• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

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War breeds pain, in more ways than one. The country of Equestria has suffered many losses of their beloved role models, mages, inventors, and overall minds of the new age. But to have them turn against their own? The thought alone was unfathomable. Yet, still possible, as was witnessed with the naked eye.

Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle, sworn protector and beloved Queen of the great expansive supernation of Psera. Her magic was unmatched, strong enough to power the entire country for centuries to come. Her knowledge of magic and science not only went beyond admiration and respect, but to speak of her in such a way of disrespect required an investigation into who you were as a pony.

Arcadia Nova was the first Alicorn-Pseratep to ever exist. A foreigner to Psera, but considered, at most, their goddess; their hero who would willingly lift her sword and give up her life. She resurrected their land from the dirt, married their king, brought to them technology they never knew existed, a new energy source that could bring dreams to life, and a military command so vast Narmeelah herself would have trouble getting through.

Arcadia Nova, Saviour of Psera. Her image brought smiles to the faces of many far and wide. But as of now, in the land of Equestria, her presence grew fear. Her daughter Fresh Dawn could hear it. The Pserateps soaring through Equestria's airspace, the shouts of military outside. But for what? What exactly happened?

What caused Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle to swing her sword upon both the Pserateps and IHT?

After everything that has happened, after escaping their prison of time, after witnessing the fight between her mother and almost every single pony alive, after witnessing her fall and detainment before they were separated, after screaming her lungs out for her mother to be freed, after fighting against the hold of Celestia, Flurry, and her grandparents, Dawn finally found serenity in her mother's room when she herself was a filly.

The quiet atmosphere calmed both Fresh Dawn and First Light down. Too much noise and it would cause another tirade. Instead, it distracted them from reality and perched them into peace.

On her Starswirl the bearded bedsheets she lied, staring at a picture of Twilight on a dresser in desperate need of a dusting. She paid no attention to the window where outside soldiers of IHT and Psera patrolled the streets, where a bubble shield resistant to her presence surrounded her grandparents' home; where, supposedly, Psera's fleet drifted off the coast of Las Pegasus. She knew everything that was happening outside.

Everything, except for her mother's whereabouts. She's asked grandma and grandpa so many times, the wardens of her prison. But the answers were always the same:

She's being held. That's it? That's all she's getting?! They refused to let her in on anything revolving her mother. The attack? Nothing. Zebrica? Nothing. Future plans? Nothing. She was stuck in a void with no answers.

Dawn already cried for father four days ago. As for her mother, she cried everyday. Even now a tear rolled down her cheek and added to a moist spot on the bedsheets.

Juniper, being the ever-loving magic-born pet she was would lick at her face to bring Dawn out of her depression.

"Not now, Juniper." She gently nudged her away with a wing. "Not in the mood." Juniper whimpered and tried again. "No, Juniper. Sit."

Juniper whimpered and did as told by Dawn's side. Sky Blue was around the house somewhere. She couldn't take to the skies like she wanted, being trapped within a bubble designed to subdue dark magic. One hit against it and Celestia would know. She would teleport over, tell her to stop, and go back to what she was doing before. That didn't mean Dawn would.

How long has it been? Almost a week, right? Dawn rose from the bed and jumped down. The hardwood floors creaked with her weight and every step she took to get to the window. She peeked out, staring through Ponyville up to Canterlot. What... Why... Dawn couldn't even fathom a thought anymore. She was done thinking. She was done trying.

A knock on the bedroom door pulled Dawn's attention from the window. "Dawnie?" Twilight Velvet called through it. "Can I come in?"

Dawn turned back to the window, ignoring her. Velvet knew she wouldn't answer. The door was opened and she poked her head in sadly. "Dawn, somepony's here to see you." No answer. "Okay, it's Cadance. She wants to talk to you. Is it okay if she comes in?"

Still no answer. So Velvet widened the door to let In Princess Cadance. Her taller figure walked in with a soft smile trained on Dawn's back. Her pink coat so flawless one wouldn't have believed she was real.

"Hey, Dawn," she greeted. "I just wanted to speak with you for—"

"Unless..." Dawn cut her off. "You're here to tell me about my mother, to say I can see her, I don't want to speak to any of you."

Cadance walked closer. "Dawn, please be reasonable after everything that has happened—"

"I am being reasonable. Perfectly, actually. But no one else is. So get out. Both of you." They didn't move. "GET OUT!!!"

Dawn's magic surrounded Cadance and pushed her out the room. Then the door was slammed shut in her face, leaving her in the dark of the house. Cadance sighed in dismay and bowed her head with eyes closed. It's been like this ever since they brought her here. Too many attempts, too many failures.

Cadance shook her head with Velvet then trotted back down the stairs where Celestia, Luna, Night Light and Merry Fire waited.

She shook her head at their questioning gazes. "She won't speak to me either."

Luna asked, "Let me guess. It's because she wants to see Twilight." Cadance nodded. "We should just let her. A filly needs her mother."

"A filly needs a mother," Celestia corrected. "Not Twilight. She has already proven that. Twilight will resort to violence if she sees Dawn. It is better if they are separated."

"Dawn could have an escort."

"Or Dawn just doesn't see her at all. She'll be better taken care of by relatives who are more normal than what she has been subjected to as of late. She doesn't need anymore of this. Not to mention, Twilight could use Dawn as a way to escape. Dawn isn't really a pony. She's dark magic. That means more magic for Twilight to use as a weapon or a spell, or whatever she wants. And Dawn will do what it takes to free her mother."

While Celestia spoke Cadance looked back up to the stairs. Lying at the top of them made her heart stop beating.

"But what is one visit?" Velvet argued. "She's a child, Celestia. A child who watched her mother be attacked."

"One visit could cause a bigger problem. One visit could mean disaster for all of us. We almost lost our lives in Canterlot and more did. We cannot take that risk. We must keep any form of Twilight's magic away from Twilight."

Without pulling her eyes from the staircase, Cadance bumped her wing into Luna. She followed her sight then bumped Celestia.

Dawn. Lying down at the top of the staircase amongst the shadows. Watching them stoically with an unreadable stare. It didn't take a genius to know she heard every word they said.

"Hello, Dawn," Luna greeted. "Were you spying on us?"

"It's not spying if you're talking about me," she answered. "It's just me listening to my business."

Celestia huffed out through her nose. She was not ready for this conversation. "Dawn—"

"You don't get to speak to me," Dawn snapped. "After everything you just said, I don't even want to look at you, let alone hear your voice."

Silence reigned before Cadance spoke for her. "Dawn, listen. We know you want to see your mom, but maybe now isn't a good time."

"Then when is a good time?" Dawn put out her hooves. "I just want to see my mother. There is no mega plan, there is no working together, there is no evil. I just..." Dawn sighed and wiped her eyes before the tears could fall. "I just want to see the last pony I have left. I just want to see the last pony that makes home feel like home no matter where I am in this world. I want to see my mother one more time before I'm alone again."

Cadance assured, "Dawn you're never alone."

"I'm always alone. I was alone on Psera and I'm alone here. At least I had a small chance. But now, no one wants the pony birthed of Dark Magic around on Equestria, and no one wants the daughter of the pony who almost ended everything on Psera. I'm alone and no one here can tell me otherwise.

"So please, before I take my final steps as an actual pony worthy of any respect in this world...just let me see the last of the little family I had."

Celestia closed her eyes and looked away. Buck why was she already regretting this decision? "...fine." She turned back to Dawn and pointed. "But only for five minutes, there can be no magic, and Luna and myself will be present the entire time. You do what we say, understand?"

Dawn stood up with her eyes wide and ears up. "Yes," she answered excitedly.

Celestia turned around and gestured with her head for the door. Dawn eagerly trotted down the steps and past her grandparents out into the brisk air. Civilization was slowly crawling back to normal. Ponies were out and about, but due to the military presence, only a few walked the streets. The rest chose to watch and stay indoors.

But once Dawn stepped into sight, those nearby stopped what they were doing and eyed her suspiciously. Measuring her up and down. A couple walking by stopped, stared, and turned around, going back where they came. A foretelling of the future.

Dawn's ears flopped down and Cadance laid a wing on her back. "Don't worry about them," she whispered.

"How can't I?" Dawn replied. "When the entire world will be doing it?"

A question that went unanswered. Celestia disengaged the bubble shield and walked towards a chariot on the other side. The soldiers attached cast curious looks to Dawn, but said nothing. Their silence didn't make her feel any better.

Once they were situated, Celestia ordered, "Onward to Containment."

The soldiers took off down the street and soon into the air, sailing amongst blue skies and cold air. Dawn looked over the edge and watched the town of Ponyville pass below. Its citizens watched her back, just like the hundreds would after.

The trip to "Containment" was silent. Celestia, Luna and Cadance stared straight ahead with the latter glancing down in her direction every passing minute. Would it always be like this? One pony watching the other for any strange actions?

They passed over the Everfree Forest. The Abandoned Castle. The doorway to Founder's has closed, leaving her here in the real world to face the nightmare that has become her life.

Dawn could see it in the distance. Containment. Patrols of Pserateps sped by overhead over a pyramid-shaped facility, as big as the Castle of the Gods in Psera. Three high and thick concrete walls outlined the operations. Containment. This was Pseratopian technology. The same ponies mom saved now keep her prisoner.

The chariot lowered into the woods onto a road leading up to the first gate. Pserateps walked the forestry, thinned of branches to watch anyone trying to escape or do anything sneaky.

An alarm blared and the gate creaked open, letting them through the first, second, and third gate.

They arrived at the pyramid, ringed by Psera's Elite military watching them. Watching Dawn. Their wheels rolled through muddy ground, as if rain pelted the pyramid before it stopped at a pair of doors outlined by runes.

"Let's go." Celestia hopped out first followed by the rest of them. Dawn caught up and walked through those automatic doors that parted upon their presence. They entered a wide hall colored a bright white, a stark contrast compared to the gloomy world behind them, fitted with Elite Guards standing on the side. A single hallway leading up stairs. One way in, one way out.

But where was mom? After climbing Dawn saw another pair of doors up ahead. Glass, Dawn could see Uncle Shining inside watching computers and talking to someone. The doors parted and beeped to let them know they entered. He looked behind him and honed in on Dawn.

His questioning gaze met Cadance's. "Once," she said. "Five minutes."

He couldn't argue. He looked back to the computers and focused on the glass windows beyond it. A large space that Dawn couldn't entirely see. But she was sure her mother was down there.

Shining leaned over the control board before him and twisted and turned a few knobs. Immediately, an alarm rang out in an expansive space beyond the glass. Shining leaned forward into a microphone. "You have a visitor. Five minutes."

He turned back. "She knows."

So that's how they spoke to her. Not in person? Dawn swallowed her anger at the disrespect. Cadance placed a wing on Dawn's back and guided her over to a door on the side down a secured stairwell that lead out into another guarded hallway.

Dawn could feel her near. But not as much as she used to. They were compressing her magic in here. Keeping her back from the world outside. Soon, they took a right and stopped before another pair of doors. Glass and light, quick and easy to open in the event the guard needed to swarm the pony on the other side.

But that didn't matter. Dawn could see her; how helpless she was. Right there, in an atrium filled with hot lights beaming down onto a plastic cone that kept her mother prisoner. A single walkway lead out to her in the middle of this pyramid. Turrets lined the walls stationed by more soldiers aiming at her cell. Twilight was lying down on her stomach with a container on her horn, a cuff on all four hooves, and wings spread by tools from above attached to the pyramid by chains.

"Five minutes," Celestia reminded her. "No magic, and no physical contact."

Dawn nodded. She would appease to Celestia's demands for mom. Once Celestia was sure she would listen, the doors were opened and they walked out onto the bridge leading up to the cone together.

Twilight sat up once she recognized her daughter. Her eyes widened upon recognition. "Dawn!"

"Mom!" Dawn ran for the pyramid and placed her hooves against the cone's surface. Twilight nuzzled the other side. "How are you doing in here? Why are you chained up like this? This is completely unnecessary!"

Twilight spoke through her fatigue. Upon further inspection, Dawn could make out bags under her eyes. The color that was left was no longer lively. She was weak. "Psera and IHT are trying to drain my magic. It won't work."

Dawn turned back to Celestia staring emotionless in fury. "Are you serious?! You're killing her!!"

Celestia held her ground. "It is for the safety of creatures everywhere that Twilight have her magic drained. Both Psera and IHT agreed on this move. Once she is weakened, we will move on with the trial."

"And just what are you doing with her magic?! Using it for yourselves?! You're stealing the magic of the pony who saved your lives a hundred times over! You should be ashamed of yourselves!"

"Dawn," Twilight whispered. Dawn quickly trotted back to heed her mother's call. "Do not worry."

"But mom—"

"Shhh, my child, come here." Twilight placed her forehead against the plastic. Dawn followed her example and closed her eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. Do you hear me? Everything is going to be okay."

"Mom, I need you." Dawn placed her hoof on the plastic. "I can't go back to Psera without you, I just can't."

"Shhh, Dawn. Listen to my voice. Just listen. You are a part of me and I of you. Everything will be okay. You can go wherever makes you happy and safe."

"But...Narmeelah...I can't leave them."

"Dawn, your happiness and safety comes first. Psera . . . They no longer care for us. Only their power that I have given them. I fear they use my magic to power all of them." Twilight stood up and looked down to Dawn. "But you must stay strong. Don't let them control your future. I know Psera may hold little grudges against you, but stay strong, my baby. Everything is going to be okay."

Celestia spoke up from the back. "One minute."

Twilight glanced up to them briefly before looking back to Dawn. "Because Equestria, Psera, The Dragon Lands, they will all need us before the season is over. They will need the pony who brought them to where they are today. They will need the pony who sacrificed their life for them, and they will need the pony who prepared for such a catastrophe. I will be okay."

Dawn and Twilight placed their foreheads against the glass once more. "I love you, mommy."

"I love you both, Dawn and Light. We'll see each other again soon."

"Time's up."

Author's Note:

And we're back!! Quite the beginning, huh? I really enjoy TD. Be ready for a ride!

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