• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,627 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter seven

Author's Note:

This didn't take me long to write so here you go.

---Mane 6 POV---

All members of the mane 6 were gathered in front of the Oakey Oaks Library. All were waiting for a special guest.
"Where could he be? This is taking forever" said Rainbow. "His carriage should be arriving soon" said Rarity. No sooner had she said that, when a royal carriage pulled up being hauled by two royal Canterlot guard ponies. One unhooked himself and went to open the passenger door.

Everypony was expecting to see a small unicorn colt come hopping out, but instead a tall black unicorn stallion stepped out. He had a black coat and a short and spiky mane. He had a long sharp horn and green eyes. He wore a pair of dark sunglasses on his forehead. He wore black t-shirt and pants and a coat that reached all the way down to the ground behind his back legs, all four hooves had shiny, thick, metal horseshoes.
He looked at Twilight and the rest of her friends.

"Hey Twilight, long time no see" said the unknown stallion. They all looked at each other then back at the stallion. "Do we know you" asked Twilight. "Of course you do, it's me Shadow Star, I don't look that different do I?" asked the unicorn who claimed to be Shadow Star with a smile. They all looked at each other with confusion.

---Mamoru/Shadow Star POV---

"Ok, so I'm older than when you last saw me, but it is still me" I said. "You can't be Shadow Star, Shadow Star was a small cute little colt when we last met him" said Rarity. "Aw, how nice of you to say so Rarity, but that was me, the reason I look like this is because I was working on a anti-aging potion and it backfired, by A LOT, now I'm all grown up, my best guess about my current age would be early twenties, but I can see that by the looks on your faces that none of you are convinced" I said to them.

They remained silent. "Ugh, I can't believe I have to do this" I said annoyed, making them give me confused looks. "Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me!" I sang with my hooves up at the end. "Shadow star it is you" said Twilight running up to me for a hug with the rest of them following suit. "Wow you got big" said Pinkie pie joining the hug. "In more ways than one" whispered Pinkie. My eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "Ok, that's enough hugging for right now" I said with a nervous laugh rubbing the back of my neck. "Goodness Gracious darling!" Exclaimed Rarity. "What, what's wrong, is there something on my face?" I asked looking down my muzzle. "It's those sunglasses, they don't match your outfit!, their just like Mamoru's I can't stand it" Said Rarity pointing at my sunglasses. I deadpanned 'yup they are completely oblivious to the giant billboard lit up in blindingly bright neon lights' I thought to myself. "Ok then what would you rather I wear" I asked and almost immediately regretted it. 'Dammit!....Why did I ask that!' I screamed inside my head. Rarity then grabbed me by the hoof and practically dragged me to the Carousel boutique. I left marks on the ground as I tried to get away. But to no avail.


We tried on multiple types of eyewear. Imagine a whole marathon of different types of glasses, visors and goggles.
"Ah, ha, finally said Rarity with exhaustion. I looked in the mirror and what I had on my forehead was a pair of welding goggles with spikes on them.

I looked to each mirror. "Yeah this is way better, are they real working welding goggles?" I asked admiring my new goggles. "Yes they are, a little garish for my taste, but they seem to look great with your outfit" said Rarity with pride. "I love them, how much do I owe you?" I asked. "Think nothing of it, I'm just glad to be rid of them, and they look perfect on you, their yours" said Rarity with a smile. "Are you sure? I wouldn't like to take advantage of you" I said. "Please darling, think of them as a gift from me" said Rarity with a smile. "Ok, thanks for the gift Rarity" I said with a smile. I gave Rarity a hug and we set off back to Twilight's library.

"Oh, before I forget, could you make me a costume for nightmare night?" I asked. "But of course dear, what would you like?" Asked Rarity. "I was thinking about being a vampire king, you know like a loner count, I already have a spell to give me wings and fangs, do you think you can do that?" I asked. "hmm, it might be a challenge, I accept! I can have it ready for you tomorrow before the festivities begin" said Rarity rubbing her chin then thrusting it into the air.

"Great, I'm looking forward to it, oh, and don't tell anypony I want it to be a surprise" I said. We arrived at Twilight's library. "Got it, goodbye Shadow Star" said Rarity waving a hoof. "Bye" I replied. I walked into Twilight's library and the room was completely dark. 'Why is it so dark in here?' I thought only to have a look of realization on my face afterward. 'Oh shit' I thought in despair.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Yelled just about everypony in town. 'How can the whole town fit in here?' I thought. "Hi Shadow Star, what do you think?" asked Pinkie. I looked around I saw a food table with tons of sweets, I saw streamers, balloons, but something was missing.
"This is the most ridiculous display I have ever seen.................. and I love it!" I said making everypony cheer. "However" I said making them all go silent. I teleported to the back of the room with a DJ setup. "It needs music!" I Yelled while secretly plugging in my phone and selecting a party mix.

The speakers pumped and jumped to the sound of party til we die.


---the next morning---

"Ugh" I groaned waking up under a pile of beer bottles and half eaten sweets. "I don't know what happened last night but whatever I did, I wanna rest for a while then do it all over again!" I said with a moan. "You and me both" said Pinkie. My Brain shattered like glass. 'Pinkie!?!' I thought. "Pinkie if you don't get your hooves from where they are now, you will be pulling back bleeding stumps" I told her calmly. She quickly pulled her hooves away.
"Sorry" said Pinkie. "It's alright just don't do that again without permission" I said. I got up and went on to help Twilight and the rest clean up the mess. "Somepony please shove an entire bottle of aspirin down my throat, or bash my head in with a sledgehammer, this hangover is killing me" I said aloud. "Well thats what you get for trying to out drink Applejack" said Twilight. "And who won?" I asked. "You did then Applejack passed out, then you decided to celebrate by drinking more, then you passed out after the 50th one" said Twilight. "I've never drank that much, how am I not dead from alcohol poisoning?" I asked rhetorically.

They all laughed at that. I moaned and held my head. "Ow, shh, no loud sounds please" I said. That just made them laugh more. Then I passed out. And they were still laughing.