• Published 24th Apr 2021
  • 1,340 Views, 115 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

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Chapter 17 - ...With Fate

Author's Note:

Apologies for the wait! I've been doing a lot of Photography and working. Anyway, here's the latest chapter!!

They would need help. Assistance. But not hers. Not this time. However, Twilight knew where she could get it. No Pony, Griffon, creature, nothing, not even Narmeelah herself was strong enough to match up to her power. Time in that box allowed Twilight to think. To speak, to learn. Now was the time to put that newly gained knowledge to use.

A small flash shattered the darkness of this space briefly. For only a moment, this place, this haven that used to be home was alive. But, alas, it was not how it used to be. Now, it was empty. Broken. Walls of gold were crumbling. Loose stones and rocks dropped from their place and upon derelict lab tables, empty bookshelves, and what remained of the Mecrah Portal's Control Panel. Each step taken was upon a rune, golden, a contrast to the caster's usual color.

Twilight walked through the darkness and stopped before the control panel; before the Mecrah Portal and the draconequus held within.

"Maheera Dark," Twilight whispered. It felt like a lifetime since they last spoke. So much frustration and animosity brought them here to this very moment. No longer. Now was the time for them to work together now that she knew who the true enemy was.

Twilight illuminated her horn. The symbiote shifted from its place and snaked along the ground, carefully oozing from the Mecrah Portal opening. It was much easier to control now. She was focused, stronger than when she first fell out. She had an edge over the strength of this material.

It was ripped out the Mecrah Portal and at her hooves. Then, with a flash, erupted into flames. The fire crackled beneath her features. But her sight remained on her goal.

Maheera Dark was gently levitated from within the Mecrah Portal. The chains unlatched from her hooves. Unconscious, she levitated Maheera Dark out and into her possession. She never thought she would ever hold a friend like this. Hopefully, familiar faces would not take her place.

She had to hurry. In a flash, Twilight disappeared, leaving behind an empty space. Mere seconds after she left, another teleported where she stood.

Narmeelah. She stared upon the Mecrah Portal. Whoever was just here, they weren't anymore. They had magic. Strong magic. But it wasn't Arcadia. She was a walking beacon. She would've recognized the first step she took.

No matter. Narmeelah teleported away, leaving behind the silence of this lab.

An alarm blared through the air, signalling the order of Queen Fresh Dawn for all Aquatas to brake. An endless tone the likes Equestria has never heard that spread over the entire continent. Psera had finally arrived. From the massive heights of Canterlot, one could make out every last single remaining Aquata they had left dotting the seas for as far as they could see, and further still.

"Holy Faust," Sky Duster whispered amongst herself.

Celestia nodded and commented, "This isn't even the full might of Psera. Come, we have to meet with their Queen, the Daughter of Queen Arcadia."

"You mean the itty-bitty filly?"

"Yes. I was told she wants to meet with us on Aquata Zero shortly after docking. Let's go." Celestia took off into the air with the leaders of IHT on her tail, destination for Aquata Zero, the only Aquata with three flags instead of one, and where Queen Dawn was preparing for her speech.

Oh stars, she was nervous. Her hooves couldn't stop feeling the desk. The way the movement put her at ease. The way the Equipment was brought into the office space she previously occupied, alongside notable ponies who stood out of view.

Gardeen was pointing to the lens and passing out instructions. "Speak here, and all of Psera will see and hear you. You have your notes?"

Dawn held up a sheet of paper. "Right here."

"Stick to that strictly. Don't add in anything else."

Right. Nothing else. Of course. Dawn cleared her throat and took a deep breath. In her mind, she envisioned a best friend. A one of a kind. A rare breed that put a smile on her face the moment a small red light on the camera illuminated.

"Hello, all of my Pserateps," she spoke. She could hear her voice relay over the seas, spreading over every single Aquata at sea and drifting over Equestria.

"I am Fresh Veola Dawn. Many of you know me as the daughter of King Madun, my fair father and late King of Psera, and of my mother, Queen Arcadia Nova, the banished Queen, and Saviour of Psera.

"Last night, all over the Known World of Equus, countries everywhere were ripped apart by the removal of Arcadia's Magic, taking the lives of thousands everywhere. In an effort of survival, Psera, Equestria, Neighton, and many countries have decided to merge numbers and technology. Shortly, I will be meeting with the International House of Trade to discuss temporary living arrangements and our next steps to action. Until then, the Government of Psera urges you to follow and obey all orders from operating commanders, and await any instructions from this point forward. Thank you."

The light on the camera was cut, and Dawn released that breath she didn't know she was holding. The first out of many.

"Excellent work, your highness."

"Yes, ma'am, great work."

Dawn rose from the desk and walk around to meet the ponies in charge.

"Any word on IHT's arrival?" She asked.

The door was opened and military stationed nearby saluted upon their exit.

"Not yet, ma'am," another answered. "We're expecting their arrival soon. The liaison from earlier mentioned our arrival and meeting upon Aquata Zero."

Gardeen and Hot Stop directed Fresh Dawn to the deck access. "We'll meet up with them out here."

The access door to the forward deck was opened. They stepped out into cold temperatures and a sunny environment. The Aqua Guard saluted their new Queen's arrival, and the Aerial Guard zoomed past overhead, running patrols back and forth over the coast of Equestria and the Aquatas that ring them.

Dawn asked, "Do we have a defensive line setup, Secretary Manny?"

"Yes, ma'am. We have ten battleships behind us now protecting the Western Coastline. Ten more heading for, if not there already, for the north and the south. We'll be setting up more defenses on the east without Aquatas."

Their progression ceased at the end of the deck facing Equestria and the calamity that stared back. Ponies and creatures of all kinds dotted Equestria like grains of sand on a neverending beach, staring at their ships. It was so crowded.

Dawn swallowed hard. It was almost hopeless. How did her family do it?

A wing gently settled upon her back. "You're not alone, Dawn."

Dawn looked up into the eyes of Princess Luna. Behind her stood Princesses Celestia, Cadance, and the remaining members of the international House of Trade. When did they arrive; and how did they not notice them before?

Dawn faced them but turned her sights to what lied before them all.

"It seems almost impossible," she uttered. Dawn walked back towards the edge of the Aquata. "All of Equus... Every last single living thing left on this world... They're right here."

"I know." Celestia stood next to Dawn and nodded understandingly. "During Maheera versus the world, we encountered something very similar to this moment. But back then, Psera had all of their weapons."

"So you know then. We're almost defenseless, save for the battleships we have occupying the coast. The rest of our weaponry, we assume, is left on Psera. Secretary Manny?"

Manny stepped forward and reported. "A third of our armed Aquatas have been sunk. We still have weaponry occupying other parts of Psera, but without any eyes on those areas, we can neither deny nor confirm if those weapons are still online."

"If I may ask, Queen Dawn..." Dawn turned around and faced the last pony she'd ever expect to ask that question. Merry. "Why are you concerned for weapons? Shouldn't we be concerned more for reproductive technology?"

"No." The military as well as the International House of Trade murmured amongst themselves. She was losing them. "I will explain as much as I can in the future as soon as our citizens are settled. For now, our ponies are our top priority."

Dawn turned back to Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Flurry. "Princesses. I can see that room is tight. But is there any more possible space available anywhere?"

"There should be." Cadance pointed towards the hills keeping Ponyville from view. "Ponyville was evacuated, but there is still room there to rest and recover. You can stage there whilst we identify more locations. I'm afraid to say that the Frozen North is too far and cold for the Pserateps. Everywhere else should be fine."

"We're working on food," Luna added. "But most of our scouts are returning empty-hoofed."

"I understand," Dawn replied. "Even with our rations split, there's not nearly enough to feed all of our ponies for any day after tonight. We have to act quickly."

She faced her generals and Secretaries. "I want eyes on Ponyville. See how much space we can utilize without it being too much. Then have an escort team direct Pserateps towards those locations. Report back to me once it's done."

After a salute, the generals turned around and made their way back to the bridge, leaving Dawn, Merry, and the rest with IHT, and the military standing by holding flags.

Once they were out of earshot, she faced them again. "I'm am so nervous," she admitted.

"It's normal to be," Cadance replied. "You're doing very well."

Celestia looked to Merry. "My condolences to your mother. Losing both her and your brother so soon... I feel your grief from here."

Merry offered them a small smile. "Thank you, Princess. All I have right now are the twins, the country, and this little rugrat here." She scuffed her hoof through Fresh Dawn's mane. "I promised both her father and mother that even beyond death, I would watch out for their foal, and I plan on doing just that."

Dawn rolled her eyes and politely pushed their hoof away. Leave it to Aunt Merry to make things weird.

"While they prepare the Pserateps for landing, we have to convene and discuss what happened, and what's next."

"I agree," President Manamar replied. "The faster all of this is resolved, the sooner we can all sleep in the warmth of our homes. Or what's left of them."

Dawn nodded and began walking back towards the Aquata. "We can talk in here. I have a few—"


All attention swiveled towards a Royal Guard, a pegasus flying their way onto Aquata Zero's forward deck. They landed roughly on Aquata Zero and immediately saluted.

"Your attention is needed immediately back in Canterlot! A group of ponies have arrived from Ponyville. Among them Ambassador Shimmer and Secretary Glimmer. They brought a Pseratep and her filly. But, your highnesses..."

The soldier lowered their hoof and slowly shook their head. "There's something incredibly wrong with them."

Her head continued to bang up against the sides of the bubble Starlight had held during the journey from the Everfree Forest all the way up here to Canterlot. Wings flapping tirelessly for freedom to wreck who knew what. Floating both a bothersome Pseratep and stoic filly whilst floating oneself to the top of Canterlot was no easy feat. But Starlight's feat was done greatly.

Guards from all sides of IHT stood by carefully watching the scene. Sunset stood at the ready, hooves planted, and horn poised, ready to strike. If Starlight was unable to hold that bubble any longer, catching a Pseratep would prove to be more than difficult.

"Starlight?" She asked. "How're you holding up?"

Sweat dripped down Starlight's face. Her limbs quaked, eyes clenched shut. She was struggling. But with all of her might, Starlight held on as much as she could.

"I'm running out," she strained to admit. "But I got her."

As long as she stayed under control, it didn't matter if Starlight could hold her or not.

A flapping of wings, drew their attention to the arrival of Princesses Cadance and Flurry Heart. In a panic, they scurried over.

"What's going on?" Cadance asked.

Sunset shook her head and pointed to the wild Pseratep held within the bubble. "That."

She turned around and bucked at the bubble, pulling a cry out of Starlight.

"Starlight's been holding the bubble ever since we encountered her."

Well that just won't do. With a flick of her horn, a larger bubble surrounded Starlight's.

"You can let go now, Starlight," Cadance insisted. "I have her."

Starlight's horn simmered down and she slumped to the ground. Finally. She had no idea if she could truly hold on any longer.

Once that was done and the mare was now bouncing around Cadance's bubble, Flurry just had to ask.

"Why is there a Pseratep in a bubble in the first place? The Pserateps just got here."

"She was here before they showed up," Sunset answered. "Walking through Everfree Forest."

"If I may..." Snap Seed walked forward with her hoof raised, but her attention focused on a device in her hoof. The readings bounced. How? Was it this Pseratep? "We came across her earlier after investigating a few phenomenons."

"Look at her, look, check them out."

She brought Cadance closer to the filly sitting at the front of the bubble staring straight ahead to the destruction of Canterlot. As if in a trance, she minded not the intrusion of her sight.

"Whoa," Flurry murmured. Those eyes were something else.

Cadance waved her hoof in front of her face. "Hey. Hello? Anypony home?"

No response was even given. Not even a blink. They rose back to their hooves and shared a look.

"She hasn't moved at all since we found them. Any idea?" Sunset asked.

"None," Cadance answered. She rubbed the back of her neck. "In all my years, I've never encountered any thing like this. I suggest we leave this to the older ponies. Maybe they'll have a better idea."

Yeah. Maybe. Sunset's never heard of a spell such as this. The same spell thrust upon different ponies having opposite reactions. Who would have the power to do such a thing, and why would they in the first place?

Before they could continue, IHT swiftly arrived, along with Queen Dawn, Gardeen, Princess Merry, Secretary Gardeen and her assistant Hot Stop.

Celestia landed and asked, "What is going on?"

Cadance pointed to the bubble. "See for yourself. A Pseratep and her filly arrived here before their country did. She seems infected by something. The filly hasn't moved, and the mare won't stop moving."

While Celestia approached the bubble, Dawn and her entourage of Psera's Best finally landed. The moment her hooves touched the land of equestria, what remained of Canterlot Castle...

"Holy Celestia!!" Snap Seed shouted. Attention swiveled to her briefly before focusing back on the bubble. "Okay, which one of you was it?!"

Fresh Dawn turned to Celestia, who in turn looked to Sunset for confirmation. "Who is your friend, Sunset?"

Sunset sighed and held out her hoof in defeat in the direction of their overly enthusiastic friend.

"Princess Celestia, this is Snap Seed. She owns a small magical engineering lab in Manehattan."

"Owned," Snap corrected. She walked up to the princesses and held the meter near Flurry's face. Nope. No change. "The place and everything in it is likely rubble now."

Lead Harvest grabbed her by the tail and pulled her back only for her to walk away again. "Long story short, we've been tracking a network of runes that have been plastered across Equestria post-Arcadia's attack in hopes of identifying whether or not they were connected to this catastrophe. They weren't. The runes are still active, and have lied dormant in terms of reaction to anything."

"Until now!" Snap Seed walked over to all of IHT. "When you all landed here, their energy spiked! Bouncing right off the grid! I know it can't be the Alicorns, they have no connection to Arcadia Nova! The Princesses of Equestria are out; they've been here this whole time and nothing happened! But..."

She locked her eyes on Dawn. "You? When you arrived, the readings flipped right of the page. Who are you?"

Dawn pointed to herself and made to speak, but Gardeen beat her to it.

"This is Queen Fresh Dawn of Psera. Daughter of King Madun and Queen—"

"Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle," Snap Seed said. "It's you. Arcadia Nova anticipated your arrival. Which means..."

Stars above. All of this. All of what they've done, what they've been through... "She knew. She knew about everything. She knew this would happen."

Snap Seed faced the entirety of Canterlot and saw it in a new light. This world, all of Equus...

Snap Seed was whirled around to face Sunset. "What are you talking about, snap Seed?"

"Don't you see?" She pointed to Dawn. "Why would she need runes to activate the moment Dawn steps on Equestrian land when at the time of setting up these runes, she thought Dawn was dead?"

A good question responded to by silence.

"Indeed," Luna muttered. "Arcadia Nova has left us with a plague of many mysteries and questions, all of which we have never received straight forward answers to."

"Well, now I have a question." Dawn pointed behind her, down the street where a strange glow was gradually growing from the top of an abandoned factory. A small bead of light that continued to increase in light.

"Should we be scared of that?"

Snap Seed took careful steps in its direction. "I'm not sure. The runes are activating, clearly, but what they're for, we had yet to uncover. The only way to find out was to let them go off."

At Dawn's gasp, the Elite Guard swiftly surrounded and shrouded her from view.

"Protect the Queen!" Orders were shouted.

"Ha'l sheema! Moname!" Dawn cried. Ugh, if these guards don't just let her sit on her own flank sometimes without there being a golden pillow under it...

Alarmed, Celestia quickly approached Sunset. "How many of these are there?" She hastily asked.

"They surround the entire continent. We don't have an exact number."

More of those violet lights consecutively spotted the distance. So bright, they shone like stars in the night. Like a Marrial, taking off from Lavender. Starlight, as much as she could move stepped closer. "We theorized, based off their formation alone, that they were designed to either keep us in..."

"Or to keep something out," Sunset finished.

Before they could speak on it any further, the stars let off large violet beams into the sky. Endless pillars that encompassed and entranced all of Equestria.

Endless groves of Pserateps flying from the Aquatas as fast as they could, stopped in their paths. The beams ascended higher than they could see, outlining an endless tube reaching for the stars.

"What is that?" Luna muttered. "Celestia?"

"I don't know," she answered. "Just be ready."

A light wall of violet snapped into existence between two beams. Followed by another next to it. Then another. They were created gradually out of sight. They weren't in danger as of yet. Dawn pushed her way free from the protective hold of the Guards. It was magic. Mom's magic. Dawn could feel it. So much it gave her a headache.

She rubbed at her horn. Such an uncomfortable feeling. Oh, why did her mother have to be the strongest Alicorn-Pseratep on the planet?

But it wasn't over. From the ocean, more burst from the waves, spearing past the Aquatas stationed below and into the other beams themselves. The walls tilted, creating a dome that soon swallowed their oceanic weaponry ringing the outside of Equestria.

Then, in a flash, the wall was solidified, a violet transparent veil that both kept in and out.

"...what in all of..." Consort Snow of Prance spoke up.

On the western edge of the wall, lines of magic carefully drew in an outline. An outline seen by all that brought hope and wonder to any who witnessed it.

Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle raised her wings, head and horn held high. A twinkling star sparkled at the tip of it all, a shining beacon of both life and control.

"She knew all along," Snap Seed whispered.

Secretary Manny didn't need a wall separating them from the action. She pointed at the wall facing towards Psera.

"Fire a test round," she ordered.

In no time at all, a single cannon was launched directly over Canterlot and into the veil. The only response was a ripple, outlined with an indigo ring, spreading from the point of contact across the entire thing.

Dawn shook her head. "Don't attack," she ordered. "Mom has a reason for everything. That wall? It serves a purpose."

"So it seems." A new voice. One they've never heard.

All heads swiveled back to Cadance's bubble, the one holding the Pseratep mare and her filly. So much happened they didn't even realize she had stopped bouncing recklessly. She stared ahead, watching the bubble with a small smile on her face.

"She's a lot more than I estimated her to be," the mare spoke. Strange. That voice. That energy...

Dawn squinted and walked up to the bubble. Those eyes, the one belonging to another entity tracked her. She could feel them watching.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" The mare asked.

The filly, the stoic of the two shot her head up to Dawn. "Surely, even you know."

The rest moved in closer, flanking Dawn's sides. The Elite Guard positioned themselves accordingly. Celestia leaned in close to the glass, staring deep into this mare's eyes.

"That doesn't answer our question."

"Your mother knew who I was." She crossed her hooves and sat down in front of Dawn. "She knew for many years, many moons, that one day, mistakes would be fixed. A reset..."

Dawn gasped and backed away. She quivered in fear. "You... You're..."

"You can just call me grandma."

"Or we can call you by your real name!!"

Great, another one?! Attention swiveled back around to the steps of their destroyed castle. A unicorn, as black as the night and eyes as yellow as a rising sun, slit down the pupil. An enemy of the world staring daggers into the soul of the true threat.

The mare was nonplussed. However, the rest weren't as calm. Weapons were drawn, magic was weaponized, Dawn was once more surrounded, and ponies lingering around screamed and took flight away from the scene as fast as possible. They didn't need this again.

The mare in the bubble sighed through her nose. "Hello, Maheera."

"Hello, again... Narmeelah."

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