• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,747 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

  • ...

(4-3) And Celestia Starts To Spiral

Radiant Hope was expecting Sombra to be there. He had to be there. He was supposed to be there. There was no way he wasn't there. Yet the room remained silent, empty of life except for herself.

Maybe he'd truly been brought down. As strong as he was, being hit with the Elements of Harmony might have done him in. Surviving the Crystal Heart was a feat in and of itself. The shadow ponies told her about how it was used against them and burned them to be near. Knowing that, the Elements might have completely eradicated him. He might simply be no longer among the living…

The mare quickly shook that thought out of her head. Sombra wasn't dead. He was too tenacious for that, and would never accept such an outcome. He was still around somewhere, lurking, waiting for his opportunity. However, he wasn't here, and that was an issue. Chrysalis would be imprisoned, and Radiant Hope would have to come up with a new plan to free the shadow ponies once she found her friend. For right now, however, all she could do is retreat.

She made her way back up the stairs and out of the castle to see Queen Chrysalis being interrogated by the prince and princess of the Crystal Empire, with princess Luna watching silently. They seemed to be asking her about where the Heart was, as though she'd tell them. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't. She didn't know what Radiant Hope looked like. Notably, however, Princess Celestia was absent from the scene, and it took only a few seconds for Radiant Hope to make the connection between her absence and Sombra's disappearance.

Somehow, inexplicably, they'd gotten to him before she had. Even more inexplicably, the stallion had convinced them not to use the Crystal Heart or the Elements of Harmony on him, otherwise, Celestia would have been there. He was clearly in their custody, and finding him would no longer be an issue. Although, freeing him might be, seeing as he was likely rotting in the dungeon of their castle.

That was, if there would be anything left of him to free. She saw Celestia's rage over a thousand years ago when she told the ruler of what her friend had done to Princess Amore. Any foothold he might have created for himself with the princess might be wiped away by the Crystal Heart's absence. Not to mention, the former queen of the changelings would no doubt tell of her plan to work with the tyrant. Those two things combined would likely cause the dual rulers to strike him down without a second thought. Radiant Hope couldn't let that happen, and had to do something to prevent it.

"Chrysalis," Cadance said with a stern look, "tell us where the Heart is, and we'll make your sentence lighter than what it should be."

She laughed at that. "Really?" she asked. "You'll lighten my sentence? In a few minutes, you'll all be on the other side of this cage, begging me-"

"The Crystal Heart!" a mare suddenly yelled from the shadows, bringing four pairs of eyes to the place where the Heart was supposed to be. Sure enough, the light blue crystal was positioned right where it was supposed to be, despite being missing a few seconds ago. The four stared at it as though it was the last thing they expected to see, trying to understand what it was doing there. Luna was the first to regain her composure.

"Prince Shining Armor, please inform Princess Celestia that the Crystal Heart has been located and is secure."

The stallion quickly teleported away, leaving the two remaining rulers there as they turned their attention to Chrysalis. The former queen had a look of rage on her face.

“That mare betrayed me!” she spat. “I should have known better than to trust some pony, especially one who didn’t want to be seen!”

“And exactly what mare is that?” Cadance asked.

“The one who screamed, obviously,” she answered bitterly, not caring about the plan they had. “She told me that she, Sombra, and I would be able to overthrow you so long as the Crystal Heart was out of the picture. However, that was clearly a lie.”

Cadance furrowed her eyebrows in a frown. “Luna…” she started.

"Cadance," Luna warned, "whatever you are thinking, put it out of your head. I have enough to deal with in my sister already. I will not allow you to act in the same way."

“We need to bring it up,” she pressed. "It has to be discussed."

“And it will be discussed, but not in front of my sister. Her hatred for that creature is already immense, and I will not allow you to fuel her irrationality.”

She humphed at that. “Then I guess I’ll stay here with Chrysalis, because if I go back, it’s getting brought up.”

“Wait, hold on,” Chrysalis interrupted. “Sombra’s already back?”

I watched as Discord, with sunglasses on his face, looked up from a book he was pretending to read. “Hmm,” he commented. “It seems to have gotten very tense in here. I believe I’ll be seeing myself out.” With a snap of his fingers, he disappeared, leaving me completely alone.

I could feel the stares of the whole room on me, and tensed up. It felt like I was back in the room they found me in, when I was waiting for them to decide whether I should live or die. I thought I moved past this, but was now back in almost the exact same situation as before. It seemed like the whole universe was just out to get me.

“I understand how this looks,” I started, “but before we start accusing me of things I didn’t do-”

“Silence!” Celestia announced, using her Canterlot voice. “We are tired of hearing your lies. We have given you a chance, and you have proven yourself a villain.”

“Okay, hold on!” I interrupted. I was not about to let this spiral out of control like it did last time, and wanted to take right now to try and prove myself innocent. “How could I possibly have anything to do with the Crystal Heart being missing? I’ve been in your castle the last five days, and from what I understand, the thing just went missing. So unless you think that I disappeared right in front of you, I. Didn’t Do it!” By the time I finished, I was yelling at her. I was so done with her and how irrational she was being, and was starting to hate her the way she hated me.

“This is clearly something you planned,” she continued. “It is not a coincidence that you come back and the Crystal Heart goes missing at the same time, especially in the week leading up to the Crystal Faire. But even in spite of that, I will still leave your fate in the Princess of Friendship’s hooves.”

“Are you? Or are you going to lie and try and get them to kill me like last time?”

The princess's face darkened, and I saw specks of gold start to appear in her hair. "I would watch very carefully-"

“Princess Celestia,” Shining Armor announced, once again interrupting us as he teleported into the room. “We’ve found the Crystal Heart.”

Celestia didn’t look away from me. She stayed fixated, her rage only growing, baring her teeth at me, the whites of her pupils starting to become discolored and parts of her hair turning red and orange. I stared back at her with a determined look of my own, repressing my extreme fright at the sight of her. She was going to turn into Daybreaker at any second and take her rage out on me. The moment lasted for a long while, the room staying silent, before she finally closed her eyes, seeming to gain control of herself.

“I don't know what kind of game you think you’re playing,” she told me, an edge starting to creep into her voice, “but this has gone far enough, and I’m done with it.” She then looked to her former student, saying, “Twilight, please do what needs to be done.”

I was extremely glad to see the Princess of Friendship hesitate. “Um,” she started nervously, “maybe we should wait? I mean, the Crystal Heart is back in its place…”

Celestia frowned at her, and I watched her shrink back. “That was not a suggestion, Twilight Sparkle. I am telling you to use the Elements on him.”

“Um, can’t we just-”

“I understand how you feel about the situation," she cut off, "but as the future ruler of Equestria, you must get used to doing what’s difficult. If you wish, you may place the blame for what happens to him on me. You may all do so, if it makes you more comfortable.”

“No,” Fluttershy spoke quietly. She might as well have yelled it though, because all of the eyes in the room turned towards her. I was honestly a bit surprised that she would openly tell Celestia no, but happy nonetheless.

“I’m sorry,” she started timidly, “but I don’t think Alex really deserves the treatment he’s been receiving. Luna and Discord both said he’s not lying, and I think I believe them. Um, and if he is Sombra… well… he hasn’t actually done anything to hurt us since he’s been here. And, well, the Crystal Heart isn’t lost anymore, so… we'd be hurting an innocent creature by using the elements.”

“Fluttershy,” the princess told her seriously, “it’s not a coincidence that the moment we discuss punishment, the Crystal Heart turns back up. He clearly has a plan that we’re playing into.”

“Um, well, I don’t mean to be rude, and, um, I know how you feel about him, but… don't you think you might be just a little bit emotional? Maybe? I’m sorry.”

“This is not something that is up for discussion,” she told the mare. “I am ordering you to do this.”

She paused at that for a moment, then responded, “I’m sorry. I still won’t do it, and neither should they.”

“Do we not all know that Sombra is a master of deception?” Celestia suddenly asked the whole group. “Sombra is obviously deceiving Fluttershy at this very moment, trying to weasel his way out of what he’s done, and is working his way into Twilight Sparkle's mind as well. Any doubts you may have about this creature being Sombra are clearly his attempt to-”

“Princess Celestia,” someone’s voice suddenly boomed. “Stop. That. This. INSTANT!

I watched as Princess Luna appeared before us. She stared down her sister, Celestia's expression changing from shock at her arrival and order to rage, wearing a look that said she wanted to tear her apart.