• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,627 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter eleven

---The next morning---
---Shadow Star POV---

The door to my room opened and in came Twilight she came over and got onto my bed. I turned in my sleep and wrapped a hoof around her, still asleep, well, pretending to be anyway. She saw my hoof around her and closed her eyes, then quickly opened them and followed the hoof up to the pony it belonged to. She slowly got out of my grasp and out off the bed and left the room. A few seconds later my serenity was shattered. "He's back!?!" Shouted Spike. I burst open the door "YEAH AND HE'S TRYING TO SLEEP" I Yelled then closed the door and got back into bed. "Let him sleep Spike, who knows what he's been through, now let's go meet up with the girls, the great dragon migration is today" said Twilight. Hearing that, my eyes burst open. I put on all my clothes and gear, open my door and walked past Twilight and spike and went out the door. "Come on you two hurry up I'd like to see all the dragons" I said looking back.


"Hey Spike, I'm coming with you, and I'm not taking no for an answer" I said looking down at Spike. "Alright fine, you can tag along, but nopony else, just you Shadow Star" Said Spike as he began walking. "Yup" I said walking close behind.


"Finally we're here" I said looking around. "Ok Spike you go mingle I'm gonna go over there and watch from above" I said pointing to a cliff with my hoof. "Ok, later" he said while running off. 'They are gonna eat him alive' I thought to myself as I put my goggles over my eyes. I walked to the cliff I pointed to and sat down on my haunches. 'Oh look there's Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow' I thought while looking at their sad excuse for a dragon disguise.
"Move pony" said a dragon behind me. I just turned around and stared up at him. "I'm only gonna say this once, go away or I will make you understand the true meaning of pain and suffering" I said with my voice devolving into a monstrous tone while moving my goggles up and letting my real eyes show. The dragon just stared. I took one step towards him and he scampered off with his tail between his legs. "Hehe" I chuckled. I put my goggles back over my eyes and turned around to continue watching the spectacle below.

"King of the hoard" I heard Garble shout. "Wow they are really going at it" I said to myself. 'Ok, I see where this is going' I thought. "Oooh, dang Spike even I felt that painful looking belly flop, ouch" I said after watching spike hit the lava. "And now they are partying, Hmm, aside from the gem eating, they aren't that different from human teenagers, except they seem a little more tame than human teenagers, then there would be underage drinking, doing drugs, and getting girls pregnant, or was that college teens? Oh well, Glad I didn't do any of that, oh look their slowing down, and they are out" I said watching the events unfold.

"Uh oh, next is the dragon raid, their gonna be after the Phoenix eggs! I better get going" I said getting up. I ran to where I saw the Phoenix nest and hid behind a nearby bush. It was dark when they arrived. 'Oh no their peer pressuring spike to destroy the egg' I thought. Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow show themselves, my turn to show up. "You want to get through him you have to go through us" I said and Garble is not happy. "Run away" Yelled Spike.
I turned around and followed suit.

"We aren't losing them girls" I said. Twilight tries to teleport us away but can't. "Ok I didn't wanna have to do this but apparently I don't have much choice" I said. I morphed into my true form, Mamoru Shinigami. "Do what?" Twilight began but saw me and stopped. "What? How?" Asked Rainbow. "No time to explain we got to kick it into high gear, I don't want to have to hurt them but, I might be able slow them down" said to the ponies and Spike. I looked behind us an thrust out an arm and sent out a shockwave, it worked at first but then they kept coming. "Of course it isn't that easy, oh Rarity I forgive you about that comment you made about my sunglasses, these goggles are way better" I said. "You're bringing this up now!?!" She screeched. "I know bad time" I said. I thrust my arm out only this time my arm turned into a fusion cannon. "I had no idea I could do this" I said firing at the dragons and intentionally missing to get them to back off, but that didn't work so arm went back to normal and I threw a couple grenades. Those worked. "Ok Twilight hurry up with that teleportation spell before they decide to come after us again" I said to Twilight. "You have magic you try" she said back. "Can't do that, too much going on at once" I said. "Fine! I'll do it" said Twilight. She warmed up her magic and this time we teleported back to the treehouse. I ran into the wall cuz I couldn't stop in time. "Ow" I said. "I am so glad we are back" I said getting up and turning around. 'Oh they are glaring daggers at me!' I thought. "Ok mister you have some explaining to do" Said Rainbow Dash. I walked over to a chair and took a seat. "Ok you win, explanation time" I said. "When I first arrived in Equestria, I flew over Ponyville and went to Canterlot, there I met Princess Celestia, and she let me stay in the castle in the form of the young Shadow Star, at that time I had to wear an enchanted necklace, but now I can do it without it since I absorbed Discord's chaos magic from when he impaled me, and the chaos magic fused with my dark magic making it become dark chaos magic, the potion thing was just a rouse to make it believable for when I showed up as an adult, in order keep up the charade that Mamoru and Shadow Star were two different beings, I split myself in two, each one keeping up the the appearance to not arouse suspicion, I'm sorry for deceiving you all but you have to admit I was making it intentionally obvious, you didn't even question why both Mamoru and Shadow Star wore the same clothes, we even had the same weapons" I said gesturing around and showing off my weapons. "So you've been lying to us the entire time? You scared us half to death on Nightmare Night!" said Rarity. "No I just didn't always tell the whole truth, sorry about Nightmare Night, that was a bad call on my part, but every fun time we had was real" I said. "I'm sending a letter to the Princess about your deceit" Said Twilight. She turned around to get paper and a quill. "Well.... the whole me masquerading as a pony and being her nephew was kind of her idea" I said. She dropped the pen and paper and looked at me, her eye twitching, which rattled my very core. "Anything else you'd like to tell us?" Rarity said with disdain. I thought back and stroked my chin. I looked at all three of them. "I think I better not cuz I think Twilight's head would explode" I responded. "You can tell Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie, if you want but nopony else must know, if word gets out about the truth, the ponies would go after Princess Celestia, demanding to know what is really going on, I don't even want to imagine what could happen!" I said.

They all looked at each other. "We can discus more of this in the morning, now we need rest and time to process" said Twilight. Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity left the treehouse and Spike went upstairs with his Phoenix egg to send a friendship lesson to Celestia, leaving me alone with Twilight and her twitching eye. "Im in big trouble aren't I?" I asked. She just kept staring at me. "I'm just gonna go since that vein in your forehead is pulsing, and I don't want it to burst" I said getting up and walking out the door and flying off into the sky. I landed on a cloud and got comfortable. "Looks like I'm gonna have to stay up here for a while, I hope Twilight and the rest forgive me" I said closing my eyes and going to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, new chapter here. I would like to tell you that I've been thinking of making a sequel to this one that has Pokémon in it, but its just an idea, if this story goes well then maybe there will be a sequel. Enjoy the chapter.