• Published 11th Apr 2020
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Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Fourteen: Ethereal Headaches

Starlight did a double-take at the individual who suddenly appeared in her office, a brief flick of magic locking the door behind the creature and setting up a simple privacy spell.

The stallion in front of her reminded the mare of Onyx; a pony-like frame with shadows constantly waving out like long hair. Except Onyx was more solid, an actual pony body. This creature was almost ethereal.

Thankfully, Starlight knew who he was. Twilight had kept her up to date with Nacreous’s friends, even if they were removed from the goings-on of such things in Ponyville.

Iust. The ‘God’ of War and Passion to some of the ancient tribes in the Ice Shelves to the north. An interesting pair of titles.

And apparently, he has a relationship with the ‘god’ of love and joy. Odd indeed.

It was a tad unsettling how easily the entity had appeared without any notice. The fact that the Princess of Friendship was tasked with making sure the town was isolated from the looming threat was no small task and obviously left some holes…present company as an example. But, like with the Fire Lung pandemic, Ponyville could be sealed off with shields and remain self-sufficient for some time with a bit more work.

Evidently such shields didn’t prevent this shadow-pony from entering. Starlight made a mental note about that.

Another magical theory to test. Goodness, the manic glee on Twilight’s face was rather frightening last time. Knowing she’d be the first one to know of any potential research to be done in this isolated bubble. Starlight mused.

Now, first things first.

Taking a deep breath to send any remnants of nerves out the proverbial window, Starlight nodded to the individual who was patiently waiting in front of her.

“Iust, was it?” she asked. “What can I do for you?”

“I am rather surprised you didn’t react more, if I’m being honest,” the Entity admitted. “I simply had a question concerning the shadow pony under your charge.”

“You do know that is rather classified information. I know who you are, but I still need to go through the official channels.”

“I unders-”

“Iust, what in the frozen wastes are you-” a feline called out with a growl, her ethereal form snapping into existence, her back turned to Starlight. “You can’t just pop in and out of places like this!” Fori then turned, nodding in greeting to the surprised mare. “My apologies, Principal Starlight.”


The mare in question promptly summoned a cup of hot chocolate as the twinges of a headache itched at her mind. Dealing with…unique individuals that had the schedule of Discord never sat well with her.

At least they weren’t trying to turn her mane into an apple turnover, so that was a plus. And to be fair, the shadow-pony looked genuinely apologetic, his ears flat against his skull.

“I’m sorry about all this, Starlight,” Fori replied. “My name is Fori, by the way. I wish we could have met formally before this.”

“Apology accepted. I would appreciate a bit of notice next time,” Starlight replied. “Thankfully I do know of you, at least from the briefing released to Twilight from Emperor Thunderwing.”

“And to that end,” Fori began, waving a paw as a portal formed, a rather annoyed hippogriff and an alabaster alicorn looking at Starlight.

“I’m so sorry about this, Starlight. We would have let you know, but…” Celestia began, Starlight waving a hoof.

“It’s fine, Princess. But am I the only one here who doesn’t know what Iust’s question is?”

A nod from everyone in question made Starlight groan, the mare massaging her temples with her hooves. “Ok, then if all the formalities are done, I assume Iust has permission to ask…whatever it is? So, I can go ahead and approve whatever it is at my discression?”

Celestia appeared close to giggles as she nodded, Nacreous chiming in.

“Sorry for that mix up again, Principal Starlight. Yes, approval has been granted.”

Waving a hoof at the pair, Starlight took a few deep breaths as the portal vanished along with Fori, leaving a surprisingly meek shadow-pony in the office.

“How about we try this again,” Starlight said flatly, summoning a second cup of steamy chocolatey goodness. “Cocoa?”

Iust accepted the offered drink, the ‘god’ of war seeming surprisingly chastised.

Then again, considering the previous company that wasn’t a bad reaction.

“So, what exactly is this apparently important question concerning Onyx?” Starlight asked. “From what I understand from the report I was given, he is rather unlike you, but I could be wrong.”

“The report is not complete.”

That made the mare pause, Starlight setting the cup aside as her curiosity was piqued.


Iust nodded, also setting aside his now-drained mug.

“What I am going to tell you, Miss Glimmer-”

“Just Starlight, please.”

“Very well. What I am going to tell you very few creatures know. I know such secrecy is expected when dealing with matters of Onyx, but I would request that such a level of discretion applies to me.”

“Well, all of Nacreous’s friends have a high security clearance. Nocreature outside maybe a dozen creatures know about you, in Equestria at least, the Elements being half of them. That’s outside of the Royals that is.”

“That will have to do. In this case, Celestia and Nacreous are likely the only ponies who know this about me.”

“Then I give you my word I won’t speak of it to anycreature other than them,” Starlight immediately said with a firm nod. “But I am curious as to why you are telling me.”

“Because I am similar to Onyx in more ways than one, and wish to make my case for my request,” Iust replied. “I was once a pony, a unicorn stallion. But I meddled in a power that I took for granted, a power Onyx came from.”

Starlight’s magic-loving side was in full gear, the mare having to resist gleefully clopping her hooves together at that. It was so interesting!

Limbo!? We know so little about it- so Onyx was affected by the energy there?

“The shadow realm? Limbo?” Starlight guessed, receiving a nod. “So, while Onyx came from Limbo…”

“I was hit with a surge of energy from that realm. When I awoke, I was like this,” Iust confirmed. “So, I know about the magic Onyx deals with, and is composed of.”

“Why weren’t you involved more with him from the start then?”

Iust shook his head at that.

“It was not my place. Not then. I am not a good mentor for social interactions. You, however, are.”

“You seem fine now though.”

“Because I have practiced for hundreds of years. And I’m trying to be actively pleasant. It is… tiring.”


“My point is, Starlight, is that I can relate to Onyx in the sense of understanding the insidious nature of that realm. I request to help him adjust to ‘life’ as he knows it here.”

Starlight blinked; it didn’t take a genius to figure out all the positives such assistance could provide.

“Well, most certainly granted, after we develop a course of action at least. But I get the sense of there being a bit more to your request.”

“I…” he let out a huff, shaking his head and sending bits of shadow floating across the room. Grey eyes, a bit lighter than Onxy’s darted to the floor, the shadow-pony letting out a frustrated growl.

But it wasn’t a gesture of anger towards Starlight, no, this was a more internal battle it seemed.

I overestimated his social abilities indeed. Not that I am one to talk about reacting logically during a social incident.

“HIYA!” a kirin exclaimed, popping into existence above Iust and floating in the air.


After picking herself up off the floor, Starlight glared at the clearly-apologetic individual.

So help me, if I have to deal with any more demi-god like entities today…

“Gaudi, I presume?” Starlight asked with a sigh.

“Yup! Sorry. I thought Iust would have said I’d pop in for a bit! I had to talk to Nacreous, then to Celestia, then to Fori, and then back to here, so here I am!” she crowed.

It’s like a mini-Pinkie Pie.

An ethereal Pinkie Pie.

Stars above we’re doomed. I can’t allow them to ever meet.

“He didn’t get to that part just yet,” Starlight replied, drawing upon a surprisingly deep reserve of patience with one of the day’s many deep breaths.

“Ooooooh. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. What can I do for you?”

“Wellllll I think Iusty was trying to explain why else he wants to help Onxy. And then he was going to mention how I had thought Icait could use some help too! Wow, lots of ‘i’s.” Gaudi mused. “So here I am!”


“So, about that explanation?”

“Oh! Right. Well, Onyx is really grumpy, right? Probably doesn’t help he comes from a place that is like, the home of grumpy and unhappiness. Buuuut he’s happier when around a certain Windigo, riiiiiiight?”

“Ok, I know you’re technically the ‘god’ of love in the north, but don’t you think…” Starlight let out a groan, sending her head down to firmly plant against the desk. “Oh. I see where this is going. Let me have a stab at this.”


“You two see yourselves in Onyx and Icait, in part, due to having needed to acclimate to a different sense of ‘life’ at one point in time. Am I on the right path?”

“So far so good!”

“And while you’ve learned how to deal with things over hundreds of years, Onyx and Icait are being fast-tracked in a way you never had the opportunity amid a potential national crisis. So, you want to help them avoid the mistakes you already made.”

“Oh, you’re good!” Gaudi proclaimed with a giggle, still hovering in the air in a lackadaisical manner that was disturbingly close to Discord’s manner of appearance.

“Well, assuming there is approval from everycreature, I don’t see the harm,” Starlight mused. “That said, I don’t want you pushing either of them to anything that otherwise wouldn’t naturally develop. I don’t care what your role was to ancient tribes. Clear?”

Gaudi saluted with a forelimb, a wide grin still on her face.

“Yuppers! And no worries. All we want to do is answer questions and offer pointers, we’re just extra advisors and mentors if needs be. You still have the reins on everything else!”

Seeing Starlight’s pink cheeks color ever so slightly at that, Gaudi looked down at Iust curiously, the shadow-pony starting to snicker.


“Uh, remember when I told you that some innocent things can have not-so-innocent applications nowadays?” Iust whispered, a barely contained grin on his face.


“I’ll…forward all of this through to the Emperor and Princess. And then I’ll ask Onyx and Icait.” Starlight said with a sigh. “There’s some empty crystals in my desk drawer. If you could enchant them or leave a magical signature, I’ll contact you when I’ve done that.”

Sending a surge of magic from her hoof into said drawer, Gaudi waved and vanished, Iust now grinning.

“Thank you for your time, Starlight,” he said respectfully.

“Most welcome.”

As he vanished, Starlight let out a shudder. While Iust had been nothing but pleasant, the abrupt show of fangs in an otherwise happy smile had been rather unsettling.

God of war and passion? I suppose in a vague sense those two are related.
Now I have some more letters to write, and then tell Icait and Onyx.
Oh, and then there’s the school stuff.

“Uh, Principal Starlight?” a meek voice asked from outside her door and as a knock sounded. “The melons gained consciousness again. Trixie said to get you for help.”

Letting out a groan, Starlight got up and trotted towards the door.

Dangit, Trixie! I told you to not use those spells!
Now I have to stop a melon uprising.

Author's Note:

Oh, Starlight :rainbowlaugh:

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