• Published 11th Apr 2020
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Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Twenty years ago.

The town was dead.

The streets were deserted, the emergency sirens still wailing as a sickly, brownish-green fog swirled through the streets. A previously distant arcane shield now slowly closed in, eradicating the poison but leaving all else untouched. It was pushed by an elite force of unicorns but came far too late for the local inhabitants.

The masked guards trotted through the street in earnest, many of their ears were flat with worry. From Canterlot to a small town south of Baltimare, the Hazard Response Team had taken a few hours to arrive to Oakbark knowing that a protective shield had already been activated and sealing off the town to protect the city downwind.

The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.

It was a decision made in a moment by the lone Solar Princess on hearing of the explosion at the chemical plant. She was in the operations center herself, overseeing rescue operations.

Rescue…but for whom?

The guards peeled off, each calling out as they entered house after house to search for survivors.

Every dwelling was the same. Unmoving ponies huddled together as a toxic fit of coughing had overtaken them, followed by a peaceful, eternal sleep. Some had donned Emergency Breathing Hoods (EBH), soft red lights blinking to indicate the air supply was long since expended, the backup filters expired.

Two guards entered a large school, one of them immediately turning around as his maroon-colored face turned green on seeing the motionless occupants of the nearest classroom.

A third guard trotted up, the second, originally-assigned pony shaking his head.

“What was your name again? You were the last-minute addition, right?”

The pony nodded, gently shouldering the others aside.
“Private Shifting Sands. You two search the outskirts. I’ll look inside. Send someone who won’t vomit inside their mask,” the stallion stated, tone then softening. “Enough lives have been lost today. I don’t want you two to be added to the tally; there’s no shame in admitting your limits.”


Shifting trotted into the school, his heart aching on seeing so many young lives cut short. It was a mercy that such a fate had only been uncomfortable but ultimately peaceful and painless.

“Flare sighted! Anyone near the school, we have unknown survivors!”

He galloped into the courtyard, horn igniting in a communications spell as Shifting stared at the impossible sight in front of him.

“Found them!”

Dozens of used EBH’s were scattered around, and a dozen more blinked a soft green confirmation of air as they kept their users alive. A mare and students were huddled in the dead grass, sides slowly moving…

Most of them at least.

A single pony moved, a young blue unicorn sending up another magical flare. His EBH was blistered and cracked, hanging uselessly around his neck. He spit up some blood, looking to Shifting with horrified green eyes as he somehow breathed in the poison around them.

“H-help. Please…” he whispered, voice making Shifting’s head ache. It sounded unnatural, making the stallion wince in pain as his temples pounded at the noise. The blue colt then collapsed as Shifting galloped forwards. The guard was quick to hold the young pony in his forelimbs as the stallion firmly fastened a new escape hood around the student’s head.

‘How is he alive?!’

As rescuers swarmed the school, Shifting’s eyes drifted to a glowing mark that now adorned the student’s flank, pain tearing at the timeless Knight’s heart.

A bright green biohazard cutie-mark now shone brightly in the scene of death and chaos.


Icait wrung her hooves nervously as they stood in the forest, the Windigo clearly on edge. Onyx appeared less phased, the shadow entity’s unicorn body standing completely still.

“S-so this is Tall Tale? We just wait here?” Icait asked, prompting a sign from Onyx.

“That is what the Solar Princess ordered. And I can sense no fewer than a bakers-dozen guards watching us. I’d rather not give them a reason to attack us. It’s likely they loath us as it is.”

“Why would-oh…right,” Icait whispered, the spectral mare floating to ground level as the *SNAP* of a teleportation spell drew their attention. A light pink mare waved to them and Onyx’s eyes immediately widened.

The power emanating off the individual was nothing short of spectacular, nearly on par with a certain purple princess.

“Icait, Onyx, my name is Starlight Glimmer. I’m the Principle at the School of Friendship, and will be your primary contact through all of this,” she explained, surprisingly not appearing too phased by their appearance.

The fact her fearless smile was sincere only served to set Onyx on edge. Who was this mare?!

“N-nice to meet you, Miss Glimmer,” Icait stammered, Starlight waving a hoof with a laugh.

“I appreciate the formality, but just Starlight is fine. Now, let’s get you settled in your apartment.”

“We have an apartment!?” Icait squealed, hopping into the air excitedly as Onyx raised an eyebrow, looking at the rather-amused Principle.

“Normal-life things make her rather excited,” he explained, Starlight not able to resist a grin as her horn sparked with a transportation spell.

They re-appeared in a simple, two-bedroom apartment on the third floor of the building. The stone and wood structure appeared fairly new and overlooked an industrial section of the medium-sized city.

“Away from the main center of the population in case we run wild?” Onyx remarked as he looked out the wall-sized window. “Smart, and something I would have recommended myself.”

“Oh?” Starlight asked, trotting up to his side as Icait floated around the apartment to examine every nook and cranny, a now-present pair of unicorn Legionnaires following her around.

“Of course. For all I know, I could explode tomorrow and level a city block. My kind has never existed outside of Limbo for such a long length of time before,” Onyx explained. “Icait, she is no threat. Obnoxious and innocent, but hardly a danger to you all.”

Starlight looked around to make sure they were alone, her mouth twitching at a smile on hearing the Shadow’s voice change when talking about the Windigo.

“Hmm. You’re fond of her.”

Onyx didn’t reply other than letting out a soft huff of annoyance, turning away from the window to look at the carpeted room.

“These dwellings will certainly suffice. I expected a dungeon, so this is certainly an upgrade. I believe we have a schedule to keep?” he asked.

Before Starlight could respond, a high-pitched scream drew her attention, the mare and shadow-stallion dashing to the end of the hall. Curled up in a ball was Icait, the Windigo’s form flickering violently.

“What did you do to her?!” Onyx bellowed, grey eyes igniting as two dagger-like shadow appendages erupted form his body, Starlight promptly canceling the magic with a snort and spark of her horn.

“Nothing, Onyx! Enough of that. Legionnaires, report!” she barked, one of the stallion gesturing to the shivering Windigo.

“She was babbling about how exciting electrical outlets are and then fell over with a scream. That’s all we know,” he explained.

Onyx trotted over, clearly rather miffed that his efforts had been so easily brushed aside by Starlight. Looking over the Windigo, he frowned and looked at the Principle in confusion.

“It’s a spell. I don’t-”

“They’re not all gone,” Icait whispered, “Something is still here….” Her form stabilized, the light teal Windigo sitting up and leaning on Onyx’s shoulder. The gesture made the stallion stiffen in surprise, but he stayed silent as the mare’s see-through sides heaved.

“That was an activation spell, a signal. It wouldn’t have hurt if I was like the others, I think,” she whispered. “Somecreatures are still acting under their will. I don’t know who or what. I was never told of such things. I put it all in the report to the Princess’s…but there’s something out there.”

“Celestia, you get all that?” Starlight asked, a previously-hidden transmitting crystal now sparking into view around her neck, the sight making Onyx grin. The fact creatures didn’t trust him seemed to validate the Shadow somehow.

“Confirmed. Icait, what can you tell us? Anything you may have heard? I know you put it all in the reports, but I need to know if anything comes to mind? We’re trusting you on this.”

Icait frowned, shaking her head. All at once her eyes widened, a soft gasp leaving her muzzle.

“Cel-Princess Celestia, there is one thing! I heard it a long time ago- and it didn’t make sense even when I was part of the Emissary’s plans. It was two words, and I don’t really understand what they mean. But maybe they’ll help? They mentioned a signal spell, and one other thing. They were talking about hidden…somethings, and all that was said were the words ‘Sleeper Cells.’”

A soft growl emanated from the crystal, Celestia letting out a sigh.

“Thank you, Icait. That means a great deal. Carry on, Starlight. Get them acclimated and tell them to shelter in place for a time.”

“Of course, Celestia.”

Onyx looked over to Icait in confusion, the stallion’s left eye twitching.

“You have no idea what a Sleeper Cell is, do you?”

Icait shook her head, cheeks tinging a slight pink as she realized she was still occupying Onyx’s shoulder.

“No? What are they? They sound important now…”

“You have a visitor.”

The cell door spun open smoothly, the sparse yet somewhat-comfortable light grey stone room neatly organized as the thestrel mare scrambled upright.

“Is it Barley? I thought he used his visitor’s allotment this-Princess?!” Knife Twist gasped as she bowed, limbs immediately shaking and furry ears flat against her skull.

“Barley has said quite a bit about you, Miss Twist,” Celestia mused as the ex-captain of the Night Guard cowered under her gaze. “All of it rather good, surprisingly good. And what is this I hear about refusing possible parole?”

Knife Twist shook her head, rising and sitting opposite the Princess with her head bowed.

“I don’t deserve it, not yet,” she whispered, shoulders slumped in dejection. “May I ask why you are here? You don’t seem like the gloating type and my sentence is just getting started.”

“I am not here to gloat, Knife Twist, nor would I. Your sentence was already reduced due to the Windigo magic having influenced your decisions.”

“Influenced, not controlled. It’s-it hurts my head to think about. The logic doesn’t make sense anymore. What was right then is so, so wrong now. But I remember it feeling right. I don’t know when that started to change…” Knife replied with a sorrowful huff. “It’s irrelevant. I tried to kill your sister. I don’t deserve parole, not after such a short amount of time.”


The reply made Knife’s head snap up, Celestia looking at her calmly.

“Yet from the day you were committed to this maximum-security prison, you have been organizing others affected by the Windigo’s into support groups, helping them acclimate. Corporal Barley Husk certainly still believes in you.”

Knife snorted at that, her head shaking.

“My coltfriend is an idiot. I don’t understand-”

“Your coltfriend loves you rather dearly,” Celestia countered, making Knife’s eyes widened. “He sees you as I do, actually. I found out such when I spoke with him this morning. He and I see a mare who made grave, grave mistakes, but was heavily influenced by a malevolent force to do so. Your attempt on my sister’s life will haunt you for the rest of your life. However, I have come to realize it was not your goal, but your previous master’s.”

Not able to do anything but stare, the ex-captain could feel her hooves start to shiver as Celestia took a few steps forward.

“I am not here to speak of your sentence, Knife Twist. I need your help, as a matter of fact.”

“Of course.”

The immediate reply piqued Celestia’s curiosity, but the Princess continued.

“Sleeper Cells.’

Knife let out a hiss, angrily slamming a hoof down on the concrete.

“I knew I felt something the other day. I passed it off as just the shakes.”

“You felt what?”

Opening a small and simple journal, Knife scanned a personal entry.

“Two days ago. It was a full body shiver and just feeling ill,” she read, then closing the book. “I was filled with hate and anger at my situation, but then it passed. I thought nothing of it, a mental flare up if you will; I’ve had them before. But evidently, I was wrong. I didn’t even consider that possibility.”

“What possibility? Celestia asked.

“As you said, sleeper cells. I never heard a peep about such things, but I did organize a few of them for my own purposes, as per my report. However, you should have caught them all. I even listed ideas I had thought of.”

“I am not questioning your report, Knife Twist, it was extremely thorough. My question is, what would these Cells do now if activated? You aided in running one of the most successful, covert operations in Equestrian history. What would you tell such lurking groups to do if you had been in the Emissary’s position?”

Knife stayed quiet, staring at the floor. Celestia’s eyes widened as the ex-guard sniffled softly, shaking her head.

“I don’t want to think like that again, Princess. I really don’t. It’s taken me a long time to stop the ideas from coming, the unconscious scheming…I don’t want to go back to that mental place.”

Celestia bit back a frown, taking a step closer to rest a wing on Knife’s shoulder.

“I am asking you to think like ‘that’ again for good, not evil. This will help save lives, not take them,” she explained softly.

Knife nodded, wiping her eyes and sat up a bit straighter.

“I’d direct them to disrupt and spread cascading events,” she finally said. “Infrastructure attacks, power stations, anywhere with explosive potential, chemical labs, any joint-run projects or outposts. I’d say infrastructure is the biggest target, especially any biohazard waste dumps,” she paused, taking a few deep breaths as her jaw quivered. The fact that such thinking was so disturbing to the mare was a solid testament to how far she had come.

“Chemical labs I’d be very concerned about. During my…time, I considered hitting a few of them. Causing another Oakbark would be any terrorist organization’s dream. And with production of all this new mana-tech spinning up, I imagine there’s a lot of laboratories handling not-so-safe compounds and struggling to stay within safety regulations. Magic and spells are extremely regulated- but chemicals? That stuff has fallen by the wayside. You’ve shown everycreature that Equestria can’t be beaten by brute force. But isolated attacks? Invisible clouds of death that make the nation cower in fear? All you’d need is to smuggle in some accelerants, maybe other chemical agents to cause an explosion…” Knife shuddered, shaking her head. “That’s all I can think of. Can I not dwell on that any longer, please?”

Celestia nodded, Knife shivering briefly.

“Thank you, Knife Twist. That has been extremely helpful. We will speak again, I think,” Celestia remarked as she turned to leave.

“Let me know if I can help, Princess. I’d certainly like to.”

Pausing at the cell door, Celestia looked back, a slightly motherly-smile on her features.

“There is one thing I think you could work on.”


“Learn that forgiving one’s self is sometimes the hardest part of past actions, especially ones you weren’t fully in control of.”

Knife Twist could only stare as Celestia left, and her confusion only intensified on hearing the Princess’s words to the Warden outside her cell.

“Please increase her visiting and leisure hours with the various support group. That applies especially for Corporal Husk.”


Knife Twist sat down in shock, staring at the floor in disbelief.

“Why doesn’t she hate me?” she whispered.

Of course, she knew the answer to that. Celestia’s reign had been with fire and iron at times, but her love for her ponies was never called into question.

All her ponies.

Celestia sat in the conference room with Luna, Commander Shifting Sands, and Emperor Nacreous Thundering, all of them staring at the report in front of them in grim acceptance.

“Chemical labs, that’s the target? I can direct some of my forces to fortify them with shields,” Nacreous mused, Celestia walking over to slide underneath his wing with a sigh.

“I’d appreciate that. I’ll order an immediate inspection and bolstering of safeguards and security, if that is suitable, Lulu,” Celestia added with her sister nodding.

“Agreed, sister. I’ll re-deploy some of the Night Guard for nocturnal watch on various sites.”

“I’ll double-down on the Lunar Knights and their biohazard training,” Shifting replied firmly. “But what else can we do? We have a hazard response team, but they’re stretched pretty thin. The uptick in chemical development and industrial processes has outpaced a lot of overseeing entities.”

“Yes, and I’ve been trying to get various bills passed for a year,” Celestia grumbled. “Of course, this happens while you two are engaged.”

“Only us? Dear sister?” Luna countered with a knowing grin, Nacreous resting his head on Celestia’s with a similar smile.

“Fine. Both of us engaged, the timeframe pending at least as another crisis rears its head. I do know one more step we can do. There’s a pony who specializes in this sort of thing. He’s one of the lab inspectors for security and safeguards, as well as general risk analysis for chemical depots.”

Luna’s smile faded to a grim line, the Princess nodding curtly, knowing of who Celestia spoke of.

“I’ll send the word. Commander, continue his training. He’ll need the extra boost if his services are required.”

“Wait, he’s the inspector?”

“Among other things. A great deal many other things,” Luna sighed.

“Let’s get this done.” Nacreous rumbled in conclusion.

As the various individuals walked or teleported away, Celestia took a deep breath and sent a message to the stallion in question. The enchanted parchment had the pre-drafted orders already signed.

‘Specialist Toxic Shield; Maximum Readiness Warning and On-Call activation orders.’

Author's Note:

Welcome to the (current) final installment of this story! I've got a decent amount of this mapped out, so get some popcorn and pillows! This one has some darker tones and points to it...but counter balanced by plenty of fluff!
So much fluff. Oh goodness.

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