• Published 11th Apr 2020
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Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Eighteen: Gathering Clouds

It had been a good day.

The morning had been spent filling Marigold in (again) on her love life…much to the mare’s joy.
Her grins were infectious though, and Gelliana indulged Marigold at least with a bit of the details. Nothing too personal, but just telling her best friend about her stallion.

My stallion…

And her spirits had still been lifted despite the rain that began pouring down just before Toxic met her at the shop for their date. She still had enjoyed it immensely despite the weather. Apparently, Toxic had implemented his ‘get his special somegriff to like the rain’ plan. With the weather ponies in Tall Tale having mixed up a summer shower with a freezing thunderstorm, the pair altered their plans to stay inside Gelliana’s shop and tried to come up with the best hot coco mix.
And then the worst. It had just been fun, and tasty! (For the most part.)

It has been such a good day, so why do I feel so horrible?

Toxic hadn’t left more than a few hours ago, the unicorn heading to his island to oversee some final preparations along with a project his yak friend was working on. He had been busy the day or two before that with some super-secret thing in Canterlot.

The warm glow in the gryphoness’s chest had faded, and now the thunder and rain battered against the window. The question of why she felt horrid was rhetorical; of course, she knew. A single day of fun couldn’t outweigh such an ingrained experience. With the storm’s air pressure change making her head ache, coupled with the memories…

Despite being wrapped up in thick sheets, Gelliana shivered, not able to shake the ghostly sensation of rain trickling through her feathers. Freezing mud seemed to mat her entire body as ghostly howls sounded all around her.

Then came the doubts. The insidious, double-edged blade that always followed. It was as though whenever her mental defenses were down that Gelliana’s deeper fears decided to bite. Much like how exhaustion made one’s speech become erratic; her already flustered mind froze. Logic took a back seat to emotion, past reassuring words seeming to be faint echoes.

What if he’s playing the long game, just being with me until he gets what he wants?
How long do I have to wait until I know for sure?
Does he just like the idea of a ‘helpless’ girl to save?
It was a quick shake of the head and a simple, heartfelt and hopeful request scrawled on an enchanted parchment that made the gryphoness drag herself out of bed, sitting in the small study area next to a window.

Will he even come? It’s such a stupid thing.
Compared to what he goes through, what others have been through, I have no right to feel this way. It was just a single day and night. And yet here I am not able to get over it more than a decade later.

Toxic has been through worse a thousand times over, he wouldn’t care about-

Her sluggish mind was rattled by a *pop* of magic, a stallion nudging her shoulder with a familiar and soft inquiry.

“Hey Gels, what’s up?” Toxic asked softly, letting out a soft huff as the gryphoness scooted into his arms for a hug.

“The storm and stuff?”

She nodded, all her doubts fading at the sound of Toxic’s steady heartbeat as he rocked her back and forth. The tension bled from her shoulders, Gelliana finding herself quickly smiling.

Of course he’d care, he always does.

Toxic didn’t say anything for a time, letting the gryphoness relax in his arms. She wanted to tell him, and felt like she needed to tell him soon, how much moments like this meant to her. Despite the storm, her doubts, when she was in Toxic’s arms listening to his heartbeat, she just felt safe.

Safe to be herself; doubts, idiosyncrasies and all. Toxic was always there, even if it was something as silly as asking for a hug. No questions why, just a pop of teleportation magic, and here he was; not judging, not questioning, just here and wanting to help. No preconceived notions of gryphons, not even a hint of being thought of as a ‘runt’.

Even in moments like this, when he didn’t even really know what was troubling her, Toxic hugged first, and asked later. Ironic, for the stallion who had once said he wasn’t the huggy type.

It also made Gelliana feel wanted, even in her moments when her defenses were down and she just felt like an absolute mess, not really worth of being wanted, even if now it seemed like a silly thought.

But she knew such a sentiment was felt at times by a certain stallion, so Gelliana wasn’t so quick to dismiss it in terms of severity. And yet despite it all, Toxic just wanted to help, to make her feel better.

That’s who you are, Toxic, you always want to help others, I didn’t consider how that’d flow over to a relationship.

I don’t even think I realize how much this means to me. I’m only starting to understand how much I want this. I want to be there for you, Toxic, and I don’t think I’ve been very good at explaining how much times like this means to me. You’ve been there to help for so many ponies, and now to me; I don’t want you to think it’s a lopsided relationship.

If only you knew, feeling safe, for me, is kind of a big deal. Letting me be the one to help is also something I’ve wanted to do. Of course, you’d know most of this if I told you; the whole trusting-dance we are struggling to learn about each other.

That thought brought a smile to Gelly’s face. Slowly but surely, she had seen a few of the walls around Toxic start to come down, the stallion seeming to be more at ease around her.

And for her part, Gelliana’s own worries, despite their occasional resurgences, were fading faster than she thought possible, stormy nights aside. But she was still working on removing the various walls around her heart as well, not having explained things nearly as much as the stallion in her arms had.

How much I’d like to stay like this. Just warm and safe…

Toxic did finally break the silence, but it was in the tone Gelliana had quickly fallen head-over-tail for; soft, sincere, and an undercurrent of affection even through the amulet that accompanied a gentle nuzzle of her head feathers.

“Can I make a really bold suggestion, Gels? I really like these moments together, but I’m worried about you,” Toxic whispered. “I’ve seen you flinch at the sound of thunder, similar to what happens with me on our dates; I just want you to be happy. I’m not sure if it’s really my place, but it’s something that helped me. And I think it’d be good for us to try it together too.”

“Hmm?” An activity with her special somepony was always of interest to her.

“I know some reasonable therapists in Canterlot, both in demeanor and in price. I really don’t mind moments like this; I like making you feel better, and that won’t change. But if there’s any way to help in a way I can’t, I want to support you in that,” Toxic let out a slight chuckle, “I would suggest it for myself too as to not be a hypocrite, but I’ve already been pursuing it for many years. I don’t know what happened, but it doesn’t matter; it’s hurting you. I just- I know what it’s like to walk on eggshells around certain memory triggers.”

Toxic then winced, making Gelliana’s ears perk up curiously.

“Eggshells. Bad analogy…”

She let out a *snrk* at that, giggling softly as the gryphoness mused over his previous words. Gelliana didn’t say anything at first; she had considered it a few times, just never really went through with it.

“You also said, together?” she asked curiously, Toxic shifting to let her lean on a shoulder, one forelimb still wrapped around her side.

“Uh huh! Couples therapy!” he said happily. “Well, more like counseling. Like, not because there’s a current issue, but we both have stuff we’re dealing with that could cause problems. So, it’s kind of a way to make sure it stays smooth sailing.” His ears lay flat, Toxic nervously drawing circles on the floor with a hoof. “I mean, if you want. I care about you and I just want you to be happy, us to be happy. Anything that can improve the chances of us continuing to be happy I want to try with you.”


Gelliana giggled again; she couldn’t help it. She scooted back around to give him a long hug, then letting her stallion go.

“I think it’s a really smart idea, Toxic,” she admitted. “I’ve thought about it, but never really gone through with it. Well, individual counseling at least. I never considered the couples stuff; but that makes a lot of sense.” She paused, not able to keep the smile off her face. “I think it’s really sweet of you to suggest it, actually. That you’re that serious about it all.”

A relieved breath prompted another round of giggles, Gelliana reaching up to tap her stallion’s snout with a claw.

“A bit nervous about suggesting it? I can see why, the stigma of it and stuff.”

“Yeah, a tad,” he admitted. “Most creatures don’t understand how it can be needed, even for things we think are small, or big.”

“I know you were probably busy, but, thanks,” Gelliana whispered, giving Toxic a final hug that he returned.

“Of course. I’m happy to help; always am.”

An affectionate nuzzle was Gelliana’s final reply, enjoying a stammering and blushing stallion as he charged a teleportation spell.

I hope I get enough guts to kiss you soon enough. And then it’ll be YOUR turn to be a blushing, stammering mess!

“Cya later, Toxic, and thank you.”

“Anytime, Gells,” he said, throwing a salute to the giggling gryphoness before vanishing. Gelliana returned to her bed, curling up under the blankets and hugging a large pillow close.

The storm didn’t seem so formidable now, especially when she imagined the pillow having a familiar heartbeat.

The Next Day:

“Are you serious?” Toxic asked Varti, the yak shrugging as he gestured to the folder on the table, the pair in one of the many conference rooms within the Last Light’s main headquarter building. The morning had been occupied by meetings and various discussions surrounding the newly-launched organization, at least as much as Toxic trusted himself to comment on.

“Very. Luna personally vouches for the both of them, and will do regular checkups herself-” Varti held up a hoof to forestall any objection, “And only checkups. No scans, just making sure everything is alright. Luna says she’ll take full responsibility, especially for her. She’ll even be present for the initial meeting, with your permission.”

“Attempted assassination of a Princess isn’t going to win her any points around here, even if she starts out as a low-level security guard, even over the crop fields,” Toxic muttered. “But if Luna vouches for her and her coltfriend, I trust that judgement. I’ll approve as long as the necessary trial period is in place, assuming the mare even takes the offer.”

“Uh, then there’s two more. I just barely got the requests.”

Toxic saw the odd look on the Yak’s face and chuckled, looking over the files.

“What’s that face for? Are they sending us Windigo’s?”

Varti’s deadpan expression made Toxic’s left eye twitch, the stallion massaging his temples on seeing two of the files.

“You have got to be joking. Them? Absolutely not!”

“There is an increasing worry that the pair of them will be targeted. Canterlot is too close to civilians for a conflict,” Varti explained. “You know as well as I do that the island is one of the most heavily defended-”

“Tough. They’re the Princess’s pet project, not mine!”


“No, Varti. Having an ex-Windigo operative is bad enough for a new organization. But now a Shadow Pony and an actual Windigo? We’re trying to build Public Relations, not annihilate the foundations!”

“And showing the organization is competent enough to rehabilitate and utilize creatures needing a second chance isn’t good PR? Showing that creatures can turn their lives around to help others for the better?”


“Toxic, you’re letting your own fears cloud your judgement partly.”

“Am I? This is a huge risk. We’re on a skeleton crew. And you know my reservations about having any of the Equestrian Royal Guard on my island! Ever. Posting of guards that accompany them? I won’t-”

“Read the stipulations. I made sure it was watertight before even considering letting you know.”

Toxic read and re-read the limitations, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“A time limited deployment of the guards? Completely under my jurisdiction, no mention of a permanent presence…ugh. I don’t like how much I know this was crafted to try and manipulate my views. What are they trying to-”


Varit’s deep and abrupt tone made the stallion’s ears flatten, the stallion shaking his head.

“I’m sorry, Varti,” he whispered. “This is why I want you oversee things for a time. All this stress and new developments is getting to me. I think I’m starting to see threats where there should be friends.”

“I know, but your fears aren’t without a solid point. That said, you need to remember the Princesses are acutely aware of how distrustful you are of them. They asked dozens of questions to make sure this contract would meet your approval. They also seemed reluctant to suggest it, but outside of the Northern Ice Shelves with Nacreous’s domain, the island is one of the most secure locations outside Equestria. You may also want to read the payment.”

“Payment?” Toxic muttered, shifting through the files.

“Oh, come now, Toxic. I’m no business-yak, but did you think I’d take up their offers without ensuring some sort of compensation? While Last Light is focused on helping others, that doesn’t mean we will be doormats for any government request. I wanted your honest views before knowing about it,” Varti grinned widely at that. “Because I know you’d have agreed immediately.”

Toxic’s eyes nearly bugged out at seeing the stipulations, jaw dropping slightly.
“Sweet burning stars that is a lot of zero’s…” he whispered in shock. “Research contracts resulting from any technology that involves Windigo and Crystal energies, approval of our proprietary leyline patents, fast-tracking any potential nation-founding documents, expedited building permits, and enough bits to buy nearly half of the other islands?!”

“That’s only one of the payment articles for allowing the Windigo. The other is for Onyx, the shadow pony. Due to the increased threat, it’s larger.”

“Well, how could we refuse this? Of course, it’s approved, even if I don’t like it. This pushes our timetable ahead by a decade if not more!”

“I’ll send the forms along. Icait and Onyx will be on a later ship; but the new hires such as this security mare will be here day after tomorrow. Will you be here for that at least?”

Toxic grinned, nodding firmly.
“You bet on it. I have a date with Gells, and I’ll then head over here. Oh, by the way, is the armor ready?”

The yak promptly produced a large, metal plate bracer from somewhere in his massive lab coat, setting it on the table.

“Ready and waiting. All I did was mesh the existing combat prototype with this new armor. It was rather anticlimactic,” Varti explained. “There’s some sort of compatibility spell on it. I didn’t even really do anything! I pressed a slab of the metal from your suit onto it, and it just automatically combined into an alloy, nearly melting the table in the process I might add. This is some of the hardest metal I’ve ever seen, same with the chain mail. It won’t stop chemical threats, but if you have an entire suit of this, I’d say your odds of any traditional weaponry penetrating it are near zero. I’ve added the usual array of combat gear to it including the gauntlet, after I put it back together at least. The spells and heads-up display also copied over without so much as a single glitch.”

The yak then gave Toxic a friendly shove- even the slight gesture nearly knocking Toxic off balance.

“Belated congratulations on this ‘Guardian’ position by the way. I don’t fully understand it, and I know you need to keep it under wraps for a bit. I would recommend a few tests with the armor, perhaps with Nacreous?”

“Thanks, Varti. I do want to tell you more, but Nacreous and I are still in the introductory phases of training. I barely know the basics spells, let alone the heavy-duty stuff. I can test the armor there and let you know. I do want to let you know more, but it’s also a bit personal.”

“I get it. Now shoo, you’re supposed to be relaxing, and I have to go re-initialize the defensive matrices. The Ballista Golems are acting twitchy again.”

“Don’t you mean ‘brood in your underground lair?’” Toxic asked with a chuckle.

With a flourish, the yak produced a crystal and tapped it on the ground, a maniacal laugh leaving his muzzle as he vanished in a flash of light, leaving Toxic staring in shock at the smoking spot on the floor.

“Note to self. Do not recommend anymore theater classes to Varti. Ever.”

“We’re leaving?” Icait whispered, ears flat against her head. “But we just got settled here.”

“Can’t be helped,” Starlight said calmly, Onyx staying silent. “I will let Gelliana know, and you’re happy to visit. But right now, there are some real concerns about your safety. You still have a day or so here though.”

“But things have been so nice here. I haven’t sensed anything.”

“I have,” Onyx rumbled, “every day.”

Starlight’s mouth drew into a thin line, nodding curtly.
“And the Princesses agree with you. I’ve also run some scans, and something is watching you two. I don’t know what it is, but there’s a secure island where you can stay.”

“How much more can we know about our new temporary home?” Onyx asked, grey eyes flickering to his side as Icait slid a bit closer.

“Not much, simply because I don’t know. In terms of if we can trust the creatures who run said island, I’d say absolutely,” Starlight managed a slight smile. “I mean, Gelliana is dating the Director of the Organization.”

At that, Icait perked up, a nervous smile managing to flicker onto her face.
“Toxic? Oh, ok. That makes me feel a bit better,” she whispered.

“How so?” Onyx asked curiously.

“You have no idea how much she likes this guy, and for her, that means trusting him a lot. The other day, a changeling came to visit and it looked like he ran into a wall; Gelly had just gotten a parchment from Toxic. The Changeling couldn’t stop grinning. I had to help him out because that poor gryphoness was a total blushing mess,” Icait giggled, not able to help it at recalling the memory. “I trust her, and she’s not a fool. If she likes this stallion that much, he has to be a good one.”

“Good enough for me” Onyx let out a grunt, looking around the apartment. “So, we just pack our things, all…ten items and go?”

“Essentially,” Starlight said. “You still have a day or so. You’ll arrive shortly after the others do for the organization. They’ll be too focused on getting things started to be distracted by you, at least that’s the plan.”

“Can we take the sofa?” Icait piped up, gesturing to the slightly-overstuffed green item. “Onyx likes reading on that sofa. And it’s comfy.”

Starlight was treated with a rather embarrassed grumble by the shadow pony, to which she barely picked out the phrase ‘I do like that sofa,’ the mare then letting out a light laugh.

“I think I can come up with something.”


Forty-one wing-ups for a pony who used to have done a hundred with ease was a humbling thing indeed, Knife Twist flopping onto the floor with a grunt. The Thestrel took a long swig of water, finishing her working just as the prison alarm sounded; signaling their recreation time was at an end.

Knife Twist had a long way to go in order to regain her former strength. Months of tapering-off exercise, and then weeks of caring little for food, drink, or movement had taken its toll.

But I’m back on the path, even it’s a long one. I don’t know what comes next, but the fact I have a lunch with Luna planned shows that I have a future.

Even if I have to earn every scrap of trust back, not from Luna though.

At that, Knife let out a frown.

Luna trusts me, much more than I do.
I have a lot to prove, but I don’t know how.

As she returned to her cell after showering off, Knife Twist paused at seeing a simple parchment laying on her bed.

Despite the contents being covered, the Thestrel felt an odd warmth in her chest on seeing the note. The dark tendrils in her mind, ever-present and whispering in the quiet moments of her day seemed to flee in fear.

She trotted over to the parchment, opening it up and staring at the odd symbol above the simple letter.

‘Luna, here is that simple hiring explanation you asked for, along with the caveat. Toxic trusts you to use such a statement, and so I include it with his blessing.

To whom it may concern;

Hiring all positions; The Last Light Organization.
Goals of the Organization; aiding creatures both in and outside Equestria with supplementary supplies, training, and on-the-ground creatures.

Job Openings include but are not limited to;
Diplomatic Negotiators (including Economic, Political, Hostage, and so forth.)
Food Preparation.
Farming (Manual Labor and harvesting.)
Heavy Machinery Operating.
Instructors for all the above.

Applicants must pass a high-level security screening unless otherwise pardoned and recommended by the Royal Princesses.

Sincerely, Professor Varti,
Co-signed, Director Toxic Shield.’

A large lighthouse was stamped on the bottom of the parchment, the golden symbol now being dotted with tears that dripped down Knife’s face. There was another note at the bottom of the page that the Thestrel couldn’t tear her eyes from.

‘You have both my pardon and recommendation, Knife Twist. All you must do is choose. I assume that the security positions hold a bit of interest?

Just tap the parchment if that’s what you want to apply for. If it’s for another position, wait until I visit you next week and I’ll make arrangements.’

Knife didn’t even have to think more than a few moments, tears still streaming from her eyes as the tapped the parchment with a hoof. The message curled up and vanished with a *snap* of golden dust, the ex-captain sitting down in shock, eyes then narrowing in determination.

Thank you, Luna.
I won’t let you down!

Author's Note:

Short and then long chapter format; stay tuned for tomorrow!
Things picking up for all parties! :trixieshiftright:

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