• Published 14th Jun 2021
  • 840 Views, 27 Comments

The Mystifying Adventures of Occult Readings and Gallant Knight - Giftmak3r

A unicorn with rather unique intrests teams up with a rather bizzar thestral colt to save the world or something.

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A Trial of Heart

Gabe looked in horror as his friend became encased in stone. Diving into a nearby bush he hid as the beast began prowling around. He didn't know if Occult was still alive or not, but he needed to do something. The problem was with the nature of that chicken snake beast. Of course he could assume it was no more than one of the fairytale creatures that he had heard of in the toddler care centers, but this was a new world with bizarre magic. How do you fight a creature that can turn you to stone? He wondered to himself.

That's a good question human.

Fighting the urge to jump and scream Gabe hastily looked around to search for the voice.

At ease little Gabriel I'm not here to hurt you. This is just business. the seemingly disembodied voice remarked Down here Gabriel.

Looking down he saw that his shadow was oddly animated. Flickering unnaturally seemingly staring at him with eyes that didn't exist? The peirceing gaze of the shadow creature sent chills down his spine and made his stomach crawl. Fighting the urge to run he mustered up a whisper, "what do you want?" after asking his question the shadow just chuckled.

No need to alert the cockatrace young Gabriel, I can read your mind you know. the shadow demon ridiculed him, listen, we're both in a rush so let's just skip the pleasantries and get down to busines. There's a zebra in this forest you'll need to speak to in order to help Occult. Get to her.

He had a hard time comprehending the shadow monster before him. On the one hand, it isn't outside the realm of disbelief given everything he's seen so far, but on the other, how could he trust a creature that claimed to be a demon? If Occult was in danger then he needed to save him even if it meant fighting that scary monster. How could a zebra help?

I understand that you have your reservations Gabriel but I truely am in a hurry. Mr.Readings and I have a contract and if I fail to complete my end of the bargain, rather unpleasantthings will happen so I ask that you please go find the zebra. the voice said in a hurried voice. It truely did sound like it was worried, be it for his own life or Occult's he couldn't tell.

Tuning away from the chicken monster Gabe silently crept away careful not to make a single sound and he put distance between himself and Occult. Once he was far enough away from the monster he broke out into a sprint.. gallop? Heading in the direction Occult was leading him before the chicken attacked.

You said something about a contract, what's that about?

We're rather busy right now? Can't you save your asinine question for later? the demon asked to recive a shake from Gabe. Fine, I'll awnser a few. First of all, my name is Ilatzi, not demon and I would appreciate being addressed as such. And so you may know, Mr. Readings formed a contract with me, I can't disclose the nature of the contract and if you want to know more you will ask Mr. Readings himself once he is saved.

Gabe didn't really know how to process that information, he thought Occult was supposed to hunt demons, not work with them. But what did he know about demons? Maybe this Ilatzi guy was.... not horrible? Maybe?

While in the middle of contemplating everything that's happed in the past half hour he noticed the brush and other foliage of the forest was significantly less abundant than before as it looked like he was coming across a small clearing with a strange looking tree at the edge if it.

Here we are, Zecora is just ahead. Go and tell her about what's happened to Occult and she should be able to help you.

Ilatzi finished speaking as he came upon the tree which had a door. Knocking on the door he heard the clopping of hoofs on wood as he waited. When the dor opened he was greeted to the sight of a Zebra much like he expected. The zebra however seemed to be shocked, or maybe upset? He still didn't understand equine emotions yet.

"Who is this little colt I see, so brave to roam the Everfree?" she rhymed in a questioning tone only to follow the sentence quite soon, "I am Zecora and dispite my visage, I think I am company you would most applaud."

It took him and moment to realized she was introducing herself and that he ought to do the same. He didn't want her to think he was some kind of freak alien so he needed to come up with something now. She remarked that he was brave, and he was a bat-pony hybrid, so...

"My name is Gallant Knight, it's a pleasure to meet you miss. I came in hopes that you could help me save my friend. His name is Occult Readings and he got petrified by a chicken monster!" he shouted with much more emotional charge than he meant.

The chicken monster is called a cockatrace young 'Gallent' Ilatzi said with sharp venom putting a mocking emphasis on his made up name. Though that isn't a completely horrible alias for a thestral.

"Occult is in the woods with a friend, only to meet a most unfitting end? I'll tell now young Knight, to free your friend you must fight." Zecora said walking back into her tree house, leaving the door open for Gallent to follow. As he walked into her home he was greeted by all kinds of masks and bottles that were reminiscent of the story books of ancient humans back home.

"How am I supposed to fight a creature that can turn me to stone?" he asked the mare who was now rummaging about some plants and tossing them into some kind of pot.

"Too young you are to pass this test, so stay with me and get some rest. Come tomorrow I'll head to town, where the pony gaurd will come around." Zecora said in a reassuring tone, like a mother telling her child that there was no monster under the bed.

Gallant was upset. Really upset. The gaurd? The gaurd! His friend was in danger and she just tells him to wait for the gaurd again? He was conflicted. On the one hand, this wasn't his body and he shouldn't be putting it in danger. But on the other, his friend was in danger, not only that but he was the only stallion that could give the colt his body back and send Gabe home.

"There has to be some way I can help him! I can't just sit around and wait!" Gallant exclaimed rashly. He cringed at his outburst. It was true that he wanted to save Occult he also didn't want to put a body he didn't own into danger. Something was wrong, he was acting much more impulsively than he should have been.

Even with the impulsiveness he felt in his heart that the decision to save Occult was right so he continued. "Before we came across the cockatrace Occult and I were captured by dogs. He told me just to wait for the gaurds like you, but I was still able to get us out. I'm sure there has to be some way for me to save him! I can't just wait for gaurds that may not even be able to help!" Gallant pleaded desperately.

Looking at the now Gallant Knight, Zecora gave him a soft somber expression. Nodding the zebra said "A test of will you must undergo, for that is the only way to best your foe." Test of will? Besting his foe? Just what was that supposed to mean?

"Uh, Miss Zecora, just what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Gallant as he decided he would be called asked, only to be ignored by the zebra as she continued mixing her concoction.

I have to say, your fake name isn't entirely terrible. It's fitting for you. Good job. Ilatzi said out of the blue.

Thanks, but aren't you supposed to be helping me save Occult? Gallant thought in return. Focusing on the the shadow that was Ilatzi he didn't even notice Zecora approach with a cup in her hoof.

"Take a sip and you will see, what sort of might is needed to face the Everfree. A strong spirit which knows no fear, is what you need to retrieve what's dear." Zecora said in her soothing rhythmic voice. Gallent didn't know why but everything the zebra said just seemed so trustworthy dispite how weird what she was saying was. Maybe it was her motherly tone?

"So I just need to be brave? How does that work? And what happens if I fail?" Gallant asked in a panic. He needed to save Occult, what kind of man would he be if he didn't?.

Chuckling Zecora explained "Look the monster in the eye, it must see your strength is not a lie."

Digesting the information he recived Gallant looked into the cup Zecora handed- hooved over to him. All he needed to do was drink this and look the monster in the eyes? It seemed bizarre to even consider it, but this was the sort of thing that heros in the old stories would do.

Making his decision to drank from the cup Zecora gave him. The concoction was incredibly bitter and made him want to spit it out immediately but he drank it down to the last drop, his muzzle contorting in disgust. After drinking the bitter liquid he didn't really feel any different but he wanted to thank her none the less. "Thank you for helping me. I'll owe you."

The look he recived in return seemed... perplexed maybe? He still couldn't tell that well. "If you belive a debt is owed, then see me once more down the road." The mare said in that sweet tone of hers.

Walking away from the tree house Gallant Knight headed for where he last saw his friend.


With every step from Zecora's home he took he grew more and more nervous. It had been ten minutes of walking and Gallant was in a cold sweat, his four legs were each shaking tediously. As he walked deeper into the woods the shadows of the trees each seemed more alive, the whistle of the wind seemingly sung much more ominous songs. Gallant felt as if his life was coming to a close. It didn't help that Ilatzi hadn't uttered a word since he left Zecora's.

You still there Ilatzi?

Receiving no awnser Gallant sighed. Trudging forward he headed to Occult. So much was swimming through his head. It was overwhelming. Before he had just ignored the absurdity of the situation, merely pushed forward past his struggles like he always had, but now everything came crashing down on him. How much he missed his home, how strange this world full of magic was, how demons were real, how his new friend was nearly killed and most importantly it was what had happened to the colt he took this body from.

Each step became more and more cumbersome as he trudged through the forest, darkness looming over his heart. Nevertheless he pushed forward knowing that not only did he have an obligation to return the body he stole, but to save Occult as well. He needed to keep going even if he wanted to cry. He would endure. It's simply what needed to be done, and so that's what he would do.

Coming across the stone statue he felt fear spike in his heart. The cockatrace was nowhere to be seen. Getting a closer look at the statue Gallant saw just how realistic the statue looked. He could see each individual hair on occults tail, the definition of his coat was incredible. The thing most peculiar about it was how his mark still showed through the stone dispite not having any different texture. The stone should have washed the color out with grey and made it invisible. Boil it down to magic he guessed.

Hearing something rustle in bushes behind him he swirled around and got ready to face the beast. As he saw the monster rise from the bush in its slow and predatory manner he looked it dead in the eyes. Immediately he felt his body stiffen and stone encased his hooves. Swallowing his fears he was not detoured by the beast as he peered at its soul.

For what felt like eternity the two stared at eachother. The cockatrace with malice and Gallent in a silent defiance. As the competition of sorts went on Gallant felt his legs began to grow numb as the stone creeped upwards. Gallant steeled his heart and continued. Dispite the fearsome look he stood strong. As the seconds went by the intensity slowly waned as the beast looked less aggressive. Feeling the stone around his hooves weaken Gallant broke free and began to walk forward, the beast in turn backpeddled.

Suddenly the cockatrace burst into the air and flew away. It came as a surprise to Gallant, he wouldn't imagine it be that easy. Draining, but easy.

Nice work kid, I didn't think you had it in you. Ilatzi snarked at him, but the words of the demon didn't bother him as he felt his eyes grow heavy. He couldn't support his legs anymore and with a thud he fell to the ground.