• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,626 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter ten

Author's Note:

New chapter enjoy.

It's been a couple weeks after Spike's litte greed induced growth spurt. And I'm sorry to say that as soon as me and Twilight got into the laundry room I slipped on spilled laundry soap and hit my head. I've just woken up in Ponyville's hospital and find out I was in a coma for a couple weeks.

I got out of the hospital bed and as I was taking off the gown they placed on me, I heard a metal tray crash onto the ground. I turn around to see Nurse Redheart. "Oh, my, you're finally awake" She said. "I can assume I've been in a coma, but I'm not concerned about that, what day is it" I asked. "Umm, it's hearts and hooves day" said Nurse Redheart. "But I really think you should get back in bed so I can examine you" she said. "Oh I see, trying to take advantage of a prince from Canterlot, you naughty nurse" I said with a smirk and faux dismay. "B-but I-I" She stammered. "Gotcha, I'm just messing with you" I said. "Do you happen to have a special Somepony?" Asked Nurse Redheart.

"Nah, not really trying to get into special relationships" I said while getting into the bed. "Oh" She said sounding disappointed. "But you asked me that question, which tells me you don't have a special somepony, or you do have somepony in mind they don't feel the same way, but if you want to be my special somepony, it can only be for today and today alone, because like I said I'm not interested in having special relationships" I said giving her a smile. "T-thank you, your highness" Said Nurse Redheart.

"Just call me Shadow Star, I only allow nobles and the rich to call me prince or your highness, but with some who don't know I'm royalty, I like to mess with them and turn them into a groveling mess after they offend me" I said letting myself get carried away. "O-ok then, I'll just begin with the examination" Said Nurse Redheart. "Ok, I'm just gonna space out while you do that" I said. She continues with her examination until she feels satisfied. "Alright Shadow Star, you're still a bit weak from the coma, so you will have to stay a while for recovery" she said. I looked out the window. "If that's what you suggest" I said. "Alright now that that is settled, I have other patients that need my assistance" said Nurse Redheart as she left. 'I wonder what the other me is doing out there' I thought to myself.

---Mamoru POV---

"Finally! hearts and hooves day!" I said with excitement. 'The CMC should be working on that bottle of love poison right about now' I thought to myself. I flew to the CMC's treehouse and sure enough they were working on the potion. Just as the finished I popped up inside and took the potion in my hand. "Hey give that back whatever you are, thats for Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee!" Said Scootaloo.

"Well this is a very powerful potion, are you girls sure you want to use it?" I asked. "Yes we are mister" said Sweetie belle. "Hmm, well..... alright but first a song!" I said pointing my index finger to the sky.


After the song was done. I gave them the potion and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. "That guy was weird" said Scootaloo. Both Applebloom and Sweetie belle nodded in agreement.


"Oh, no, the potion backfired and now Big Mac and CheerIilee can't keep their eyes off each other" I said to the CMC in a condescending tone. "Please mister tell us how to undo it" asked Sweetie belle. "Aah, the eyes, their staring into my soul, it burns, it burns!, fine I'll tell you!" I said. 'Why do they have to be so cute' I thought in despair.

"Sigh, the only way to break it is to keep them apart for 24 hours, if you can even pry them away from each other for that long, now hurry up and separate them" I said waving them off. They ran off to come up with a plan.

"Alright time to get some popcorn and soda and get somewhere high up" I said to myself clapping my hands and rubbing them together. "AH HAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA" I laughed maniacally. Then stopped suddenly and walked away. Once I was out of sight, I flew to where I could see everything perfectly. I watched the events unfold, suddenly I noticed something peculiar, a blue box. "What is that? No it couldn't be" I said. "but it doesn't hurt to check" I said. used my super vision to zoom in on the writing, and it was unmistakable, "police public call box, so He is here" I said with a cheshire grin letting my sharp teeth show.

I went over to the blue box and knocked on the door. "Yes, can I help you?" Said The Doctor then he looks up at me and his eyes go wide. "Actually I believe you can, may I come in?" I asked walking into the blue box. "Just as I suspected, Time And Relative Dimension In Space, this is a TARDIS, and you" I said turning to the pony. "Are the Doctor, the timelord who ran from gallifrey during the time war" I said. He ran up to me. "How do you know who I am" he demanded. "Well since you are aware of other worlds, I guess I have no choice but to tell you the truth" I said. He stared at me intently. "I arrived in this world a few hours before Nightmare Moon reappeared, I came from another dimension where all of Equestria is all part of a children's TV show, and you are included with it, and even you have your own show, DOCTOR WHO, except you look more human, and I have seen a lot of it, Ive seen every episode of this world, all the way to the series finale, but Im pretty sure you'd like to know how i got here, well how it happened was, i got a weird letter and woke up in Equestria, I also discovered I had dark magic that gives me super powers, I'd explain more but I'm out of breath" I said hyperventilating. I steady my breathing and look to the Doctor. "Well that is quite interesting" he said. I walked over to the console and started fiddling with the controls. "Hey stop what are you doing" He shrieked. I finished fiddling with the controls and looked over to him. "Calm down I just moved us to the hospital" I said. "We didn't move it didn't make the sound it normally makes" he said. "that's because you leave the parking brake on" i said opening the door to make sure I didn't accidentally take us to Pluto. I looked around and sure enough we were right were I wanted to be. Shadow Star came out the front door. "Sup, need a lift?" I said. "In the TARDIS, absolutely" said Shadow Star as he walked in. "Ok dude let's get back together" I said.

---Third Person POV---

Shadow Star morphed into Mamoru Shinigami and now there were two of them. They walked towards each other and merged together. Now there was just one Mamoru Shinigami. "What just happened" asked the Doctor. "Oh a couple weeks ago I split into two and Shadow Star went into a coma, I had to wait till he woke up before we could get back together" said Mamoru.

"Oh I see, you needed a way to go around without causing panic, and you also needed to be in two places at once to keep up a charade that kept everypony from knowing that both Mamoru Shinigami and Shadow Star were one and the same the whole time" Said The Doctor. "Yup that just about sums it up" said Mamoru. "Anyway I need to borrow your TARDIS if that's ok" asked Mamoru. The Doctor grew cross. "Absolutely not, my TARDIS is not a taxi service" said the Doctor. Mamoru just stared at him for a few minutes and used his super speed to get to the controls and started fiddling with them again. "I said you couldn't use my TARDIS" Yelled The Doctor.
Mamoru finished up with the controls and ran to the door. The door opened to reveal that it was nighttime and it was right next to Twilight's library. Mamoru walked out of the TARDIS and turned around. "Oh by the way I brought us just a night before the great dragon migration bye" Said Mamoru closing the door. Angry noises could be heard within before the TARDIS dematerialized. Then Mamoru turns around and morphs into Shadow Star. He went into the library and quietly made his way to his room. He found his clothes on top of his swords and guns. He went into the bed got into the covers and went to sleep.