• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 840 Views, 27 Comments

The Mystifying Adventures of Occult Readings and Gallant Knight - Giftmak3r

A unicorn with rather unique intrests teams up with a rather bizzar thestral colt to save the world or something.

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The Next Step

Occult, Gallant, Celestia, Luna and the element bearers were gone in a flash of light. Celestia had taken the liberty of teleporting the group back to Ponyville Square and save everypony the hassle of walking back. Ponies were out on the streets cheering for Celestia's return and the rekindling of daylight. It didn't take long before Ponyville's pink party pony jumped into the fray and ramped up the celebration.

One thing Occult noticed was how Luna shied away from the party. It was an understandable reaction, but Occult wouldn't feel right letting Princess Luna of all ponies let her ego cannibalize itself over a possession. Casually trotting up to Luna he ran a hoof through his messy mane.

"Luna, I see you've withdrawn yourself? Not much of a party pony I presume" He introduced with such impeccable subtly he would make a pony with a silver tounge cutie mark jealous.

"I appreciate your help but I just need to be alone right now." Luna sighed not discouraging him in the slightest.

"Now Luna, that's the exact opposite of what you need. Come now, if not everypony at least talk with your sister and the elements."

Luna looked at him quizzically, groaning she nodded slightly and made her way to her sister and the elements. With the lunar princess back into the fray Occult decided it was time to discuss what would happen with Gallant. Naturally he needed to be with somepony who could be trusted with a secret and could accept his unique position. It simply wouldn't do for him to be treated like a normal colt.

"YOOUU!" A familiar feminine voice screamed. Turning his head he was met by a very angry Loving Grace and two absolutely livid lawponies. The crowd dispersed as the three fuming ponies made their way to the group. It didn't escape Occult's notice that Gallant stood behind him and Luna.

The sherif, a unicorn mare named Flawless Law approached Occult with a scowl on her muzzle. "Occult Readings, you are under arrest for foalnapping, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, assaulting an officer of the law, use of magic as tool of an assult and use of unsanctioned magic."

"Ah Flawless, what impeccable timi-"

"QUITE! I've seen your record. You're a troublemaker down to your core. Come quietly or I'll be forced to use restraining spells on you." The fuming sherif snapped.

"Actually Flawless Law, that won't be necessary." Celestia said interrupting the two. "Occult Readings has explained himself to me and I will be dealing with his punishment personally."

The sherif, deputy and social worker were all stuned by Celestia's statement. Very understandable given how scarce a direct punishment from Celestia was. Not only that, but it would save her having to explain anything to the three effectively concealing Gallant Knight's true identity.

"What about Gallant Knight's well being?" Loving Grace asked with a shake voice.

"That I will leave to you my little pony."


Luna and Gallant asked at the same time. Gallant more screamed than asked.

"We need to account for your well being Gallant. I understand your unique conditions, but I assure you we will do all that we can to help you adjust until you get the help you need." Celestia explained in her signature motherly tone.

"How could surrendering Gallant to Grace's care be what is best for him? We ought take him to the royal palace to be watched over seeing as his case is perticular." Luna shot back much to Occult's surprise and displeasure. Occult groaned. Taking Gallant with him would simply be to much of a risk.

"Your majesty I don't think that's for the best." Occult tried to explain but the lunar princess did not look like she wanted to hear it.

"Um, Miss? I understand that Gallant is a special little stallion, but I'm capable of taking care of his situation." Loving Grace tried to explain to Luna only to recive a snarl from the alicorn.

"WE ARE PRINCESS LUNA, LORD OF THE NIGHT AND GUARDIAN OF DREAMS. THOU SHALL NOT ADRESS US AS MISS!" Luna said in the royal alicorn voice. Everypony that was still chatting during the disturbance stopped at once at the sound of the voice. Occult physically recoiled at the sound. He had only heard it once before and he had hoped it would be his last, but he was unprepared for the princess' scorn.

"Luna," Celestia started softly.

"No, we shall not back down on this manner. Gallant Knight is to be brought to Canterlot and recive care in the palace." Luna stated.

"Sister, I know you care about Gallant, but his condition truly is unique. I think it would be best for him to stay somewhere safe while we figure out how to help him." Celestia explained calmly.

"We are unsure if thou truly understand how precarious his predicament is. We share more in common with this colt than thou could possibly understand." Luna shot back. It was then Celestia's eyes sparkled. It seemed Gallant, for whatever reason, had told Luna about what happened, and Celestia caught onto that as well.

"Princess Luna, if you truly know what's happened then surely you must understand why Ponyville would be best for him." Occult tried to reason.

"Bullcrap! You're just trying to abandon me again!" Gallant shouted taking Occult by surprise. Gallant should understand. He would stay in Ponyville to recive education on how to read and write while Occult figured out what happened.


"No! If I leave you on your own you're just gonna die or get captured again and I'll be stuck here forever." Gallant spat. Occult felt like he had been struck. While it was true that he was unprepared for the dogs and the cockatrice... and Nightmare Moon....... He understood where Gallant's mindset was coming from, but he simply couldn't let a human completely unfamiliar with magic to fight with demons.

"Gallant, this is for the best. Please just go with Loving Grace." Occult pleaded. He didn't want Gallant to get hurt by his account.

"Gallant Knight shall be taken under our wing and that is final." Luna bodly proclaimed. Celestia groaned softly clearly upset with how the conversation had went.

"Sister, I shall concede for now. We will take Gallant to Canterlot but you and I need to have a talk later." Celestia said with a tone that conveyed finality.

"But Princess!" Loving Grace tried to cut in. The pegasus was absolutely shaking with concern. She looked like she was about to cry.

"I understand my little pony. I will assure Gallant Knight is given the best of care don't you worry." Celestia explained calming the mare a significant margin. Loving Grace didn't look happy, but at least she didn't look like she was about to cry. Instead she looked at Occult with a hate filled glare. He almost felt the heat from her hating eyes.

And with that Celestia turned to give her goodbyes to the element bearers and promptly teleported the four of them to Canterlot. Occult was met with a familiar sight. His old room. A wave of nostalgia and comfort washed over him for a moment before he caught the ire of Luna.

"Well Celestia, Occult. Doth thou carest to explain thineself?" Luna asked as Gallant sat staring judgmentally.

"Gallant I understand why you're upset, but this isn't just a simple matter. The thing that took you is very dangerous. Even if you had combative skills you dont possess the ability to defend yourself against the things I face." Occult explained as Gallant sat and listened ears forwards showing he was at least attentive.

"And had I not saved you, you would still be in those mines or forever still as a petrified statue." Gallant retorted. It wasn't going to be easy to explain to Gallant why it was necessary that they split ways.

"Gallant those were one thing, but demons are a whole other level of threat. It's not easy to deal with them." Occult lectured.

"Then show me."

The request startled him. Occult didn't expect that line of reasoning. That he could simply show Gallant how to face demons and that actually work. It couldn't work. Could it? No, Gallant couldn't use magic in the same way as a Unicorn. Even if he could access his natural thestral magic he couldn't preform on the levels necessary to face demons and magical threats.

"I'm sorry Gallant, but you can't use magic. It wouldn't be possible for you to face off against whatever took you." Occult explained with a patient Gallant listening and two princesses that have been suspiciously quiet.

"I may not know how magic works but I can guess that symbol thing you drew in the dirt was magic and you didn't use your horn for that." Gallant snarled back.

"That's true.... wait! How do you know about a unicorn's horn?"

"Because it glows every time you do something magic, duh."

"Well then. While it may be true that runes don't require magic in the same way that spells do, it still requires a feel of your natural magic. You being.... you, don't know how to tap your natural magic." He explained as logically as he could. "You don't need to worry Gallant, I'm not going to be stranding you here. I'll get you back home of its the last thing I do."

"That's what I'm worried about though. I'm afraid this will be the last thing you do if you don't have help." Gallant said softly ears drooping. Occult understood where the human was coming from. If something happened to him then Gallant would be deprived of a way home.

"The solution to this seems simple. Gallant shall stay with us and undergo proper training until he can journey with thou." Luna stated matter of factly.

"Which works because Occult Readings needs to study and not cause trouble for a while." Celestia chimed in. Occult felt betrayed. He though Celestia would understand. He couldn't let Gallant get himself hurt.

"But Celestia," he tried to protest but found his voice lacking under the pressure of her stare. "I understand."

"Good. Gallant, thus will be your room." Celestia said much to Occult's horror.

"But Celestia!"

"Now now Occult, this is a foals room, you're a grown stallion now and I'm not bringing in a new bed." She responded with a giggle. Occult was upset at the prospect of losing his childhood room much more than he expected. He did move out as soon as he got his cutie mark after all.

"I understand Celestia, this was just much more nostalgic then I thought it would be." Occult apologized. "But I have two questions. The first being how Gallant should learn magic to combat demons when I am one of the only ponies that specializes in that? And the second of where I'll be staying."

"I will arrange for a private tutor to teach Gallant Knight the basics of magic and flight and you will be staying in a guest room. Once Gallant learns the more rudimentary things you can teach him the basics on demon hunting." Celestia said. "After all, you have your own studies you need to do."

"Very well Celestia." Occult said with his head down. He just wanted to keep Gallant safe, but everything turned out so poorly.

"Good, now let's get something to eat."