• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 1,993 Views, 987 Comments

Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Eight: A Date

“So, Varti, how is the complex?”

“It’s fine, Toxic. This is the third time you’ve called today. A bit nervous?”


“Uh huh.”

“Alright, maybe? But can you blame me?”

The yak’s rumbling chuckle rattled Toxic’s bones, the stallion nervously pacing in one of many Tall-Tale’s parks.

“I won’t bore you with advice, because I certainly may not be the best to give it. I am only a year or two your senior, and single. But Toxic?”


“Tell your doubts to shut up and just be yourself. If she doesn’t like that? Well, not worth it.”

“…I think that helps, thanks, Varti.”

“Oh, also,” the Professor’s voice got noticeably softer and carried a gentle tone, even over the communicator. “Remember, this gryphoness saw some of the worst demons you’ve had to face and what they did to you, and she helped. Didn’t run, freeze, laugh, or scorn. She helped. That has to count for something.”

Toxic couldn’t help but smile, now meandering towards a certain herbalist shop.

“I think that counts for quite a bit, Varti. Thank you for putting it in perspective.”

“Well, I’m much taller than you. I obviously have a different perspective you greatly need!”

The poor joke made Toxic chuckle, Varti ending the call with his well-wishes.

That is a good point. The most unappealing aspect of my job didn’t make Gelliana flinch.
And she doesn’t seem to mind my voice. Maybe….

A flicker of hope kindled in Toxic’s heart. Small and easily doused, but it was there. Instead of nerves a bit of genuine excitement spurred on his steps now as he got closer.

And I already know her a bit. This might actually be fun.

Walking into the shop, Toxic glanced around briefly, not seeing Icait around. He trotted over to the counter and rang the bell, noting a rather odd implement set near the register.

Is that a dagger?

Gelliana let out a happy chirp, hearing the bell and hastily smoothing down her feathers. After some last-minute pruning in her greenhouse to calm some nerves the gryphoness had busied about making sure the shop was set to be closed for lunch.

I assume that’s Toxic downstairs?
Feathers smoothed.
Deep breaths.

Walking down the staircases and through the various doors to her shop, Gelliana looked around, indeed spotting a familiar black-maned unicorn.

“Hey, T-toxic?” she asked, mentally wincing at her stutter, as always.

Toxic’s ears immediately perked up, the peppy aura the unicorn radiating taking the edge off Gelly’s nerves. His eyes then drifted to…her shoulder?

“Hmm. A fan of daggers?” he asked, gesturing to near the register and then back to the gryphoness.

Her feathers fluffed immediately, Gelliana realizing she still had one of her blades strapped to her forearm from pruning some stubborn plants and practice-throwing.

“I, um-”

“Can I see one of them?” Toxic asked curiously, the surprised gryphoness nodding and offering the weapon with a smooth draw. His sincere curiosity was rather befuddling, and Gelly wasn’t entirely sure what to think. No explanation requested, nothing of the sort.

He’s just, accepting.

Looking over the dagger in his magic, the unicorn let out an interested hum.

“I don’t know much about daggers,” he murmured, “but I do know when there’s a really good balanced blade, one with love and care in its design. Did you make this one by chance?”

What Gelliana’s sharp eyes didn’t miss was the way the unicorn examined the weapon in his hoof without magic, giving it what he must have thought looked like an amateurish twirl.

Except, it very much wasn’t amateurish in the least.

Doesn’t know much about them? Huh. I don’t think that’s the whole truth…

On taking the blade back, Gelly shook her head firmly, gesturing outside the shop.
“N-no, there’s a local b-blacksmith I get them from,” she explained. “I order the raw ore from my family’s business and he refines it.”

“Into some rather beautiful blades. I may have to ask which smith it is for some of my own personal projects,” Toxic remarked, making Gelly’s ears perk up.


He waved a hoof, gesturing outside with a smile.

“Perhaps lunch first? Sorry, didn’t mean to get sidetracked. I think I found a good place to eat but may request a second opinion when we get on the main road.”

Gelliana unstrapped the dagger and shook her head, following the unicorn outside with a tentative smile of her own.

“No, it’s f-fine. It’s nice talking to someone about such things without a bit of, well, judgement.”

“Ah, I understand that,” Toxic mused. “So, is it just a general interest? Or do you use daggers and knives for your greenhouse work,” he asked as they walked.

“Both, actually. I’ve loved the idea of throwing knives for years, and while they do have a use in my greenhouse, they’re just also nice to have,” Gelliana admitted. Her ears then flattened on her next thought. “Also, being a small gryphoness comes with disadvantages that a dagger helps counteract.”

“But plenty of strengths too, I imagine,” Toxic replied immediately, his green eyes flickering over to the gryphoness. “But I get it.”

His last few words offset his casual remark, something Gelliana could appreciate.

Immediately not wanting to make me talk down about myself, but then acknowledging it.

That’s actually really sweet.

“Uh, Gelly?”

The gryphoness snapped out of her apparent daze, looking over to Toxic, his curious green eyes meeting hers for a split second.

“S-sorry. Lost in thought,” she mumbled, her sensitive feathers immediately fluffing, again.

“Happens to everyone. I was wondering if that diner on South Horseshoe Avenue is any good? The one with the bowl of noodles and the picture of a goose and panda on the front?”

Gelliana’s ears perked up immediately, the herbalist nodding in agreement.

“Ooooh I haven’t been there in ages, but it’s really good!” she replied. “They have spices from all over, and serve pretty much ever species. Fish, veggies, fruits; all with noodles!”

Her exuberance elicited an immediate smile from Toxic, the stallion letting out a hum as they walked down the neat cobblestone streets towards the shop.

“So, are you a fan of fish then? I’ll have to stick with the fruits and vegetables of course,” he asked.

“Actually, I can’t eat fish or meat in general,” Gelliana admitted, finding the surprised but interested look on the pony’s face rather endearing. “I’m rusty on the genetics, but something about a bit of parrot ancestry affecting my stomach. Oh, what was it? A series of Resetting genes?”

“Recessive?” Toxic suggested, Gelly nodding and gesturing with a claw.

“Recessive! That’s the word. It has been years since I looked up on it. Basically, I got an odd roll of the dice. Look like a fierce eagle but eat fruits, vegetables and the like,” Gelliana explained.

“Hmm. I can see the ‘fierce’ bit to be sure,” he mused, Gelliana letting out a soft grumble.

“It’s the darker highlights around my eyes. It makes me look like I’m always angry at someone or about to bite them. Not the best for first impressions.”

Toxic nodded in understanding, a slightly wry smirk dawning on his face for a moment.

“Hmm. Well I’d say your first impressions with me were quite fantastic.”

The mischievous glint in Toxic’s green eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Gelliana as her feathers fluffed again at the remark, and the gryphoness had a feeling that was going to be a common occurrence.

Not that I mind.

“Ok, now you’re trying to get me to look like a feather duster,” she said, rather interested in what his response would be.

“Won’t deny it!” he proclaimed with a grin.

Obviously, that didn’t help the gryphoness’s situation in the slightest, much to the stallion’s clear amusement.

After a lengthy chat about the types of noodles the restaurant offered (to which Toxic did refrain from causing any more feathery mischief,) the pair arrived at the eatery. The green and brown wooden structure held a very rustic appearance, painted much like a forest decorated with mossy draping from the branches. The interior was a similar shade of rough wood, but sleek, modern stone stuck out from sculptures and light fixtures above their heads.

They were quickly shown to a booth, the two taking a long, hard look at the menus.

“Gelliana, I have no idea what to order,” Toxic mused as he looked over the options. “Maybe staying safe? Eh, but spicy is tasty.”

“Fair warning, when they say spicy, they mean spicy,” Gelliana cautioned, settling with a new, but somewhat-similar mildly spicy nut-noodle bowl. “Seriously. My best friend Marigold and I ate here once and she thought the same thing. Turns out their ‘medium’ made the poor mare nearly drown herself in an ice bath. So, they really mean it.”

“Oh, do they?” he asked with a chuckle, looking at the menu more intently. “In that case, I’ll go fooooooooor…the number eighteen. Extra spice.”

Gelliana blinked, looking at the item and then staring at the grinning stallion.

“Uh, the one that has the subscript of ‘a health waiver will be provided’?”


A tad confused, Gelliana shrugged, not entirely sure why he would want to go to the hospital.

“If you’re trying to impress me, you already did that with your job,” she said, “No need to get your stomach pumped on my account.”

The slightest embarrassed flush on Toxic’s cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by the gryphoness, neither did his stammering for a response.

“Erm…I…” he let out a frustrated huff, looking up at the gryphoness. “Sorry, with how unpleasant that experience was, the last thing I expected was a sort of compliment. I admit it’s a mixed bag of emotions with my job.”

“Well, how about we leave that out of conversation over food?” Gelly suggested. “Good to know though. I figured it was a sore subject, just didn’t want to bring it up too much or something.”

“Nah, you’re fine. But definitely not a ‘while you’re eating’ topic,” Toxic replied in agreement. “Especially with such lovely company.”

The glare Gelliana shot Toxic’s way had the stallion stifling a cackling laugh, the absolute indignant gryphoness immediately responding to his words.

Or rather, her feathers did.

For a brief second, Toxic wondered if he went too far but the blush on Gelliana’s cheeks and the rather shy smile on her beak banished those thoughts.

Ok, tone it down.

Goodness what has gotten into me.

…sleep deprivation most likely. And just being happy to be on a sort of date?

Regardless, I know her, but not THAT well.

It is a lot of fun though.

“Sorry, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Toxic replied, the gryphoness immediately shaking her head, ears perking up.

“No, you’re fine! It’s just unexpected,” Gelly admitted, her violet eyes looking up to meet his for a moment.

I do love that color though. One of the first things I noticed about-

Ugh. Down, Toxic. Am I that easily drawn in? Has it really been that long since somecreature has…
Let’s not answer that question.

Toxic found his muzzle poked by a menu, Gelliana looking at him curiously.

“You ok there?”

The stallion chuckled, nodding as he recalled their previous conversation.

“Just zoned out, sorry. Lack of sleep makes that occur a bit more often than normal,” he admitted. “But the teas have been helping.”

Gelliana smiled gently, her demeanor having shifted to be a bit shyer now that they were in public. She still seemed comfortable, but not having the same eager, outgoing energy in her shop.

‘Reserved’ isn’t the word. ‘Gentle’ perhaps?
Either way, interesting to see she has two sides, and both are rather lovely.

Their waiter, a tan unicorn mare then interrupted the two, taking their orders (and promising to get two health waivers for the eager stallion.)

“I wonder if I’ll get my picture on the wall,” Toxic mused, “it is cheating though.”

“How so?”

Toxic poked his throat with a hoof, letting out a frustrated grumble.

“I’m immune to a lot of stuff, quite a few general chemicals that cause hot ‘spice’ included,” he replied. “Usually I get all of the taste, but none of the heat. There are a few things that I get a good burn out of, but it has to be a certain kind of spice, five or six different chemicals do it, but there’s a limit to that too.”

“Huh. So, you could down that entire bowl of peppers…”

“And probably not even sniffle,” Toxic finished. “But I like the burn!” he said with an exaggerated pout.

Gelliana couldn’t help but grin at that.

“That, is a unique problem indeed,” she said, then looking up at the stallion curiously. “You know, you asked about me in the shop, and I was left wanting to know a bit more about you.”


Apparently, the amulet conveyed the excitement into Toxic’s voice, the stallion blushing as Gelliana grinned.

“Very much so. We already covered work and what my family does, but what about you? I’m curious about your family too.”

The stallion knew there was a bit of warmth on his cheeks, a fluttery excitement in his chest that Toxic sought to reign in with his words.

No excited babbling.

“Well, my dad works with one of the Airship manufacturing companies in Canterlot. He helps refine and re-design various engines, specifically. So, a mechanical engineer I suppose? Kind of a combination of things,” Toxic explained. “Mother was actually a chef before having my siblings, still kept up with it though.”

“So, are you the youngest? Or…”

“Oldest, actually,” Toxic chuckled. “It wouldn’t surprise me if my parents have a tongue-in-cheek-checklist. ‘First kid, ok, he graduated school? Check! Stable job? Check! Ok, so far so good! Go son go!’” the stallion waved a hoof in exaggeration as Gelliana giggled. “I have three younger siblings. A sister only a few years from me, a brother, and then the youngest sister who is just finishing her high school experience.”

“A chef? It’s a wonder you aren’t shaped like a balloon, all that good food,” Gelliana replied with a grin, Toxic reaching over to poke his side with a hoof.

“I’ve had to take extra care to avoid that. She discovered a knack for pies a few years ago…” he glanced up to the attentive gryphoness, her violet eyes locked onto his.

Well, at least she can’t hear my heartbeat. Throwing me for a loop, Gelly. Appearing rather fierce until someone gets a good look at those violet eyes.


Gelliana had to fight down a silly grin on hearing Toxic’s heart thud a bit faster, green eyes looking at her curiously. Any nerves had long since fled and the gryphoness was fairly certain that having an interesting and attractive stallion being interested in her accounted for a far portion of that.

When was the last time I felt like this? Something similar with the other…individuals. But just this sincerity? And him being kind of a goof?

Points to Toxic, that’s for sure. Wait. Say something. NO ZONING OUT!

“Hmm. Pies are really good. It’s a toss-up between apple and pumpkin for me,” Gelly mused as the stallion nodded in agreement.

“Ooooh those are fantastic ones. Blueberry and cherry are great with ice cream; perhaps this is a bad thing to think about even before we’ve eaten?” Toxic asked. “But maybe we could stop by a pie shop after?”

Or for a second dat- SLOW DOWN GIRL.

Don’t get too excited, avoid a letdown if things don’t work out.

“Hmm, if we’re not stuffed, and if you can still feel your mouth,” Gelliana replied, Toxic grinning as he glanced back towards the kitchen.

“If I can’t I’d be quite happy. Has been a while since I’ve been able to taste that sort of burn. So, what about your family? You said they were stone smiths?”

“Yup! Well, my mom is at least. My dad is a metal-smith, but he mostly manages a bunch of mines and metal processing plants nowadays,” Gelliana explained. “No siblings, but a gryphoness growing up with two earth pony parents was, I dunno, it seemed normal to me. Obviously in hindsight it definitely wasn’t though.”

“Eh. Normal is boring,” Toxic waved a hoof dismissively. “Family is family. No matter how unique it may be. I don’t want to overstep, but did you become a part of their family when you were older? Or younger?”

That’s nice phrasing, instead of just ‘when were you adopted?’ A small thing, but meaningful. You are one thoughtful stallion, Toxic.

“When I was a chick. No memories of Griffinstone or the like,” Gelliana replied. “So as far as I knew, they were my mom and dad. Obviously, they explained things when I was old enough to understand, but it was never a negative thing, always a positive one.”

“That’s nice to hear. I know it can be a touchy subject to talk with a child about, among other things.”

“No kidding. I don’t remember this, but the first time they told me the basics about being adopted and stuff, I just looked at them and shrugged. ‘So, you’re my mom and dad still, right?’ They nodded, and I apparently just grinned. ‘Cool! Ok! Now where are we going for lunch?’”

Toxic couldn’t help but laugh, a cheery grin on his face at that.

“Ok, that is adorable. The innocent acceptance of a youngster. Your parents must have been so nervous at first!”

“Oh, I apparently rendered them speechless, which is a feat indeed. But yep! That’s how that all happened. They’re still back at home waaaaaay south of here. Kind of moved to Tall Tale to be on my own years ago, and I’d say it turned out pretty well.”

“So, when did you open up the shop? It looked pretty well established.”

“That was actually within the first year or two. I had been working in my family’s business with metalwork and processing orders, so I had some savings,” Gelliana said, “This honestly was just an incredible stroke of luck. A really lovely mare owned this house and the greenhouse- used to be a flower shop. She was getting rather elderly, and she and her husband were moving to Canterlot for some well-earned retirement. I helped out on the weekends with the shop, and she gave me the entire building for a handful of bits.”

Gelliana couldn’t help but smile, recalling the grey-maned mare.

“She threatened to smack me with her walking stick if I didn’t accept the low price. I believe her exact words were ‘You’ve been helping every week with this shop, and I’d hate to see it bulldozed for some ugly high-rise. Just promise me to grow something in it, even if it’s a cactus!”

Chuckling at that, Toxic gestured to a nearby plant.

“Well, I’d say you have a bit more than a cactus. Isn’t that something you have? I recognize it.”


The gryphoness was about to elaborate when two large steaming bowls were placed in front of them, Toxic’s green eyes dilating at the smell.

“Oh, that smells great,” he murmured, stifling a laugh as Gelliana caught wind of it an immediately had her eyes tear up.

“Oh my gosh, that smells amazing but…ow! How can a smell hurt me?” she asked, Toxic not able to resist laughing at that, a simple cast of magic removing the aggressive steam and causing it to rise straight up and away from Gelliana.

“There we go, sorry. I totally forgot about that,” Toxic admitted. “Hopefully no more smells that try and bully you.”

The gryphoness couldn’t help herself. It was a joke and such a simple gesture, and yet…

Just simple thoughtfulness. How can I not appreciate that? Really really like that?

I am NOT tearing up over this.

It’s the spice.


“Uh, Gelly?” Toxic asked, clearly noticing a slight poofing of his date’s feathers and watery eyes. “Did I cast the spell wrong? Evil bullying steam making its way over there?”

“N-no, Toxic, it’s fine,” Gelliana replied. The stallion clearly didn’t miss how her voice was a bit gentler and softer, a sincere and slightly shy smile on her beak. “Just…that was rather sweet.”

Toxic’s reaction didn’t help the flutters in Gelly’s chest, the stallion opening and closing his mouth as though planning to say something, but no words came. He shrugged slightly, averting his eyes briefly before glancing up to the gryphoness with the faintest flush on his cheeks.

You have no right being that sweet.

Dangit, Toxic. You are not making this easy for me.

Deciding to end the slightly awkward silence, Toxic promptly levitated some chopsticks to deliver some noodles into his waiting mouth. Gelliana could only smile as she did the same. The blissful moan that then emanated from the stallion made her nearly fall out of her chair laughing however.

I never thought I’d be jealous of some noodles, but here we are.

“Somepony happy?” Gelliana giggled as a goofy grin was cemented on Toxic’s face, the stallion eagerly twirling in another mouthful.


Two of the waitress mares simply stared, not sure how to react to the pony that was demolishing what should be the hottest item on the menu.

A few mouthfuls later, Toxic took a break and breathed in the steam.

“My mouth burns. You have no idea how nice that feels,” he murmured as Gelly smiled.

“I don’t suppose I do, and in this case, I’ll gladly pass on that chance. I think that sauce would melt my feathers.”

A chuckle was Toxic’s response, the pony actually spooning some raw sauce into his mouth.

“No worries about that. Unless I kiss you, you’re safe, and that’d be mean.”

Considering how Gelliana was struggling to breath from laughter at the mental image, Toxic couldn’t help but smile.

“T-that’d be the worst prank ever!” Gelly gasped, “Eat a bunch of spicy peppers and then give your special somecreature a kiss!”

The grin on Toxic’s face refused to leave, the adorable gryphoness thoroughly enjoying herself. Even though the topic edged onto a darker fear, the stallion had to admit it would be a rather glorious prank.

One that I can try perhaps, with whoever that may be.

“But that would be mean, unless they liked spicy things,” Toxic mused as Gelliana nodded in agreement, the stallion deciding to turn up the cheekiness a bit. “Well, I suppose it’s a good thing I don’t kiss on the first date.”

He was rewarded by an immediate fluffing of feathers and a glare, Toxic not able to resist a chuckle. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. I can stop if you’d like.”

The attempt at pouting didn’t help decrease Gelliana’s rather cute grumblings as she shook her head, Toxic taking another happy bite of his noodles.

“It’s not a matter of not liking. I’ve never really had a creature to joke around with like that,” Gelliana admitted softly. Her soft-spoken side radiated an immediate gentleness, something Toxic was quickly growing to enjoy.

“Well, I don’t want to push my luck.”

“You definitely aren’t…yet.” Gelly replied with a bit more energetic smile, ears then perking up as something came to mind. “Oh, I was wondering, what did you mean back in the shop?” she asked. “When you yelled at that Legionnaire?” the gryphoness then paused with a sly smirk. “Or do I need to rent a hotel room for you and those noodles?”

Toxic nearly choked at that, the stallion glaring at the gryphoness as she laughed at the simple payback.

I was NOT expecting that from her. You’ve got a bit of spice of your own it would seem.

“Well played,” he grumbled. “But the ‘helmet’ thing? That’s a fun story actually.”

The pony’s heart did a flip in his chest as Gelliana planted her cheeks on her claws, looking over at him curiously.

“I’m all ears!”

Not on the gorgeous fluffy gryphoness.
And those eyes. Those incredible-

...say something.

“Right! Hammer! Um,” Toxic stammered, shaking his head before continuing. “So, when Hammer was in the training program for the legionnaires, part of it is having an immaculate uniform. And more often than not, he’d have his helmet either loose or not perfectly situated. Sooooooooo…”

The grin on Gelly’s face indicated she could see where this was going.

“Every time it wasn’t up to par, I’d yell ‘Helmet’ at the top of my lungs only an inch from his face. And sure enough, it eventually fixed the issue. Usually his hoof flew up to adjust the helmet, hence why he moved in the shop. Oh, that was a fun few months,” Toxic mused.

“You helped him a lot?” she asked.

Choose your words carefully, Toxic…

“Yeah, just as a mentor of sorts,” Toxic replied nonchalantly. “It’s a grueling program, so helping him with various practices and studying material. But in the end, you have to stand on your own hooves.”

Ooooh, very nice.

“That makes sense,” Gelliana said, the pair having a moment of silence as the waiter now took their empty bowls and replaced it with a receipt. Any argument was immediately forestalled by Toxic setting some bits down, the stallion smiling after scrawling a brief note to the staff.

“I asked you, so I pay,” the pony said gently, tone still carrying with it a no-argument edge.

“I won’t try to contest that, I know you’d win,” Gelliana replied with a grin of her own.

Should I?
It’s not a matter of should, but when. Now is a good a time as any, I guess.

“Hey, Gelly?” Toxic asked, feeling his heart start to thud about the same time Gelliana’s ears perked up.


“Well, I paid for this date. Maybe we can split the bill if you want to go on a second-”


Gelliana clamped her talons over her beak, Toxic staring in shock before laughing, a dopey grin plastered on his face.

Just, an immediate yes?

She wants to?

“Sorry, I hope you were going to say second date?” Gelliana whispered, feathers returning to their usual flustered state as her voice drifted into a softer, more shy tone.

“I most certainly was. And I have no reply to that other than, ‘awesome,’” Toxic admitted, knowing full well the smile on his face was not about to leave anytime soon. “And I would hope you aren’t really sorry though. I, uh, wasn’t really expecting such a sudden answer.”

“Well, you certainly deserve such an answer, to be frank,” the gryphoness added softly. “And no, I’m not sorry about the answer, only for interrupting.”

“I…” words failed the stallion, his green eyes meeting her own tentative violet gaze. “Thank you, Gelliana.”

She nodded shyly back, clearly still flustered by her outburst.

“Sooo, maybe day after tomorrow? I’ve got to attend some meetings in Canterlot tomorrow, to which I’m totally looking forward to,” Toxic grumbled with a roll of his eyes. “I already have a pastry-themed idea.”

“Oh?” The immediate energy that was back in Gelliana’s voice and demeanor somehow complimented her still gentle voice, but now caring with genuine excitement.

“How good are you at baking? I admit my skills are rather basic.”

“I mean, I made bread a few times with a recipe? Same with some desserts? That’s not counting the time I accidentally made muffins instead of waffles.”

Toxic opened his mouth, then closed it as his brow furrowed.

“How…is that even…”

Gelliana smiled, making the stallion blush as she winked at him.

“I’ll tell you on our next date.”

‘Next Date.’

The pony had often wondered what it meant when someone described their demeanor as ‘melting.’

Well, now he knew.

She’s looking forward to it? Excited for it?

How do I respond to this?

As they walked outside, Toxic took a breath of the fresh air, levitating a large package next to the door beside him.

“Uh, Toxic?” Gelliana asked, gesturing to the large item.

That, is as much of their sauce that they could fit into a container, and I plan on ordering more,” Toxic proclaimed proudly as Gelliana stifled a giggle.

“You love that sauce, huh?”

“Sooooo gooooooooooooood.”

Shaking her head in mirth, Gelliana looked around, clearly a tad uncertain as to how to leave things.

You’ve been bold this far. May as well give it a shot.

Feeling like a hug may be just a tad awkward for the situation, and the fact they were more than a pace or two apart, Toxic opted for a different gesture, one that was definitely rolling the dice. It was older, more common during an older period of Equestrian and, more importantly, Gryphon history, but it made a point rather well.

Reaching down with a hoof, Toxic picked up and held a set of Gelliana’s claws gently, smiling sincerely as he glanced at the gryphoness who looked up in surprise.

“I really did have a fun time, Gelly,” he said softly. “So, same time, day after tomorrow? Maybe we can meet at your shop?”

“Y-yes, s-sounds good!”

His chanced gesture was met with the brightest blush of the day, the gryphoness stammering a reply as the stallion put her talons back down.

“So, see you then?”

“S-see you!” Gelliana waved as the unicorn trotted of, sauce-cargo in tow.

I think that went well? Toxic mused as he meandered the streets, deciding to look around a bit before teleporting back to his apartment.

I mean, she said yes? And I have a second date?

I just need to be careful. I really want to trust her though…

Despite the nervous pit in his stomach that grew at that thought, it faded rather quickly as two violet eyes returned to Toxic’s mind.

I think I can trust her though. This seems different than the other times. Not guarded, at all, just nervous and curious.

The warm glow in his chest made the unicorn sit down after returning to his Canterlot dwelling, Toxic poking at the amulet around his neck.

Despite it all, she was eager to have another date with me, excited to…
Someone excited to be around me.

That thought made a bit of heat brim around Toxic’s eyes, the stallion shaking his head to clear it with a breath. That didn’t solve the problem, the warmth now firmly seated in his chest.

Maybe I can start trusting again. Maybe she’s the one to take another chance with.
I wonder what she’s thinking though? Hopefully I didn’t make a total fool of myself…

Gelliana slid against the wall of her shop, a blissful smile on her face as the gryphoness wrapped her arms around her torso. Her first date in ages, and it went perfectly!

Well, sort of perfectly. You were a puffball most of the time.
But at least Toxic enjoys that?

And holding my talons at the end. Not a hug, but an old knight-and-princess gesture!

She let out a soft squeal at that thought, knowing that maybe Toxic didn’t really know the history behind it. The gesture varied from species to species, but in gryphons, it was a respectful sign of interest.

Even if you had no clue, it was perfect! Even though I totally made myself look like a featherhead with that blurting out a yes…

But it made him happy. That goofy, sincere and just cute grin of his.

There hadn’t been any tension other than the usual nerves, and the sincere reactions from Toxic had the herbalist nearly bouncing off the walls. No ego, just a pony interested in her.

I do need to ask him, though. Gelliana thought, toying with her talons. It saved me from heartbreak more than once, a single word. But I don’t think my fears apply to Toxic. Maybe because I feel like I can trust him, at least more than some random individual. Usually I’ve been able to pick up on something else that was there. But with him? He’s just…him.

I wonder what his answer will be though?

Instead of her usual anxious nerves causing a knot in her chest, the single, questioning word made a flicker of hope rise instead.


One Day Later

Icait bounced her way home, more figuratively than literally. The Windigo skipped along, still amazed that most reactions to her were of mild curiosity, and surprise at the Legionnaires that followed her.

Library re-organized, nopony sneered at me when renting a book, and Gelliana was definitely in a good mood.

Apparently, the gryphoness had gone on a date the day before and had another one planned for tomorrow. Icait didn’t have to be a changeling or even try to sense Gelliana’s emotions, no, it was fairly clear by the constant smiles exactly how she felt.

What was his name? That stallion from before with the dangerous cutie mark? Toxic something.

As she neared her designated apartment, Icait’s thoughts drifted to a different spectrum.

I wonder what that’s like? Liking somepony more than a friend. It seems pretty overwhelming, if I’m being honest. I’m still getting used to the idea of having Gelly as a friend. From what I’ve read, it’s like…a super friend? Ish?

I’ll think about that later. I still have to deal with Mr.Grumpy.

Oddly enough, Onyx hadn’t been living up to his nickname the past day or two. He seemed almost at ease, usually on the couch reading a book when Icait got home. It was odd to see him without shadow tendrils edging out of his shoulders or the stallion appearing like a coiled-up spring.

It was curiously nice to see him like that. He almost looked happy at times, did look happy, at least the past few days. Something had changed, but Icait wasn’t sure what.

Eh. Hopefully he’ll tell me, but I’m not planning on it. I don’t even really know that much about him.
Huh. I never really realized that. I guess we’ve just been so busy trying to get used to ‘life’, we just didn’t ever talk about things.

Her brow furrowed as the Windigo trotted up the apartment stairs.

No, I talked about things, and Onyx listened. I never asked about him after the first grumpy reply or two weeks ago. He knows what my favorite food and hobby is. But what are his?

And that was something Icait was quite happy to change.

The legionnaire posted at the door let them in, Icait stretching her shoulders as she zipped into the air, no longer confined to ‘walk’ like everypony else.

She didn’t have to do that outside, but it made everypony else appear more comfortable though.

From his usual position on the couch, Onyx looked over to her and set aside his book, as he always did.
“Anything interesting today?” he asked.

Icait nodded, feeling a bit of excitement on being able to ‘turn the talking tables’ per say.
“A bit. Gelliana, that gryphoness I’m helping? She had a date yesterday and has been soooo much happier since then. I think she's got a date tomorrow too, and my goodness is she excited. I don’t really understand why, but I know it’s warranted.”

The shadow-stallion let out an affirming huff at that.

“A good way of putting it. Not understanding but knowing it’s logical.”

“Did anything happen interesting during your day?”

Onyx blinked, and then stared. It wasn’t in a negative or condescending fashion, but as though the pony had absolutely no idea how to respond.


Icait sat down, ears perked up as she listened, taking a bit of guilty pleasure at seeing more emotion than just grumpy acceptance from the stallion.

“I learned a few things, these past days,” Onyx said finally, he deep voice much, much softer.


This is new!

“Things I should have realized a while ago, but had a few barriers to overcome before admitting it to myself. I’d…rather not say what it is yet though.”


His grey gaze lifted up from the couch and met Icait’s, a rare occurrence more often than not- eye contact wasn’t his strong suit.

“It is something I’d like to talk about though. Soon.”


Icait nodded, finding a bit of fluttery warmth in her chest choking her words. This was the most open she had seen her friend, even if he didn’t ever call her that.

But he’s still my friend. He didn’t let me fade, and even if he’s a grump, he’s changing.

“I’ll be here whenever that is,” Icait replied softly, feeling the general unease and annoyance the Legionnaires usually felt actually waver and lessen.

I guess we’re all growing, bit by bit.

Author's Note:

What do you get with a total fluffy romantic and a silly stallion? Adorable shenanigans, that's what! :yay:

And looks like Mr.Grumpy is learning, bit by bit!

Depending how things go with my schedule, I may shift to every-other-week updates. with these larger chapters, simply due to story flow and graduate work/job. I hope everyone is enjoying the tale, and feedback is always appreciated.

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