• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 840 Views, 27 Comments

The Mystifying Adventures of Occult Readings and Gallant Knight - Giftmak3r

A unicorn with rather unique intrests teams up with a rather bizzar thestral colt to save the world or something.

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Not so Pleasant Surprise.

Gallant Knight couldn't help but deeply groan. Whatever had happened with that statue made Occult, Luna and Celestia all throw a tissy. His lessons in flying he was supposed to recive have been delayed until the problem with his magic was figured out so he was restricted to strength training. At least he'd be meeting another thestral today. His stomach curdled at the thought. He wasn't really a thestral but it excited him to meet one of his own kind..... no, not one of his own kind. Gallant sighed heavily.

It was hard to hold on to his identity. Especially so when more has happened in this world in two weeks than had happened in his entire life previously. Bitting his cheek he chastised himself. This wasn't his body, he had to do what was right. Hopping off his bed he headed to the courtyard to clear his mind. Some of the guards kept giving him those weird feelings now that he knew how magic was supposed to feel but Occult said he was sensitive, so it's probably just something certain ponies have.

Once he made it to the courtyard he was met with a beautiful pink sky. Taking a deep breath he stretched. It was so easy to forget his old body in the moment. These new muscles he had, the wind against his fur, the morning's chill. Running around the courtyard he thought back to his old life. He spent so long stuck behind a desk for a man that he hated just to make money so he was just barely out of the slums. He couldn't help but pitty the colt he switched with. There's no way a kid will work well in a desk job. He'll be entirely reliant on the good will of others. That.... is a disturbing thought at best. His thoughts and jog were both interrupted by a voice.

"So you're the one Princess Luna has told me about?" A voice said. Looking up Gallant saw a thestral with short light blue mane and and a really light grey coat. Peeking at his side he saw a cutie mark of a wing with stylized wind blowing around it. Eyeing who he assumed was his new trainer he was kind of surprised. Gallant expected a giant scarred up warrior or something, this stallion almost looked like a mare. Luna did say he was a big name monster hunter in the clans so it wasn't at all what he expected.

Quick as a bullet the thestral leaped forwards and struck him, Gallant for his part did move his face out of the way but he was still hit hard by the strike.

"Lesson one, always be vigilant." The thestral said.

"You haven't even given me your name yet and you're already starting with the lessons?" Gallant nearly shouted rubbing the sore spot.

"Monsters don't introduce themselves before they sink their fangs into you." He explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "My name is Gale Wing."

Gallant couldn't help but look at the stallion incredulously. Was this just what thestrals were like? This is supposed to be training.

"Now I saw you were running laps before I arrived," he said heading to the edge of the courtyard. "You're going to start running and I'll be chasing you." He continued before picking up a large stick with his mouth. It instantly clicked what was going to happen and Gallant ran faster than he ever has before.


"Celestia are you sure Twilight will be able to handle this. This is the only documented case of this happening ever. Are there no other doctors or scientists we can turn to?" Occult pleaded. He had nothing against Twilight but he wanted what was best for Gallant. Surely there were ponies out there better suited for the job than an amateur scientist.

"I know you worry for Gallant and I care for him too, I wouldn't have Twilight look into this unless I was positive she would be able to handle it." Celestia explained with her radiant voice. It did help put Occult at ease a little but he's been pulling his mane out in stress. Of all the theories he's come up with about Gallant none of them were good.

Gallant could be a demonhost. Occult wouldn't be able to tell until said demon popped out killing Gallant. He could take precautions against it but if he tried to preform a banishment and the demon was strong enough to resist it that would be the end of Gallant. And that theory didn't explain the chaos magic. The only other things that made sense had even worse implications. His body simply couldn't be that of a normal pony.

"Occult, would you take a walk with me?" Celestia asked distracting him from his worries. It had been such a long time since they were able to relax together. Celestia stood as he nodded and they made their way down the halls.

"I know you worry for your student but there is nothing to fear, I am sure-"

"Nothing to fear unless he's a demonhost." Occult interrupted. He regretted it as soon as the words came out but he was terrified for Gallant. He swore that he would save him. A wing draped over him and Celestia nuzzled him like she used to so long ago.

"You banished the host of wrath back in Trottingham didn't you?" She asked and he just nodded. "And you stopped the nightmare cult before they could hurt my precious little sister didn't you?" Once more he nodded. "And you held back a possessed alicorn long enough for the elements of Harmony to arise did you not?"

"I know I know. It's not likely that he will be hurt but there's just something that makes me feel sick." Occult responded. Celestia in turn just chucked softly.

"It's only natural to worry about your students." She said calm as ever. Occult for his part did feel better. But for some reason he felt like this was only the first obstical in a long marathon.


Gallant ran straight into one of the weird gaurds panting and moaning. His hide was screaming at him with the heat from the whip marks. Gale was a sadistic pony. The older pony would back off to give him a respite and the second he felt comfortable he'd get whacked with a vengeance. He tried to get up after ramming into the gaurd but his legs wouldn't move anymore. He must have ran around the palace three times over.

"Giving up so soon?" Gale taunted shortly before he had an armoured gaurd in his face.

"Cease and desist sir. On Celestia's authority you are hereby under arrest for assault, colt abuse, and trespass on royal property." The gaurd interjected.

"Wait, he's my trainer. Princess Luna appointed him herself." Gallant quickly interjected after he caught his breath. The gaurd for his part was not amused.

"Even under the guise of training, striking a colt is unacceptable. Sir drop the weapon and follow me." The gaurd said in a tone conveying he wasn't going to be argued with. Several other of the weird gaurds arrived to check up on the confrontation.

"Gallant Knight. Glad that we've found you. Celestia has called for your attendance as soon as possible." One of the two gaurds said. Given that he couldn't move at the moment he didn't know how to respond to the gaurd.

"Are you able to move Gallant?" The gaurd he originally bumped into asked. Gallant shook his head. "Would you like to be carried or to wait a moment?"

"I don't mind being carried." He responded. He didn't want to be carried but they said that Celestia wanted to see him asap so he didn't really have a choice.

"Sir would you come with us?" The gaurd demanded more than asked Gale. Gale for his part, relented. The princesses would cover for him and he knew it. So the four adults walked while Gallant was straddled on one of the gaurds backs. It was kind of awkward riding on top of another pony but his smaller stature made it so that it wasn't completely terrible.

The gaurds oddly didn't have any spring in their step despite the claims that Celestia's orders were to arrive as soon as possible. The gaurds were walking at a pace more fit for an afternoon stroll. The oddities kept adding up as they made their way.

The casual walk was weird but not suspicious. What was suspicious was the congregation of ponies with the weird feeling. Usually they were spread out. He assumed it was just a slightly different magic and that's why they were spread out randomly. But this section of the castle seemingly had no ponies without that weird feeling.

"Why aren't we heading to Celestia's quarters or the throne room?" He prodded, the gaurd he was riding on seemed to just give the barest hint of surprised. As if she wasn't expecting that sort of question. Something was definitely off about these gaurds.

"Celestia has called for a special doctor to see about your case." She responded naturally making a quick recovery from her slip up.

"I think I can walk now, can you let me down? He asked. If there was any resistance to his request it would be a dead give away that these gaurds are up to no good. The gaurd in turned stopped and complied to his request much to his surprise. Taking advantage of the situation he slowly made his way to Gale Wing.

"Gale, something feels off here so be ready." He whispered. Gale looked at him and nodded in confirmation. His muscles were visibly tense so he must have noticed something wrong as well.

It wasn't long before they reached the medical facility and the feeling didn't get any better. Upon entry the feeling of fear dissipated as Celestia was waiting there for him and she didn't have that weird feeling about her. Even if everypony else was weird as long as Celestia was here he could trust that he'd be safe.

"It's good to see you well Gallant. This here is Dr. Quick Shot and he'll be preforming a few tests." Celestia said.

The doctor then strode forward. "Gallant, it's a pleasure to meet such a brave young colt. I've heard you experienced some magical anomalies and I'm here to make sure nothing bad happens to you. Now would you rest on the bed and I'll administer some anesthetics."

"Anesthetics?" He asked, what the hell would they be doing that required anesthetic for. "Can we not do that?"

"I'm afraid anesthetics will be required for this procedure." The doctor replied with a laugh that sent a chill down his spine.

"Where's Occult Readings?" He demanded.

"Oh he's busy." Celestia said. That was wrong. Celestia wasn't the type to awnser dismissively like that. Celestia would have told him what Occult was doing if it was important enough to miss a surgery that required anesthetics.

"Celestia I don't want to do this right now. Gale Wing will you come with me back to my room?" He asked

"NO! Celestia yelled "STOP THEM!"

With a flash of green the entire room save Celestia transformed into monstrous bug looking creatures. Reacting as fast as he could he bucked the "doctor" monster in the face downing him immediately. As he turned around three of the monsters were already on the ground, their shells cracked with green goo leaking out. It didn't look like those things were dead but they weren't getting back up just as sure as Celestia's cake addiction.

"Gallant run!" Gale shouted as he moved quick as a blur straight towards the fake Celestia. Gallant didn't need to hear twice. He may not be strong enough to save Gale but he would be certain to avenge him.

Busting the door open he bolted to the courtroom where the real Celestia had to be. His legs still burnt greatly from before but he wouldn't stop until he found reinforcements to face those monsters. Now that he knew what they were he could rout them out of Canterlot. These things couldn't hide from him. He just needed to get to the princess.