• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,627 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter seventeen

Author's Note:

New chapter enjoy.

The next morning was even better. I got my gear back on and I checked in on Sunset Shimmer and saw she was still sleeping. So I decided to go out for a ride. I went down the stairs and got to my motorcycle. I hopped on, and started up the engine. I pulled my legs up and rode off. I found a motorcycle repair shop on my little ride, so I decided to check it out. My motorcycle needed some modifications, so I bought some parts. I had the mechanics give it a full overhaul. I gave it all the accessories and best of all NOZ. I even got a license plate that said D4RK1.

After that I left and made a few parts with my magic, Plus a few upgrades that would allow it to run on my magic instead of gas, now it is even more awesome. I rode my motorcycle to a fast food restaurant and got some breakfast for me and Sunset. Then I rode back to the apartment. I walked up the steps and forgot I didn't have a key, so I turned into my shadow form and slid under the door.

I got to the kitchen table and put the food on a plate for Sunset Shimmer. I went into her room with a tray. She was still asleep, she looked so peaceful. I didn't like it. I snapped my fingers as quietly as I could and made a bugle. I pressed my lips tight put them on the bugle. I breathed in with my nose and blew reveille loudly.

She woke up with a start. "Rise and shine roomie, time for breakfast" I said placing the tray in front of her. "Oh, I thought you were all a dream" she said. "No, I'm more of a nightmare, hurry and eat up you have school today" I said. "Wait, how are you able to use magic?" Asked Sunset. "No, idea, my best guess would be because you brought an element of harmony into this world and activated it, which brought Equestrian magic into this world and weakened the barrier between the two worlds, causing an unforeseen chain of events, that allows magic to flow into this world, but like I said, just a guess" I said making her stare.

Sunset got ready for school and We got downstairs and she saw my motorcycle. "Woah, what did you do to your motorcycle?" She said in awe. "I went out earlier this morning and gave it a few upgrades. "It looks nice" said Sunset. I put my goggles on as we hopped on.

We rode to CHS. I dropped her off at school. "Bye, see you later" I said. Sunset turned and looked at me. "Wait, I thought you were going to school here now" she said confused. "Nah, I graduated high school a long time ago, I have other things to do" I said while riding off.

"Time to make a name for myself" I said to myself. I rode onto the highway and pulled to the side. I went onto the worlds dark web and made myself a hitman profile. A few minutes later I got a new notification. I had a job opportunity, so I rode to the address to accept the job.

I made it there in a few hours. I looked around and a limo with tinted windows pulled up. I turned my engine off and Stood beside my motorcycle. I waited for those inside to come out. The door opened and a few men came out. "I assume you are The Dark One?" Asked Who seemed to be their boss. They all looked like a bunch of mobsters. "Who wants to know?" I asked. "I wanna know" he said. "Yeah I might be, what you want" I said. He tossed me a picture. "I want him gone" he said. "Anything specific you want done?" I asked. "Make it a mess" he said. I smiled my cheshire grin with sharp teeth, which unnerved him and his men. "How much is it worth" I said. "$2 million" he said with a frown. "Pricey, consider it done" I said grinning again. I got on my bike and looked at my target. "Hmm" I said.


It turned out my target was a crooked casino owner, which I had no problems with. He bled people dry and tossed them into the streets. Despicable, lucky for him I play dirty too.

The casino was in a city. The owner lived in the penthouse. I got to a building next to it and went to the roof for recon. Multiple ways in, few guards, this was gonna be way too easy. I waited for nighttime. I snapped my fingers and had a card with the name The Dark One, it had my eyes and my cheshire grin filled with teeth. I jumped off the roof and ghosted one of the guards by snapping his neck from behind. Then I put a card in his pocket. Then tossed his body off the roof. I threw knives at one and left a card. I took out each guard silently and left a card behind. Then I took the keys from one guard and opened a door inside. I walked into a bedroom. I heard a crash. I looked to where the crash was. It was a maid. I reached her in less than a second. I covered her mouth and put my finger to my lips to shush her. "Keep quiet and you keep your life" I whispered in her ear. She nodded with tears in her eyes. I knocked her out and left her on the bed tied up. I made my way to the office and became a shadow and slipped underneath the door and continued until I was behind the owner, I shifted back to normal and silently drew a katana and put it to his neck. He was startled. He didn't dare move. "Please don't kill me, I'll give you anything" he begged. "I don't want your filthy money" I said. Then I drove my other sword through his back and it was poking out of his chest, then I pulled it out. I left a card on his desk and teleported to my bike. I got on and rode off. I called my client and told him the job was done. "Already, you work fast, boy, I'll send your payment into your account right away" he said and hung up. I checked my account and sure enough I got $2 million dollars added. I smiled and rode to CHS.


"Hey Sunset, sorry if I was a little late" I said. She got on and held on to me. "Bad day?" I asked. She nodded. "Ok, where do you wanna go, we are getting dinner and you get to decide where, and it can be literally anywhere" I said. She didn't respond. "Most expensive restaurant in town it is then" I said as we rode off.