• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,748 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

  • ...

(7-2) Thinking Things Through

"Why did Candace hate me so much?" I asked aloud, half to Doctor Marks and half to myself.

"She's the one you said was the Princess of Love, correct?" he asked.

"Yeah. The Princess of Love. It doesn't make any sense."

I was sitting in his office for the second time, once again discussing with him what happened. I was following his directions and staying relaxed, as well as taking the medication he prescribed. He told me this week he wanted to go over the specifics of what had happened to me.

"Didn't you say they all hated you?" he questioned curiously. "Is there any reason you're focusing on her in particular?"

"I don't know. And also, they didn't all hate me," I explained. "Only most of them. And honestly, it wasn't even hate coming from the Element Bearers. It was more like… baseless anger and mistrust. The only two I felt outright hated me were Cadance and Celestia."

“You said last week that you’d try to find out why. Can I assume that since you’re only asking about the one… pony, that you’ve figured out the reason for why the other felt the way they did?”

I appreciated him speaking like it wasn’t a hallucination, even though I knew he thought it was. “I did some researching on Celestia-”

“That’s the Sun Princess, the one who turned into fire, correct?”

“Yeah. I was looking into her to see why she hated me so much, and honestly, from what I learned, I kind of feel bad for her.”

“Can you tell me what exactly happened?”

“Well, from what I learned, there was a mirror world that had a different Sombra that Celestia loved. Evidently, things there were out of wack, so the Sombra there had to become evil to match the Sombra in the normal Equestria. So I’m fairly certain she blames him for losing the love of her life. And combine that with Princess Amore dying, I can pretty clearly see how she went crazy. It makes me feel bad now that I told her to just get over it...”

"Hmmm… that's interesting," he commented, writing what I told him down. "Of course, that doesn't explain why that other one hated you."

"Well, I don't know why she hated me," I told him. "You're supposed to be the therapist. Can't you figure out why?"

"Well, let's see if we can't find that answer. You said she was the Queen of Love-"

"Princess," I corrected, "and she wasn't acting like it to me."

"You told me before that you hated her. Could that be the reason she hated you?"

"Well, while I never particularly liked her, I didn't actually hate any of them until they thought it was okay to kill me, which, from what I was told, came about because of the hate she and Celestia radiated. They had a heavy hand in their thinking."

"Hoof," he suddenly said.

I looked at him funnily. "What?" I asked, confused.

"Well," he started, "if they were horses like you said, the phrase would be 'heavy hoof'."

I gave him a glare for several moments while he sat silently, looking uncomfortable, before apologizing. "I'm sorry," he told me. "Um, do you remember when you noticed her hating you?"

I thought for a few seconds before answering. "It was from the second she saw me. She hated me on sight."

“Could it possibly have been because you were a villain in this world?”

“Maybe, but… actually, I don’t know, I’m not sure. I don’t think she would’ve had the same reaction to Tirek or Cozy Glow. Honestly, the only person I’d expect her to be this angry at is Chrysalis.”

“Who’s Chrysalis?” Doctor Marks asked me.

“Someone who locked her up in a dungeon and made her husband fall in love with her,” I explained. “But that's not important. The point is I don’t think it was because I was a bad guy. Granted, I did try to take over the Crystal Empire and endangered her family.”

"You did?"

"Errr, Sombra did. I'm sorry. But anyway, I don't think it was enough justification. I didn't get the same feeling she gave me from her husband."

“Hmmm… that’s interesting… And you didn't find anything striking about her while you were researching?"

"I can't say I did."

He went quiet for a few moments, then suggested, "Perhaps she was faking?"

That was certainly a suggestion, one that caught me off guard. It wasn't a scenario I would've thought of on my own. "Why would she fake hating me?”

“I wouldn’t know why. I only suggest it because you can’t find a reason for her hate.”

“So, you think she hates me just because?”

“Well, not exactly, and as I said, I’m only guessing. But let me ask you about that pony, the one who controls the sun. You said she got so mad that she turned into flames. Is she normally like that? Does that happen a lot?”

“I can’t say it does. She doesn't normally go insane.”

“And you said it was her and Cadance's emotions fueling how everyone else reacted to you?”

“That’s what Luna told me… wait, are you saying that Cadance hate was intensifying Celestia’s hate?”

“I… think it’s a possibility, given how you’ve described how Celestia typically acts.”

“So, not only was she making Celestia angry, you think she was doing it on purpose? Why?”

“I wouldn’t know why. Maybe she had a plan she was trying to enact?”

I considered it for a second, then answered, “No, I don’t believe that. I mean, maybe she was fueling Celestia’s anger, but I don’t think she had some other plan. I’m pretty sure she’s too dumb to even try to make a plan in the first place. And even if she was smart enough, which is a big if, she would need a reason to have a plan. I’m not sure how turning Celestia into Daybreaker would help or benefit her in the slightest.”

“So can you tell me what you think?”

“I don’t know. Maybe she’s just a naturally angry and hateful pony. From the way she acted, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

“Ah knew he was lying!” Applejack spat angrily “Ah told y’all right from the beginning he was lying!”

“Applejack-” Twilight tried to say.

“Of course that brute was lying!” Rarity commented. “He’s nothing but a monster!”

“Rarity-” the purple alicorn got out.

“I mean, he was probably trying to make her turn into Daybreaker so he wouldn’t have to deal with her,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “He was probably stringing all of us along like puppets.”

“Rainbow Dash-”

“I think it’d be pretty fun to be a puppet! We could put on a big puppet show!”

“Pinkie, now’s not-”

“Ah mean, he made fools outta us. We shoulda known-”


Ten eyes turned Fluttershy’s way, surprised by her yelling. “I’m sorry for yelling everypony, but I just can’t bear to hear you all talk about that creature that way.”

“There was no creature, darling! You heard what Twilight said: he was likely planning it from the very beginning! For heaven's sakes, he attacked Princess Luna and ran away!”

“Yes, I did say that he was probably planning this from the start," Twilight explained, "however, like I was trying to tell you all, that doesn’t mean that somepony else wasn’t trapped inside his body before. Both those things can be true at once.”

“But Twilight, darling, you have to admit-”

“No, Rarity. Luna said that he wasn’t Sombra, at least before, and I’m going to believe her. Besides, we should’ve expected this to happen, seeing as we were trying to free whoever it was trapped in there. Why do you think we had the meeting with Princess Celestia in the first place, or tried to get Radiant Hope to help us?”

“Either way, it looks like we should’ve kept him in there, especially since Princess Luna is stone now because of him.”

“No, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy countered. “Even if it meant Luna getting turned into stone, we couldn’t let that poor creature be stuck in there. That would just be awful.”

Rainbow Dash sighed at that. “I guess you’re right, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy gave her a smile, happy that she agreed, and listened as she continued, “I guess that means now we have to stop Sombra.”

“How’re we s’posed to tell if it’s actually Sombra this time?” Applejack asked, exasperated. “He could easily start pretending’ again.”

“That’s a good question,” Fluttershy said thoughtfully. “What would we do if he says he’s not himself again?”

“Well…” the Princess of Friendship trailed off, “unfortunately, we aren’t going to be able to trust him. We’ll have to assume he’s lying. We can try talking to him, but if he looks like he’s going to be aggressive…” She turned to look Fluttershy in the eyes, saying, “we can’t hold back.”

Fluttershy looked at the ground and sighed, answering quietly, “I understand.”

"But only if he's aggressive," she thought silently.