• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,626 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter three

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy

If you can believe it Celestia never made it to dinner, instead she went to meet up with her sister, leaving me all alone and bored, well I wasn't really alone she left a guard by my door, but he didn't really have much to say, mostly because all he did was stand there.

"Uuuuugh, soooo booored!!!!" I said with my head upside down off the side of my bed with my eyes closed,Then I heard the the doorknob turn and the door opening.
I opened my eyes to see the door open, and in came Celestia. I turned myself around and got up. "Lil' sis is back I'm guessing" I said. "Yes, she is and shes resting now" she said with a smile.

"I'm happy for you" I said returning the smile. "Thank you" she replied. "Hey princess, I was wondering, would it be at all possible to enchant a pin to change me into a young colt? As in a child?" I asked with uncertainty. "I suppose, why do you ask?" She said. "I tried reading a book, but I couldn't read it, meaning I need to be taught how, and the best way for that is being a colt, so I can blend in with the rest of the students" I said. "I suppose that makes sense, very well I shall do it, but it will take time and you will have to come up with a name, and you will have to take a test in order to get enrolled in my school" she replied. "I will come up with a name, and as long as the test doesn't involve reading or writing I should be fine, then when you feel I'm ready, you can have luna teach me her magic" I said crossing my arms.

She gave me a nod and left me to myself.
"Now, what do I do" I asked myself. I decided to take a nap. It took me a while to sleep, I have insomnia, but eventually I got to sleep. I slept for who knows how long, but I was awoken to Somepony coming into my room. "Who's there" I asked readying a gun under the covers. "It's just me, Mamoru" said Celestia. I put my gun back into my holster on my thigh. "Is it time to eat?" I asked. "Yes it is, but before we go would you like to try this on?" She said. I got out of bed and looked at what she had, it was a simple gold chain necklace. I got up and walked over. She gave me the necklace and I put it on. "Nice bling, thanks" I said with a said with a smile. "Try tapping it twice" she said demonstrating by tapping her regalia twice. I did as she said and tapped it twice.

There was a flash and suddenly I was a Clydesdale unicorn colt I looked myself over I still had my clothes on only they were smaller and still fit correctly in my new form. I ran over to the full body mirror. I had short spiky mane with a tail to match, normal green eyes, and my fur was black.

[image of colt form goes here]

"OH. MY. GOSH. I'M ADORABLE" I cried. Celestia chuckled at my reaction. "So do have a name picked out" she asked bringing her head down to my level. I brought my hoof to my chin. 'Ok time to think of a name, Mamoru, a name for this form.....' I new the exact name for myself.
"Shadow star, my name will be shadow star" I said. Celestia smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you, shadow star" she said in her normal motherly tone as she gave me a nuzzle, despite my protests. Just then my stomach growled making me blush, luckily it wasn't easy to see since my coat was so dark. "Ok. Lets go eat, but first, how do I change back?" I asked. She tapped her chest twice, to which I tapped my necklace twice and changed back in a flash. I was back human form, I tapped the necklace twice and I was a unicorn colt once again. "Ok now that I have that figured out, lets go eat" I said looking up at Celestia.

We headed for the dining room with me in my pony form. "You know I'm going to need a birth certificate to keep my cover right?" I asked. "I'll have that made after dinner" she replied. "I'm also going to need a parent or guardian too" I said. "I suppose I could pose as your aunt for a guardian" she said. "Okee dokie auntie Celestia" I said in the cutest voice I could make, which made Celestia chuckle. "Will I be able to meet auntie luna at dinner" I asked. " yes you will nephew" said Celestia with her signature smile.

It wasn't long before we made it to the dining room, luna was already there waiting for Celestia. "Hello Luna, I apologize for taking so long, I had to wake this one up from his nap" Celestia said gesturing towards me. "Hello" I said with a smile and a wave. "Sister who is this young colt?" asked luna.

before Celestia could answer I used my super speed to zip to the seat right next to Luna before either could blink. "Hi my name is Shadow Star" I said making her jump. " how did thee" started luna. "How'd I what" I interrupted. "Thee were over there, how'd thou get here so fast?" asked luna, which made Celestia nervous. "Im a ninja" I said putting my little front hooves in the air. "Shadow Star is going to be staying with us for a while" said Celestia as she got to her seat and sat down.

"Why are thou dressed in this manner?" asked Luna. "He likes to wear those clothes" Celestia answered for me. I just smiled and looked at Luna.

"Do you like swords" I asked luna. "Y-yes I do" said luna. "Do you like mine" I asked drawing my swords. Both of them were startled to see I had swords. "Shadow Star put those away, there will be no swords at the table" said Celestia in her motherly tone. "Yes auntie Celestia" I said with a frown. "A-Auntie!?!" Sputtered Luna has in surprise. "Ah, yes, Luna meet your new nephew and soon to be student" said Celestia gesturing towards me. I just smiled and waved at luna.

"When did this happen" asked Luna. "Seven years ago, when I was born" I answered. Luna just stared at me. "Wait, my student?" Luna asked Celestia.
"Yes, he has very powerful dark magic in him and needs guidance on how to use it, he can't read yet or understand spells so he will be learning in my school as soon as he passes the enrollment test, and when I believe he's ready, he's all yours" explained Celestia. Luna looked at me and I just smiled and waved.

"WHAT?" Shouted Luna in surprise.