• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,804 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

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(6-2) An Explanation

I felt myself growl slightly as someone’s hoof touched me.

“Unless that’s Fluttershy’s hoof,” I demanded, keeping my eyes closed, “get it off of me.”

“I am sorry,” a voice said to me, quickly retreating their appendage. “I did not believe that it would bother you.”

“Ah, Luna,” I thought as I quickly turned over. Then, speaking aloud, I told her, “I guess it’s okay for you to put your hoof on me, but no one else. Especially not Cadance. I swear I can feel her glaring at me while I sleep.”

“We will make sure to speak with her about that. Although, with luck, it will not be a problem you will deal with much longer.”

“I doubt that,” I told her, “unless they’re planning on using the Crystal Heart to kill me. Not that I would care at this point. I doubt they’re even trying to help. And if they are, whatever they’re planning probably won’t work since the universe hates me.”

I saw her frown at that, giving me a sad look because of the bitterness in my words. “I assure you, we are working on a solution. In fact, Twilight Sparkle has acquainted me with a mare who has remarkable abilities in healing. We think she may be able to help you out of this situation, and told us that she will try her best to send you on your way.”

“That sounds like the lamest solution ever, like one you’d come up with if you didn’t care and were being lazy.” I paused for a moment, trying to keep myself from yelling at her, then continued. “Why can’t Discord do something?”

“As Fluttershy said he explained it, you are too chaotic, and he cannot locate where you came from.”

“I’m too chaotic for a god of chaos?” I pressed. “That sounds like an excuse.”

“I will agree with you, but I doubt he would be one to lie to Fluttershy.”

I had to agree with her on that, although it just made me more angry. “So you, Discord, and Celestia I guess… if you three can’t do anything, what makes Twilight think some random pony will be able to do anything? What is she thinking?”

“Perhaps you should meet her before passing judgment. She will be here in a few minutes. Her name is Radiant Hope.”

I humphed at that. “She probably won’t be able to do anything.”

“Well, we shall find out in just a little while.”

Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor stood in front of Radiant Hope, who pretended to look uncomfortable in their presence.

“You must be Radiant Hope,” the Princess of Love started. “I must say, it is… interesting to meet you in person.”

“You are very bad at hiding your emotions,” Hope thought. She could very easily tell that Cadance was angry at her, her princely counterpart being not much better at hiding his anger. Although, she did have to be fair considering they both had a good reason to be angry at her.

“Princess Luna said you wanted to see us?” she continued.

She sighed at that, having to say sorry to them, but knew it was only a formality. She pretended to be ashamed, staring with a bow, “I would like to apologize for stealing the Crystal Heart and causing the Crystal Empire worry. My actions were wrong, and I hope that you’ll be able to forgive me for what I’ve done.” Hope figured it was a suitable enough apology, but wasn’t surprised when they both frowned as she looked back up at them, still bowing.

“Yes, well…” Shining Armor started, trailing off.

“While Shining Armor and I do appreciate the apology, I’m going to be blunt in this question,” Princess Cadance started. “Did you bring Sombra back here?”

Radiant Hope stood up from bending over. “No…” she trailed off, as though she didn’t understand why they were asking her. Not that she really did, even though she knew they were going to ask. She didn’t bring her friend back, but even if she did, she would never admit to doing so if she didn’t have to. It was fairly ridiculous to even ask the question as though she would say ‘yes’.

“I also need to ask if you were working with Chrysalis to take the heart.”

That was an unexpected question. She wasn’t expecting to be asked about her involvement with Chrysalis. However, now that she mentioned it, she should have thought about it. Actually, it made perfect sense, seeing as she admitted to taking the Crystal Heart, and Chrysalis was there at the time. It actually didn’t take that long to put together. And now, she had to explain herself to them.

“Yes,” she said, still bowing but looking up at them, “but only to use her as a distraction, not to conquer the Crystal Empire.” She watched the two of them scowl at that, and continued, trying to find a way to spin this in a different direction. “Like I told Princess Luna, I was looking for Sombra, and didn’t want him to be hurt by the Crystal Heart, and needed Chrysalis as a distraction to take it. I told her that once we took it, Sombra would help us take over Equestria. That’s why I told her not to attack anypony, because I wanted her to be locked up, and knew that you, Prince Shining Armor, would be able to bring her to justice.”

That was largely untrue, what Hope said. However, she felt like it was just true enough for them to believe her. Not only that, but it stroked their ego, her saying that they were more powerful than Chrysalis, when the changeling could have turned them to dust if she so chose. Still, she pressed on, trying to convince them.

“I only wanted to see my friend again,” she said, trying to win their sympathy. "and wanted to use the Crystal Heart to help reform him. I’m truly sorry about what I’ve done.”

Hope knew that if the prince and princess were smart, they’d ask about the holes in her story, namely why she enlisted Chrysalis’s help before Sombra entered the Crystal Empire, or how the Crystal Heart would help reform the villain when it would just hurt him to be near it. If they were smart, they would deny her access to Sombra and try to restrain her. Instead, the questions didn’t cross their minds while they processed what she said.

“Do you understand what could have happened if I hadn’t stopped Chrysalis?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yes, I do, and I only hope that you can forgive me for what I’ve done.”

The two gave her a hard stare before looking at Twilight, who was still standing behind Hope. “What do you think?” Shining Armor asked his sister.

Twilight considered it for a moment, and answered, “She seems genuinely sorry, although with what happened because of it…” She trailed off, referring to Princess Celestia. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence from her while she thought about her former teacher before she continued. “But she couldn’t have known about that. I would forgive her for taking it. Besides, she said she’ll try and help us.”

Radiant Hope looked back up at the rulers of the Crystal Empire, putting on pleading eyes for them, while thinking, “None of you are really that smart, are you?”

“Very well,” the Princess of Love told her. “We’ll forgive your actions this time. We’ll let you see your friend now. But I wouldn’t try anything if I were you.”

She thanked them, pretending to be grateful.