• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

  • ...

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Chapter 35 - Saemool's Words

This vehicle was massive! Seriously, it towered over every pony and creature here! A behemoth of a pod colored as dark as the night sky. Rainbow couldn't take her eyes off of it.

"Bet my barns back home it's for one of the princesses." Rainbow shifted her sight over to Applejack, watching next to her.

"Yeah," Rainbow agreed. She looked back to the Black Box. "It's definitely not for us. I forgot which vehicle was ours."

"We choose our own. Makes the most sense. We're not part of the security. We're the backup plan."

A mighty yawn coming from behind them attracted their eyes to Rarity walking in their direction.

"Mornin', mare of beauty," Applejack teased.

Rarity shot her a stark expression of disdain before widening her eyes to the Black Box.

"Oh my goodness," she whispered. "What in Equestria is that?"

"We're not in Equestria anymore," Rainbow corrected her. She shared a hoof bump with Applejack.

"What is it?" Rarity repeated, ignoring their slight jab.

"They're transporting Queen Dawn to the battlefield in it," Scootaloo answered. She walked to the three of them with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, along with Majority Green. Wrapped around her shoulder and encasing her wing was a cast. She was quickly enveloped into a hug by Rainbow Dash. A hug so close, that she could even see through the fur or feathers.

"How are you feeling, Scoots?" She asked worriedly. "Are you hurting anywhere? Do I have to get a doctor to check you out some more?"

"Rainbow, I'm..." She fought her way out of Rainbow's embrace threatening to choke her to death. "I'm fine. It's just a sprain, I'm okay."

A shrill whistle alerted everybody able to hear in its direction. Secretary Manny, standing on the balcony of the tower alongside Captains, Lieutenants, and SERL Executives.

"Soldiers, mount up!!" She ordered. "We're moving out in five minutes!!"

Oh boy, here we go. Soldiers scrambled for the pods, whistles were blown, they took to the walls, the air, the towers. The journey and time for action was officially beginning. Rainbow Dash swallowed and looked down into Scootaloo's eyes and smile. That smile could light up the entire world, even when darkness covered it. Rainbow couldn't help but smile back.

"Where is your post?" She asked her.

Scootaloo slipped out of Rainbow's hooves and stood on her own. "I'm stationed here. I'll be providing security for the project. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

She reached out and gripped Rainbow's hoof. She stared deep into her eyes, pulling Rainbow into her gaze.

"Focus on the mission," she told her. "Get us back home. We're running out of time."

Right. They had a mission to complete. The fight against Narmeelah. The biggest battle in Equus' history, for sure, to decide the fate of everyone here.

Scootaloo looked past Rainbow Dash and watched the rear doors to the rear entrance of the Black Box be unlocked. Black steps were placed there for assistance to the smallest yet one of the most important ponies going to the battle. The Arcadian Elite Royal Guard could simply jump in. But they stood to the side, watching Queen Fresh Dawn approach with her mother by her side all the way to the doors before they stopped and faced each other.

Rainbow followed her eyes. "Ah, that makes more sense."

Twilight handed Dawn her notebook. Then leaned down and placed a soft peck on her head before embracing her.

Once they separated, Dawn turned around, walked up the stairs and into the Black Box, followed by the Arcadian Elite Guard. Then, the doors were slammed shut and locked tightly. Yet, Twilight didn't leave. She remained at the doors, even when the other soldiers gravitated towards their own Pods.

A mother worrying for her child. Celestia knew the look. There must be a storm of thoughts swirling through Twilight's mind. None of them good. She trotted over to Twilight and followed her gaze.

"Remember what we said, Twilight," she said.

"I know," she whispered. "She has to spread her wings." Twilight swallowed, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, they were as hard as steel.

Twilight walked around the Pod and plopped on her helmet. "Let's go. The faster we get to Narmeelah, the faster we can end all of this."

Celestia followed her walk to the pod in front of the Black Box where Odega was waiting. She had her hooves kicked up, watching the starless sky.

"You ready?" She asked.

Arcadia jumped into the ride and put on her helmet. "I've waited decades for this to see the face behind this shaping of history. I'm more than ready."

Arcadia picked up a Comm Block and relayed, "Dawn, copy?"

Inside the darkness of the Black Box, Dawn sat at a console outfitted with an overwhelming count of four screens facing the doors of the vehicle, and the Elite Guard protecting her within.

On her back, the Sword of Arcadia. Her head, a helmet, the rest of her runed down for protection.

"Yes, mother, I copy," she replied. She looked at one screen that had a camera from Serl trained on their line of Pods snaking through the entire city. She switched to another. Then another.

"We're ready when you are, General," Dawn advised.

"Soldiers of Equus," the General replied. "Twenty-Five to Snow. Let's save Equus."

The gears were changed on all pods before the first Pod moved out. Followed by the rest before eventually reaching the Black Box.

The engine roared loud, drowning out the other vehicles. It jolted, almost throwing Dawn out of her station.

"I guess stealth is out the window," First Light assumed.

"Yeah," Dawn agreed. She tapped away on her system, gaining access to the same cameras SERL had. She watched from their point-of-view as they drove across the sand, leading them deeper into the desert.

The ride was tense. With all stations eyeing the sands, the air, and the ground. Their lead vehicle the most observant, save for Arcadia's. She and Odega both knew it would be a matter of time.

They shared a glance before eyeing the road. The wind blew back their manes, sending their feathers flying into the air.

Every few minutes into the ride, Twilight would look back and observe Dawn and Light's security. As ordered. Five pods on both the left and right side. Fully armored. They also had Pserateps, Pegasi, Dragons, and Hippogriffs flying in formation.

She would meet the gaze of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance before turning back around.

"She's not going to disappear," Odega promised.

"I know that." Twilight reached up and plucked off her helmet. Her reflection in its luster glared back. "I just want to look out for her."

"She'll be fine."

"As long as she's under my eye, she will be." Twilight faced the road again.

"She's under all of our eyes, Arcadia. You have to trust us, as we trust you." She laid a gentle hoof on her side, getting her to face her expression of strength once again. "I know it's hard, but you're just as important as Dawn is. You're here to weaken Narmeelah until the weapon fires, then Dawn is here to finish her off. Without you at the front, Dawn's role doesn't matter. The rest of us are your backups. Let us secure both you and her."

She had a point. A point Twilight hated to accept. Stars, it pained ber to admit it to herself. All of these soldiers and creatures, both new and old. They would die for her. This storm of strength, kicking up clouds of dirt behind them. Attracting attention.

Maybe they should slow down.

Twilight raised her Comm Block. "Twilight to SERL."

Dawn's attention swiveled from Twilight's journal to the conversation.

"Go ahead," a response replied.

"Where are we?"

Secretary Manny and several generals converged back on the map. They quickly scribbled, wrote notes, made assessments before Teek answered her question.

"You're two hours out from Snow at your current speed."

"What's the status on those Aquatas?" Dawn also asked.

"Two-thirds, your highness."

Your highness. Heh. That term, put on her daughter. There was a tinge of pride in the back of Twilight's mind at hearing that. It brought back memories of when Dawn was a foal. When they would play princess. She didn't even really understand that she was one.

Things have changed so much. They never should have.

Twilight sighed, closed her eyes, and let the ride lull her to sleep. In the event something showed up, her aura would let her know before any camera would reveal it.

They were coming. Rumbling along the dirt of Equus. She could practically see them. Narmeelah could feel them, among the thousands of Ponies walking beneath this gray storm of violet power. In the center of the ring she sat, listening, feeling, waiting.

But they were coming. The strength of the blowing winds grew, putting a smile on her face.

"Karteen!" She called with her eyes closed. Saemool, standing nearby glanced in her direction.

A small Silver Pseratep zipped into sight before Narmeelah with a large smile on her face. Her mane, violet and short, blew in the breeze. Her large glowing violet eyes spelled innocence.

This one had been nothing but trouble since the day she was created.

"Yes, mother?" She replied innocently.

"There are guests heading this way. Please get them to turn back around."

"Aww, but I LOOOVE guests!" Karteen rose into the air and hivered with her hooves spread. "They bring me such joy!"

Saemool smirked and sighed loudly. "Stars, Karteen," she mumbled.

"Then perhaps you'll enjoy meeting them first," Narmeelah stated. "They're on their way here right now." Narmeelah pointed Northeast. "Greet them before they reach the door."

"Okay, but shouldn't Fer—"

"She's unavailable at the moment. I want you to have the honor of taking her place."

Karteen crossed her hooves and squinted at her, humming. "Well... Okay, but I want full credit, and my own island after this, like the others!"

Narmeelah smiled. "You welcome them all, and I promise you two islands."

"Deal!" Karteen zipped out of Cop quickly, fading in the direction of Snow. There. That should keep them for a while. With that said, Narmeelah closed her eyes and continued focusing on her rune, pulsing with magic. Oblivious to Saemool's disappearance as well.

They've been riding for so long. Certainly they were getting closer. Every thirty minutes or so, Queen Dawn would check in and confirm their location. Indeed, Snow would be upon them soon. But that didn't mean they were safe. If anything, the likelihood of an attack was growing each and every minute.

The passenger Pseratep in the vehicle leading the charge peered through a pair of binoculars. Sure enough...

She raised her Comm Block and reported, "Snow is in sight! Repeat, Snow in sight!"

That woke Twilight up. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up in her seat. She couldn't fully see it with her naked eye, but there was a dot in the distance, growing with every passing second.

Secretary Manny sighed and ordered, "Alright, weapons hot, everyone! We are now in enemy territory!"

"Here we go!" Applejack donned on her helmet with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and

Twilight stopped listening. She stood in the pod and focused ahead. They were never safe to begin with. Danger could be around any... Corner?

Twilight narrowed her eyes even more than they already were. Something... Something was tickling her Aura.

"All units stop!!!" Arcadia ordered.

The first pod slowed to a complete brake, followed by the second, then the third and soon, all the way to the Black Box until all vehicles were frozen in time.

"What's going on?" Manny requested. She looked to Teek who nodded to her own operatives tapping away on their systems. Nothing seemed odd in Cop or Snow. Business as usual with hypnotized ponies.

"Mom?" Dawn asked. No response. She looked up to her Guard who may share her expression behind their helmets. Unfortunately, their gear didn't give her that kind of luxury.

Twilight hummed, the center of attention. It was still there, tickling at her senses. It was really close. Right on top of them.

Twilight unsheathed her new sword and jumped out of the pod onto the hot sand. She wouldn't need her helmet for this one.

She slowly walked past the other Pods and their occupants, eyeing her confusedly. They were the least of her problems. She made it to the front of the line and stood in front of the very first pod, staring straight ahead.

Celestia raised her Comm Block. "Twilight?"

Twilight swiftly held up her hoof, silencing her. She was working.

"I know you're there!" She shouted. "You may be invisible to the others, but you are not invisible to me!"

A small round of tapping emanated from in front of Twilight's face before the smallest Filly Twilight has ever seen for a fully developed mare shimmer into view, hovering before her very eyes.

"Bravo, Arcadia, bravo indeed!" Karteen congratulated. She circled around her head. "Mother's stories of your power are indeed true and true!"

"Who is that?" Dawn asked.

"No idea," Twilight answered. "Odega? Legends?"

"One of Narmeelah's daughters," Odega answered. "I've never met this one."

"Oh joy, a city's worth of new faces!" Karteen buzzed once more around Arcadia's head before returning back to her original position. "You may call me Karteen!"

Her kindness didn't deter Twilight's defense. "Why are you here?"

"I represent a request from Mother. I am here to tell you that you are forbidden from reaching Snow, kindly."

Celestia and Luna shared a look before both of them jumped out of their pods and trotted to the front for Twilight's side.

"I'm afraid we're not here to ask," Twilight stated. She shuffled closer to Karteen. "Step aside."

"I can't do that," Karteen replied. She righted herself and grew to the size of a normal Pseratep until her hooves were on the ground. She was about as tall as Dawn, if not just a shy smaller. She had to crank her head back to meet Arcadia, Luna and Celestia when they finally arrived.

"Is it because you don't want to, or because Narmeelah said so?"

"I believe you know the answer, Arcadia Nova."

Twilight narrowed her eyes. Karteen didn't lose her smile. Their silence was filled with the blowing winds, tossing sand into their eyes.

"Mom, is she a threat, or not?" First Light asked.

"I'm not sure," Arcadia answered honestly. This one was tricky. She seemed kind, but so did Narmeelah. This was another one of her daughters.

They didn't have time for this. First Light sighed into her hoof.

"Soldiers of Equus," she spoke exhaustedly. "Aim, do not fire."

Immediately, all armed soldiers raised their weapons, cocked, charged, and aimed directly at Karteen. One rifle slid in so close to Rarity's ear she froze up.

Karteen found herself staring into the barrels and blades of thousands. Yet, she did not move.

"Whoa, hold your fire!!" Celestia shouted. She faced their army and held up her hooves desperately. "Every creature stop! Stop!"

"Celestia, we do not have time for this," Dawn growled.

"I know, I know, just...!" She faced Karteen. "Look, we don't want to hurt you. But I'm sure you can understand how desperate we are."

"I have my orders, Princesses." Karteen grew taller, soon towering over Arcadia with a wingspan and larger than her own. She was older now, with a complexion more ancient than Odega's. Now they were the ones looking up to her.

"You shall not pass," she spoke in a more mature voice.

It was a standoff. IHT aiming at Karteen, whose body began to illuminate with a dark green hue. They glared into each other's eyes. Hooves and claws on triggers twitching for movement.


The shout didn't come from any of them, but behind Karteen, who straightened up and shifted out of the way.

"Is that who I think it is?" Manny asked over the comm blocks.

"It sure looks like it," Dawn answered.

There was no mistaking it. Off-green coat, light blue mane, green and blue feathers in her wings.

"Saemool?" Karteen asked.

Saemool trotted next to Karteen, but kept her eyes on the army before them.

"Return to Equestria, Karteen," Saemool ordered. "Retrieve Shaoloh, and go to Earth. This isn't our fight."

"What?" Karteen swiftly shrunk back down to the floating filly and hovered between Saemool and Arcadia. "But, mom said—"

"I know what mom told you. But like I said, this isn't our fight. We never agreed to be in the middle of this. Trust me, Karteen. I'll deal with mom."

"But... But my island!!"

Saemool chuckled and stroked her hoof through Karteen's mane. "If you go, I'll give you an entire continent."

Karteen thought for a moment, gaze shifting between the army and Shaoloh before pouting and crossing her hooves.

"Ohhh, fine! But there has to be a lot of beaches!" She relented before teleporting away in a green snap. Leaving them with Saemool.

Saemool bowed before Arcadia, taking her aback. "Greetings, Queen Arcadia."

"Oh, uhhh..." Twilight bowed back but just as swiftly rose. "Your majesty."

"Please excuse my sisters." Saemool rose back up. "I can't keep them all away from danger as I'd like. I've failed Shaoloh, I've failed Ferilia, and I've probably failed the others. But I refuse to fail the youngest."

"You said Earth earlier. I've been there before. Twice, actually."

Saemool chortled. "We're gods, Arcadia. We don't need technology to travel to different worlds."

She looked to the rest of the army. "I will not hold you up any longer. We are all in a tight window."

Before she could turn around, Arcadia quickly asked, "Do you know how Narmeelah plans to power the rune?"

"Mother never tells us her plans. That's why she will fail in this one."

Dawn's non-existent heart leaped in her chest.

"So, we will win?" Celestia assumed.

Saemool walked out from their path towards the empty desert and spread her wings. "I said Mother will fail in her plans, I never said that you will succeed in yours."

That leaping heart stopped jumping and froze in place. Arcadia shared concerning looks with Celestia and Luna before Saemool spoke once more.

"Want some advice?"

"It would be well heeded," Luna replied.

"Do not let Narmeelah get to you. She will do all she can to break you." Saemool narrowed her eyes and locked back on Celestia. "Do not let her magic control you, and you will win."

She looked to the Black Box. "Good luck, Daughters of Arcadia. To split successfully and easily, you must undue the spell within Vendulla."

In Vendulla?! Before Dawn could say that would surely kill them both, Saemool beat them to it.

"Vendulla won't hurt you. You're both magic, not full matter. You will survive, I promise." She looked back to Arcadia. "Good luck, and remember what I said: do not give up. She will hurt you, break you, almost kill you. But do not give up."

She looked back to the Black Box. "Whenever you need me the most, all you need do is call. I will come. I have a feeling, Princess First Light, that you and I will see each other again. Until then."

She finally flapped into the air, fading into the dark colored clouds that plagued their lands, and leaving them free to continue.

Once it off sight and sound, Twilight turned around and walked back to her own Pod with Luna and Celestia. "Let's continue."

"Mom. About what Saemool said..."

"I don't know, Dawn." She sheathed her sword and jumped back in her pod. "All I know is that Vendulla is negative space and that First Light can travel through it. But I was never able to do full research on that place. Take her words with a grain of salt. Vendulla is still dangerous."

Dawn wasn't so sure. Like Mom said, they knew nothing about that place. But if it could help them somehow, they had nothing to lose but time. She would mull over the decision later. Snow was up ahead, less than thirty minutes away.

"Continue to snow," Dawn ordered.

Author's Note:

Okay, everyone. It's about time I started killing ponies. I have two VIPs in mind already. Prepare for tears.

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