• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 840 Views, 27 Comments

The Mystifying Adventures of Occult Readings and Gallant Knight - Giftmak3r

A unicorn with rather unique intrests teams up with a rather bizzar thestral colt to save the world or something.

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Nightmare Night

Occult paced about his cell in a worried anticipation. He didn't have much time left. Normally arrests by the gaurd didn't bother him. Celestia would always explain what he was doing to the locals and let him go, but this time was different. He had been in the custody of the Dimond Dogs for much longer than he thought. Tonight will be the Summer Sun Celebration. This was the year Nightmare Moon was supposed to return.

Nightmares on there own weren't usually difficult to dispose of, a simple magic siphon would remove them from their hosts in most cases but Nightmare Moon latched itself on to Princess Luna. Alicorns possessed their own magic and weren't as reliant on the environment as other ponies. Occult knew this day was coming but the thought he'd have more time to prepare.

"Hey would you stop shuffling about in there, I'm trying to get some rest before the celebration." Deputy Golden Star yawned. The earth pony wasn't as hostile to him as the sherif but there was no compassion in his voice either. The darned Ponyville locals thought he had experimented on Gallant. They should know by now he would do nothing of the sort.

"Come on Star, you have to let me out. Nightmare Moon is going to return tonight and I need to prepare for the occasion." Occult begged from behind the iron bars.

Stars muzzle scrunched up as he snorted. "Nightmare Moon? Occult I always knew you had a screw loose but you don't really belive in those old pony tales do you? Besides, even if you are telling the truth you foalnapped that colt. You're gonna be behind those bars till your last days."

Occult was enraged by the accusation. He may be many things but a foalnapper was not one of them. Seeing as he wasn't going to convince these simple townsponies that he had done no wrong he would simply need to take more aggressive actions to solve the problem. Gallant was right after all, he couldn't rely on the gaurd to stop Nightmare Moon. With his magic he reached out once more to Ilatzi while preparing a second spell.

"You rang?" Occults shadow spoke out causing Golden Star to jump at the unknown voice. As soon as the Deputy jumped Occult released his spell and a small ball shot towards Star exploding into a mist as it hit him.

Golden Star shook his head violently after being hit but it was to late for him to do anything as he had already breathed in the mist. The Deputy fell to the ground with a thud.

Would you look at that? Ilatzi said, I never thought you had it in you to kill another pony Readings.

"He's not dead, just unconscious. Now please unlock the cell." Ocuult responded making it clear he was in no mood for jokes. It didn't take more than a second for the shadow to retrieve the keys and unlock the cell but to Occult it still felt like entirely too long. He didn't have much time.

Whats got you so glum, and in the slammer for that matter? Ilatzi asked. For a moment it sounded like concern but Occult knew his friend better than that.

"I need to prepare for Nightmare Moons' arrival." He explained. Ilatzi began to shimmer and shift.

No. No way am I dealing with Nightmare Moon, you can't make me. I'LL BREAK THE CONTRACT! Ilatzi panicked. Occult couldn't help but groan. There was no time for this.

"Calm down, I would never make you do that. Instead I want you to watch over Gallant. He's in the hospital." He explained to the jumpy shadow and as he finished explaining the shadow became much calmer.

Yeah, ok. I can do that. Sorry for freaking out

"Think nothing of it, take care of Gallant and don't let him interfere." Occult said as he checked Deputy Golden Star to make sure he was alright. Occult put his hoof over Star's chest. His heartbeat was regular and his breathing was fine. After checking the sleeping deputy he left without hesitation. This would definitely get him in trouble with the law but he could always explain himself to Celestia herself should the need occur.

Leaving the sheriff's office Occult made his way to the Everfree once more. He was in those Dimond Dog dens for at least three weeks. His original plan was to catch that Yrvarni and be back in time to place a plethora of runes to weaken the demon upon arrival so he could purify Princess Luna, or, at the very least pacify Nightmare Moon until Celestia arrived. Now he had to come up with an impromptu plan.

The Castle of the Two Sisters was his target. The starting point of the Equestrian diarchy. The place it all started. He didn't expect any creature of the Everfree to impead his path this time. Animals had a keen sense for the supernatural, even if they themselves didn't notice. Occult couldn't help how eerie the Everfree was without the chirping of birds, it was like being stalked by a predator. No predator would be out tonight though, not with the evil seeping through the air.

The trip itself wasn't much to note. There was a bridge that fell apart on the way but Occult could simply teleport past it. When he did reach the castle he couldn't help but stare in awe. Such beautiful architecture, a staple of Equestrian history. If it weren't in the middle of the Everfree, Occult would have petitioned for its restoration and further preservation, but now wasn't the time for that. He had to keep going.

The ruined castle was littered with cobwebs, star spiders bold enough not to immediately skitter away in the presence of a pony. The air itself was heavy, this was where Nightmare Moon would return from. Demons tended to make strong connections to things or places, and the Nightmares connection to this place could be felt from a mile away.

Taking a deep breath Occult made his way to the ladies chambers. He figured the demon would return first in Princess Luna's room. Good because it would increase the effectiveness of any trap he placed but bad because it would put him all too close to a corrupted alicorn.

"Hah, letting nerves get the best of me? What would dad say?" Occult chuckled trying to steel his nerves. He couldn't help but think about how helpless he's been the past few days. Doubt started to invade his mind.

"No no, this is how the demon wins." He told himself. He couldn't allow negative thoughts to slow him, nightmares feed on such feelings. Pushing doubt from his mind he began checking the doors he came across. It was at the third door he found Princess Luna's room. How could he tell? Probably all the moon memorabilia and engravings.

The room was larger than he thought which would work perfectly. Occult channeled a spell and cast it first on the door itself. The spell was ment to dull the senses, hopefully the Nightmare wouldn't notice allowing more traps to go off before it realized. Next he started carving a rune into the wall with his horn. Once activated it would drain all natural magic from the area. He wasn't a master of runecraft but he could write it in such a way that his other traps should be left untouched. Even if he couldn't deplete her immense power reserves, he could deprive her of outside help.

Several hours had passed and it would soon be time for Nightmare Moon's arrival. Occult was nervous. An alicorn. He would be facing of against an alicorn. No manner of ambush or traps would truely even the playing field with such a bridge between their powers. All he could hope for was to weaken Nightmare Moon enough for either Luna to free herself or for Celestia to come to the rescue.

He laid there in wait hiding behind a cabinet with a chameleon spell. It didn't take long before he felt a disturbance in the air as a deep chill set in. Clouds appeared in the room begining to spin into a vortex, bright lights appeared from within the cloud blinding Occult.

"Hahahaha how nice it is to finally get some fresh air." The demon mused to itself stretching in the center of the room. Occult felt the urge to spring his traps now, to fire everything he had, but he had to be patient if he wanted to save the princess. The Nightmare finishing its stretch made its way to the door only for his traps to spring. The first nulling its senses and the second fogging it's memory.

"Huh? What was I doing here again?" Nightmare Moon asked to nopony in particular. Occult grinning to himself tossed a peice of rubble to the other side if the room drawing the demon's attention.

"Mmm is anypony there, come out now and I won't eat you." She chucked lowly. Strutting to the other side of the room the nightmare walked straight over several runes. Purifying runes that, in theory, should weaken the demon and awaken Princess Luna. Nightmare Moon hadn't semmed to noticed thanks to the numbing spell.

Occult snuck behind her as she made her way across the room. He had used so much mana maintaining the chameleon spell it felt like his horn was going to melt, but he couldn't allow the pain to break his concentration. The next step would likely be the most difficult thing he's ever done. Near the door he put his hoof on the rune he carved. As soon as he activated it all the magic in the room would be drained. He wouldn't be able to cast anymore spells and would rely entirely on his traps.

Patiently he waited. Nightmare Moon was on the other side of the room investigating the noise he caused. The demon stood exactly where he needed her to. Dropping the chameleon spell Occult struck the rune causing to to drain the mana in the air. Now the two of them would need to draw on their natural reserves. Unfortunately for the Nightmare, Occult's trap sprung and encased her in a shield spell. It would need to waste its mana breaking out. Or at least, that's what was supposed to happen.

"You?! HOW DARE YOU!" Nightmare Moon screeched before rearing up on her hind legs and striking the sheild with her forehooves shattering it completely.

Now Occult, without magic and only a few traps left would have to deal with a fully powered and furious demon alicorn.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Nightmare Moon, I am Occult Readings and I am here to exorcize you." Occult proclaimed boldly. Much to his displeasure the Nightmare lost its scowl and began to laugh heartily.

"Occult Readings? You think you can stop me? Then you shall suffer the same fate as your insipid ancestor!" the Nightmare cackled charging up a spell, her horn glowing in a deep mesmerizing blue. Occult dove out of the way of the demon's spell just in time as it flew past him blasting a hole into the castle wall and shattered the door by his side.

He couldn't face her, not directly. Occult mulled over his options as the Nightmare laughed in that gloating manner that demon's were known for. He had to run, he had to bide time for his magic reserves to recover and for Celestia to get here. Running out of the door hole the nightmare created Occult galloped as hard and as fast as he could throughout the castle hallways turning corners whenever he could.

It didn't take more than three turns before the demonic alicon was upon him and he had yet to fully recover his mana reserves. He tried to cast a spell that would daze Nightmare Moon but before he could Occult felt the ground underneath his shift and a shockwave sent him flying forwards.

"You sun loving ponies are so weak, so pitiful. And now you get to suffer the same fate as your grandfather." Nightmare Moon stared him dead in the eyes, her serpentine eyes paralyzing, her fangs hungry.

"WAIT NIGHTMARE!" A voice shouted from down the hallways, the clopping of a running pony grew closer. Occult's eyes shot open. That sounded like Gallant! Nightmare Moon turned to look at the approaching thestral colt eyeing him shrewdly.

Gallant came to a stop before Nightmare Moon and knelt before her. Nightmare smiled at the gesture. "Ah one of my loyal followers, how nice it is that you still remember me after all these years."

"Of course my lady. I've come to your service, but I beg you mistress, spare Occult Readings. He owes me his life, he can be useful to you." Gallant begged groveling, as he spoke to the nightmare his shadow shifted.

Hurry up, the kid can only buy so much time

Realizing the plan Occult began gathering as much mana as he could. He would only have one shot. His best bet was to try and weaken the nightmare as much as possible.

"Do you truly think that Occult can be swayed young one?" She asked Gallant.

"Yes, my lady. Twice now I have saved his life, I'm sure that he can be brought to an understanding." Gallant explained, his voice begining to quiver and his legs starting to shake. He was getting nervous, Occult wouldn't have much time.

Gathering a plethora of mana he concentrated on the formation of a purification spell. It wouldn't be enough to exorcize her, but it would weaken her a great deal. Letting loose his spell the demonic alicorn looked towards him to notice what he was doing but it was too late. The nightmares screams were harrowing and caused Gallant to cover his more sensitive ears. Occult wanted to do more but he was worn out, his horn aching from overuse.

"YOU INSOLENT TRAITOR!" Nightmare Moon screamed kicking Gallant across the room. Occult wanted to cry out. He wanted to stop the demon but he was too worn out.

"Congratulations, you managed to inconvenience me. You're as weak as your grandfather. I'll come back for you once the elements are out of the way." Nightmare Moon snarled charging her horn. The last thing Occult saw was the whimpering colt he once again failed to save.