• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,804 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

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(2-1) Receiving A Very Short Interrogation

My ears lifted automatically at the sound of hoofsteps coming towards my cell, and I lifted my head up to see Celestia coming my way. She kept the neutral expression on her face as she once again wrapped her magic around me like a shackle and led me out of the cell off to… somewhere. At least I wasn’t being yanked now like I was before, although I didn’t take that as a good thing. I could tell she was trying to keep her anger contained, doing her best to try and hide how she felt about me, but wasn’t doing a very good job at it. It actually felt like the more she tried to hide it, the more it grew. Outwardly, she was now doing nothing to express her hate for me, but I could still feel it radiating off of her. It was scarier now than it was before, and I almost wished for her to try and drag me so she could release some of what she felt. I didn’t want her to take it all out on me later.

We walked for what felt like an impossibly long time, through dozens of hallways and up and down numerous flights of stairs. She was either trying to get me lost or wear me out, though I was betting on the latter, because by the time we finally got to where we were going, I was starting to lose my breath. Evidently, Sombra didn’t keep himself in quite the shape he needed to be in. Then again, this was probably his body’s third day being active in the last thousand years.

The room we entered was small, a bit smaller than a small bedroom, and contained a table, three chairs, one of which was occupied by Luna, three walls, and nothing else. It was a bit different than what I was expecting, but then again, I guessed that they didn’t want to have to sit in the dungeon to interrogate me.

“Sit,” Celestia ordered me. I obediently listened, and stuck myself in the chair directly opposite of Luna. She herself sat down next to her sister, the two of them simply watching me as I sat, not saying anything. They might have been waiting for me to begin, but I wasn’t going to dare speak to them first, and patiently waited for them to start asking questions. I glanced at them occasionally, long enough to make it seem as though I wasn’t afraid of them, but not long enough to appear threatening.

This went on for a while, what felt like nearly a half hour, before the elder sister finally spoke. “Tell us who you are,” she told me, almost demanded me, in an even tone.

I opened my mouth, ready to just simply say 'I’m not Sombra', then stopped. That wasn’t going to be enough, and I knew that. Their follow up question would just be “And who exactly is that?”. Then I’d either have to tell them that I’m an alien from another dimension or lie and say I’m a pony whose soul is in Sombra’s body. Either way, this “interview” wasn’t going to go well.

I sighed and put my head on the table. “Why does it matter?” I asked. “You won’t believe me whether I lie or tell the truth.”

“And what exactly has given you that impression?”

I gave her a look that told her she knew exactly why, and stayed silent. She might have wanted me dead and been able to kill me at a moment's notice, but already I was getting fed up with her attitude towards me. Still, however, she stared silently back waiting for my answer, and I told her, "Because I can feel the hate you seem to have for me."

She sat silently for a little while longer, as if debating her response, then said, "If you're not Sombra as you claim to be, then there is no hate I have for you."

That was a lie, and I knew it was a lie. If that was true, then when I said my case back in the room they found me, she would have given me the benefit of the doubt. Instead, she immediately ordered Cadance to shoot at me without a second thought.

"Now, again," she instructed, "Tell us who you are."

My fear of her was slowly leaving, being replaced with anger. She was the ruler of Equestria! She was supposed to be the first one to have sympathy. But instead, all I was getting was seemingly irrational hate from her. "What could Sombra have possibly done to make you this upset with me?" I asked.

"I would advise you stay off the subject and state who you claim to be."

I lied. My fear wasn't disappearing. The way she said that made me feel like I was poking at something that should not be touched. But my anger for her was still there, and I reluctantly told her, "I'm some creature from somewhere far away who was stuffed inside this body."


“Well… I don’t know what more I’m supposed to tell you. I’m some creature in Sombra’s body, who just wants to leave.”

“Tell us just what kind of creature you are.”

I sighed. I might as well be honest, not that they were going to believe me. “I’m a human being from outside of Equestria who wants to get out of Sombra’s body and leave. I don’t know magic, I have a regular job...,” I paused, watching her look at me, and continued, “I don’t know what else I’m supposed to say without sounding completely crazy to you.”

“Tell us how you became trapped inside of Sombra.”

"I- I don't know. One second I was working at my desk, the next, I was in that room."

"So you're telling us you are a displaced being?"

I thought about it for a moment, then answered, "Yes."

She considered what I said for a second, then responded, “You’re right. If you were to go into further detail, I would believe you less than I already do.” At least she was being honest. “Besides, assuming you are a “human being” who’s trapped in the body of the tyrant before me, we could never let you leave here.”

Luna and I both gave her a look, and I tensed up, another sudden well of fear coming over me. I didn't want to stay here for the rest of my life, and certainly had no plans on staying in the dungeon. However I pushed it down and tried to get myself relaxed again. She was likely trying to see if I would react to her words. Or maybe she just wanted to scare me. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. Either way, I was deciding right then that I wasn’t going to let her get to me.

“I guess friendship doesn’t matter anymore,” I muttered.

“What was that?” Celestia asked as she stood up, towering over me. She was clearly trying to intimidate me, and while it was working, it wasn’t nearly as effective as it would have been before.

“The Princess of Friendship and the ruler of Equestria both wanted to kill me even after I surrendered and tried to explain my situation. Even now, this "interview" is designed to intimidate me, seeing as you're dismissing me without trying to learn anything new about me. You haven't even asked me my name. It's not fair."

I kept my head on the table as I said all of this. I wanted her to see the injustice of the situation, but I didn't want to look threatening. What I did seemed to work, because a few seconds later, she sat back down and said, "Tell us your name."

I didn't appreciate being still being commanded what to do, but took the opportunity and answered, "Alex."

"Well, Alex, tell us where one must hail from to acquire such a name."

"Earth," I said simply.

"And where is this place you speak of?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I do know it's nowhere near here."

"Tell me," she asked, "is there a nation called 'America' where you claim to hail from?"

I went wide eyes at that, completely shocked by the question. "How could you possibly know that?" I got out.

"Because we've heard this very story many times before, Sombra. You are not the first, nor will you be the last, to try and get out of your crimes with this ridiculousness. Now, are you ready to confess your identity?"

"I- why- how is this possible?" I stammered, every bit of fear I had when I first got here coming back to me. "How am I supposed to confess to something I haven't done?"

I felt her magic wrap around me for a third time, and heard her say, "This is a waste of time. You're going back to your cell."

"You know as well as I that you cannot keep him down there," Luna said.

Celestia stared ahead as she walked back from dropping her prisoner off, as though she couldn't hear her sister. Sombra was lying, and she knew it. He would be kept down there as long as she saw fit.

"You saw what I have seen. You know as well as I that he is truthful."

"Just as easily," the white alicorn started, "he could be using a spell to distort what we've seen in him. He does have a proficiency in dark magic, and has demonstrated the ability to easily manipulate others perceptions of reality in the past."

"That seems rather unlikely."

"Yet still a distinct possibility."

Celestia took several more steps forward before stopping and turning around. "Come along, Luna," she called.

Her sister stood where she was, casting a look of disapproval. "You cannot behave this way," she told her, the tiniest bit of anger working into her voice. "You cannot keep him down there based on something he did not do. If he did not admit guilt after that stunt you pulled, it's highly likely he's being truthful."

Celestia only gave her a look of annoyance before continuing on.