficult the days ahead would be. "It is much too chaotic in there."

"I am the spirit of Chaos, after all," he said with a chuckle. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a very important tea party this afternoon I have to prepare for."

"Fluttershy, do remove your downcast expression." Discord told the yellow mare. "You're ruining my mood."

"I'm sorry," she apologized, setting her cup of tea down. "I just can't stop thinking about that poor creature now. I just feel so bad for him."

"Of course you do," he told her. "You're thinking more about it than you are your friend."

"I'm sorry. I really am trying to enjoy the tea. But he just seemed like he was already giving up."

"Who cares? Luna and Celestia will deal with him. Besides, I can't say that I particularly like him as well. Despite what most might think, I can't stand to see chaos exist that I didn't cause."

Fluttershy silently sat, drinking her tea for a little while, then asked, "You don't think she really hates him, do you?"

"Well, of course, she hates him. She has been known to be overly emotional in the past. I mean, she imprisoned me for over a thousand years for much less than Sombra's done."

"What are we going to do, Discord?"

"We?" he asked, putting a had on his chest. "I don't remember myself becoming involved in whatever Celestia and Luna are doing, and I certainly don't have any particular interest in whatever that creature is."

"Discord, please!"

"Besides, it's not of this world. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to do anything.”

“You can’t do anything?”

“I know it's shocking, but there are limits to even my ability."

"Why can't you do something?"

"His being's origin cuts off abruptly. I can't send some creature back to someplace if I can't locate where they came from. As well, it seems all tied up in that body. Trying to change him would likely be very painful, and still might not do anything. Honestly, I wouldn't have thought of something more chaotic myself."

“What if we try to convince Celestia to help him?” the yellow mare asked. "She, Luna, and Twilight are bound to think of something. And even if they can't, they can help us help him get settled here."

“I’d really rather not waste my time, Fluttershy. I have more important matters to attend to, like seeing how enjoyable it would be to replace all of Equestria's socks with ones that don't match."

Fluttershy gave him a scowl at that. “Well, I guess I’ll have to cancel our tea parties while I help him myself.”

“Fluttershy, there’s really no need for that.”

“Humph,” she let out, turning her head away.

Fine," he sighed reluctantly. "I'll start by telling you to first convince those other five ponies who aren't nearly as good of companions for you as I to help. Celestia has been known to be quite unreasonable at times.”