• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 1,992 Views, 987 Comments

Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Ten and a Half: Candy Doldrums

Icait crept along the floor, one hoof over the other. The Legionnaires watched with genuine amusement, their chilly attitude having softened over the weeks.

Of course, the Windigo could phase through the counter to surprise the gryphoness daydreaming at the register, but what’s the fun in that?

That had already occurred this morning anyhow!

Gelliana’s head may as well have been surrounded by pink clouds with flying hearts, her daydreaming almost on a predictable cycle.

I wonder what it’d be like to feel those things for somecreature?

Well, until I know, I get to tease my friend about it! Of course, then she’d get payback.

But for now, I get to have some fun since Onyx hates being startled.

Icait crept up behind the daydreaming gryphoness, edging forward until she was about a limbs-length away….and…


The gryphoness’s screech and flaring of wings had the Legionnaires in barely-contained snickers, Icait gasping as a very-poofy gryphoness threw a fruit at her.

“Dangit Icait!”

“Too easy!”

The Windigo’s friend grumbled, not able to counter Icait’s giggles.

“I am a bit sorry. You did look rather happy. You’ve been rather daydreamy of late.”

Shrugging her wings, Gelliana gestured outside the shop to the busy streets.

“Well, we aren’t slammed with customers yet, and I’ve had plenty to daydream about.”

“Are the dreams rather toxic?”

Gelliana groaned as she married her head to the counter, Icait smiling all the while.

“I’ll stop. It’s just fun to tease, even if I don’t really understand it.”

“Hmm. Says the mare who I know has been reading romance books from the library at lunchtime.”

That got a bright flush from the Windigo, the mare scuffing at the ground with a mumble.

“’tis interesting…”

“Hellooooo? I’ve been reading about that stuff since I was a chick. Why else do you think I noticed new chapter bookmarks? No reason to be embarrassed because you’re in good company. But last I checked, you probably should figure out friendship-stuff first,” Gelliana remarked. “To that end I’d say you are doing pretty well for somecreature who had no clue what to do a good month or two ago. Fast learner.”

“Well, it just feels right,” Icait admitted. “Just being nice to other creatures.”

“And that’s pretty much the crux of it. Honestly, I wouldn’t really have known you had never been around ponies if I talked to you now. I’d just assume you were anxious or nervous or something”

The mare smiled happily, levitating (an activity which never got old for the Windigo,) a few checklists over to the counter.

“That has been the goal. I’ve been nervous anytime I talk with somecreature, but having you be here has helped a ton.”

“Hey, I just guided you through the weird social stuff I had to learn the hard way! Oh, are we still on for movie night tomorrow?”

“Totally! What is it this time? A mare…something. You said it was a book adaptation? Something about giant rodents?”

I love movie night. Just time with a friend, like a normal pony.

“’A Mare Betrothed,’ and yep, it’s a classic! A bit dated but it’s just a simple, fun, and lighthearted movie,” Gelliana explained, the looking over to the Windigo with a sly grin. “It also centers around a love story.”

The mare mumbled incoherently as she busied herself tidying the counter, knowing full well this was the payback for earlier. Not that she minded of course.

It’s nice having a friend to tease back and forth.

A thought then flitted through her mind, one more common as of late.

I wonder what Onyx is up to?

The odd shadow-pony had been reading up a storm, along with starting the academic portion of being a town guard. Strangely enough, he seemed almost happier. Still grumpy and totally refusing to admit it, but a tad more at ease. He still hadn’t told Icait whatever-it-was that he wanted to talk about though. They had a nice routine though, one that had started quite innocently when Onyx had visited an ice cream shop.

Apparently, that was now one of his favorite foods, and he often brought back a small tub for Icait on such ventures around the town.

I wonder what today’s flavor will be?

“Mint Chocolate Chip!” Onyx proclaimed proudly as he levitated the small container over to the giggling Windigo, clearly finding her amusement at least enjoyable on some level. “Apparently it’s a classic that I should have tried by now. And it is definitely my new favorite.”

“You said that yesterday when you sampled ‘The Chocolate Deluge.”

“…fine. Second favorite.”

The usual grumpiness had fled at least for a few moments, instances that were cropping up fairly regularly.

I still don’t know why. Is this what feeling happy is like?

That’s…a bit of a depressing thought.

Such were the musing of the Shadow-pony, at least in the moments where he wasn’t exploring magical theory. Starlight had authorized him to delve into it, at least under heavy supervision. No spells, no runes or the like. No, this was trying to discover why there was the itch.

That’s what he called it at least. A nagging at the back of his mind, the whisperings of some unseen figure, the sensation of being watched that cropped up every now and again.

He didn’t like it.

And so, in addition to training for the guard, which was fairly mundane, the Shadow-pony continued to learn, and add, to what they knew of the shadow realm. The itch got louder whenever he did that so he must be on the right track.

It was an odd thing, to know something yet have lost the memory. The transformation to this realm had not been a smooth one, nor the severing of the tie with the Emissary. Perhaps that could account for some lack of the knowledge?

No, it isn’t that.

It was like other things Onyx had learned, or rather, re-learned. He had the knowledge, but something had to trigger it. Yet that something seemed to loom rather sinister, even if he didn’t know why.

As long as whatever it is stays away from Icait, we’ll deal with it.

He let out a huff at such a thought, watching the Windigo take a large spoonful of the ice-cream with a happy squeal of approval.

Onyx knew he was smiling, the tell-tale twitch of his mouth on his dark features, even if it was invisible to most others. What he was still struggling to understand was why.

Perhaps not understand, but accept. Starlight had been rather blunt in that fact.

“You know why. You have a friend, somecreature who is fine with being close to you. Maybe that’s something you want even if you don’t know why or to what extent.”

Onyx put the statement out of his mind. He was just struggling to figure out this friendship business, let alone 'to what extent’ implied. Icait seemed to take to this friendship-bubbles-and-rainbows business easily, and while it made logical sense, it still seemed…off to him.

Perhaps it would get easier whenever he told Icait that he wanted to be her friend, or admitted as such. He still needed to do that.

Admit it to myself first perhaps.

And yet as he watched the Windigo float in their apartment, the shadow-pony couldn’t refute Starlight’s words. He did like Icait, but as what, and to what extent he just wasn’t sure.

I guess time is one thing we have. Plenty of it to figure out. Seeing her happy makes me-

A dagger of something dug into Onyx’s chest. If he had a stomach, it twisted and turned, a spike of knowledge coming to the fore.

“Something is here,” he hissed, the two legionnaires inside looking at him in alarm.

“Nothing has tripped the shielding spells, or even the-”

“It’s outside,” Onyx growled, shadows sprouting from his back and shoulders and forming into dagger-like appendages.

It’s watching.

The Shadow’s world vanished for a moment, two familiar white eyes glaring at him with unchecked hatred and malevolence. Flames soared into the sky around Onyx, a grey and black fanged face sneering at him.


In an instant, a key in Onyx’s mind turned slightly, unlocking a peek into what he knew as a tomb of knowledge that still remained closed. Yet that brief peek opened a desperate fear that the Shadow hadn’t ever known.

Who is that?!

And yet the Shadow felt like he should know. What he did know was that he should be afraid.

Tearing through the door and out of the apartment as the Legionnaires cried out, Onyx cleared the steps four at a time, scrambling at the bottom of the stairwell, hooves cracking into the tiles.

Where is it?!

The source of the darkness emanated from something in the alleyway between the apartment building and the warehouse adjacent to them. Onyx darted down the alley, fully aware of the fail-safe spells that were beginning to activate. They would immobilize him in seconds, the legionnaires shortly behind.


A single figure turned in alarm, pausing from talking into an ear-mounted communication crystal. The pony’s eyes then widened in-


The Shadow’s movements faltered as he pinned the terrified stallion to the wall, sharp appendages angled at the pony’s head. The darkness was abruptly gone, the Shadow’s mind clear again as a pony begged for his life.


Letting him down, Onyx skittered back against the brick wall of their appartment, slumping down as the Legionnaires angled their spears towards him. The fail-safe spells anchored him to the ground, a very, very ticked-off mare now appeared at his side.

“Onyx! What. In. The. Actual-”

“Dark magic,” Onyx grunted, causing Starlight to pause in her fury.


“Shadow and death. Something from my realm. It was coming from him,” Onyx stated flatly, pointing to the shaken stallion across from him.

“I sense nothing.”

“Neither do I, not anymore,” Onyx admitted.

Starlight sighed in frustration, helping the random stallion up with a frown.

“I’m sorry about that, Mister…?”

“Wire Strip, Miss Glimmer.”

“You know me?” Starlight asked, Wire Strip nodding briefly as he shook off the nervous remnants, eyes still glancing in worry to Onyx.

“Of course! Your newest commentary on magical theory was fantastic! Oh, I probably should give you this before continuing,” the unicorn grunted, levitating a security clearance badge out of his satchel to present to both the guards and Starlight. “I’m a decontamination technician, I usually work with Specialist Shield. I’m sorry for the mix-up here…I thought I was ok since I showed my badge at the perimeter guards. I just need to meet up with my crew at a nearby warehouse, assuming they bother to show up this time,” Wire grumbled.

Now thoroughly confused, Starlight massaged a temple with a hoof as she cast a magical scan over the other unicorn and shrugged.

“Well, no evidence of any odd magic with you. Onyx is…”

“A shadow pony? If I had to guess?” Wire remarked, looking a bit more curious as he looked at the other stallion. “Not sure what I did.”

“The fault is….” Onyx paused; he couldn’t have imagined it. “Mine? But I do not understand. You were clearly-

“I have a theory,” Starlight interjected before the Shadow could continue. The sharp look in her eyes made Onyx shut up in an instant. “May I run a thorough scan, Wire Strip? It’s nothing too invasive, but examines some odder magics we are investigating.”

“Sure,” Wire replied with a shrug. “I’ve got a minute or two. And I’m more than happy to clear up any misunderstandings.”

Starlight’s horn lit up as she ran another pulse of magic over Wire, causing the stallion to snicker.


Starlight’s expression now lightened, nodding ever so slightly to Onyx.

She found something?

“Wire Strip, I’m going to need you to report to Canterlot. I’ll have guards escort you,” she instructed.

“What? Why?” the stallion asked, ears flattening. “Did I do something wrong?”

She shook her head immediately, sending a brief message to the Princess’s, Twilight included.

“I don’t believe so, but you may be in danger. Onyx here did sense something off about you- but I don’t think it’s you. You said that you have a crew usually?”

“Yeah, we work decontamination, other jobs that require a certain technical finesse.”

“Have any of them seemed off lately?”

Wire strip paused, letting out a hum in thought.

“Not really….well…hmm.” he then nodded, ears perking back up. “Actually, yes! As I said earlier, or did I say it earlier? They have been late to their shifts. Not just one or two of them, but like, half my crew.”

“And that’s not normal?” Starlight asked.

“Normal? I’d say not! The dozen of them are usually early. To have six of them be late by ten or twenty minutes for six assignments in a row? No, that’s is weird.” The unicorn then frowned, then looking genuinely concerned. “Wait a minute. Why haven’t I investigated that? It seemed so normal. I just, accepted it, their odd reasons…”

Starlight gave the dejected stallion a friendly pat on the shoulder, the unicorn nodding in approval as two Royal Guards teleported into the alleyway.

“That makes sense. I think you’ve come in contact with some very, very dangerous ponies, Wire Strip. Onyx must have sensed the magical signature that bled into your own. We’ll take care of this, alright?”

“Ok, thank you, Miss Glimmer.”

“Just Starlight, take care, Wire.”

As the stallion was escorted away, Starlight sat down next to Onyx with a sigh.

“You had me scared for a minute there.”

“Thought I had gone rogue? Put my long-awaited plan into action?” Onyx asked with a huff.

“The thought crossed my mind.”

“I don’t blame you,” Onyx admitted, then nodding to his hooves. “Can I move now, please?”

Starlight released the spells, gesturing to the Legionnaires who now stood at the ready.

“You can’t do that again, Onyx. Things could have turned out a lot worse. What in the world made you do that?”

The shadow swallowed nervously, two white eyes seeming to bore into the back of his head.

“I remembered something. Something dark was here.”

“Can you tell me what exactly?”

Onyx shook his head, the world vanishing as Starlight teleported him and the guards back to the apartment with herself.

“Something evil was here,” Onyx continued, looking at the floor. “I don’t know what it was. Two white eyes, a mouth of fangs.”

An offered silent communication then opened up between him and the unicorn, the two-way mental ‘talking space’ accepted by the powerful mage.

‘Starlight, I was afraid, instinctually so. I think something is going to happen. I don’t know what though.’

The words Onyx couldn’t speak out loud were enough to make Starlight’s eyes narrow, the mare nodding in understanding. To have the grumpy and proud shadow-stallion admit such a thing, even in private was a significant step indeed.

“Just stay here, Onyx. Please remain in your apartment until I get back to you, alright?”

Onyx nodded, a worried Windigo floating over to tentatively poke his shoulder with a hoof.

“Onyx? What was that all about?” Icait asked worryingly. “You just ran out of here, the door is still in pieces.”

Letting out a frustrated grunt, Onyx leaned over on Icait’s shoulder, the Windigo stiffening in surprise. To say he wasn’t in a talking mood was an understatement. Yet knowing Icait was safe eased the Shadow’s heart, the Legionnaires muttering among themselves as Starlight vanished with a magical *pop*.

I was indeed afraid, but not for just myself.
But what was that creature?

He had a feeling that such a question would be answered soon enough, for good or ill.

The Next Day

Gelliana let out a groan, glaring at the pile of papers on her impromptu-workstation in the shop. Icait was out for the afternoon, leaving the gryphoness to handle an influx of orders. She plopped her head on a small waiting pillow, taking a break from the hunched-over posture. It was probably for the best that Icait was out today, but that meant more boring work for the gryphoness.

It was a good thing, the paperwork at least, because that meant more bits were flowing her way. But not so great because of all the repetitive paperwork to fill out. Add to that a rough night of sleeping and tripping down the stairs in the morning, and it had not been a pleasant start of the day. Then there was a lack of her usual comfort lunch and more forms. A rather unpleasant dream didn’t help the gryphoness’s mood; she could definitely sympathize with Toxic on that one. A nasty thunderstorm had rolled through during the night which explained that much. Not so much the rain and thunder, but the wind.

Toxic wasn’t the only one who got yanked back to the past; part of the reason why Gelliana didn’t hold it against him in the slightest. He just hadn’t learned about all of the gryphoness’s idiosyncrasies yet. If she held any of the stallion’s anxieties against him, she’d be quite the hypocrite.

Some things you never really get over, just lessens the impact.

Ugh. Today was not shaping up to be a happy one. Her back was now starting to ache, penance from hunching over the counter. Serves her right for not watching her posture; she knew this happened. Either she had definitely slept funny, or that storm had taken more out of the gryphoness than she thought. It felt like her body had been hit by a train; not in the immediate pain sense, but every part of her just…bleh.

At least she had the memory of yesterday’s date to daydream about. A visit to a frozen-yogurt shop had been just amazing.

Oh, it was fantastic. Toxic makes the best faces.

Like the majority of their other dates, the conversation had just been light and cheerful, ranging from curious topics to downright ridiculous.

Such as ‘what flavor would best be suited for ice-cream monsters to take over Equestria.’

It. Was. Awesome.

And the answer to the monster question was definitely decided to be mousse chocolate chip. Death by chocolate overload.

A stallion who isn’t afraid to express a bit of random silliness is fun! And it’s a balance; he’s not too all over the place, but tooootally not afraid to go down a crazy conversation rabbit hole or pull a ridiculous face!

Said pony had then taken a particularly brave bite of one of the many concoctions they had taste-tested at the shop, wanting to prove to Gelliana he could handle the brain freeze. He wasn’t a colt after all!

Toxic had been wrong, so, so wrong.

The agonizing face of brain-freezing agony he had pulled seemed frozen in time for a solid few seconds, the sight of which had Gelliana in such mirth that she hadn’t been able to breath. Tears having streamed from her eyes as her coltfriend had writhed in pain.

“I admit defeat,” he had finally pouted, glaring at the offensive chocolate-mousse frozen yogurt.

That had been a good day.

And then he had given me some parchments enchanted to reach him whenever. It’s like fast mail! I know I sent one this morning, but I think he said the spell had to recharge every hour or two.

One more order form was filled out and set aside, another few minutes of running the numbers for the cost. It was productive, but just so-

“Wow. That looks boring.”

Gelliana let out a screech, papers flying everywhere as her amused coltfriend laughed, magic having muffled his hoof steps and teleportation sound moments ago. A telekinetic grip caught the papers and put them back in order, the stallion smiling to his now-poofy gryphoness.


That did not help Gelliana’s state as she smoothed her feathers, a soft grumble making the stallion frown.

“Sorry, this a bad time?” he asked sincerely. “Your parchment this morning didn’t sound very happy, so I thought I’d say hello.”

“A bit. Just a bunch of paperwork that I have to do,” the gryphoness admitted, ears then flattening against her skull. “And then tripping down the stairs when I was half asleep, after not even sleeping that well. Not a great dream, waking up every few hours, and then it turns out I have more paperwork than I originally assumed which is annoying. My back hurts from hunching over the blasted counter, and then I was out of my favorite stew for lunch, and-”

Toxic took a few steps forward and wrapped his special somegriff up in a gentle hug, the gryphoness immediately melting into his arms as Gelliana’s words trailed off. He didn’t say anything, only supported her weight as she leaned into the gesture, burying her head into Toxic’s shoulder.

Her ears naturally honed in on a steady, slightly-faster-than-normal sound, the strong heartbeat thudding away in the chest that rose and fell against hers with every breath. The stallion rested his cheek against hers, otherwise not moving as he held his distressed special-somegriff close.

She wasn’t sure how long Toxic held her in a hug; she obviously could have pulled away at any time but why would she want to? What Gelliana did know was that her previously cruddy day was suddenly much, much better.

How have I never noticed his fur smells nice? What kind of shampoo is that?

‘Toxic’ indeed.

The gentle nuzzles the stallion gave her across a cheek made Gelliana’s heart skip a few beats, her own arms tightening around him.

“Thank you,” she whispered, Toxic’s chest moving slightly in a soft huff of acknowledgement.

I could fall asleep like this.

In fact, she most certainly wanted to do just that.

Letting out a rebellious grumble, Gelliana broke the embrace slightly, still leaning on Toxic’s shoulder as she sat next to him.

“Tox, I’m afraid I’m going to fall asleep in your arms, and I still have these order forms to complete,” Gelliana sighed, letting out a yawn. “But I really do wish I could do just that.”

The amused look Toxic was giving her made the gryphoness’s ears perk up.


“I guess I have a nickname now too?”

Blinking owlishly, Gelliana tilted her head.


“You called me ‘Tox.”

An embarrassed blush and stammering reply were cut off by Toxic resting his head against hers.

“I like it, and I don’t mind at all. It may take a bit of getting used to though.”

“O-ok. I didn’t really even think about it.”

“Well, let me know if you come up with a different one. In the meantime, how about I help you with these forms?”

Gelliana smiled, gesturing to the stack of papers tiredly.

“I’d really like that. I don’t think you’ll know how to fill them out though.”

“Well, I can just work on my own bits of paperwork next to you and give some company, or I could read your forms out loud?” he then winced, letting out a soft chuckle. “Actually, that might put you to sleep with the whole ‘slight monotone’ thing.”

The stallion saw Gelliana’s eyes drooping, the pony scooting a bit closer.

“New plan. You rest for forty minutes or so, and I’ll wake you up. Then we can go from there?”

The poor gryphoness was already halfway to sleep, sagging against the unicorn’s shoulder with a soft hum of agreement.

“Thanks, Toxic,” she mumbled, nuzzling his shoulder with a content sigh.

The unicorn waited for Gelliana’s breathing to settle into a steady, sleepy rhythm before daring to move. Sliding the pillow over, he carefully set her head down into a more comfortable position. He sat next to her, teleporting a list of to-do items for the Organization that he wanted to go over.

Rather abruptly, Gelliana let out a mumble, reaching over with a set of claws and hugging Toxic’s right forelimb close, refusing to let go.

“Well, glad I can go over this with only one hoof,” Toxic said softly, not missing the slight smile on the sleeping gryphoness’s face.

A few hours later

Letting out a yawn, Toxic stood in the light decontamination shower at the entrance to his apartment, the usual procedure not taking more than a minute and assaying any nerves concerning the matter. A day spent with Gelliana was a good one indeed, especially if he could make it better for the tired gryphoness.

“She has been there for me more times than not; I’m just happy to repay the favor,” Toxic said to himself. When you operated alone on assignments, talking to one’s self was commonplace. It was a nice way to think out-loud too.

When alone that is. Toxic was self aware enough to understand that such a thing might be one too many idiosyncrasies to put up with for many. Then again, he had talked out loud with Gelliana, and she had seemed to find it rather endearing.

She was full of surprises it would seem.

“Read through a few plans, and then bed,” he mused. “Maybe check in on Gels tomorrow. Still no new jobs.”

After another shower (this one with normal soap and hot water,) the stallion settled on his bed, looking through a large folder of plans for his Organization. It wasn’t good to mix work and sleeping space, but seeing all the check marks on the ‘to do’ list put his heart at ease.

Yet something seemed to be pulling him towards a keypad on the wall. An urge, a nudge to do something.

“What in the world?” Toxic muttered, getting out of bed and staring at the crystal control. It was his apartments security system; a marvel designed by a certain Yak to prevent any intruders from entering, and dealing with those who did. Thankfully in downtown Canterlot it had never been needed, that’s why it was always on the typical setting. Immobilize and call the authorities.

Yet something was nudging Toxic’s mind, as though a soft, concerned voice was trying to tell him something.

Whatever this voice was, it sounded concerned, worrying.

“Did I get a spirit guide all of a sudden? A few years late, I think. It has been ages since I helped that that soothsayer’s tribe,” Toxic huffed.

And yet the nudging persisted. Toxic knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep or even relax until it was quiet. It was like a nagging thirst or an anxious twitching in one’s limbs that would occupy all thought until sated.

“I armed the system, what now?” he asked the empty air. As he stared at the controls, a slight chill ran down his spine.

I know that feeling.

In a smooth motion, the unicorn spun around and charged his horn with a spell, confronting the creature staring at-

An empty apartment stared back at the unicorn, the pony shuddering.

All spells are intact, but why does it feel like something is watching me? Eyes drilling into the back of my head.

The odd nudging voice seemed rather happy at that realization, and that was all it took for the Specialist to arm the system to full capacity.

‘Warning. All auditory and arcane immobilization systems will be fully charged and activated. Maximum power levels may cause severe damage to intruders. Confirm activation?’

Tapping the ‘yes’ option, Toxic sighed in relief as the pressure on his mind vanished. The system had enough power to freeze a dozen ponies in place and blast them into unconsciousness.

Overkill only to those who didn’t have a lot to lose.

Happily trotting back over to the bed, the stallion let out a loud sigh as a familiar nudge came back.

“Whaaaaaaaat?” he groaned. Such annoyance vanished as the nudging directed him to a hidden compartment underneath his nightstand.

“You have got to be kidding me. Am I just paranoid today?”

Not the first time that would have happened. I know well enough that hunches can be harmless…or save your life.

As he had in the past with many a job, Toxic decided to err on the side of caution and indulge this anxious gut feeling. He retrieved a large metal bracer and set it on the nightstand. It was a simple enough device; mana crystals wrapped around a gauntlet that would direct magical energy in a blast wherever the unicorn pointed it. Toxic had practiced it plenty of times after Varti sculpted it into existence, the device actually one of the stallion’s ideas. It had many applications; allowing non-magic users access to spells and so forth. In this case, it was a simple directed-energy weapon for a unicorn, a supplement to their own magic and potentially an addition to one of his hazard suits. It was a handy thing to have if one’s own horn became immobilized.

Or if you didn’t have the time to or awareness to charge a spell.

Clipping on a security bracelet, Toxic went through the rounds of getting ready for bed before flopping onto the covers. The bracelet would deliver a painful shock to his limb if the security system activated, pulling the stallion out of even the most vivid nightmare or deep sleep.

“Why do I feel like I am not going to get a lot of sleep tonight?” Toxic grumbled.

Whatever the ‘nudging’ force was, it seemed sadly amused by that fact.

Two white eyes narrowed in anticipation, locking onto the gryphon bowing before them.

“See to it your role is played. Give the order.”

“Of course, my Lord.”

Author's Note:

This weekend's release is a big two-parter :pinkiehappy: So here's part one! It was supposed to be just small teaser. Seriously. I swear it started out as just 1.5k words or so.

Whoops. :facehoof:

Stay tuned for part two tomorrow. :trollestia:

Poor Wire Strip though, poor pony can't get a break! But we get some development with our resident Shadow Pony, Icait, and some adorable fluffy moments.

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