• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 840 Views, 27 Comments

The Mystifying Adventures of Occult Readings and Gallant Knight - Giftmak3r

A unicorn with rather unique intrests teams up with a rather bizzar thestral colt to save the world or something.

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Magic Lessons

Occult waited patiently for his new student for the better part of an hour. Gallant wasn't supposed to arrive for another ten minutes but he needed something to distract him from that mess of a painting. It befuddled him how such a thing could come to be with seemingly no magic and why it would even be done in the first place. It sent the old detective into a further stupor. How was he supposed to find what had taken Gallant if he couldn't even solve the mystery behind a random painting. Pushing the sour thoughts away he glanced at a tentative colt enter the room.

"Welcome young Gallant! Ready for your first magic lessons?" He shouted enthusiastically, glad to finally have something else to distract from the Celestia cursed painting. Though it didn't register with Occult immediately, Gallant only gave a half hearted response.

"Today I will be teaching you the theory of magic." He explained. Gallant for his part wasn't upset that he wouldn't be learning actual magic today, or if he was he hid it well.

"Now magic is something that flows all throughout the world. It exists everywhere and exists in different forms. Harmonic magic is what gives us ponies our strengths and comes from order, friendship and... well, harmony. Other forms of magic exist and while not directly harmful to ponies, can cause a great discomfort if you are subjected to it for too long."

"Do demons and monsters have their own magic?" Gallant asked astutely. Occult couldn't help but smile, it reminded him of when he was a colt.

"Yes, demons and monsters have their own magic. Chaotic magic is what fuels creatures like timberwolves, cockatrices, hydras and all other sorts of nasty things. While demonic magic is what's responsible for demons such as my partner Ilatzi." Occult explained while silently calling for said demon.

What do you want Occult? I was busy.

"Ilatzi I haven't seen you for some time, how have you been?" Gallant perked up when he heard the shadow demon. The radiant greetings from the colt caused Ilatzi to recoil.

Better before you assaulted me. the demon responded.

"Now, with Ilatzi with us do you feel anything different?" Occult asked as he noticed Gallant visibly shake.

"I have a chill down my spine. It feels like we're being watched." He awnsered in almost a whisper as he looked behind his back. This worried Occult, the reaction was too strong. Normal ponies would feel uncomfortable in the presence of a demon, but to be able to describe the feeling so strongly. Not to mention his lack of a reaction when they first met.

"Say Gallant, can you recall when you first arrived in this world? Did you feel anything similar." He asked

"Well I felt all warm and fuzzy, but I thought that was due to the fact that I had a coat of fur." Gallant replied much to Occult's confusion. The soul is a conduit of magic yes, but to cause a feeling of warmth? Gallant would have to be a newborn or his body must have spent a prolonged time in a magic void. That still wouldnt explain why he didn't notice the feeling of Ilatzi and the cockatrice earlier. Curiouser and curiouser.

"Would you come with me to the gardens? I wish to test your sensitivity to chaos magic." He told his young disciple.

You intend to introduce him to Discord? Ilatzi conveyed within his mind, leaving Gallant Knight out of the loop.

I need to figure out why he has such an extreme reaction to non harmonic magic. Besides, its not as if Discord will be conscientiously aware of our visit.

Is that so? I feel his power even within the palace. Even if he slumbers I still must urge your caution. the shadow warned.

"I thought that you said chaos magic comes from monsters, what could be out in the gardens?" Gallant asked.

"That would be Discord. Chaos made flesh. Similar to a demon, but much stronger and abides by his own rules separate from demons." He guided with nods of understanding from Gallant. Without anymore questioning the two ponies and shadow demon made there way to the gardens.

Occult weaved through the halls easily as he knew them like the back of his hoof and Gallant and Ilatzi following behind neither seeming to want to ignite a conversation. Making their way through several hallways they passed many a gaurd and maid alike but for whatever reason Gallant slowed to glare at one of them. He almost didnt notice the colt lag behind until Ilatzi mentioned it to him.

"Gallant, is something wrong?"

The colt simply glared at the royal gaurd rather uncharacteristically. The young colt was normally quite friendly with the gaurd, often bothering them with idle conversation.

"Nothings wrong." Gallant responded curtly before cantering forwards to him. "I was thinking hard about how magic feels and I thought there was something wrong with that gaurd's magic, but I must have been mistaken. It felt fine after a second."

Occult couldn't help but smile, the human trait of constant improvement was inspiring. Gallant never seemed to rest when he learned something new, and now that he knows how to feel magic he wants to maximize its viability. Still he needed to look into why the colt had such a sensitivity, it was a potential clue.

As the trio reached the statue of Discord Gallants steps stuttered as the colt hesitated to get any closer.

"What is it you feel Gallant?" He prodded. The thestral wavered and swayed before smiling.

"This is bizarre. It.. it feels like..." Gallant stopped to think, "like, nausea and nostalgia mixed together. It's intoxicating, both in a pleasurable and poisonous way." He explained before trying to draw closer to the statue before Gallant caught his own hoof and tripped. This worried him. Even in a quadrupedal form Gallant never had trouble walking. If the statue of Discord was causing such a reaction then that could mean nothing good.

Quickly he Gathered Gallant and his magic and rushed him out of the gardens. It didn't take long for the trio to reach his old room and he put Gallant to bed without any resistance from the colt.

Leaving the room he immediately turned to his shadow. "Do you have any idea what that was about? Nopony should have such an extreme reaction to Discord while he's encased in stone." Occult panicked. The old fears he tried to put away came back. If he had such a discomfort near Discord then would the mere presence of a strong demon hurt him? The last thing he wanted was for Gallant to get hurt.

Isn't it pony souls that conduct magic? Shouldn't magicless souls react in such a way?

"Yes, but it's more than that. Our bodies themselves are magic. Any foreign magic should be diverted by the body thus protecting the soul. If Gallant feels demonic and chaos magic both in body and soul that is a disturbing thought." Occult explained to his old friend.

So what if he isn't fully pony?

"What do you mean?" He asked, disturbed by the implication.

If his body isn't fully harmonic then he shouldn't be as sheilded from different magic right?

Occult brought a hoof to his chin. That is possible, but the implications of it weren't pleasant and brought even more uncertainty. This was something that would require more study. He couldn't waste any more time pondering that old artwork.

Author's Note:

Sorry for being gone so long. I'm not dead.